HP: I Have "Pure" Magic

Chapter 114:

Chapter 114:

"Who is it this time?" I muttered as I opened the map.

"Damn! It's Michael Corner." I sighed. Another person is getting Petrified right now. I'm not going to stop it right away since there's no risk to the anyone's life until certain conditions are met.

As I've explained, if I Fiendfire the diary right away, then I won't be able to gain access to the Chamber of Secrets, nor would I be able to have the body of the Basilisk.

I have several plans for taking maximum benefits, but those will have to wait. I don't need to worry too much about anyone dying as long as they don't step into the bathroom. This much, I've confirmed through various factors.


*General PoV:

After the game in which the school saw a peculiar situation of a bludger one sidedly attacking the boy who lived, and then witnessing Gilderoy Fraud-hart vanishing the said boy's leg bones, the school was in for yet another surprise when they found a Hufflepuff named Justin Finch Fletchly Petrified on the floor right next to a window overlooking the Quidditch pitch.

His friends from the Hufflepuff house informed everyone that Fletchly was not feeling well since the morning, so he had decided to go madam Pomfrey before the match ended.

Now, except for one person who was quite chill about it, the whole school was in an uproar. If even a student can get attacked, then the matter is really serious. Upto now, only a muggleborn and a squib has been attacked. But who knows, maybe the next target would be a half blood or pureblood?

This was really a matter of concern. All the students began sending messages to their parents to inform them about the matter. And at the same time, Harry Potter was levitated into the Hospital wing with one of his legs dangling around limply like a flaccid... something.

Madam Pomfrey wasn't at all pleased.

"You should have come straight to me!" she raged, holding up the sad, limp remainder of what, half an hour before, had been a working leg. "I can mend bones in a second but growing them back "

And Harry had a feeling that it was going to be a painful and long night for him.

"Can you still stick up for Lockhart now, Hermione?" asked Harry from behind the curtains as Neville got him changed into Pyjamas. "If I had wanted deboning I would have asked."

"Anyone can make a mistake," said Hermione. "And it doesn't hurt anymore, does it?"

"No," said Harry as he swung himself down on the bed and his leg flapped pointlessly. "But it doesn't do anything else either."

Hermione and Madam Pomfrey came around the curtain. Madam Pomfrey was holding a large bottle of something labeled Skele-Gro.

"You're in for a rough night," she said, pouring out a steaming beakerful and handing it to him. "Regrowing bones is a nasty business."

So was taking the Skele-Gro. It burned Harry's mouth and throat as it went down, making him cough and splutter. Still tut-tutting about dangerous sports and inept teachers, Madam Pomfrey retreated, leaving Neville and Hermione to help Harry gulp down some water.

"But still, you were brilliant today, Harry!" Said Neville, making Harry feel a bit better since he at least had company.

But right then, Professor Dumbledore, along with all the head of houses burst in, levitating the Petrified body of Justin Finch Fletchly!

Neville and Hermione were kicked out of the hospital wing, and Harry was left alone, with nothing to distract him from the stabbing pains in his limp leg.

Faintly, Harry even heard his Quidditch team mates, trying to convince Pomfrey to let them meet Harry, but when they saw all the teachers gathered, even Fred and George left after mouthing a few encouraging words and compliments to Harry, making Harry once again feel disappointed. He wanted to know what exactly happened to Justin Finch Fletchly and why all the professors were so serious. But much to Harry's annoyance, Professor Snape had used a Muffliato, making their voices indiscernible.

" 'Sup, Harry?"

At that moment, Harry heard a voice from the bed right next to his, making him jump. He quickly turned around.


And saw his best friend Chris lying relaxedly there, giving him his signature smirking grin.

"When did you get here?!" Harry whispered in back in bafflement to his best friend. The teachers were here so they can't be too loud.

"Well, I was just minding my own business, but these Lockhart fangirls suddenly came and cursed me from behind with Merlin knows how many curses! So, I'm been here since the beginning. Just under the covers." Chris explained with a laid back attitude, since he was literally laid back relaxedly with his hands behind his head.

"Hey, are you ok?! Why are only showing yourself now?" Asked Harry trying to process the information.

Chris put his hands up in a calm-yo-tits gesture. "No need to worry bro, I'm completely alright, just need to stay the night. And I was hiding under the sheets so that no one knows I got done in by those harpies, alright? Don't want the school knowing about that, do we?"

Now it made sense. Harry could definitely understand not wanting anyone to know if he ever got cursed by Malfoy.

Chris just waved it all away, "Anyways, just forget about all this. It's good that you got your leg busted, now I have company!"

Harry suddenly realized that it was true. Wasn't he also feeling quite bad just now when he was left alone? Harry nodded,

"Yeah, it sucks to be stuck here alone. it's good that you got cursed." he said and they both started laughing silently while the teachers since the teachers were still busy with their discussion.

Harry looked at the teachers curiously, "Hey, any idea why they're here? And what happened to Justin?" He asked.

Chris shrugged. "I don't know either. But... seeing the level of seriousness, I think he got petrified... like Filch." he said seriously.

Harry recalled the levitating body earlier."We need to find the Heir soon." He muttered with conviction, thinking about the Polyjuice potion they had stolen just a few days ago from Lockhart. Now they only needed some hair.

"I don't think it's Malfoy. He was playing the game with you." said Chris, making Harry pause.


Was all their preparation for nothing?

"Hey, don't be discouraged. There's still a possibility he is the Heir. He might have given orders to the monster beforehand. And even if he isn't, he might know who is. So just go on with your plan. You're not losing anything if even if you get nothing. The potion belonged to Fraud-hart." said Chris making once again feel motivated.

"Besides. You should experience the Polyjuice atleast once in your life. Who knows, maybe in future, it just might help you break into the Ministry or the Gringotts..." said Chris trying not to grin at his own inside joke.

Harry looked snorted, "Why would we ever need to do something as batshit crazy as that? It'll never happen." He concluded, shaking his head.

Chris also nodded his head while inwardly thinking, 'Hopefully, not this time.'

They talked for a while before the potions started kicking in and Harry got drowsy.

Chris made a go ahead gesture, "Just sleep for now. We'll talk in the morning." Harry wanted to protest but he against his control, he slowly fell asleep.



After Harry fell asleep, I took a book of Ancient Runes to wait and pass time. I had come here for a reason. To solve some mysteries and get some answers from Dobby. That's why I just hit myself with a few least disgraceful and least painful curses that would be bare minimum to get me a one night stay in here, so that I can wait for Dobby.

I've always thought that the existence of Dobby is quite absurd. If the house elves of death-eaters could really come in and out of Hogwarts, attack the students by enchanting random things, like bludgers or maybe the swords hanging on the many armors to attack the students, and even climb right into the students' beds at night when they're asleep, then this is really cheating! Such a cheating elf should NOT be under the slavery of a death-eater. If he stays under that death-eater, then I have to find ways of countering such a cheat house elf.

Of course, normally, there are ways of countering at least their apparition of house elfs and other people's house elf's can't enter those wards with the owner's permission. Otherwise, there'd be no open fights between the wizards since they would just send a single house elf into your house with a knife or a ninja sword, then *swing*


Though even if they can't sneak into warded houses and Hogwarts, the house elf magic is still quite OP and wizards just ignore and underestimate it. The prime example is Voldemort. The guy didn't even install a ward against house elf transport in his Horcrux cave.

The house elf magic is so OP that when Winky, the Crouch families house elf bound Barty Crouch Jr., with her magic, then Crouch Jr. couldn't break free even after he had a wand! He only got free once Winky went unconscious. But apparently, the wizards, and even house elves don't realize the potential of the house elf race. The wizards have made them completely servile and non aggressive and now wizards don't even want to acknowledge house elf's amazing magical abilities.

But I won't do the same. I'll take every threat seriously. If Lucius Malfoy found out that his house elf can come and go into Hogwarts as he pleases, then I might as kiss all the light family heirs goodbye. If the guy knew his house elf had this kind of power, he wouldn't go so far as to send a Dairy through a student to influence Hogwarts.

After some time, I thought that the house elf might not appear if I was awake, so I just laid down with my eyes close and decided to train my Corpomency instead.


I had to wait for a few hours before I heard a familiar pop which signifies House elf apparition and I found a small silhouette small on Harry's bed.

Damn, if something like that suddenly appears in front of me, I'd blast in into smithereens before asking any questions.


I had my wand ready so I quickly sent an overpowered Stunning spell right into the elf's face, Briefly lighting up the whole hospital wing.

I waved my wand and an invisibility cloak wrapped inself around the elf and carried it towards me. I laid back down for a few seconds to see if anyone had woken by this small disturbance.

"...Sigh.." I sighed in relief when i noticed that everyone was still asleep.

I picked up my Newt-case and left the Hospital wing while levitating the stunned and invisible elf behind me. I went straight to the room of requirements and took out the Vanishing Cabinet from my Newt case.

"Jilly!" Coming out from the other side in my home, I called out my trust house elf.

"Oh, master is back?" Jilly instantly popped over when I called her.

"Yeah. Just check out this elf and see if there's something special with him." I said, removing the invisibility cloak from Dobby. After eating so much pure magic, I think Jilly is the most powerful house elf that I know. She should be able to see if there's anything abnormal with Dobby.

"What do you think?"

"Um... master, I can't find anything different. He seems like a completely ordinary house elf..." She answered while looking guilty, like it's her fault for not being able to a find anything.

"Alright, don't worry Jilly. I need to bind and disable his apparition magic somehow, can you do it?" I asked her, and this time, she nodded brightly and began waving and clicking fingers and I also casted my own wards. This just for precautions, I'll just stun him again if he tries anything. And I cut out the light of my room, only leaving a lamp few candles in the middle, making only me, Dobby, and the floor visible. I even made Jilly disillusioned.

Then I renervated Dobby and stepped back with my wand ready.

Dobby slowly gained consciousness and looked around.

"Ha-Harry Potter...Dobby...must warn the great Harry Potter." said the elf in his squeaky voice.

"Hey, who are you and why were in Harry's bed?" I asked. This question sounds a bit wrong, doesn't it?

Dobby finally saw me and recognized me.

"Harry Potter's friend... Dobby was there to warn Harry Potter sir about the danger in Hogwarts. Harry Potter must leave the school at once." squeaked the elf.

"Well, alright. Harry Potter is my best friend and he agreed to all of my requests. So, if you answer my questions honestly, I can make Harry leave Hogwarts in exchange. Are you getting me?" I said everything slowly so that the elf can understand everything.

Dobby's eyes widened. "Harry Potter's best friend will help Dobby in saving Harry Potter?! Oh! The great Harry Potter's friend's are also great! Dobby can't thank you enough"

I waved my hand impatiently, "Yeah, yeah, I get it, I get it. But I'll only do it if you answer all of my questions honestly. Do you agree? Answer only in yes or no."

The elf began eagerly nodding his head with his eyes as big as tennis balls and his ears flapping up and down. "Yes! Dobby will"

"I first question" I said, cutting him off, "Is how the hell did you get into Hogwarts?"

"Oh, the great Headmaster Dumbledore sir allowed Dobby to enter."


"Wait, you couldn't get in on your own?" I asked, a bit baffled.

The elf shook his head, "Dobby tried entering, but was thrown back and due to it. Then professor Dumbledore sir allowed Dobby to in to talk."

"...." Wait, this isn't going where it's supposed to go. First of all, if Dumbledore allowed him in, then there's nothing special about Dobby yet. I thought he was able to get in undetected. But, why would Dumbledore allow give permanent access to a house elf of a death-eater? ...Unless.

"Alright, what happened? Tell me in full detail." I ordered.

The elf hesitated. "Did you master forbid you from telling me this?" I asked in annoyance.

The elf shook his head. "Then just tell me, damn it. Don't you want to save Harry?" He can do anything that his master hasn't expressly forbidden.

"It was thirteen years ago, sir. Dobby's master was planning bad things... terrible things! And Dobby wanted to warn the great wizard Dumbledore sir"

"Alright, I get it. No need to continue." I said, already getting everything. Dumbledore wouldn't let such a godsent chance go. No wonder the elf has full access to enter and exit whenever he wants and enter any students' bed as he pleases. He's been converted into Dumbledore's spy long ago.

The mystery had been solved. Now everything makes sense.

Sigh...I don't if I should be happy or sad that Dobby is nothing special. I was hoping we had a special overpowered elf who could even enter and exit Hogwarts and Malfoy manor wards undetected, but all special aspects about him can also be explained easily now.

He can enter and exit Hogwarts wards only because he has been granted access by Dumbledore.

Elves can't live long without being bonded to a master. But in canon, Dobby could live without being bonded to anyone. The most simple explanation would be that he was already bonded to Harry. How else was Harry able to call him without meaning to?

In the last part, he enters and exists the Malfoy Manor wards. Now, that could be because he used to live there a few years ago, so he was still registered in the wards and wasn't removed after Lucius Malfoy accidentally freed him.

Damn, he just turned out to be an ordinary House elf. In the end, the one who has the most OP elf is... me!

Jilly gets a little more powerful every time I feed her Pure magic. The only problem is that, she can eat only a very small amount before she's full, and I haven't ever forced her to eat more than that, even though that might make her very strong.

"Alright, that's it. Now I'll help you convince Harry Potter to leave. I don't know if he'll listen or not, but don't interfere. Because your interference is making Harry Potter want to stay more at Hogwarts." I said, making the elf horrified and started muttering and banging his head on the floor.

Damn, he's useless now. "Oi Dobby, what's that?" I asked, point behind him.

Dobby looked behind,


And a bolt of red light hit him from behind. I blew away the imaginary smoke coming from the tip of my wand.

'Jilly, dump the body and erase all of evidence.' was what I wanted to say to my elf, but I just said, "Leave him somewhere in the corridors of Hogwarts." He's still alive, and I'm not yet a Crime Lord, Mafia boss or godfather. So I'll save that line for later.

After dealing with everything, I just went back to the room of requirements to finalize all the minor details about the plan I proposed to Flitwick. There was a teacher's meeting in which he was going to propose the idea to other teachers and Dumbledore. Of course, Lockhart was 'somehow' going to miss it, maybe because of none other than yours truly. There's room for many activities at Hogwarts, if you have the eyes to see it. And I'm just going to use some of it.


A.N.: The next chapter is directly the dueling club event! What's Lockhart going to do? And how's Chris going to respond? What's he been planning for the day?

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Read ahead on P@treon. /Snollygoster


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