How to become a Demon Lord: The Former Hero's Journey as a Demon Lord!

Chapter 109: Welcome To The Demon World, Dulla-Kun.

Chapter 109: Welcome To The Demon World, Dulla-Kun.

The message that reached Dulla and her undead army through a bat familiar was that the demon king had accepted the terms for their meeting! They would be having a [Truce Meeting] soon and Floid decided that it would be best to have the meeting in Aquinas. Since that was now Vampire territory, the undead would be more willing to go there. Floid knew that the undead would never come near his castle because every demon was afraid of it. The demon lord's castle was a symbol of power and anyone that came near to it would immediately feel scared and guarded and they would never feel like going inside! The feeling wasn't because of any curse, but the castle just had an aura of oppression around it that would make any of the demon lord's enemies surrender! That was why he chose Aquinas instead.

Dulla and the rest of her army accepted the terms easily. Dulla was rash, but she wasn't stupid. She would never go into the territory of the demon king without proper preparation. The demon castle was not a place where she could go and hope to come out alive. Even if they were having a [Truce Meeting], she could never be too careful. Dulla was a little surprised that they would be meeting in Aquinas. Wasn't Aquinas a human territory until recently? Dulla always thought that Aquinas belonged to the humans, so how come it was now a vampire territory? There is no way that damn demon lord already launched and executed an attack on a fully functioning human territory in less than a year! How is that even possible? He just arrived in the demon world and he already subjugated a human territory?

It was impressive! No matter how much Dulla hated the demon lord, she couldn't deny that this achievement was impressive! But that didn't matter! No matter how impressive he is, there is no way that he would be able to stand up to me! Dulla saw Floid as a mere child in her eyes and she would never be afraid of a child! I'll just put him in his place and take our prince back!

Dulla and a small legion of ten undead appeared on the shores of Aquinas via a portal. They walked into the dark pier where they saw some vampires standing and waiting for them. Dulla only brought ten undead generals with her, all of them were from the sixth circle of the underworld and that means they were between A-class to SS-class! Dulla was the only one from the seventh circle of the underworld and she was in the SSS-class! Her power was surrounding her body in a thin aura in a way to intimidate the vampires that were standing in front of her. She was trying to assert dominance using her power!

Standing opposite her was Dracula's blue-haired attendant. He was the same man that attends to all of Dracula's needs. This land was officially Dracula's land and it would be an insult for the owner of the land to come and receive someone that wasn't even the leader of the undead, so Dracula sent his attendant instead. The man bowed calmly to Dulla and she regarded him with critical eyes. There was an intense pride hidden behind her stance and the attendant knew that she was looking for any way to rile him up. But there was no emotion at all on his face. This is a [Truce Meeting] so there would be no violence at all! He didn't need to fear her.

"The demon lord cannot even come to see me himself? Is this the sort of hospitality you show to guests? We came all the way here ourselves and this is who comes to welcome us? A slave?"

Dulla's voice was dripping with insult and disrespect and the attendant had to take a slightly tense breath to stop himself from lashing out at this idiot who thinks the demon lord is her equal. You want the demon lord to come and welcome you himself? Do you even think you are fit to lick his shoes, you fucking bitch?

"Does a king need to come to see a mere soldier? I believe that an equal should come and welcome another equal, that is why I am here. Please follow me,"

The attendant easily countered Dulla like this and he could see how her power increased in agitation! She was not happy with his tone and he knew it! But he didn't care! Maybe this will teach you to hold your damn tongue in the demon lord's territory! The attendant knew that Dulla was far stronger than him! He was only an A-class and Dulla was an SSS-class! She can erase his existence with a flick of her finger! But this is a [Truce Meeting]! There will be no violence no matter what is said!

Dulla realized that she had to calm herself and she released a silent breath as she just let this insult go. She would mark this man's face for the next time they meet. She won't forget this.

"Even the demon lord's slaves talk like barbarians with no filter. I shouldn't have expected anything more."

Dulla looked around calmly and she scoffed before she started to walk. Dracula's attendant bowed and led the way.

The entire city of Aquinas was covered in darkness since Floid used his [Day Breaker] skill to make it seem like it was night all the time. Dulla knew what skill they used on the town and she wondered how they were able to make the skill this large. You would need a monumental amount of Mana to cast this spell and keeping it active for so long would take even more mana! If they didn't have at least two tons of Mana crystals every month, they wouldn't be able to keep it active! They are all fools if they are wasting that many Mana stones on just this kingdom.

Dulla didn't know that Floid had an entire mountain of Mana stones under his castle and he has been mining hundreds of tons every month. Floid could cast a [Day Breaker] skill over the entire continent if he wanted and he still wouldn't run out of mana stones! He was just that rich! But he wouldn't tell anyone that! Floid knew that only he and his household know about the mine under the castle and that is how it would always be. It would be stupid to tell too many people where your riches are coming from.

Dulla and her group of soldiers were led towards the castle in the center of the town. The town that used to be filled with humans was now a demon town filled with many different demon races. There was a large market where the demons could trade some of their goods and there was also a gladiator center at the far end of the town where most demons would go to watch people fight! There was a red light district where a lot of succubi and incubi made their home and that entire area was filled with neon lights and perfume. The smell of alcohol and smoke was prominent there and Dulla rolled her eyes when she saw some of her men looking at some of the scantily dressed succubi with lust in their eyes. Any man would be attracted to those demons and her men were no different!

The castle was sitting in the middle of the large kingdom and there were hundreds of vampires standing around the grounds. All the vampires in the kingdom belonged to one major house or another, but today all of them came from their territory and decided to stay in the castle. It was Dracula that instructed them to do this. All the vampires knew that this was a [Truce Meeting], but that doesn't mean they have to be careless! The vampires don't trust the undead at all, so they would stay here in case there were any issues!

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Inside the castle was equally eerie and dark! The once bright halls were now only lit with dim red lights and you could see large shadows following anyone that was walking along the path. Many vampire maids were moving around the castle and they all bowed whenever they saw the attendant. The room that Dulla finally landed in was large and there were many candles lined along the walls. There was a long table in the middle with a black cloth covering it and Dulla could easily see that someone was sitting on the opposite end of the table. The demon lord.

Floid looked up once he heard the attendant announce Dulla's arrival. Floid looked past the attendant to look into the eyes of the woman standing in front of the ten soldiers. She was a beautiful woman, Floid wouldn't deny that. There was a stubborn light in her eyes that made her look dangerous and she stood like someone ready to attack at any moment. She had a ferocity inside her that excited the sadist inside Floid. It would be fun to dominate this one.

Her posture and her attitude made her look very appealing.

Dulla noticed Floid looking into her eye and she stared back at him with the same amount of intensity. She knew that Floid was measuring her worth and she felt insulted that this child would even try to judge her. Before the [Truce Meeting] had even started, she already didn't like Floid.

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