How to become a Demon Lord: The Former Hero's Journey as a Demon Lord!

Chapter 110: How To Uncover A Murder.

Chapter 110: How To Uncover A Murder.

Dulla looked past Floid and her eyes roamed the room. Three people were standing behind Floid.

The two on his left were obviously vampires. Their skin was even paler than hers! Dracula and Alucard were the two vampires standing there and they watched calmly as she regarded them. Dulla could tell that they were related, but she couldn't tell if they were brothers or father and son. This was the problem she always had with vampires. They are all so young and you can never tell what their age is. It is very annoying!

Dulla looked away from them and her eyes widened once they landed on the third person! Rosavellt!


Dulla immediately let out some bloodlust and everyone in the room looked toward her! Alucard and Dracula were already prepared to kill her if she even moves, but they didn't need to because she immediately killed her bloodlust at the next moment! Dulla was furious as she stared at Rosavellt! This traitorous bitch! This dog that sold herself like a mere servant!

"Tch, I suppose even dogs have their uses,"

Dulla said this while staring directly at Rosavellt and she was even angrier when she didn't see a reaction from Rosavellt. Dulla looked back at Floid and she was surprised when she saw him calmly drinking some tea. He didn't even flinch when she released her bloodlust and he didn't look troubled at all by the fact that she insulted one of his household members. Is he that calm or is he just pretending? There is no way he is calm. I know he is a child so he is probably trying his best to hold in his anger.

Floid up at Dulla once she stopped talking. He wasn't interested in petty nonsense. Since they came here for a meeting, they should just get it over with.

"Please, have a seat. Tea? I can't tell for your people, but we demons are quite proud of our tea. I'm sure you'll like it,"

Floid was so calm and it put Dulla in an uncomfortable position as she tried to understand why he was acting like this. Is he trying to make me angry? It doesn't matter, I'll just go with it for now. It's not like he can do anything to me. Dulla told her soldiers to walk with her and she moved to take the seat opposite Floid. The implication of what she did wasn't lost on anyone! The seat opposite the king is only reserved for those that are his equal. Normally. Dulla has no right to seat down there! Seating there means she is telling everyone in the room that she sees herself as his equal! Dulla was expected to seat at the side instead!

Floid took another sip with a small smile. This bitch is really trying to play a power game with me? Does she want to achieve a hierarchy even before we start? Should I bite the bait? No, she isn't worth it. It is far beneath me. Just like asking me to play in the mud with a dog.

Once Dulla sat down, a vampire maid came from the side and handed her a cup of tea. Dulla simply slid the tea to the side as she leaned her hand on the table to speak.

"Forget all of this nonsense. I am not the sort of person that likes wasting time on pleasantries. We both know exactly why I'm here. Where is the Prince? Where is Reginald?"

Floid finished his tea before he answered. Every moment where he was silent only made Dulla angrier and she was only a moment away from slamming her hand on the table when he finally spoke.

"What are you talking about? You will have to be more elaborate than that if you want a proper answer from me,"

Dulla felt her temple squeeze as a vein popped out from her scowl. This bastard!

"What the hell do you want me to say!? You kidnapped my fiancee and held him hostage when he came to the demon world! Return him to us this instance!!"

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Dulla was now on her feet and screaming! She expected Floid to answer her immediately and what he said shocked her.

"Ah, you mean the intruder?"


"Yes, the intruder. What do you call someone that enters another person's territory illegally? And not only did he come into my territory, but he also attacked someone from my household and attempted to kill her. I know you're not an idiot. Well, at least not a complete idiot. What sort of punishment do demons give to intruders?"

Dulla grit her teeth even harder! She knew what he was saying, but she refused to believe he had the balls! He wouldn't dare! He wouldn't even think of it! If he tried it, he would be declaring war on the entire undead race at once!

"I will only say this once, Demon Lord. I don't care what sort of delusions you have about your positions and I don't care, but don't think you can start making demands how you want just because you have that title. You are not your predecessor! Even with all of his power, the former lord still died, did he not!? That is the proof that you are not invincible, so if you touch a hair on Reginald's head, I will personally put a sword into your chest!"

All the people behind Floid shifted in agitation! They couldn't attack Dulla since this was a [Truce Meeting]. But they were angry! They were so pissed that it was becoming unbearable to hold back! How dare this bitch insult the demon lord! How dare you!?

Alucard already had a spell on the tip of his tongue! Just one order from the demon lord and they would attack, but Floid was still calm and he waved a hand to order a maid to take his cup away. Once the cup was gone, Floid waved another maid over. This maid was a beautiful vampire with deep red eyes and perfect black hair tied in a bun behind her head. She carried a box with her and she dropped it calmly on the table before moving back with a bow.

A feeling of dread surrounded Dulla as she stared at the box. There was a suffocating feeling in her heart, and for some reason, the world almost seemed to slow down as Floid reached into the box and pulled out a head by its hair.

Floid rest his cheek on his closed fist as he used his other hand to bring Reginald's head out of the box slowly.

"It's a pity. It seems I touched far more than just a hair on his head. You would put a sword through my chest for just his hair, right? So tell me, is there a penalty for the head?"

Reginald's face was stuck in an expression of anguish and Dulla could clearly see just how much he suffered before he died!

Dulla broke!



Her hand slammed down on the table and the entire thing groaned as it broke straight into two! She took a step towards the demon lord but three people immediately appeared around her and three weapons were at her neck immediately! Alucard and Dracula were standing at her sides as they placed their extended hands right on her neck with their sharp nails ready to pierce her and Rosavellt stood in front as the tip of her sword pressed against Dulla's neck! They wouldn't allow her to take another step forward! Have you forgotten that this is a [Truce Meeting]!?

"Come on now, what was your name again? Dulla? Yes, that is it. This is a [Truce Meeting]. You were the one that suggested it and the demon lord generously allowed it. Don't tell me you'll be breaking the law on your own,"

Dracula spoke in a cocky tone as he could see the tears falling from Dulla's eyes as she stared angrily at Floid! She looked like she wanted to move to attack Floid no matter what! She wasn't even looking at the weapons that were aimed at her neck!

All the soldiers behind Dulla were also tense, but the pressure in the room was very intense and they couldn't move. They knew that they should attack, but they still haven't forgotten that this is a Truce Meeting. They can't attack recklessly here!

Dulla screamed!

"You bastard! Who the hell do you think you are!? What did he ever do!? You didn't have to kill him!"

Floid folded his legs as he threw the head to the side like trash. The table was destroyed so he couldn't put it back in the box. Too bad. Dula's entire body vibrated in anger as she saw this and Floid gave her another smile. Now, calm down, Dulla. There's no need to be so angry over a dead person.

"You already know it, don't you? This is the penalty for crossing into my territory without permission. Even if you idiots are no longer demons, you haven't forgotten the rules, right? What I did to him, consider it mercy. It could have been far worse. "

Floid was telling the truth. If not for the fact that Floid cared for Rosavellt, Floid could have come to the Underworld and declared war on all the undead. He would have done anything to eradicate them from the face of Rivalle and none of them would have survived! But Floid respected Rosavellt's resolve! She gave up everything to protect her people and she was serving him for their sake. Even if Rosavellt wouldn't say it directly, Floid knew she still loved her people a lot.

Rosavellt told Floid that she would have followed him to war if he wanted her to fight her people. She wouldn't care where he was going, she would follow him and help him. Floid respected that resolve a lot.

Dulla didn't know how this could have been worse and she didn't care! All she could do was stare at the head of her fiance! The man she loved was dead! The demon lord killed him and threw his head away like trash! I can't forgive this! I can't overlook this! Dulla looked towards Rosavellt that was still standing in front of her with a stone-cold look. Rosavellt was hiding a sword to Dullas's throat and she prevented her from going forward.

Dulla's voice was low and accusatory as she spoke to Rosavellt.

"You fucking bitch! How dare you!? You just stood there like a statue while your brother died!? His head is rolling on the floor and you don't even show any emotions! Is this how far you have fallen? Everything that you experienced with your own family doesn't even mean anything to you anymore!? He's your brother!!"

There was no response from Rosavellt. She didn't even flinch! Her face was still cold and she was still ready to cut Dulla down the moment she takes a step forward! Dulla felt her entire body shivering from anger! She could not even see any reaction from Rosavellt!

Dulla remembers that Rosavellt was always a cold person since they used to be friends in the underworld, but this is too much! It was like Rosavellt was a robot! Is this who Rosavellt is now!? Does she have this much loyalty to the demon lord!? She is so loyal that she is even willing to let her brother die!? How did this demon lord make her like this!?


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