How to become a Demon Lord: The Former Hero's Journey as a Demon Lord!

Chapter 179: Is Dragonnel Alive?

Chapter 179: Is Dragonnel Alive?

Elias stayed calm as he listened to the rant from Givalich. She was obviously angry about how long she has been here, and it showed that she never intended to stay sealed for so long. Elias wondered what she would say when he told her what happened to the other dragons. He waited for her to finally slow down in her rant before he spoke calmly

"I know you have justifiable reason to be angry, but your anger is wasted. Heimdall couldn't come to release you because he was killed. He, as well as every other dragon slayer and dragon in Volcanica, were wiped out by the former demon lord,"

Givalich blinked in shock before she furrowed her brow in a look of confusion as she tried to wrap her head around what the hell Elias just said. Did he just say that the demon lord killed all of the dragons and the dragon slayers? No, he has to be lying. Givalich couldn't even fathom that the demon lord would wipe out an entire race of dragons. Before Givalich was sealed, she knew that the dragons never had any conflict with the demons. They lived on two different continents so there was limited contact between the demons and Dragons. There is no way that things could have gotten so bad in seven hundred years that they ended up with our extinction.

There are limits to what I can take, but I hate being lied to.

"Hey, boy, I'll only say this once so make sure you listen properly. I hate being lied to and if you think it is a good idea to lie to me then you'll surely regret it. I may be tied up like this, but that doesn't stop me from burning you where you stand. what sort of madness are you spouting? The dragons are dead? Hah!"

Givalich let out a small laugh in amusement! She didn't think the new king of dragon slayers was a jester! She expected Elias to at least laugh along, or maybe get angry. but there was no expression on his face at all. He looked dead serious. Givalich immediately stopped laughing. Was Elias actually telling the truth?

Elias took her threat with a grain of salt and he ignored her laugh. He knew she could still spray fire at him from there but he was already prepared to move at a moment's notice if there was any danger. He looked her right in the eye and spoke with an annoyed tone. He needed her to understand how serious this situation was. Why would he lie?

"What would I gain from something like that? There is no point in lying about something so serious. The former demon lord killed every single member of your family and he did it for no just cause. That is the reason I came here to find you. I looked for you for years because I needed the help of a dragon to finally end the lineage of demon lords -"

The feeling of sadness that was rising inside Givalich was too much. Elias was dead serious. Givalich was very good at reading people and she could tell that there was no lie in his words. Everyone she knew was dead. She closed her eyes to stop the angry tear that wanted to come out and she just cut Elias off before he could finish! She couldn't listen anymore.

"Wait, that is enough, boy. Just... wait. I don't want to hear about that anymore. Tell me one thing. There is a dragon that I knew from a long time ago. His name was Dragonnel, the dragon of ice. Tell me, does he live?"

Elias narrowed his eyes. Why the hell does she want to know about that? The way that Givalich spoke about Dragonnel was very different from the way she has been speaking for the last few minutes. There was a softer tone in her voice and she looked like she would break emotionally if she heard that Dragonnel was dead. Elias knew who Dragonnel was, everyone has heard about the dragon that was contracted to the new demon lord. But why does she want to know about him so badly?

Givalich spoke up again when Elias didn't say anything for a while. The heat in the volcanoes was now at a point where the rock under Elias' feet was already melting.

"Why aren't you saying anything!? Was he killed as well? Did the demon lord kill my brother? Answer me!"

"No, the demon lord didn't kill him. Dragonnel lives,"

Elias saw a massive amount of relief wash over Givalich as she seemed to deflate while releasing a tense breath. the temperature started to drop and her eyes closed in relief. but before she could become too relaxed, Elias continued.

novel chapters are published .

"But he is currently a slave to the new demon lord. He formed a contract with the previous demon lord a long time ago, and now, he has begun serving the new demon lord,"

Elias didn't know that Dragonnel was forced into the contract that he signed with the former demon lord, and even if Elias knew, he wouldn't have told Givalich about it.

From what Elias could see, Givalich had a soft spot for Dragonnel and it would be bad if she decided to join Dragonnel. That would derail all his plans. Elias wanted Givalich to think that Dragonnel entered the demon lord's contract willingly and the reaction he got was exactly what he wanted.

Givalich's eyes narrowed and a puff of smoke blew out from her nose in annoyance! She was pissed. It was already a terrible thing for any dragon to form a contract with a demon, but for a dragon to form a contract with the demon lord himself was the worst thing that they could do. Givalich spoke in a commanding tone.

"Boy, get me out of this shit. I don't care how you do it. You say you're here to free me, aren't you? Get me out of this shit so I can go and kill that demon lord,"

Elias smiled internally. This wasn't exactly what Elias had in mind, but it was a step in the right direction. He could only smile as he looked up at the intensive seal surrounding Givalich. This would take some time.

Elias walked around her with his hand on his chin and Givalich just closed her eyes and tried her best to remember what Dragonnel looked like once again. In the past few hundred years she has been trapped here, she already forgot a lot of things, but she could never forget her brother's face. Once she closed her eyes, his face was the first thing that came to her mind and she grit her teeth in anger at his stupidity. How could he be so damn stupid!?

Dragonnel was usually the smarter one out of the both of them, but how could he be such a fool? He actually made a contract with a demon. And not just any demon, but the demon lord himself?

Givalich hoped that Elias was lying to her. She hoped that Dragonnel didn't want to enter that contract with the demon lord and he was forced. She hoped that Dragonnel didn't betray all of them and join the demon lord after that same demon lord killed their entire family. Because if he entered the contract willingly, then she didn't know what she would do. She couldn't kill him, she wouldn't even dream about it. but she just felt so.. betrayed. Why would he betray her like that? Did he even look for me when I was sealed?

Givalich closed her eyes as she grit her teeth in annoyance! She still remembers how she ended up in this seal in the first place. The seal was supposed to be for Dragonnel. The dragon slayer that sealed Givalich told her that he wanted to take Dragonnel instead of her. Givalich was older than Dragonnel and Heimdall told Givalich that Dragonnel would be s better candidate because he was younger. But Givalich knew that Dragonnel wasn't ready to face something like this. He was just a child back then and he didn't be able to withstand the strain of being sealed like this. So she decided that she would take on the burden instead. She willingly gave up herself and told the dragon slayer to seal her instead.

Givalich wasn't Heimdall's first choice, but he agreed because Givalich wouldn't let him touch Dragonne. It was either he took her or he took no one. Givalich didn't tell Dragonnel anything about what was happening. She didn't want him to do anything stupid when she was gone. She made Heimdall promise that he would not tell Dragonnel where she was and she simply disappeared from Volcanica.

For Dragons, a contract was like a blood oath. A Dragon would do whatever they needed to do in order to honor any contract because, for them, there was nothing more important. Givalich made a contract with Heimdall and Heimdall told her that she would only have to stay in the volcano for two hundred years for their contract to be fufilled. Givalich easily agreed to this, for someone like her, two hundred years was just like two years. She knew she would live for thousands of years with Dragonnel so she didn't need to be bothered by only two hundred years. Dragonnel could take care of himself till then and she would spoil him rotten when she got out.

But before the two hundred years could end, the demon lord wiped out every single dragon and dragon slayer. Heimdall, as well as every other dragon slayer that knew where she was sealed, was killed by the demon lord and there was no one left to come and release Givalich when the two hundred years were over. Givalich wondered if the demon lord had a good reason for what he did or if he was just acting on a whim like some sort of child!

No, it doesn't matter if he was acting on a whim! Why would he kill all my people!? I've heard stories about how the demon lord was a ruthless person that didn't care about anyone. He would kill anyone that opposes him and he won't even spare the children. But this is too much! There was no justifiable reason for it!

Givalich didn't know that Dragonnel came to Aradite to look for her and she also didn't know the story of how Dragonnel was captured and forced into a contract. The only thing on her mind right now was the fact that Dragonnel signed a contract with the same person that wiped out their entire family! Givalich opened her eyes and growled out in annoyance.

"Boy, you haven't figured it out yet? I thought you came here prepared for this. You should have studied the seals before you woke me up,"

Elias ignored the annoyed tone that Givalich was using and he continued walking around her. Her attitude was really starting to get on his nerves. She had this bossy tone and an authoritarian attitude that made his blood boil in anger. He was used to giving out orders, not taking them. Elias needed her for his plans to work but he wasn't going to accept being bossed around by this woman. But that wasn't important right now. Elias could think about it more when they are gone from Aradite. If the demon lord manages to find and capture them, then all his plans would be ruined.

Elias stopped in front of a particular seal and he reached out and touched it. He felt the magic signature inside it and he nodded. This was the anchor seal. This seal was the last seal that was placed on Givalich and he would need to remove this one first before working his way down toward the first seal that was placed here. Elias started to pulse his Mana through the seal and Givalich squirmed a little in discomfort before she went still to allow him to work properly. She was just glad that he finally found what he was looking for.

As Elias continued to work on the seal, he frowned as he sent a steady amount of Mana into the seal. Elias was trying his best to release the seal in a way that won't shoot too much Mana into the atmosphere. Elias didn't want to give the demon lord any clue about where he was and the best way to do that is by being as subtle as possible. But Elias could already tell that it was going to be impossible to do this without alerting every major magic user in the entire continent!

The mana that Elias could feel from inside this seal alone was already very high, and once it is released, it will all shoot out into the atmosphere. And this seal was only one of the five seals that Elias has to work on, so there is no way the demon lord wouldn't notice. Elias was just glad that the anchor seal was going to be the hardest out of the five. Once Elias finishes the anchor seal, he will have to hurry through all the other four seals and get out of there as quickly as possible.

If anyone heard Elias' thoughts, they would think that he was afraid of the demon lord. And even though Elias would deny it with every fiber of his being, he couldn't lie to himself. There was a small part of Elias that feared the title of the demon lord and what that title represents. It didn't matter who held that title, Elias knew that the demon lord would always be the most dangerous existence in this world. That was the reason why Elias never tried to fight Floid even when the both of them were standing face to face. Elias knew that he would not win in a straight battle against the demon lord. The demon lord possessed a dragon core that allows him to draw mand directly from the atmosphere during a fight and get even stronger as the fight goes on. just that skill alone was able to make Elias think twice about fighting Floid. The only way to kill a demon lord is by ending the fight in the first attack. If that first attack fails to kill him, then there is no way Elias will be able to win against him when he gets serious in a fight. But it might be possible to end them all once and for all. I just have... To...


A deep rumble echoed through the volcano as Elias finally twisted the seal in the proper direction! Elias took a step back as he suddenly felt a large arc of Mana Burst out from the volcano and soar into the air! He shook his head and looked back at the seal. The mana already left the cave so there was no point trying to be subtle anymore! Elias grabbed the next seal and he pushed through the locks with reckless abandon!


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