Hogwarts Blood Wizard

Chapter 848: I won’t teach Defence Against the Dark Arts.

Text Chapter 848: I will not teach Defence Against the Dark Arts.

On the side Hermione was also choked by Ivan’s words, but was unable to refute. Professor McGonagall once said that with Ivan’s magic level, he could have graduated from Hogwarts a long time ago, and the owls exam may be really difficult. Can't hold him.

But this also means that Ivan will leave Hogwarts next year. Thinking of this, Hermione's mood has become a little frustrated. Although her grades are also very good, she is not sure that she can pass the higher grades with excellent results. newt exam.

Naturally, Ivan saw this, and he said amusedly to comfort him. "I'm not a student, but it doesn't mean that I won't be at Hogwarts in the future..."

"Are you planning to come back to teach after graduation?" Hermione immediately guessed Ivan's thoughts, then thought about the vacant position, and said tentatively. "Defense against the Dark Arts class?!"

"No, no, no! I can't teach this course for anything!" Ivan was taken aback, and hurriedly interrupted.

He hasn't lived enough yet!

In the past five years, Ivan has witnessed the horror of Voldemort’s curse. Those who have served as a Defence Against the Dark Arts class professor will always be unlucky for various reasons. So far, they have been able to leave their job in a peaceful situation. , Lupin is the only one.

But even Lupin failed to attend a full year of class, and at the end of the semester he chose to voluntarily resign due to some reasons.

Although Ivan has outstanding strength, he will not make fun of his personal safety!

Hermione spit out her tongue, apparently also thinking of the curse of Defence Against the Dark Arts class from Ivan's startled reaction.

However, apart from the vacancy of the professor for this course, it seems that there is no other course to choose from. It is impossible for Ivan to be the principal, right?

"I heard that next year the Ministry of Magic wants to increase your ability to face risks during this special period, so next year a new course will be added to train your fighting skills." Ivan said half-truth.

"Train us like a duel class?" Harry and Ron asked with enthusiasm and interest.

Normally, when they hear that the Ministry of Magic will add a course in the coming year, they will groan and complain, but if this course allows them to take up their wands and fight, it becomes much more interesting.

"Almost..." Ivan slapped his mouth. In fact, he hadn't figured out how to teach.

"But, will the Ministry of Magic approve you to be a professor?" Hermione said hesitantly. Ivan will only be sixteen years old next year, and he will not even be an adult. The Ministry of Magic is unlikely to let an underage wizard be a professor. of.

"Don't think the Ministry of Magic is so pedantic, believe me, the new Acting Minister Pierce is a very open-minded person!" Ivan promised.

Although he had not had time to discuss this matter with Pierce, he believed that the Ministry of Magic would not reject this proposal.

However, Hogwarts does not need to think too much, because the position of the principal is still vacant, and the twelve school directors who can influence the decision are all their own.

The only thing that needs to be considered is the opinions of parents.

But Ivan already has a way to deal with this, that is, let the Prophet’s Daily publicize his genius name. It is best to make everyone aware of his leapfrog graduation, and then re-exhibit his previous great achievements. Show.

With this genius name, the Ministry of Magic specially hired him to become a professor at Hogwarts to teach a new course that is temporarily not included in the exam, and there will be no more opposition.

In fact, if possible, Ivan even thought about whether he should simply become the new headmaster of Hogwarts. After all, there are some system tasks that can be easily completed with the help of the headmaster's identity.

However, after careful consideration, Ivan dismissed the idea.

The 16-year-old Hogwarts principal is too ridiculous, and he has no experience in managing schools, so Ivan can only choose to start as a professor, and be promoted to the position of principal after a year or two.

To change the status quo of Hogwarts education has to be done step by step.

Harry, Ron, and Hermione were dubious. They all felt that the Ministry of Magic would probably not agree to let Ivan, a minor wizard, be a professor.

Ivan shrugged and did not continue to explain, but instead looked at Harry and asked. "Did you decide whether you want to learn Occlumency with Professor Snape these days? Harry?"

"I'll talk about it later." Harry replied with a headache. Recently, he has been busy reviewing every day and it is enough to make his heart tired. Harry really does not want to face Snape's big face while reviewing. , That would definitely make him crazy.

"You should be more concerned about this, Harry! Have you forgotten? The mysterious man sent a lot of wrong information to Professor Dumbledore through your dreams during the last school year. Maybe, the mysterious man. Going through your memory now..." Hermione solemnly told Harry about the necessity of following Snape to learn Occlumency.

The latter couldn't bear Hermione's babbling, and finally had to agree to ask Snape when he was free on Friday~www.mtlnovel.com~ to see if he would like to teach himself.

Harry thought optimistically, and Snape would definitely reject his proposal without hesitation...

Just when Harry was having a headache for this, Ron leaned in front of Ivan, curiously watched Ivan fiddle with the crown in his hand, and asked. "What is this? A crown?"

"This is Ravenclaw's crown. It was previously made into a powerful black magic item by a mysterious man. It was the result of Lockhart's attack on students three years ago..." Ivan simply got himself The story of the crown was said again.

Hearing about the mysterious man, Ron suddenly felt his scalp numb, but after knowing that Ivan had repaired the damaged crown, he immediately became interested. He had also heard about the rumors of the Ravenclaw crown. It is said that the crown brings wisdom to people.

"Can I try it with me?" Ron asked.

"Of course." Ivan handed the crown indifferently.

Ron took it without expectation, buckled the crown on his head, then opened the book and read it, wanting to try the effect.

However, after reading the book carefully for a few minutes, Ron took the crown down with great disappointment, because he found that this thing could not improve his memory, nor could it make him incredibly smart all of a sudden...

Ivan shook his head and took the crown back. He was not surprised by Ron's reaction, because he had done various experiments before, but no matter what method was used, it seemed to be just a gorgeous decoration.

However, the systematic evaluation clearly told him that Ravenclaw's crown is a powerful magic item that can increase people's wisdom...

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