How to become a Demon Lord: The Former Hero's Journey as a Demon Lord!

Chapter 189: How To Handle Your Kingdom's Finances.

Chapter 189: How To Handle Your Kingdom's Finances.

Flugel switched his positions with Selphy just before Henri hit him with his shield because Flugel wanted to see if Selphy or Henri were worth his trouble. Flugel was sure that anyone above S-class would be able to dodge that attack easily! But as he watched Selphy's body flying through the air, he couldn't even hide his disappointment! Trash! They were all trash!

The man's hit was so soft that it looked like it came from a child! And the fact that the woman was sent flying from such a useless hit was what made it worse!

Did these humans not have any power at all? I thought they were hiding Their power at first to try and fool me into thinking that they were weak, but it is possible that they are just this weak. This isn't even up to the power that a child in Mogul would possess!

Flugel was left standing in shock and disappointment! It was obvious that he already lost all interest in all of them! If only there was a single human that actually gave him some entertainment. Flugel turned away with a sigh to leave, but he turned his head around slightly when he heard a loud voice echo through the town!

"You bastard! I'll fucking kill you!!"

Flugel saw Henri running at him with his shield held high and great anger etched on his face! Henri wanted to smash Flugel to pieces and rip his skin from his bones! How dare he do this to Gloria and Selphy!? They never even did anything to him! What reason does he have to kill people without provocation!!

[Minator's Charge - A] has been activated!

Henri activated his highest B-class skill and he decided that it didn't matter if he died here! As long as he is able to take this man down with him, he would be fine with dying! But before Henri could even reach Flugel, Flugel put his hand out calmly and a single finger tapped against Henri's shield.


novel chapters are published i.


Henri shouted in pain as he was suddenly pushed back more than twenty meters! He grunted as his back slammed against the wall of the barrier and he slid down with a groan. he coughed and some blood slid down the corner of his mouth. What the hell was that? I didn't even see him use a skill! He just put a finger in front of him! Don't tell me that he managed to create that much force with nothing but his finger! What sort of demon is this!?

Flugel gave Henri a condescending look that people would usually give to shit on the side of the road. Flugel didn't even see the use of speaking to Henri. It would probably ruin his mood even further to hear something so weak talking to him! The human would probably start asking stupid questions like 'what did we do wrong?' or ' why are you attacking us?'. Does someone strong need a reason to trample upon the weak? Of course not.

The demons that had been hitting the barrier were now starting to turn around and look toward the fight that was happening behind them. Flugel could see that the demons were looking at both the human and him and he was a little surprised by that. He didn't think that the demons would be interested in the humans at all with a devil right in front of them.

So the demons hate humans just as much as they hate the devils? Isn't that interesting? I always thought that the demons would hate us more because of the war that occurred between our two races so long ago, but maybe the demons also had a war with the humans.

Flugel laughed a little when he thought about this. If you look at it objectively, isn't it the demons that are the most violent race? They've probably fought against every other species in Rivalle at least once. Devils, undead, dragons, and now even the useless humans! The former demon lord didn't spare any species and he just went all out looking for trouble. What a fool.

But this was a good thing for Flugel. It was nice that the demons were also interested in the humans since he won't have to deal with them himself. Flugel knew that it would disgust him if he had to kill people that are so weak, and he surely didn't want these fools to live either. These are the sort of people that we use for food for our pets back in mogul. They don't deserve the air they breathe.

Flugel disappeared once the demons started to run toward his location and he reappeared outside the barrier. In the spot where Fliguel had just been, Sophen appeared all of a sudden and he was stunned as he suddenly saw a hoard of monsters coming towards him!


Spit and blood sprayed out from Sophen's bloody mouth as Sophen screamed at the top of his lungs! He tried to get away from the demons quickly, but before he could go anywhere, his legs were grabbed by a giant and he was dragged back!

Flugel just watched from outside for a moment before he turned to Arex and told him to take them out of there. Arex brought down his book and rose a brow at his partner. Was he already done playing with the humans?

"I thought you would have wanted to stay and watch them get eaten,"

Flugel frowned in a way that showed a great amount of disgust! This was the first time that Arex was seeing such a high level of disappointment from Flugel after a fight. It was as though Flugel wasted energy for nothing.<novelnext> </novelnext>

Arex turned back to the demons and humans. He saw three small goblins stabbing the female healer with their swords over and over again while a giant slammed his club into the tank and splashed his brains across the barrier.

The swordsman that Flugel used to switch places was the unluckiest out of all of them. He was being trampled and squashed by hundreds of demons that were trying to be the ones to kill him. Arex could now understand why Flugel was so disappointed. This wasn't something worth watching.

"Okay then, let's go. Maybe we can find Elias before the next full moon so we can return quickly,"

Arex spoke to Flugel as he opened a portal and Flugel nodded his head before the both of them walked through the portal.


Floid walked down the corridor of the demon castle with a file in his hand. There were maids standing along the corridor on both sides. They had all stopped their work and bowed deeply once they saw him. All the maids in Floid's castle were extremely beautiful and they were hand-picked specifically by Rosavellt to make sure that Floid always had more than enough maids to pick from when he wanted someone to warm his bed at night.

Floid gave a certain maid a look of slight interest as he passed her before he started to move again. The maid was a young woman with red hair and eyes and she had beautiful white thighs that peeked through the white stockings that she wore. Her breasts were quite large and her maid outfit couldn't hide the fact that she was extremely shapely. Floid didn't even need to say anything, once Rosavellt saw that mild interest from Floid, Rosavellt immediately decided that this maid would be sent to the demon lord's room tonight. It would be a great honor for the maid to be chosen by the demon lord.

Floid looked down at the field in his hand again and he clicked his tongue. This was the report from all the territories under his control about their income and losses for the past year. Dracula from Aquinas, Alaya from the mermaid kingdom, Kronos from the underworld, Keith from Trad, and many other small towns around the demon world all send reports to Floid telling Floid exactly how much money they made and lost during the past year, as well as reports on any significant changes made during that year.

Floid was happy to see that Kronos was not an idiot. Kronos made quite a heavy sum this year and the tax that Floid placed on the undead was paid in full by Kronos. At least I don't have to go over there and kill him right now. I'm too busy to deal with rebellions.

Floid looked at Keith's numbers and he didn't even have to be a businessman to know that these were some of the best numbers he had ever seen! Money was basically falling out of Keith and it was all thanks to the fact that Keith was a merchant! Keith was the demon that Floid put in charge of keeping the kingdom of Trad in check. Floid told Raven - the new king of Trad - that Keith would be in charge of sending all financial and asset-based reports to the demon world and Floid couldn't be happier about the numbers. It was a good idea to keep those merchants alive. I don't think I'll need money for the next few hundred years if they keep producing these sort of numbers.

Dracula didn't have the best numbers and Floid was a little disappointed by that. But Floid understood because he knew that Dracula just took over Aquinas two years ago. It would take a while for him to start producing good numbers. But the person that made Floid click his tongue in anger was Alaya. Her numbers were not good. Over the last two years, Alaya has been having fluctuating numbers. Sometimes, she would make a lot of money, and at other times, she wouldn't make a single penny of profit. It was very annoying for Floid because didn't know if Alaya was doing this on purpose to grab his attention or not.

Floid hasn't seen Alaya in over a year and the mermaid queen has sent about twenty messages telling him that she would like to be honored with his presence She really wanted to spend some time with him, but Floid had been too busy recently and he just didn't have the fucking time. Floid decided that since he would be less busy for the next few months before the invasion of Uta. He would take that opportunity to go and see Alaya. She was also one of his concubines and it wasn't right to ignore her forever. Maybe she can give me some answers for why her numbers are so abysmal.

Floid closed the file and held it back and Rosavellt immediately grabbed the file from him and placed it into her spatial space. Floid asked Rosavellt where Alucard and Dragonnel were and Rosavellt answered that they were in the room around the corner. Alucard and Dragonnel were both waiting there for them. Floid nodded before he took a turn to the right and opened the first door that he saw.

"What the hell do you think you're doing to me!! Let go of me! I said let go! Do you know who I am? I'm Quinn Demonheart! I'm the leader of a fucking dynasty!! I'll fucking stab you, you pale bastard!!"

Quinn's loud and angry voice reached Floid's ears once he opened the door and he was greeted by the sight of an angry Quinn being held down by an exasperated maid while Alucard frowned down at her in annoyance.

The maid was using both hands to hold Quinn's shoulder down and Quinn was trying desperately to get up but no matter what she did, she couldn't even move! It felt like the maid was a mountain! Once Floid saw this, he couldn't help but smirk. Was Quinn ever going to change that terrible attitude of hers? It looked like Alucard was one moment away from blasting her into oblivion.

Alucard turned to Floid as he entered

"My lord. I am forever glad to see that you are well. Would you mind if I tossed this one out from the palace window? I'm sure a concussion would help with her temper,"

Alucard said this calmly and Floid noticed that the dry humor in Alucard's voice was there again. I wonder what Quinn did to make Alucard so exasperated. He looks like he would really toss her out the window if I give him permission.

The maid that was holding Quinn to the bed was an older maid that looked almost as old as Rosavellt. She had a frown on her face as she struggled to keep Quinn down. The maid was already starting to get tired from holding Quinn. Even though Quinn was weakened by her injury, Quinn was still the hero and she was an S-class fighter. the maid was only an A-class so it was hard to hold Quinn for long.

But luckily for her, Quinn stopped trashing the moment she saw her brother enter the room. Once Quinn laid eyes on Floid and saw him in his white shirt and trousers, it was like all the fight in her body disappeared instantly! There was a small quiver from her finger and she realized that her heart rate was spiking. Was this fear?


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