How to become a Demon Lord: The Former Hero's Journey as a Demon Lord!

Chapter 190 ...Or Die Trying.

Chapter 190 ...Or Die Trying.

"All of you, leave us,"

Floid spoke up to all the members of his household that were in the room and they all looked towards him in shock! The maid immediately bowed and left the room in a hurry but the household members didn't want to go and leave their lord here with this crazy woman! Rosavellt tried to speak up from the back but Floid just rose his hand and stopped them.

"I said leave us. Or are you perhaps saying that she is capable of harming me in any way?"

Rosavellt bristled in shock and she immediately bowed in apology before turning to leave the room with Alucard and Dragonnel. Floid gave Dragonnel a thorough scan when they were close enough and Floid was glad that Dragonnek looked alright. Floid didn't think that Dragonnel would recover from the blast so quickly, but he was glad that he did.


Floid looked toward his sister once he heard the door to the room close shut and he noticed that once again, Quinn wasn't looking him in the eye. I thought we were already past this.

Quinn didn't even know what to say now that Floid was here with her. There were a lot of mixed feelings swirling inside her heart and she couldn't help but be confused about Floid. For all her life, Quinn always thought that Floid hated her. She never once received a word of love or even a sign of affection from him. It was like they weren't even family at all and Quinn already decided that she was fine with that.

But now, she was confused. Why did he save her life if he hated her so much? Quinn still remembered the pain and the feeling of a hand groping around inside her chest. It was an extremely painful feeling and the scar on her chest that refused to leave no matter what she did would remind her about it every day of her fucking life. But that doesn't change the fact that Floid saved her life. Floid decided that she was worth keeping around and he gave her a second chance at life. Why?

"How are you feeling?"

Quinn jumped with a small "Eeek!" as she heard Floids voice from the side! She blushed crimson and tried to comport herself as quickly as possible! That was fucking embarrassing! She didn't think that Floid would suddenly start talking like that! Quinn was always one of the calmest and most organized people. It was very difficult to catch her off-guard in any situation. But with Floid, she was a mess. A complete mess that didn't know what to do half the time. She didn't know if any of her actions will make him stab her with a knife or something.

novel chapters are published i.

Floid scoffed as he came close to her and ripped her shirt open! Quinn shrieked in shock as her breasts were exposed to Floid and she immediately used her hand to cover her pink nipples from view! Floid ignored her attempts to place her shirt back as he put a hand on her shoulder to hold her down! This was the second time that someone was doing this to Quinn and Quinn realized suddenly that there was a huge power gap between the maid that held her down before and Floid. She couldn't move a fucking muscle! When the maid was holding Quinn, she could move little, but now that Floid was the one holding her there wasn't even a chance for her to shift!

Are these the sort of demons that Priscilla wanted me to fight!?

This was the first thing that entered Quinn's mind once she realized how strong both Floid was. Quinn knew that she couldn't gauge Floid's actual strength from just this, but it was impossible for her to not know that they were exceptionally strong. Floid could probably take on all the Grand commanders at once and fucking trash them all.

Floid ran his finger across the scar on Quinn's chest and he felt for his magic signature inside her. There was a steady flow of Mana from his body to her own and Floid was glad that there weren't any complications with the ritual. Floid was worried that the ritual to make her his familiar would have ended up killing Quinn because Quinn wasn't a demon at first, but it seems that everything worked out fine.

Is it because we are siblings that we have high compatibility? Maybe.

"I asked you how you were feeling. Did the pain turn you into an idiot that you can't even answer my questions?"

Floid asked the question again and he grinned when he saw the first shimmer of anger in Quinn's eyes. Quinn was a very prideful person so being insulted was something she would never accept. But Quinn had to fight an uphill battle to draw in her anger and make sure that she doesn't lash out at Floid. She nodded her head while slowly gathering her clothes back together to cover her chest. She couldn't believe her own brother would tear her clothes like that!

"Y-Yes, I'm fine. I don't know what you did to me, but I suppose I owe you my gratitude for saving my life,"

Floid rose a brow and leaned closer to Quinn. Quinn tried to lean back as Floid's face came closer. She blushed in shock when he got close enough for her to count his individual eyelashes. There were too many of them to count and - not for the first time in her life - Quinn wondered how in the world someone could be this handsome. Floid wasn't feminine and he didn't have all the usual ikemen characteristics that other 'pretty boys' had. But Quinn couldn't deny that her brother was a handsome man. A very handsome man.

"What exactly made you think that I did this for your benefit, sister? Are you delusional?"


Quinn was suddenly snapped back to reality by Floids statement and she watched him as he leaned back and walked to a chair at the side while talking.

"I do not need you, Quinn. You are currently useless in a fight and your current level of Mana would not even make the weakest member of my household notice your presence. Your fighting skills are subpar and you don't even have the beauty that my maids possess. so what use would I have for you? For all intents and purposes, you are more of a liability than an asset."

The more Floid spoke, the more depressed Quinn got. Floid could always do this to her. His blunt and truthful nature would make her question herself immediately! Quinn could never find the words to counter what Floid says because she knows that he was not a liar. Floid has never lied to her before and this was no different.

For a moment, Quinn had hoped that Floid saved her because she was family. Maybe they were finally getting closer as siblings and that was why Floid decided to save her life. But that wasn't the case at all. If she was so useless then why the hell did he even save her?

Floid could see the question in her eyes and he smirked as he put his hand to the side and opened his spatial space!

Stab!<novelnext> </novelnext>

A sword flew out from the spatial space and stabbed into the floor of the room. Quinn immediately recognized the sword as her holy sword! She thought she lost that sword! What the hell was Floid doing with it!? Doesn't he know what that sword can do to demons?

Floid reached out to carry the sword at the hilt and Quinn spoke up loudly!

"Wait! Don't touch it!"


Floid ignored Quinn's shout and the sound of burning skin reached Quinn from across the room once Floid's hand wrapped around the sword. Quinn grimaced as she waited for Floid to show a pained expression, but the only sign of pain from Floid was the slight twitch of his eye.

Floid just increased his [Greater Hardening] skill and before long, the pain had reduced to almost nothing. Floid picked up the sword and pointed it toward a shocked Quinn.

"This is the reason why I saved your life,"

Quinn showed confusion when she heard what Floid told her. Did he save her because of the sword? The fact that Floid could carry that sword was already shocking enough to Quinn. She heard from Priscilla that any demon that touched that sword would be immediately incinerated and no demon could survive a cut from the sword. How the hell can Floid carry it? Don't tell me Priscilla lied to me again.

Priscilla actually didn't lie to Quinn about the sword, but someone like Floid wouldn't be killed by a sword that was blessed by a mere human god. Floid's endurance and durability were higher than the sword's destructive capabilities.

Quinn spoke up softly.

"You want me to teach you to use it?"

Floid picked up a book from the side and tossed it at Quinn with wicked precision and it slammed into her head and sent her tumbling to the bed with a curse! Fuck!

"What the hell was that for!?"

Quinn shouted at Floid while sitting up and holding her throbbing red forehead! She caught Floid's eyes looking below her neck and she looked down and saw her breasts were exposed once again and Floid was staring at them! She immediately gathered her shirt back to cover herself and glared at him with a huge blush. There was something seriously wrong with this bastard!

"If you think you have anything to teach me then you are really an idiot. I learned swordplay from a thousand-year-old dragon, there's nothing that you can do to even try to match up to that,"

"So what the hell do you want then!?"

Quinn shouted at Floid again and Floid narrowed his eyes at her.

"Watch your tone with me, sister,"

Quinn immediately cowered under Floid's glare and looked away from his eyes again. Floid stabbed the sword into the ground and then he pointed to her.

"You were once the hero and a human, but right now, you're my familiar. Even though you are weaker than a baby demon, you are still the only person that this sword has bonded with, and until you die, there isn't anyone else that the sword will bond with. That means that right now, no one other than you can wield this sword properly,"

Quinn frowned.

"But you said I'm your familiar, right? Doesn't that make me a demon as well? How will I wield the sword? It'll kill me"

The smile that Floid gave Quinn made her blood run cold. He stood up and started walking closer to her while talking.

"What do you think I meant when I said the sword wouldn't bond with anyone else while you are alive? That means I'm giving you one chance to prove your worth to me, sister. You either learn to use a holy sword as a demon..."

Floid leaned down till he and Quinn's faces were practically touching and Quinn's eyes widened when Floid pressed forward and kissed her right on the lips. She was too stunned to even move and when Floid pulled back, he ran his finger across her wet lips with a sadistic smirk.

"... Or you die trying. As far as I'm concerned, either option would still be fine,"


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