Hogwarts Blood Wizard

Chapter 876: Ivan: Impossible, am I a fake Gryffindor?

Ivan reached out his hand and picked up the Gryffindor sword on the head of the bed, and looked at it carefully.

This gorgeous sword looked no different from the past, but Ivan clearly felt that the magic inside it seemed to have been strengthened to a certain extent.

The original Gryffindor Sword did not have the ability to destroy the Horcrux, as can be seen from Harry's failure to break the defense when he first attacked Nagini.

However, the biggest advantage of this thing is that it can absorb all favorable factors and use it to strengthen itself. Now it seems that the scope of this “favorable factor” is extremely wide. In addition to basic substances, it also includes the power of spirit and will!

As a master alchemist, Ivan is no stranger to this kind of emotional energy. For example, he used it when he repaired the crescent moon pendant last school year.

It's just that his current level is very limited, and his use of emotional energy is relatively superficial, just storing it, and then using it to bless some kind of magic when needed.

Unlike the Gryffindor sword, it seems to be able to recycle this power and strengthen itself permanently.

"I really don't know how those fairies made this sword..." Ivan stroked the body of the sword and exclaimed, very greedy for the craftsmanship of the fairies.

Thinking of Harry’s description, Ivan squeezed the hilt of the sword to try to see if he could pour his will into the sword, but after tossing for a while, there was no faint glow of the sword as Harry said. Even the test of summoning the sword of Gryffindor failed.

Is it possible that he is a fake Gryffindor? Ivan was a little embarrassed.

No, it is absolutely impossible, it must be because my will to summon this sword is not firm enough...

After all, he was a serious wizard, and he didn't have the desire to attack people with a sword.

"Do you remember how you injected power into this sword, Harry?" Ivan asked, turning his head to look at Harry.

Harry hesitated for a moment. He remembered that he didn't seem to have done anything at the time, but his brain rushed up, thinking about **** Nagini.

After listening to Harry's statement, Ivan was a little bit dumbfounded, and really didn't know what to say.

But this also made him understand that probably only the incomparably pure will can evoke the resonance of the Gryffindor sword.

Perhaps Dumbledore realized that Harry was a zealous rash... the young man was so sure that he would be able to kill Nagini smoothly.

Thinking of this, Ivan put the Gryffindor sword aside, because this sword didn't seem to be very suitable for people like him who fight with his brain. In comparison, he also believed in the power of the magic wand more.

"By the way, there is one more thing I forgot to tell you just now..." Harry said suddenly as if he had remembered something. "When I saw the professor in another world, he told me that he was waiting for someone. If that person is willing to keep the contract, he should be coming soon!"

"Waiting for someone?" Ivan was taken aback for a moment, and his brows frowned soon.

"Do you know who he is waiting for? Hals?" Snape asked curiously.

"Gellert Grindelwald!" Ivan said very affirmatively, then looked at the puzzled expressions of the two and continued to speak. "Professor Dumbledore and him used to be very close friends, but later became enemies because of some conflicts of ideas."

Harry was dubious. He could hardly accept that Professor Dumbledore would make friends with a famous dark wizard like Grindelwald when he was young...

This is even more ridiculous than Voldemort being a Gryffindor.

Snape also felt unbelievable. Everyone in the magic world knew how much Dumbledore hated black magic and had been fighting against it all his life.

But when he thought of Dumbledore deliberately arranging for himself to lure Voldemort to see Grindelwald, Snape swallowed the rebuttal again.

Ivan didn't explain much about this matter. After all, Dumbledore's people were already dead, and there was really no need to expose each other's scars.

There are very few big figures in life who can make a perfect curtain call without any blemish. Even if some mistakes were made in the first half of his life, Dumbledore's great name would not be compromised.

"Professor Snape, can you please help me see this?" Ivan took a reagent from the pocket of the wizard's robe and handed it to Snape.

The latter held out his hand in confusion, and glanced down. There was some black and red blood attached to the transparent reagent, which looked very strange.

"This is Grindelwald's blood! He replaced Dumbledore taking part of the damage from the dark magic. Can you judge his current physical state by this thing?" Ivan said solemnly.

He had stayed in Neumundgaard for an entire hour before, not as simple as patronizing and setting fire, but also collecting the blood that dripped when Grindelwald cut his left hand.

It's a pity that these blood have problems, otherwise it would be a good material for arranging black magic curses and making compound soups.

Snape opened the lid gently, sucked out some blood with a magic wand, and floated in the air to examine it carefully. He had been the attending doctor for Dumbledore for two years, and he was naturally aware of the characteristics of this strange black magic. I know it very well and I will soon come to a conclusion.

"If there is no accident, he can support it for about two months at most." Snape waved his wand to put the blood back in, and said.

"If you come for the diagnosis and treatment, regardless of the cost, are you sure to save Grindelwald?" Ivan asked again.

"Absolutely impossible! The degree of corrosion is too deep, and it is entangled with magic, at least I can't think of any way." Snape shook his head, feeling somewhat rejoiced.

Grindelwald is not a fuel-efficient lamp, I am afraid it will not be better to deal with than Voldemort. Now that he learned that this dangerous person was about to die, Snape felt relieved for a while.

Ivan on the side also did not reject Snape’s judgment, because this was basically consistent with his guess. It took Dumbledore for two years and he failed to completely get rid of this weird black magic. Greenward again What can be done?

"Since he is going to die soon, why should he escape from prison?" Harry asked puzzled.

Ivan rolled his eyes, and he was just about to ask this question. With only two months of life left, even if Grindelwald had an amazing plan to dominate the world, it would be too late to implement it.

As for finding someone like Dumbledore to bear the harm of this curse?

Think with your feet and know that this is impossible!

Even a powerful wizard of their level can't hold on for a year. They have to be replaced by ordinary wizards. Under the erosion of black magic, I am afraid that they will not be able to hold it for ten and a half months!

Moreover, this plan is only a stopgap measure, it is still to die if it is delayed for a while...

(End of this chapter)

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