Hogwarts Blood Wizard

Chapter 877: Balance weight

"But he must think he can solve this trouble..." Ivan muttered to himself. Only in this way can he explain why Grindelwald chose to escape from prison, instead of staying in Numon Gadri and waiting to die.

It is impossible for a dying person to follow the newspapers of England and all of Europe all day long...

Ivan recalled his previous contact with Grindelwald, and many doubts resurfaced. What made him most concerned about the so-called agreement. What exactly did Dumbledore agree with him?

Ivan never believed that things would be as simple as Grindelwald said!

A slightly more comfortable environment is not worth making Grindelwald give everything to take on Dumbledore's damage from the black magic.

Such a transaction is obviously unbalanced, but what if a weight called freedom is placed on the other end of the balance?

Ivan has not forgotten that Grindelwald was almost unrestricted in the tower when we met last time...

Now that I think about it, maybe there was it before, maybe it was Dumbledore who deliberately unlocked the chains for him in order to let him deal with Voldemort.

And Grindelwald did not leave immediately because he knew that Voldemort would bring the Deathly Hallows to the door by himself sooner or later!

Thinking of this, Ivan looked at Harry and Snape and tried to get some clues from them, but Madam Pomfrey had been standing around him for some time, her eyes like a knife.

"Halse, I have to remind you that you have been talking for ten minutes, and I think Potter and Severus need a good rest!" Madam Pomfrey said solemnly.

"Well, ma'am, I'll leave now!" Ivan shrugged helplessly, and didn't mean to argue with Madam Pomfrey.

Snape and Harry had gone through two consecutive battles, and their minds had almost reached their limits. It was indeed time for a good night's sleep.


A few days passed in a flash, but the shadow of the Grindelwald attack still hung over Hogwarts. The little wizards discussed the attack during and after class, and even went out to the bathroom in the middle of the night. You have to be in groups, for fear of individuals coming out of the shadows.

Not only that, but nearly a quarter of the parents applied for withdrawal or temporary suspension because they all expressed doubts about the security issues at Hogwarts. According to the children’s report, there were five professors and ten. Several Aurors were present, but failed to stop the intruder.

Pierce had to send someone to reply letter by letter, trying to save the students as much as possible.

But Pierce's heart is also very puzzled. In recent years, similar vicious incidents in Hogwarts have not been rare. I haven't seen these parents have such big opinions before.

However, he wanted to break his brain and did not understand that many little wizards wrote to their parents and cried out every day, just to avoid the next final exam...

Fortunately, the discussion about Grindelwald was quickly replaced by another heavy news. The Daily Prophet published the good news of Voldemort's defeat on the third day after the attack.

Any wizard who hears this news will feel fortunate and have endless doubts. After all, the news came too suddenly, and Voldemort died silently, not even a corpse was left.

The headline of the newspaper only said that the elite Aurors of the Ministry of Magic found the place where Voldemort was hiding, and planned an ambush to capture the Dark Lord in secret, but Voldemort vowed not to surrender and was injured. After more than a dozen Aurors, they were shot dead on the spot by everyone, and the body was blown into a puddle of mud...

"The Ministry of Magic should make up a better story..." Ivan threw the prophet in his hand on the table and shook his head speechlessly.

Is this the story that the Aurors spent three days racking their brains to come up with?

It's too outrageous!

"And they didn't even mention Harry!" Ron said angrily.

"No! They mentioned it!" Hermione turned the Daily Prophet over and said, pointing to a certain section. "The above said that Professor Snape was an undercover agent sent by the Ministry of Magic to the mysterious man. Thanks to his transmission of information, the Aurors were able to discover the mysterious man's whereabouts, and Harry was responsible for the bait to bring the mysterious man out... "

"But they didn't say that the mysterious man was killed by Harry, did they?" Ron was still a little uncomfortable.

"Come on, Ron, I didn't know what was going on that day." Harry said relievedly. He didn't care much about being robbed of credit by the Ministry of Magic, because the biggest hero who killed Voldemort should be Green. Dewo is right.

Ivan also nodded and said in agreement. "This matter is too complicated. The Ministry of Magic is right to cover up part of the news! What the British wizards need most now is confidence. They don't want to know that the Dark Lord killed the Dark Lord!"

In addition, the information about the Horcrux must also be concealed. As long as you kill a person, you can divide your soul and achieve immortality. This is too temptation for the black wizard.

Although the method of making Horcruxes is little known, there are still some records in the collections of some ancient families.

"But now you can change your mouth and call him Voldemort!" Ivan said with a sudden smile.

Hermione and Ron froze for a while, and they realized this at once. The mysterious person is dead, so why should I be afraid of him?

"Yeah, mystery man...oh, no, Voldemort is nothing great!" Ron hesitated for a while, then said carelessly.

Harry and others on the side also laughed...

The shadows condensed in everyone's hearts were gradually dissipated by the laughter, but such a good mood did not last long, because Hermione quickly took out a pile of books to remind them that it was time to review!

Harry and Ron's complexion suddenly collapsed. They are the same, haven't they reviewed it yesterday? Why is the expression I have to review again today...

"How many of the standard casting actions of the conversion spell have you remembered? You all understand the principle of the transformation spell? Who suppressed the goblin's rebellion..." Hermione questioned endlessly~www.mtlnovel .com~ Harry and Ron were speechless at once, because none of Hermione's questions could be answered, but it was indeed possible to appear as a test site, and the two of them could only hold up the book in distress and open it up.

Ivan's mouth evoked a faint smile, if he didn't care about the trouble of Grindelwald, he would have enjoyed such a noisy and leisurely life.

It’s just that this trouble may not be resolved in a short while. Grindelwald is more cautious than he thought. He didn’t make any big moves during the whole week, and the Wizards’ Association did not hear anything. good news.

It is inevitable to repeat the same mistakes, Ivan did not dare to leave Hogwarts casually to search for the other party's whereabouts, and Grindelwald with the invisibility cloak is not so easy to find.

Only then can Ivan feel a little bit about Dumbledore’s situation back then...

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