How to become a Demon Lord: The Former Hero's Journey as a Demon Lord!

Chapter 180: Fuck Your Sibling Rivalry!

Chapter 180: Fuck Your Sibling Rivalry!


The pulse of mana that traveled across Aradite was something that every person above SS-class felt with ease! Both the humans and the demons that were strong enough all looked up in surprise as they felt a massive Mana wave blast across the atmosphere! The mana pulse was very strong, so every single person that had any affinity with mana could easily feel it!

In the demon castle, Floid was busy signing some documents in his office when he felt the mana wave fly across the air. Floid looked up with narrowed eyes and he immediately stood up. He could feel the mana wave but he couldn't tell where the wave came from. the wave was just a wide pulse that passed through his sense and he didn't have any time to pinpoint the location before it disappeared. But it was a good thing that he already told Rosavellt and Alucard to spread their familars around so that they could pinpoint the location. In the next moment, a portal opened in front of him and Rosavellt, Alucard, and Dragonnel walked through. They could all sense the seriousness of the situation and they didn't waste any time with greetings. They simply bowed before Rosavellt started talking.

"My lord. We managed to triangulate the source of the mana pulse to an array of inactive volcanoes southwest of here. Everything has been prepared for your departure,"

Floid nodded as he started to walk out of the office.

"The rest of you will meet us there as quickly as you can. Dragonnel, meet me outside immediately."

Floid didn't have any time to waste and he made sure that all his household members knew that he was in a mad hurry as he walked out of the office. He knew that Dragonnel would get outside before him so he just kept going. Floid was already wearing a simple t-shirt and white trousers, and as far as he was concerned, he didn't need to change at all. Floid was used to fighting in formal attire and the clothes were lose enough that they wouldn't hinder him during the fight.

Once Floid walked out of the castle, he saw a lot of maids and servants who all stopped to stare at him in surprise. They didn't expect the demon lord to suddenly walk out of the castle in such a hurry and they all started scrambling to bow and greet him! Floid ignored them as he heard Dragonnels large wings flapping before Dragonnel landed heavily on the grounds of the castle!


Dragonnel put his neck down and Floid climbed up with a single jump before the both of them took off into the sky.

Down on the ground, Andromeda watched the demon lord go with a longing look on her face before she turned back down to instruct her golem to carry some more ricks away. Andromeda knew that the demon lord was about to carry out a very important mission and she wished that she could go with him. But she and Pyra were told not to approach the demon lord for anything by Rosavellt.

Rosavellt was really disappointed in Andromeda and Pyra, and she gave them a very large amount of work to do as punishment for their failure! Andromeda was sure that Rosavellt only gave them that much work because Rosavellt was also busy. If Rosavellt had time to really punish them, then they would have had far more work to do!

Rosavellt couldn't believe that Andromeda and Pyra failed the mission and Rosavellt told them that this would be the only chance they would get. The next time they fail a mission like this, Rosavellt promised to kill them herself before they could bring any shame to the lord! this mission was far too easy for them to fail it so badly!

Pyra was currently in charge of looking after the unconscious Quinn while Andromeda was sent to the farm. Andromeda wondered how she would face the demon lord again after all this.


Floid and Dragonnel were blasting through the air at intense speed! Dragonnel wasn't holding back at all as he flew in the direction that Rosavellt pointed out to them.


There was another pulse of mana that blasted across the sky and Floid narrowed his eyes as he noticed that this pulse was weaker than the first one.

What sort of seal was Elias breaking? Maybe it is a layered seal that gets weaker the further you go? Or maybe Elias is just not strong enough to break the seal at once and he is breaking it part by part? Whichever one it was didn't even matter to Floid, Floid just knew he had to get there as quickly as possible. Floid tapped Dragonnel on the side and Dragonnel got the message and sped up immediately

novel chapters are published .

Right now, Floid wasn't thinking about getting a new dragon into his household. Floid knew that it would be good to get a new dragon that could help him, but even if Floid doesn't get Givalich, he wouldn't feel bad about it! Right now, the only thing Floid was thinking about was making sure that Elias doesn't get his hand on Givalich. That would be much worse.

Floid doesn't know what plans Elias has for the dragon, but if Elias was going through all this trouble just to get his hands on Givalich, then that means Elias has something big planned for Givalich. Floid has no intention of finding out what an enemy of the demons can do with a dragon at his disposal. The former demon lord destroyed all the dragons once and Floid wasn't going to take the risk of finding out what the dragons were trying to do that would make the former demon lord get rid of all of them. Instead of allowing Elias to take Givalich, Floid would rather kill her!

A third magic pulse rang out across the air as Floid finally saw the array of volcanoes in front of them. Floid noticed that the third magic pulse was weaker than the first two and the time interval between pulses was starting to become shorter. It was obvious that Elias was already close to breaking the seal.


A fourth magic pulse rang out and Floid decided that they couldn't take this risk anymore! The interval between the third and fourth pulses was so small that Floid knew it was only a matter of time before the next seal was broken and it was likely that the next one would be the last one!

Floid shouted out in anger!

"Dragonnel! Freeze it! Freeze all of it!!"

Floid immediately commanded Dragonnek to freeze the volcanoes in ice! The ice wouldn't kill either Elias or Givalich but it might buy enough time for Floid to get down there and stop Elias! Dragonnel pulled back and blasted a heavy ray of blue Dragon's breath toward the volcano with a roar!


But before he could get a good layer of ice on the volcanoes, the fifth pulse rang out across the air and Floid felt the heat. A heat so intense that it threatened to melt him! The only thing that was stopping the heat from getting to him was the cold aura that Dragonnel was releasing from his body. Dragonnel's aura was able to negate the heat, but it still wasn't enough to prevent Flood from sweating!

As Floid and Dragonnel kept going closer, they could feel the entire area rumbling, and Floid put his hand to the side and brought his sword out from the spatial space. There was no point in hoping he could stop Elias from unsealing givalich anymore. Floid now knew that the only way to stop Elias from taking Givalich was to fight.

The sword immediately wrapped its tail around Floid's hand and stabbed the head of its tail into Floid's forearm as it started to suck up Mana. Flood tightened his hand on the sword and he directed Dragonnel to land on the peak of a dormant volcano.

Floid didn't know exactly what was happening inside the volcanoes, so he could only watch as the volcanoes kept on rumbling until they finally gave way and a massive explosion blew away the top of one of the volcanoes! Large blobs of magma and molten rocks flew into the air and rained down on the area but Floid ignored it all and kept his eyes on the volcano as a red dragon that was almost as big as Dragonnel flew out and landed on the top of the volcano!


The red dragon let out a massive roar as it spread its wings in an intimidating manner and Floid could finally see what everyone has been talking about all this whole. Givalich was strong. She was just as strong as Alucard and Dragonnel and in a one-on-one fight, Floid didn't know if Dragonnel could beat Givalich. The fact that they were standing on a volcano only made things worse because she would be stronger because of it. volcanoes were Givalich's domain and she was stronger because of the fire around her. But that didn't matter to Floid. He didn't give a fuck about the giant dragon and his eyes were focused on the man sitting on the dragon's back. Elias had a small smirk on his lips as he looked directly at Floid.

Elias could see the sheer anger in Floid's eyes even in the darkness and it gave Elias an immense amount of pleasure! It was a petty feeling, but Elias was happy that he pissed off the demon lord so much!

Floid placed his hand on Dragonnel's neck and he was about to tell Dragonnel to attack, but a voice rang out through the area and Floid turned his eyes towards Givalich when he noticed she was the one talking. Her mouth wasn't moving but he could still hear her loud voice across the entire area.

"Dragonnel! So he was right after all!? I expected a lot of things from you, Dragonnel. But this... Is disappointing! You signed a contract with the man that killed our entire race!? How dare you!?"

Givalich flapped her wings in anger and Floid noticed Givalich was gathering a lot of mana from the atmosphere as her chest started to turn red! Dragonnel started gathering Mana from Floid's magic core immediately. Dragonnel anchored his feet into the ground deeply as he shouted to Givalich.

"Givalich wait! Don't you fucking dare -!!"


Before Dragonnel could finish what he was saying, Givalich let out a roar of pure fire that flew across the area between them at unbelievable speeds! Dragonnel wanted to try and reason with his sister! He knew that she would misunderstand what the hell he was doing with the demon lord, but he also knew he could talk to her if she just listened. But it seems that she was not even interested in listening!

Dragonnel immediately brought his head back and shot out a blast of ice that met her fire with equal intensity! The blasts of Dragon's breath met in the middle and vreated a vortex of fire and ice that swirled around itself. Dragonnel and Givalich were both getting pushed back a little but Floid could tell that this exchange would end in a stalemate. Even though their elements were opposites, their Dragon's Breaths were almost equal in terms of strength!

Dragons don't measure strength like humans, and their strength didn't come from their own capabilities alone. Dragons could absorb infinite Mana from the atmosphere and continue to grow stronger so when it comes to Mana level, dragons are in a class of their own because they have an infinite supply of Mana. The only thing that can separate one dragon from another one in terms of strength was the number of strong skills they had. And since Givalich has been sealed for a long time, Floid knew that Dragonnel would win in the skill category, because Dragonnel has had time to grow his skills freely. but as far as their Dragon's breath was concerned, there would be no winner!

And just like Floid predicted, the two dragons ended their attacks in a stalemate! Givalich breathed out some smoke from the side of her mouth and Dragonnel let out cold air from the side of his mouth as he looked at her in anger! Givalich was about to start another clash of Dragon's breath but she was suddenly blindsided as a massive force slammed into her head!


Dragonnel and Elias were both shocked as they watched Floid's fist make Givalich's head shoot to the side! Floid had used [Rapid Strike] to move away from Dragonnel's side quickly and reach Givalich before she could even notice!

Floid was just fucking pissed about everything that was happening! Do they think he gives a damn about their nonsense sibling rivalry!? It didn't matter to Floid at all! They can have their fucking rivalry after Floid takes Givalich back from Elias! Givalich was supposed to be his!

Floid knew that talking wasn't going to work on Givalich at all. Elias must've poisoned her mind so much that she would never willingly come to his side! The only thing that would work in a situation like this was force and Floid would gladly beat the shit out of Givalich if he had to! Floid would beat the shit out of Givalich and force her into a contract!

The Rapid Strike was so fast that Givalich didn't even have time to put her guard up and her head shot to the side! For a moment, Givalich wondered if her neck would break in two! Givalich stumbled back and the entire volcano rumbled under her feet from the force! She couldn't believe that this demon lord was already this strong! Isn't this a new demon lord? He just came here recently so how did he become so strong!?

Floid charged forward and brought up his sword and the sword glowed as Floid gathered Mana from the surrounding! Floid was about to release a skill as a massive vortex started to blow around him!!

"Mana Zone! Red!"


There was a sudden roar from the side and Floid noticed Dragonnel flying past him and slamming into something at Floid's other side! Elias tried to blindside Floid from his blind spot but Dragonnel was able to get Elias away before he could get to Floid!

Dragonnel wanted to be the one to fight Givalich, but he remembered what Alucard told him and he knew that fighting Elias would be a better way to win this fight. Dragonnel hated the fact that Alucard was right, but Dragonnel wasn't so petty that he would ignore Alucard's advice just because he didn't like Alucard!

So Dragonnel took Elias to the side and left Floid to fight against Givalich.


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