HP: I Have "Pure" Magic

Chapter 152: Peculiarity of egg and Chris's scummy actions

Chapter 152: Peculiarity of egg and Chris's scummy actions

Chris looked at the Dragon egg in surprise. And the thing that surprised him was,

'How is this kind of bonding possible?!'

'there should only be one magical bond.' he recalled.

Magical bonds.

A person or magical creature can only have one magical bond at a time. It's not something concrete, but there has been no evidence of anyone else having more than one bond.

Which is why, Chris was doubly surprised when he found that the creature inside this egg had traces of both his magic, and Dora's magic! It's in a very early phase of bonding, and it's unable to progress further than this for some reason.

That means, if this succeeds, then not only the creature would have two magical bonds, but he would tooone with Nyxie and one with this.

If it was just him who bonded twice, then it's understandable, since no other wizard in recorded history is known to the control over pure magic. But what about this creature? What's so special about it? What would be the result of bonding?

Now Chris was truly intrigued. His earlier dirty thoughts were forgotten already. This must be

The creature's bond with Dora with Dora was much stronger, since there was a lot of Dora's magic in there. His magic was also there, but it was all due to the gold foil. Since if the bond did get completed, he would have felt it. Upto now, he hasn't noticed anything significant, but he can recall some anomalies now that he's trying to find them.

He turned to Dora, "Hey, how did you bond with this creature?" He asked curiously.


Dora looked at him in surprise,

"How did you notice? Well, nevermind,"

Dora supposed that Chris must have noticed something since he already has the experience of bonding with Nyxie. So she told him how she did it,

"Well, I did many things... I daily hugged it sleep, talked a lot with it, patted it from time to time, etc, etc, then, after repeating this cycle, I slowly began to feel its emotions, sometimes, I'd feel that it needs warmth, so I'd cast a warming charm on it, sometimes, I'll feel that it's bored, so I'll tell it stories, it's sometimes in pain as well. Fortunately, the pain has now almost gone due to the constant absorption of those gold foils..." Dora went on and on about her brooding of the egg.

'Well, that explains it,' he thought, somehow feeling jealous of the egg. He began to diagnose everything he could.

The first thing Chris could clearly notice was that the magic he could feel was very faint. This egg has been taking pure magic for some time, even if in very small amounts. That means that all the magic is being used for something, maybe to heal something, or some birth defect.

'This thing needs a lot of Magic to overcome whatever special condition it has.'

While Chris was busy in this, Dora looked at him eagerly,

"Hey, you wouldn't find anything just by touching it. I just want to know why this little thing isn't hatching quickly as Nyxie did. I've shown it to some Magical creature specialists, but none could help without knowing which creature's egg it was. And I wasn't going to tell them that since I haven't even told Moody which creature's egg it is."

That was indeed a problem for the general wizard folk. For example, if they have a dragon egg, then they need fire produced from burning magical trees at the very least. But, if they put some other creature's egg on fire, they might obtain omelet instead

(Except for a Phoenix egg)

Chris nodded happily as he patted Dora on the back, "You did very good by not even telling Moody. Hmm looks like even you realized that even if he's on the good side, he'll do bad things for the greater good."

Dora nodded. In fact, Chris had told her many things about Moody, and the fact that he might try to recruit her to the order, which he did. Thus, Dora can believe his words then she might be mainly seen as a fighting force, a weapon. And the same will happen to the egg.

'Especially if its mother is a Horned Serpent.' She thought.

"So, can you ask Nyxie to help, or do you know anyone trustworthy who can help us in this case?" She asked.

'Is there any who can do better than this young master?' He thought arrogantly.

Chris nodded, "I know just the person! He's very amazing and he's also trustworthy. You'll love him!" he said with a straight face.

"But first, tell me everything about how you got it, whose egg it is, and what you've done with it upto now," Chris demanded. He needed to know everything before taking action.

"Fine," Dora was dying to tell him anyway. Thus, she told him all about her adventure, and as she expected, it was worth it to tell him in person. His reactions were priceless.

"THE F*CK?! A f*cking Horned Serpent?! That's protagonist luck! I'm just glad you came back alive."

Chris only now realized just how his loved ones in both lives must have felt when he pulled off reckless stunts.

He sighed, "What have I told you about being careful? You should always realize that you're a mob, not some fantasy heroine. You wouldn't know when you died if you aren't careful." Her original role was supposed to be just a person who came for two books, changed nothing, and became just another dead person in the end.

Thinking that she could have died just then, Chris pulled her into a hug and unable to put up a struggle, Dora told him the rest of the story while she remained comfortable in his embrace.

"Alright, now tell me who's this person who can get such high praises from you," she said turning her head to face him while still in his embrace.

Chris wanted to kiss her, but focused back on the main topic for now. She's still uncomfortable anyway,

"Oh, I was talking about myself. Do you really think you'll love anyone other than me?"


'When did I say I love you?'

She never said she loved him, but... she did leave that letter behind which contained her confession when they separated at the end of the first year. Though she still doesn't have the courage to say it face to face.

Dora tried focusing back on the topic, "So, you're saying that you have a way to hatch this egg safely? Or were you just kidding?"

Chris looked offended, "Girl, there are very few things in this world that your boyfriend can't do. And this is NOT one of them!"

'Oh right, he's my boyfriend.'

Though she was confused by his other words, "How are you going to do this? Maybe Nyxie can help since she has the same power as the one stored in the jewelries. But how are you going to help?"

According to what Dora knew, Chris used to give her jewelries with some kind of magic in them before Nyxie was hatched, and after Nyxie was hatched, her magic also had the same features as those jewelries. It was all quite confusing to her.

Chris grinned at her, "We don't need Nyxie for that,"

'Let's see how you handle another one of my many secrets,'

Dora frowned, "But what can you d"

Her words got stuck in her throat as Chris raised one of his hands and multicolored energy started to flow out of it.

"You were saying?" Asked Chris smugly, his eyes glowing in the same multicolors.

Dora's jaw dropped,


Words couldn't describe the shock she was feeling right now. First of all, Chris currently has no magic or any magical conduit in his hands right now. He's doing wandless magic right now! And it's not just any magic! This magic has sooo many miraculous effects! It wouldn't be an exaggeration to say that it's the most precious magic Dora has ever known about.

The only downside had been its low quantity and the resultant low efficiency. But Chris is producing so much it casually as if it's no big deal. Thus, the only problems are also gone. He might even be able to use this on himself in large amounts!

"H-How...???" She muttered. Just how is he doing this?

'Did he get this power as a result of bonding with Nyxie? Or' she paused her thinking as an absurd thought struck her, 'Or did Nyxie get this after bonding with him?'

Chris just laughed mirthlessly,

Dora was in so much suspense right now, that Chris wanted to say, 'Subscribe if you want to know more,'

He was in no shortage of secrets, even if you exclude the reincarnation thingy. Just the topic of pure magic had so much to it!

He had promised to trust her with some of his secrets. But too much at once would only hurt her braincells.

Blinked questioningly at her, "Shouldn't your priority be the egg?"

"After all, you have a lifetime discover all my secrets..." he said as he winked at her.


Dora blushed and averted her gaze, 'Lifetime A whole lifetime with him!'

"O-Of course, my priority is the egg," she said in a bit of a fluster. She really wanted this egg to be out of danger as soon as possible.

After hearing all of Dora's story, Chris had now thought everything through. The Horned Serpent's child wasn't conceived healthy. There must have been some kind of anomaly, defect, or some special condition due to which it wasn't going to survive long.

Thus, the Horned Serpent, with its limited prophetic abilities, called to Dora, since it must have somehow perceived that Dora can somehow save her child.

Dora is fortunate that the Horned Serpent didn't try the violent approach, and was quite gentle. Otherwise, she could have been in danger since the area was clearly warded. Why else did no one ever discover it? Some powerful wizard or witchmost likely Isolt Sayremust have warded it.

'Thus, pure magic is most likely the solution to this problem,'

With that, Chris put his hand on the egg and started to put pure magic into it. He noticed that the egg's surface wasn't allowing the magic to go in easily, which must be the reason why simply wrapping pure magic-filled gold foil didn't work too well. You have to manually and consciously pump in it. It was the same for Nyxie's case.

Once the magic reached inside, it started disappearing very quickly. He nodded in satisfaction.

'It seems that things would soon get sorted out with this and I'll finally be able to discover just what is the anomaly that's causing the creature inside to show so many different complications, even being able to bond with two wizards at the same time.'

But! Him being the sleazy scumbag he is, he's definitely going to take advantage of this situation.

While giving the egg the pure magic, he furrowed his eyebrows as he put on a worried expression.

"What happened?!" Dora asked urgently.

"It's trying to bond. Just like Nyxie. But"

"But what?! What's wrong"

"But, it also needs to bond properly with you! This bond is a three-way one. Thus, we all need to be connected!" He said in a no-nonsense way.

"... What do you mean?" Dors still couldn't understand that she is tricked by the devil here.

Chris had an incredibly solemn expression on his face, "Just follow my instructions, we'll save it. Are you with me?" He asked.

Dora nodded determinedly, "Tell me what to do."

Chris nodded. He reclined comfortably on the bed, with his back resting against the headboard., "First of all, you should change positions so that we're in maximum connectivity. Sit here," he said as he guided her to sit on his lap.

"H-Hey! If you're kidding about this" She warned but Chris cut her off.

"I'm not kidding, focus!" He ordered in a commanding tone as he made lean her back on him and he rested his chin on her shoulder.

He then put the egg on her lap such that his arms were wrapped tightly around her, "Hold the egg with both hands."

"Ohkay.." Dora put both of her hands on the egg and instantly felt and comfortable sensation throughout her body starting from her hand as the residual pure magic got absorbed by her.

"Woah" she muttered as she melted into Chris's embrace.

"How is it?" Chris whispered in her ear.

Dora shuddered, "It's "

"Does it feel uncomfortable? We'll have to stay like this for a while for uh proper bonding~"

Dora shook her head.

'It's not uncomfortable. It's too comfortable!'

'Life is good,' Chris thought as he sighed in satisfaction.

He's going to enjoy these days as much as he can since he's got a lot do this year. Time magic at Hogwarts, going around the world with Fleur, and there's also Sirius Black.


A.N.: The egg's going to have something peculiar which would explain dual bonding. Some might already be able to guess what from the given clues.

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