Hogwarts Blood Wizard

Chapter 880: Mr. Hals can handle such a small scene

The humming phoenix hovered a few times in mid-air, and then slowly landed on the table in front of several invigilators.

Pierce, McGonagall, Flitwick, and others all leaned closer to watch this magical creature up close. Macchiban couldn't help but want to reach out and touch it, but was accidentally burnt by the flames surrounding the Phoenix. For a moment.

Everyone was 100% sure that this was the real fire, not a false illusion.

"It's incredible!" Professor McGonagall murmured to herself. As a master of transfiguration, she was even more surprised than everyone present.

But since Ivan didn't want to say more, she was too embarrassed to ask more, so she could only hold her curiosity in her heart.

Seeing several invigilators spinning around the Phoenix he had turned into, and touching them in silence for a long time without announcing the final result, Ivan could only remind him. "Excuse me, did I pass? Professor?"

"Of course! This is the best transfiguration I have ever seen!" Marchiban said excitedly.

She has been in charge of the Examinations Administration for more than a century, and the genius she has seen is too powerful.

The one that impressed her most was the N.E.W.T. test taken by Albus Dumbledore at the end of the last century. At that time, she was ashamed of her as an examiner by the exquisite transfiguration skills of the other party.

Maqiban thought that after that experience, he would never be surprised by the outstanding performance of a certain candidate in his lifetime, but he didn't want genius to have no limits!

Professor McGonagall on the side also said with appreciation. "Hals, I am afraid that you have already surpassed me in terms of transfiguration skills. I don't think even Principal Albus can do better than you."

McGonagall's evaluation is undoubtedly high and astonishing. Dumbledore was recognized as the strongest wizard in the British magic world before his death. Even after his death, the wizards in the British magic world still have great respect for him.

And as everyone knows, Dumbledore is best at Transfiguration...

After the two had expressed their opinions, Pierce quickly took over, praising Ivan for his outstanding performance, and even said that the existing examination evaluation system could not reflect Ivan's transfiguration level far beyond his peers.

"Hogwarts should be on the top of Outstanding (excellent), and then add a higher evaluation." Richard Gorsak also smiled jokingly.

If other students have achieved "outstanding" results in Transfiguration because the other party possesses this ability, then Ivan got this evaluation entirely because Outstanding is the highest evaluation they can give...

"Since everyone has no doubts, let's proceed to the next test, and then it's the turn of the Defence Against the Dark Arts class..." Flitwick softly reminded them that they are going to do a full four this morning. There is not much time for the exam.

Pierce nodded, looked away from Phoenix, and turned to Ivan. "For the second exam, we will directly take actual combat drills, okay? Hals... Mr.?"

"Of course, Minister!" Ivan said indifferently.

Pierce immediately winked at the Aurors who were in charge of maintaining order in the auditorium. Three of them quickly walked out of the crowd and stood opposite Ivan in a semi-circle.

"They are all elite strikers of the Ministry of Magic. Next, they will use black magic to attack you. What you need to do is to defend or crack the spells they use..." Pierce explained.

"Wait, Secretary Pierce, is this too much?" Professor McGonagall frowned as he looked at the three batters. "Although Hals has a very good level of spells, he is still a child. We can't ask a little wizard who has not graduated to deal with three battle-tested hitters."

Listening to McGonagall's words, Pierce's expression suddenly became very weird. He couldn't help wondering if McGonagall had any misunderstanding of the word "children".

A person who has the courage to enter the Ministry of Magic and kill the Minister, and beat the Dark Lord in Knock Down Alley, is definitely not suitable for a child-he usually calls this a monster!

But in front of everyone, Pierce naturally didn't have the guts to say that, so he had to explain it again. "I think Mr. Hals is able to deal with such a small scene. Last year, when he confronted the fire dragon and the mermaid, it was much more dangerous than this."

Professor McGonagall’s words suddenly stagnated. Of course, she knew that Ivan’s strength should not be underestimated. She once rescued Harry from Voldemort with Sirius, but Ivan’s age always made her subconscious. Ignore this.

"What do you think, Hals?" Professor McGonagall hesitated, and finally handed over the choice to Ivan.

"I believe Minister Pierce's arrangement." Ivan shrugged and replied casually.

Without Professor McGonagall's restraint, Pierce immediately waved his hand and looked at the hitters. "Thompson, you can start!"

It is inevitable that some people made mistakes because of fear, and he personally selected the three hitters responsible for this exam.

These people didn't know that the little wizard in front of him was the behind-the-scenes controller of the Ministry of Magic, so they wouldn't show any signs of timidity before the battle.

As Pierce expected, Thompson and others, after hearing the instruction, held their wands and stared at Ivan intently.

They witnessed Ivan’s magical transfiguration skills with their own eyes. Naturally, they won’t have the slightest feeling of contempt. What’s more important is that so many people are staring at them. All my face is lost!

Compared with the prudence of the three hitters, Ivan seemed relaxed and free, and even put the wand in his hand directly into his pocket.

Such an almost contemptuous move ~www.mtlnovel.com~ saw Thompson's heart burst into flames, and immediately took the lead in attacking regardless of the amount of bullying.

"Langlock~ (lock tongue to seal throat

"Oppugno~ (Ten Thousand Bullets

"Expelliarmus~ (except your weapon

Three consecutive spell beams flashed in mid-air. As an elite striker, even if they hadn't discussed it in advance, Thompson's team still cooperated very well.

The tongue and throat curse prevents the opponent from casting spells. Ten thousand bullets are used to block possible retreats, and the disarming curse is the final lore!

Under the attention of everyone, Ivan seemed to be really affected by the tongue and throat curse. Facing the dazzling red light and a large number of sharp gravel, he did not recite any spells, but raised his index finger. I tapped before...

Ivan’s slow reaction made Thompson feel a little regretful, because the little wizard in front of him was not the real enemy. If they were taken away by a wave of tacit cooperation and made ugliness in public, wouldn’t he offend this destined little wizard with boundless prospects? .


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