Hollow Ascension

Chapter 161: The Relic’s True Purpose

Chapter 161: The Relic’s True Purpose

Elda sat at the edge of the valley's core, the soft hum of the relic's magic thrumming beneath her feet. Her staff rested against her lap, its faint glow pulsing in time with the valley's energy. She had been trying to meditate, to calm her mind and connect with the relic, but every time she reached out, she felt something deeper—a presence, ancient and vast, lurking just out of reach.

The relic had been buried for centuries, hidden away by the valley's magic, but now that it was awake, it seemed to be calling to her. Its power was undeniable, but it wasn't just raw energy she felt. There was something more—a message, an echo of something long forgotten.

Elda took a deep breath, closing her eyes as she focused on the relic's pulse. Slowly, carefully, she reached out with her magic, letting it intertwine with the relic's energy. The air around her shimmered slightly, and the valley's magic responded, amplifying the connection.

Suddenly, the world around her shifted.

She was no longer sitting at the valley's core. Instead, she found herself standing in the middle of a great battlefield, surrounded by chaos. The sky above her was dark, churning with storm clouds, and the ground beneath her feet was cracked and broken. In the distance, she could see figures—warriors, mages, all locked in battle against a force that seemed to defy description.

An overwhelming sense of dread washed over her as she realized what she was seeing: this wasn't just any battle. This was a memory—a memory from the past, preserved within the relic's magic.

Before her, she saw a group of ancient mages, their hands glowing with the same energy she had felt from the relic. They stood in a circle, their faces grim with determination as they chanted in unison, their voices rising above the sounds of war.

In the center of their circle, a great darkness swirled—a mass of chaotic energy, writhing and twisting as it fought to break free. The mages were struggling to contain it, using the relic's power to seal it away.

Elda's heart raced as she watched them, the weight of their magic pressing down on her like a physical force. She could feel the strain, the sheer power it took to bind the darkness, and the desperation in their voices as they realized how close they were to losing.

Then, just as the mages were about to succeed, the vision shifted again.

She was standing in a grand hall, the same mages gathered around a large stone table. The relic was placed in the center, glowing softly. They were speaking now, their voices filled with urgency.

"We cannot destroy it," one of them said, his voice weary but resolute. "The power is too great. If we attempt to unravel it, we will destroy everything."

"Then we must hide it," another mage replied. "Seal it away, where no one will find it."

A third mage, their face hidden beneath a heavy hood, shook their head. "No," they said quietly. "This relic is not meant to be hidden forever. There will come a time when it is needed again—a time when the balance of magic is threatened once more. We must leave a way for it to be found."

Elda's breath caught in her throat as the realization hit her. The relic wasn't just a tool for sealing away the darkness. It was a key—a key meant to be used in times of great crisis, when the balance of magic itself was at risk.

The vision faded, and Elda was suddenly back in the valley, the hum of the relic's magic still pulsing beneath her. But now, it felt different. It wasn't just a hum—it was a call, a reminder of the power it held and the responsibility that came with it.

Elda opened her eyes, her heart pounding in her chest. She had always known the relic was powerful, but now she understood its true purpose. It wasn't meant to be hidden forever. It was meant to be used, to protect the balance of magic in the face of an overwhelming threat.

And that threat was coming.

Kael's voice snapped her back to the present. "Elda?" he asked, his brow furrowed as he approached her. "You've been sitting here for hours. What did you find?"

Elda took a deep breath, standing slowly as she tried to gather her thoughts. "The relic... it's not just a source of power," she said quietly. "It's a key. It was used to seal away a great darkness long ago, but the mages who hid it never intended for it to stay buried. They left it here for a reason—for a time when it would be needed again."

Kael's eyes narrowed. "What kind of darkness?"

Elda hesitated, her mind still reeling from the vision. "I don't know the full story, but the mages used the relic to bind a force that threatened the balance of magic itself. They couldn't destroy it, so they sealed it away. But they knew that the balance would be threatened again, and they left the relic behind as a safeguard."

Lena, who had been listening from a few feet away, stepped forward, her eyes sharp. "So you're saying the relic was meant to be used? We're supposed to unlock it?"

Elda nodded slowly, though her heart was heavy with uncertainty. "Yes... but we have to be careful. The power the relic holds is immense. If we unlock it without fully understanding what we're dealing with, we could do more harm than good."

Kael crossed his arms, his face thoughtful. "So what do we do?"

Elda sighed, feeling the weight of the decision pressing down on her. "We need more time," she said quietly. "I need to learn more about the relic's magic, about the darkness it was used to bind. If the Hollow Syndicate is after this relic, it's because they know how powerful it is. But we can't use it until we're sure we understand the consequences."

Lena's jaw clenched, her eyes narrowing. "We don't have a lot of time, Elda. The Syndicate isn't going to wait for us to figure this out."

Elda met her gaze, her voice steady. "I know. But rushing into this could destroy everything we've fought to protect. We need to be sure."

Kael nodded slowly, his face grim. "Then we move fast," he said. "Keep studying the relic, learn what you can. Lena and I will make sure the valley's defenses are strong enough to hold off the Syndicate if they come back."

Elda nodded, though the uncertainty in her heart remained. She had uncovered the relic's true purpose, but the deeper truth still eluded her. What was the great darkness the mages had sealed away? And what would happen if they were forced to use the relic's power?

As she watched Kael and Lena move to begin their preparations, Elda felt the relic's pulse once more, a soft, persistent beat that echoed in her mind.

The balance of magic was at stake.

And the relic held the key to everything.


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