HP: I Have "Pure" Magic

Chapter 153: I'm hard down there

Chapter 153: I'm hard down there

Chris was currently in the basement of his Villa, surrounded by various books, metals, and tools. He had learned all he could from Sebastian, and he's started his experimenting phase/ mad-scientist phase.

'It's quite difficult, but the results are going to be...,' he had goosebumps just thinking about it.

'Mythril? Goblin Forging? No thank you. I have Chrysanium and Chrislin Forging, Which is going to be even better!'

He's not kidding. Even though the weapon made by Goblins must have taken thousands of years of research, countless hours of forging, and priceless metals and stones, he's is not weak either! He has Pure magic, a lot of imagination, and most of all, his unique and OP magic casting methods.

What he can do within a few seconds, the Goblins would have to do use a lot of tools and hard work to make, and they still might not be able to replicate it.

"So let's see how it's going," he muttered. He's going to check how is the progress for his Chrysanium is going.

In a far corner of the room laid hundreds of small containers all of which had liquids filled with molten alloys with various ratio combinations which he thought were optimal. But that wasn't the most peculiar thing about them...

The most peculiar thing was that all of them the molten metals were shinning in multicolors, filling the room with rainbow light.

Chris spread his wide while standing in the middle of hundreds of such containers, basking in the rainbow glow.

"Mythril? Adamantium? Orichalcum? Hahahahaha, I don't need it!"

'Let's see how this turns out,' After this, he still has lots of ideas.


Fleur was lying on the bed in her room. She was magically and physically exhausted after training continuously for a long time. Chris's dummies suffered a lot today as well. It calms down her anger from seeing him flirting with that girl.

At this moment, her mother knocked and entered the room. Appoline sighed when she looked at the state of the room.

"Mon Ange, you have to stop this," she said as she sat down on the bed and put Fleur's head on her lap.

Fleur didn't say anything and just closed her eyes.

Appoline sighed. It was time she had a talk with her daughter. "You can't get him to like you by defeating his dear friend," she said.

"??!!!!" Fleur's eyes shot open wide when her mother said this.

"Wa What are you talking about?" Fleur asked, but even she could tell it was bad acting. Nowhere near enough to convince her mothers.

Appoline stroked Fleur's silky smooth hair as she tucked the silver strands away from the delicate face which was blushing a little, "Fleur, I'm your mother. I can tell how you feel about Chris at a glance. So, don't be embarrassed and just talk to me, ok?"

"Maman!" Fleur hid her face with both of her hands as burrowed into the blanket. This was absolutely embarrassing!

"There's no such thing!" She yelled, her shrill voice muffled due to the blanket.

Appoline shook her head in helplessness. Her daughter was really prideful, and this matter is just too embarrassing for her. But the situation needed to be addressed.

"Alright, then just listen to my words carefully. I will not mention it again and you can pretend I never said anything," Appoline said, and Fleur gave no indication of having heard it, but Appoline knew that she was listening.

"It's not a bad thing to have someone you like at this age. But, be aware, the feelings you feel at this age are fleeting. You might feel like this today, but things may change in a year or two. And you already know, that Veelas bond for life. So, you should choose your partner with careful consideration, not based on some fleeting feelings. So, ma fille, wait for a while, and be sure of your feelings before you go further. Or you might end up regretting it,"

Inside the blanket, Fleur thought about it carefully, Did she really want to be with Chris for the rest of her life?

Appoline patted her head from over the blanket, "Besides, it's no good trying to compete with her, antagonize her or fight her. She met him first, and you are the intruder, Chris likes that girl. And she likes him too," said Appoline and Fleur stiffened.

"So, you will only make him hate you if try to antagonize her. And, she is years ahead of you, so you can't catch up with her before she leaves."

In the blanket, Fleur clenched her fists. Her mom's words were completely true. There's really no way she can catch up with Dora in such a short amount of time. And antagonizing her might indeed make Chris hate her.

Appoline continued, "Even if he rarely looks serious, Chris is actually really sharp. So, you also shouldn't try any other tricks on him. And allure simply doesn't work. So, it would for the best if you remain yourself and let yours and his feelings develop on their own."

"If you both fall in love, then you be with him forever. if you don't love him by then, then find someone else. And if you fall in love but he still loves someone else, then" she paused and Fleur removed the blanket as she sat up.

"Then?" She asked anxiously,

Appoline put her hand on Fleur's cheek, "Then, there are still many paths to take, ma fille, but you should focus on the present. We can never know what the future holds for us."


A few days after the first session of egg hatching by Chris's Perverted method....

Chris had Dora follow his instructions for the bonding for these few days everyday in their free time. And while he enjoyed the 7th heaven, Dora would occasionally experience some pain.

It's because of her bond. Their bonding processes were completely different. Dora's bond had progressed a lot already while the creature was powerless and thus, the changes in her were minimum. Now, the creature is slowly gaining power, and thus, Dora is also experiencing slow growth. And her bond has almost already formed.

On the other hand, Chris's bond, in both previous time, and this time, seems to be the instantaneous kind. The bond would show signs of forming, and then it'd get stuck, as if something is blocking it, and then Boom.

You're going to have all the transformation in a small amount of time, and thus, you'll know PAIN.

Currently, Dora sitting on Chris's lap with his hands wrapped around her. And in her lap sat an orange-blue egg with which was currently glowing with multicolored light.

Through her bond, she could sense the creature's emotions more clearly now that it was going to awaken soon. But now, the emotions she's sensing are quite peculiar. It's like the creature's emotions are quite contradictory since she can sense two different emotions at the same time.

"Is it going to hatch yet?!" She asked excitedly to the person whose lap she sitting in.


But no response came from behind her. Dora looked at her shoulder where Chris was resting his chin, only to see that he seemed to be asleep with a lewd smile on his face, while drooling on her. Dora also felt a pointy thing poking her at a certain place.

"Hey!" She dug her elbow into his gut savagely.

"OOmph! *cough* What the *cough* hell?!" He asked as he woke up from his fantasies with a start.

It shouldn't have hurt, since his abs are pure awesome, but Dora's physical strength has been increasing these days (her bond), so when he was so relaxed, it did hurt a bit, even when has the benefits of bonding with a dragon.

"Ouch-ouch-ouch!" Dora on the other hand, felt as if she'd hit her elbow on a wall.

"Why the hell is it hurting me more than it's hurting you?!"

Chris shrugged his shoulders as he smiled. He whispered into her ear,, "BecauseI'm hard down there,"

( - ) (>o<)

"Bastard! Wa-What are you talking about?!"

Chris looked at her in surprise, "What happened? I just said that after doing so much exercise and training, my muscles have become quite compact. Just because my skin is soft doesn't mean the other things are also soft,"

But Dora already knew what he was talking about. After all, his muscles weren't the only thing that was hard right now.

'If we didn't have to do this for the egg, I would have never!' She thought furiously in embarrassment.

In these few days, Chris has taken a lot of advantage of her daily. And she couldn't even say she hated it. It was also slowly crumpling down her the automatic defense mechanism which always makes her retreat whenever things start to get intimate.

If not for the fact that it was Chris and she was very emotional, Dora didn't think she would be able to even kiss someone whole heartedly without feeling the aversion and fear which she had developed. Not without having to use drugs, Potions, or Magic.

Chris has always been an exception, first because she thought he was cute and thought of him as a harmless child, and then, from there, this guy somehow penetrated his way so deep into Dora's defense, that right now, he's having her sit right in his lap and openly flirting with her and taking small advantages.

At this moment, Nyxie came into the room to check the egg's condition. When Chris had shown her the egg, Nyxie was quite jealous at first.

But then Chris started talking about how she's going to be a great older sister to the baby and how the baby's going to look up to her, things like that, she's slowly coming to terms with it, and even seems to be looking forward to seeing her younger brother or sister.

Chris once again became serious as he examined the egg's condition. The egg's going to hatch very soon. And before that, the bonding is going to happen in just a few moments.

'Man, the pain'

Even though his pain tolerance is a lot, it doesn't mean that he'll just pop a 10000-year-old herb in his mouth and then experience a hell lot of pain for increasing his power. After all, he isn't a Wuxia protagonist, i.e. masochist.

So hopefully, this time wouldn't be the same. After all, last time he wasn't prepared, and neither was he aware that it would be painful.

Any moment now. Since it was already time, he concentrated and made his preparations.

"Dora, it's time,"

"What time?"

"Time for my bonding,"

??? Dora looked at him puzzled, but then she understood his meaning and her eyes widened.

"You mean"

"Yeah, it's going to be a bit like last time,"

"The fucking hell?! Why didn't you tell me earlier?" She thought that Chris was also bonding slowly, just like her.

Chris smiled, "Because you'd be worried for nothing,"

Any moment now.

'Alright, bring it!'

Just as he was thinking this, the two pairs of eyes suddenly opened inside the egg.

Dora got surprised at what she sensed through their bond.



A.N.: Suggest names for two baby girls.

Please vote and

Pa /Snollygoster for reading ahead.


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