Hogwarts Blood Wizard

Chapter 879: Special graduation exam

"By the way, Ivan, don't you have to take the N.E.W.T. exam at the same time? Did they send you two test papers?" Hermione suddenly remembered this and asked curiously.

If she is not mistaken, the exams for fifth-graders and seventh-graders are basically conducted together, both in these few days, unless you use the time converter, you will not be able to catch up.

Ivan shook his head and explained. "I am graduating by skipping a grade this time. I will not take the exam with other seven-year students. The Ministry of Magic will arrange time for me separately. I heard that many people will come and the difficulty will definitely be much higher than the normal N.E.W.T. exam."

Strictly speaking, he was also the first candidate to graduate early in Hogwarts history. Even with Pierce's special approval, he had to be convincing.

Listening to Ivan's words, Harry and the others became interested in this special exam immediately, but thought that they had to take another O.W.L. exam in the afternoon, and they got a headache again.


For two weeks, the little wizards at Hogwarts spent intense exams and preparations.

When the exam for the last magical history course was over, the students who walked out of the exam room all breathed a sigh of relief.

Because the distribution of the results usually has to wait until the school leaves, they still have about a week before that they can relax.

As for the special exam prepared by the Ministry of Magic, the time has also been set, on the last day of June.

Ivan got up early as usual, and when he walked to the auditorium, he discovered that it had been decorated. The long table of the four college staff had long been removed and replaced by a temporary examination table.

Probably for the sake of propaganda, the Ministry of Magic did not stop people from entering and exiting. The little wizards who came to watch the exam filled the entire auditorium, and it was like a festival.

"Oh my God, even the Minister of Magic Pierce and Merlin Knights Chief Goshak are here." Ron looked at the invigilators on the stage and couldn't help but stunned. This is the first time for him in such a big scene. see.

"Go, Ivan, I believe you will be fine..." Hermione encouraged, and Harry and Ron also patted Ivan on the shoulder to cheer him on.

"Of course, do you need to talk about it?" Ivan nodded with a smile, and then walked over the three of them to the examination table.

Richard Gorsak, who was chatting with several professors, was the first to notice Ivan's arrival, and took a few steps forward happily, and said with emotion. "Long time no see, Hals! When I first awarded you the Merlin Medal, I guessed you would definitely accomplish something..."

"You have a good reputation, Captain Goshak." Ivan humbly replied. He still admires Richard Goshak, the upright and non-pedant leader of the Merlin Knights.

After exchanging a few words with Gorshak, Ivan turned his head to meet the Acting Minister Pierce, the invigilator Tofordi, Macchiban and others at first sight.

It is worth mentioning that the Daily Prophet also sent a reporter, it was Rita Skeeter, an old acquaintance of Ivan!

But after a few months, Rita Skeeter looked haggard. When facing Ivan, although there was still a formulaic smirk on her face, there was a deep fear in her heart.

As a senior gossip reporter, Rita Skeeter can naturally figure out what happened in the newspaper six months ago, and vaguely understand how her immediate boss was retired.

If she had been angry that Ivan threatened herself with a handle before, then now she didn't even dare to think of revenge.

Ivan chatted with Rita Skeeter as usual.

Although he doesn't like this gossip reporter very much, he still has to admit that the other party is very talented in fooling the people and changing public opinion, and that he has good control. It may not be a sharp blade to the enemy.

"It's almost time, Hals, now I ask you to stand on the exam field quickly." McGonagall glanced at the clock, and interrupted the greetings of Ivan and the others.

Ivan nodded, walked all the way to the center of the examination room, and stood facing everyone like this.

Since today is the four practical courses of transfiguration, curse, divination, and defense against the dark arts, there is no desk or chair in front of him, only a small table about one person high.

After Ivan stood still, Professor McGonagall looked at Pierce and obtained the consent of the acting minister, then cleared his throat and spoke.

"Then the exam starts now. The first one is Transfiguration. The target of transformation is the wooden table in front of you. You can turn it into any animal... We will base on the completeness of your transformation and the time it takes To judge the results."

"I see, professor!" Ivan gestured to the invigilators on the stage one by one, and then slightly shook his wrist, and the wooden table in front of him quickly deformed as if it had melted.

Under everyone’s attention, in the blink of an eye, a strong fire suddenly ignited and wrapped the wooden table in. Hermione who was watching was taken aback, thinking that something went wrong with Ivan’s spell, Harry and Luo. En was equally worried.

The eyes of McGonagall and others who were in charge of the examination were filled with surprise. The next second a sweet fairy rang sounded in the auditorium!

A golden-red phoenix emerged from the fire, waving its wings and hovering above the auditorium. Crimson flames surrounded its body, and its tail flames continued to shed from the air like a gorgeous firework~www.mtlnovel. com~ The little wizards onlookers exclaimed, and even the commissioners of the Ministry of Magic opened their eyes.

"Amazing, this is a...Phoenix?!" Professor Macchiban looked up at the phoenix flying above the auditorium in surprise, muttering to himself.

Peel and the others were also stunned by Ivan's exquisite transformation skills. If they hadn't seen the spellcasting process with their own eyes, they would have thought it was a real phoenix.

"Those fires... how did you do it, Hals?" Professor McGonagall asked eagerly. She could also do it after deforming a creature similar to a phoenix, but it would never be possible to give this kind of creature control. The ability to fire!

"This, please allow me to keep it secret for the time being, Professor McGonagall." Ivan shrugged helplessly. This situation also exceeded his expectations.

In the process of transforming, he felt that the blood of the Phoenix in his body was suddenly drawn, and then the "Phoenix" that was deformed automatically possessed a certain ability to control fire.

Although this ability is very weak and incomparable to the original Phoenix, it aroused Ivan’s curiosity. If he further develops the Phoenix’s blood, will he be able to be like Dumbledore’s members one day, Summon a phoenix that truly belongs to him...


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