Hollow Ascension

Chapter 160: A Decision to Make

Chapter 160: A Decision to Make

The relic was now hidden, deep beneath the valley, but the air still crackled with tension. Elda stood at the center of the glade, her hands resting on her staff as she felt the faint pulse of the valley's magic surrounding them. It was quiet, for now, but the weight of what they had done—what they had chosen—pressed down on her like a shadow.

Kael had moved to the edge of the clearing, his eyes scanning the treeline, ever watchful. He had not spoken much since they buried the relic, his mind clearly racing with thoughts of what would come next. The Hollow Syndicate would not simply give up. They had tasted the valley's magic, and they would return with even greater force.

Lena stood nearby, her arms crossed as she stared out at the horizon. "We've bought ourselves some time," she muttered, her voice low but tense. "But it won't be long before they come back."

Kael nodded, his face set in grim determination. "They'll send scouts first," he said. "Try to figure out what we've done. When they realize the relic is gone, they'll come in force. We need to be ready."

Elda felt the weight of their words pressing down on her. The valley's magic had responded to their call, but she knew it was still fragile, still recovering from the corruption that had nearly destroyed it. "The valley will protect the relic," she said quietly, though she wasn't sure if she believed it herself. "But we can't rely on magic alone. We need to prepare for the Syndicate's return."

Lena let out a frustrated breath, running a hand through her hair. "I hate sitting here, waiting for them to come at us," she muttered. "We should be taking the fight to them."

Kael glanced over at her, his expression dark. "And where would you suggest we go?" he asked, his voice edged with tension. "We don't even know where they're hiding."

Lena's jaw clenched. "We should be scouting their movements. Keeping them on their toes, not sitting here like prey waiting to be hunted."

Elda stepped forward, her voice calm but firm. "We're not sitting idle," she said. "The valley needs time to recover, and we need to strengthen its defenses before we take any action. If we rush into battle unprepared, we'll lose everything."

Lena's eyes narrowed. "And if we wait too long, we'll be overrun."

Kael turned to face her fully, his expression hard. "We can't afford to be reckless, Lena. The Syndicate has resources we don't. We need to be smart about this."

Lena opened her mouth to respond, but Elda cut her off, her voice quiet but commanding. "We all want the same thing," she said. "But this isn't just about the Syndicate anymore. The relic is part of something much bigger, and we have to be careful. If we make the wrong move, we could destabilize the balance of magic across the entire land."

For a moment, the tension between them hung in the air, thick and heavy. Then Lena sighed, shaking her head. "I know," she muttered, her voice softening. "But sitting here, waiting for them to make the first move—it doesn't sit right with me."

Kael's expression softened slightly, though the tension in his shoulders remained. "It doesn't sit right with any of us," he said. "But we need to play this smart. The Syndicate's already underestimated us once. We need to make sure they don't get a second chance."

Elda nodded, her hands tightening around her staff as she felt the valley's magic stir beneath her feet. "The valley will help us," she said. "But we have to give it time to recover. We'll reinforce the wards, set traps, and make sure that when the Syndicate comes, they'll regret stepping foot in this valley."

Lena sighed again, but this time, there was a hint of a smile at the corner of her mouth. "Fine," she muttered. "But if I get word of their movements, I'm going after them."

Kael chuckled softly, though his eyes remained sharp. "I wouldn't expect anything less."

Elda took a deep breath, feeling the tension between them ease slightly. The valley was still fragile, and the threat of the Hollow Syndicate loomed over them like a storm cloud on the horizon, but for now, they had a plan. It wasn't much, but it was enough to keep them moving forward.

"We'll divide the tasks," Elda said, her voice growing more resolute. "Kael, you and Lena can scout the perimeter and set up defenses. I'll focus on reinforcing the valley's magic and preparing the wards. We'll need everything in place before they return."

Kael nodded, his eyes scanning the trees once more. "I'll set up patrols, keep an eye out for any movement. If the Syndicate's coming, we'll know before they get too close."

Lena straightened, her grip tightening on her sword. "I'll set traps along the eastern ridge. It's the most likely entry point if they try to come in quietly."

Elda watched them, feeling a flicker of hope stir in her chest. They were ready—at least as ready as they could be. But the weight of the relic's power still pressed down on her, the knowledge that they were protecting something far more dangerous than they had originally thought.

The valley pulsed faintly beneath her feet, its magic fragile but alive. It had protected the relic for centuries, but now that the Hollow Syndicate had found it, things were different. The relic had awakened, and with it, the dangers that came from wielding such power.

As the guardians moved to begin their preparations, Elda stood alone at the center of the glade, her mind racing with thoughts of what was to come. The relic's magic still buzzed in the back of her mind, faint but persistent, like a whisper she couldn't quite make out.

"We've done what we can," she whispered to herself, though the uncertainty in her voice was clear. "Now we wait."

The valley hummed softly in response, but there was no comfort in its pulse.

And as Elda turned to join her companions, a shadow passed over the sun, casting the valley in sudden, unsettling darkness. It was as if the valley itself was warning her that the real battle had yet to begin


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