HP: I Have "Pure" Magic

Chapter 113: Revelation of the first curse

Chapter 113: Revelation of the first curse

That night, I revealed my solution to Flitwick and the diminutive old professor very enthusiastically declared that he'd support me with whatever I need. So I decided I'd start it in a few days.

But the evening of the next day, I got a bad shock when someone entered the first floor bathroom, thus setting off my notification charm!

'Shit! So soon?!'

I had, of course, renewed it after Michael Corner had opened it, and now it's been set off for the first time ever that. I quickly took out the Marauder's map to see who it was.

You see, going to the Chamber of Secrets these days is like asking for death. Because even if the Basilisk can't kill anyone in out the Chamber, it is atleast able to kill inside the bathroom, as evidenced by the death of moaning Myrtle.

Upon seeing who it was, I smacked my forehead.

"Damn, how did I forget about these three?" I muttered as I started making my way towards the bathroom while making sure that Michael Corner wasn't going to come here.

Harry, Hermione, and Neville were incredibly lucky in their second year. The trio literally spent a majority of there time in that bathroom, making the polyjuice potion everyday for a few months. If the diary Tom possessing Ginny had walked in any of that time, they'd have been finished. I don't know if they'd be this lucky this year as well. So I better stop them from doing anything stupid.

As I recalled the canon, I realized that they'll not be in there for more than a few minutes today, since they've just now gotten the book with the Polyjuice potion recepe from the Library restricted section. They're just checking the place out for the illegal potion making and planning the heist of ingredients from Snape's collection.

I waited a few corridors away in the their way of good to the Griffindor common. A few minutes later, a started walking and came across them at a cross.

"Oh, hi guys, what's up?" I asked casually with my hands in my pocket.

Harry immediately sighed in relief. "So it's you. It's good that you're here. Listen, we've got a plan to find out who's the Heir of Slytherin. Are you in?" He asked.

See? That's my bro. Hides nothing from me. Hermione elbowed Harry, as if she didn't want me to be involved. What a bitch, I'm trying to save her ass here, since she'd be the one who's going to spend the most time in that dangerous toilet brew the polyjuice, and here she is, not even wanting me to involved.

"Ignore her. Shoot your idea." I told Harry. That girl knows him for what? A few months? Harry and me have been bros for years.

Harry nodded, fully understanding just how little we both care about her opinions. The girl defended Lockhart in canon when Ron called him a brainless git. Kid Ron was better than kid Hermione.

He told me their whole plan and nodded my head in understanding.

"So, let me get this straight. Hermione Granger here the stickler for rules, asked you guys to break about 50 rules and brew an illegal potion, for which, you guys are going to steal ingredients from the Batman himself."

"Pfft!" Harry couldn't hold back his laughter at the new name I'd just given to Snape. As I mentioned before, he's also an avid comic reader. And of course if you know marvel, then you gotta know a bit of DC as well, so he knows who Batman is.

Neville nodded his head. "Yes. And we're going to brew it in the girl bathroom a few corridors back." He added.

I smiled triumphantly at Hermione who was not meeting my eyes. "So, not much of a goody two shoes anymore, are we? Perhaps there's hope for you yet." I nodded, remembering that her b*tch-hood decreases as the years progress.

Harry also agreed. "She's slowly getting there. She's even beginning to realize Lockhart's fraudness." he said, as if that was a huge progress.

We both laughed and high-fived, making Hermione stomp her foot in anger.

"That's it! I'm warning you two now. This whole idea was mine and I won't make the Polyjuice potion if you two one more word about me, or Professor Lockhart."

I deadpanned at Hermione's outburst it's gonna take a while for her to be less irritating and more tolerable. "Well just don't make it then. If all you guys want is the Polyjuice potion, then just steal it from Lockhart. He has a lot of it in his suitcase. And" I suddenly grimaced. "Just don't ask me how I this."

Even I don't remember. I must have erased my memories for a good reason. And I can think of many ways of how he can misuse the Polyjuice potion.

It's a good thing that there are spells and rituals making your hairs and blood useless for things like this. My whole family has it and mom made sure to cast it on me before I left. All big families have this kind of knowledge. So, if you wanna take their form, just either pray that the spell preventing it has wore off and the person hasn't renewed it, or just kidnap the person, disable the spell yourself, and then take the hair.

Anyways I don't have to worry about Lockhart doing anything funny in the school with polyjuice. Because, here's the big reveal:

->One of the dark curses I casted on him causes ERRECTILE DYSFUNCTION!!! The man can't even get it up now! From what I know, he'd of course not go to Madam Pomfrey for something like this just yet. And when he eventually goes... it will be too late.

After giving the trio the polyjuice advice, I bade them farewell and went back to do my own things. I've showed them the way, now they should steal from Lockhart on their own. Let them learn, gain experience in rule breaking and grow up. And this way, they won't be going to the girls bathroom anymore. So the three are safe I guess.


The next weekend, it was Griffindor v/s Slytherin. The Inter-House Quidditch cup always starts with a hot and steamy, cause there's always a deep rivalry between these two houses. It is said that even Salazar Slytherin and Gordric Griffindor were always at odds back in the days and the rivalry has been going on ever since.

But on the day of the match on breakfast, the students are also talking about something else.

"I really can't wait for the dueling event now!" said Sue Li, who was completely uninterested untill a few days ago.

"Sweet Morgan! I'm definitely going. No way I'm going to miss it." said Terry Boots, who hates Lockhart passionately.

"Lockhart has been over the moon these days after seeing the total turnaround of the club." Anthony Goldstein chimed in while going through the Daily Prophet. "Even he must have thought it was going to be a failure."

Along with the topic of the match in which the Slytherins are going to fly Nimbus 2001s, there's another hot topic that's been going on around Hogwarts these days.

A few days ago, 'someone' spread rumors that Flitwick's going to be there during the very first dueling session that Lockhart's going to organize. And the next thing you know, everyone's excited to go and check out the Dueling Club.

Of course, Gilderoy Lockhart didn't let this chance slip and claimed that it was all, in fact, true! But as it happens, his words don't mean sh*t these days.

It was only untill Flitwick confirmed it himself that it was confirmed that the whole Hogwarts was going to attend the dueling event.

The man has been a five times world Champion. And after his retirement from the Dueling ring, Flitwick has never taught anyone his unique dueling skills, ever. He only teaches charms and spells, no Dueling. So, it was understandable that when people heard about him coming to the Dueling Club, everyone was going to be curious even though the diminutive old professor didn't say he'd teach anything. He might be coming just to observe.

By the way, it's me who asked him to come. Yeah, that someone who spread the rumors was me.


Because, I have something planned for the occasion. The thing is, after seeing the benefits and convenience that I can get from political power and influence, I think it's better to have it than to just pursue pure Godhood. Since even if I might become invincible, but the same can't be said for my family.

Thus, I thought I'd start building up my influence from Hogwarts, in case I need it in the future. This world is constantly has a flux of Darklords rising and falling, so it's better to be prepared since hopefully, I'll live for more that a few centuries years here.

And since I have decided it, I'm going to start right this year. It's always better to start early when it comes to things like this. In my previous life, there were things that I wanted to do in my life which I didn't do or regretted because I didn't start early. A good example would be playing a guitar. It would have been so handy in my highschool and college days if I'd had learned it earlier and in highschool and college, but I thought it was already too late and I felt that I didn't have enough time. Another example would be investing in stocks.

So, I plan start it on the first and last that of the dueling club. There's a nice plan that I've got in my head and Flitwick is supporting me, thinking that I'm doing all this to help out the students.

Well, I don't really get much out of it actually, but I think that's how I should start. Dumbledore needs to see that I'm a light lord, not a dark one. And light lords don't get influence purposefully. Their actions, their charisma and their words just cause people to naturally start following them. I'm still not going into politics yet, but you can gain a lot of power and influence even without that.


There's this event I read in my previous life, I don't know when and where it happened, but it really happened. The totally unfair and villainous government of a country puts high taxes on salt or something, and this old man, just picked up a salt cube from the shore and started walking towards the government in the central. Don't know how many miles and days he walked, but as he kept walking, more and more people started joining him, until thousands of people were marching towards the villian government!

That. . . is what you call a light lord. In the end, the salt old man with no government position, and no money, after doing more activities like this one, eventually gained so much power that he could move the whole country with his one word!

That's why Dumbledore always tries to portray himself as a light lord. And he is succeeding to some degree. He doesn't have any follower like Lucius Malfoy, who's following him for their personal gain. And almost none of Dumbledore's followers question his decisions.

Anyways, I know I can't be a light lord, so I'll try to be somewhere in the middle. A grey Lord as they called it in many fanfics. Anyways, right now, there's another thing I need to check today. I need to see if Dobby tries to kill, I mean, save Harry. I need to have a few words with that elf to fill the plot holes that are stuck in my head.


As eleven o clock approached, I gave Harry a thumbs up and went to sit at the stands with my friends and Nyxie.

I was sitting with a big bucket of butter Popcorn in my hands while wearing a pair of glasses that looked awfully similar to the 3d glasses in my previous life. Aren't I watching a movie right now? 'Harry Potter and the Rogue Bludger.'

Anyways yes, these glasses were special, but in the current situation, they were just here to hide my Draconic eyes. Which help me to see stuff quite clearly without needing any omniocculars or anything.

Right now, I could clearly see both the teams facing each other as the captain shook hands. I could see Draco smirking and calling Harry something. And Harry say something right back, making the other members of the Griffindor teams laugh.

And as soon as the whistle blew, and the bludgers got free, I knew Harry was in for it tonight. Dobby is back.

I enjoyed seeing Harry swerve frantically in all directions while flying around the pitch to save himself from the bludger.

"Wohoo! You can do it, Harry! Go! Go! Go!" I was having a lot of fun.

Surprisingly, Harry still got the snitch this time as well. Only, he broke his leg this time.

"Ouch." I muttered. That must have hurt.

'And here comes the main event!' I thought as I saw Lockhart making his to Harry before anyone else to get there.

'Just look at the man. He actually thinks he's Merlin incarnate.' I thought as I saw Harry trying to crawl away from Lockhart.

"You better be ready, my personal paparazzi." I muttered to myself.

Lockhart vanished Harry's leg bones and Collin captured the moment perfectly, thus adding yet another proof of Lockhart's fraudness.

I nodded in satisfaction. 'Everything went well.' I thought but at this moment, I felt the wards notify me of another breach!


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