Hogwarts Blood Wizard

Chapter 847: Ivan: I don’t really understand what you guys think

Text 847th chapter Ivan: I really don’t understand the thoughts of you little ghosts

"I understand, Harry, no one would want to learn magic from that old bat. I really don't know what Professor Dumbledore thinks." Ron patted Harry sympathetically on the shoulder and said comfortingly.

Ivan on the side stepped forward and interrupted the conversation between the two.

"By the way, Harry and Ron, the current situation in the magic world is very unstable. Voldemort may attack each of us at any time, so I recently developed a magic that allows us to communicate with each other and communicate information. Do you want to try it?"

"What magic?" Ron suddenly became interested and asked eagerly.

Harry was equally curious.

"It's a kind of imprint magic..." Ivan Dang even explained the various effects of the magic imprint.

As early as the beginning of the school year, he thought of engraving magic marks on Harry and others, lest Voldemort, who was mad, would pass his hatred to these friends.

Only worrying about being misunderstood, coupled with the fact that Dumbledore would still be alive, could provide protection for Harry and the others, it has been delayed until now.

"Carve a logo on the arm? Like the mark of the Dark Devil?!" Ron said subconsciously after listening to Ivan.

"This kind of imprinting magic itself has no right or wrong, it just depends on how we use it..." Ivan explained patiently.

But before he could finish speaking, Ron started to speak excitedly. "This is awesome!"

Ivan was stunned, and his gaze at Ron became a little weird. He realized that he didn't quite understand what these little ghosts were thinking...

Ron didn't notice Ivan's weird gaze, and continued excitedly. "I always felt that we should also set up a magic organization to fight against mysterious people together, just like the Order of the Phoenix!"

"Order of the Phoenix? What order of the Phoenix?" Seamus, who had just entered the door, looked at the people in the room with a confused look.

"Ah, that...we're just saying what name should be given to the newly formed secret organization..." Ron hesitated to explain, only then did he remember that the news about the Order of the Phoenix needs to be kept secret.

Seamus didn't doubt anything, his attention was quickly turned to this so-called secret organization, and when he learned that Ivan had developed a special magic mark, he also yelled for Ivan to get one for himself.

Ivan was a little bit dumbfounded. He hadn't expected that things would develop so smoothly, and all the rhetoric that he had originally prepared suddenly became useless.

But it’s okay to spend less time. After Ivan explained how to use the mark to Harry, Ron, Seamus, and Neville, he drew out his wand and started casting the spell. In just a few minutes, it was gorgeous. The imprint of the sleeping dragon appeared on the wrists of Harry and the others.

"Cool!" Seamus touched the lifelike fire dragon pattern on his arm, shouted excitedly, and then cautiously asked as if he had thought of something.

"You said, what if we cheat on it?"

Ron and Harry were shocked by Seamus’s bold idea, but when they thought about it, they unexpectedly discovered that this seemed to be a feasible move. Since they can communicate with each other without barriers through the magical imprint, wouldn’t they also be able to use it? To deliver the answer?

"That's not good, Seamus?" the good boy Neville said weakly.

But Seamus didn't want to talk to him at all, and discussed their cheating plan with Ron enthusiastically.

"You'd better dispel this idea. I heard that this year's owls exam is very strict. The Ministry of Magic will send some Aurors to oversee it. Maybe there will be instruments to detect magic. If you are caught, you will definitely be expelled! "Ivan said very solemnly, but felt helpless in his heart.

He didn't expect that Seamer and others, after learning about the effectiveness of the magic seal to transmit information, the first reaction was to cheat with it...

Under Ivan's warning to drop out of school, Seamus and Ron had to regret giving up their cheating plan and instead talked about what to name their secret organization.


In a blink of an eye, February came. In the nearly one month since the beginning of school, the magical world seemed very calm. Many Voldemort who had been worried and afraid seemed to have disappeared, and there were no expected attacks on Hogwarts. Happened, which temporarily relieved the hearts of some parents.

The Daily Prophet attributed it to the Ministry of Magic's credit, because Pierce sent a large number of Aurors to search for Voldemort's whereabouts, causing the Dark Lord to be exhausted and unable to regenerate the incident.

The wizards who have experienced the last war all sneered at this statement. They all knew how powerful Voldemort was. The average Auror could not be Voldemort's opponent even in groups. In contrast, they were more willing to believe in the dark. The demon is hiding in the dark, planning a conspiracy to subvert the magic world...

However, the tense atmosphere before has eased a lot~www.mtlnovel.com~ After enjoying a period of peaceful life, the little wizards at Hogwarts temporarily put the danger brought by Voldemort behind them. Most of the attention was focused on the upcoming exam.

Every weekend, those fifth graders facing the owls exam and seventh grade graduates always crowd the school library. Under such an urgent learning atmosphere, even Harry and Ron don’t like to learn very much. People also put off their playful thoughts, and honestly sat in the lounge with books in their hands and reviewed them over and over again.

Only Ivan is incompatible with the atmosphere here. At this time, he is holding a top with gems, carefully looking at it, tapping it with a magic wand from time to time, seeming to be exploring something.

"Ivan, don't you plan to review it? The owls exam is about to be taken in more than a month, and you told me before that you plan to take this year's ultimate test, strive to pass all subjects, and apply for graduation in advance, right? "Hermione put down the book and couldn't help but reminded.

"I've reviewed it before, and besides, it's just some ordinary exams, and I'll confess it..." Ivan almost missed his words, and hurriedly put down the crown, and said to remedy. "Ahem, I mean you can live with your eyes closed..."

Harry and Ron, who were carrying the book, rolled their eyes, wanting to complain, can they not make these exams so easy, so that they don't have any motivation to review...

The o.w.ls (general wizard test) is a very important and difficult sub-test, not to mention the n.e.w.t. (ultimate wizard test). The level of results directly determines whether they can find a good job in the future.

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