His Majesty's Devious Sin

Chapter 176 - Gladly

"If there is no discomfort," Elias suddenly said, his eyes twinkling with mischief. His fingers slipped into her hair, as he brought her face up to kiss her. He captured her lips and shifted their position, until she was on her back and he was in between her legs. 

Adeline wrapped her arms around his neck, bringing him down, her body instantly growing warm with his touch. His kiss was soft and gentle, savouring the motions. Soon, it became more urgent, as he angled her head, his actions growing more dominating and eager.

His thumb pressed into her thigh as he pulled away to kiss down her neck, her breathing growing heavy, whilst his other hand sought after her breast.

"Be a good girl and spread your legs for me," Elias said. She shakily obeyed him, as he teased her entrance with his hard-on. Her breath hitched when it probed her bundle of nerves, her heart skipping when he let out a breathy chuckle.

"Don't tell me you're wet from just a kiss?" Elias mused, slowly positioning himself against her entrance.


"Your Majesty!" Weston hollered from the other side of the door, angrily banging on it with panic settled in between his lungs. He rushed to the King's bedroom as soon as he received word of what was spread on the news.

"Elias!" Adeline yelped, instantly closing her legs. But it was too late. He was already in between them, and she only pressed her thighs against his waist.

"Shh, shh, it's okay," Elias soothed, grabbing the blankets just as Weston pounded on the doors again.

"I know you're awake, Your Majesty! This is extremely urgent!" Weston screamed, continuously pounding on the door, not knowing the King was going to pound something else.

"I fucking get it, you damn bastard!" Elias roared, his dark eyes instantly flashing a bright red. He ran a frustrated hand through his hair, glowering at the door that could break any moment now. 

"You should get that," Adeline shakily said, horrified of being exposed. She pulled the blanket even closer to their bodies, but it covered Elias more than it did for her, since he was still on top of her.

"No, darling," Elias sarcastically said. "I was waiting for the imbecile to break the door down."

Adeline was flustered, thinking he was serious. "Have some decency!" she hissed, pushing at his firm chest.

Elias laughed at her words, grabbing her wrists. He bent down and stole another kiss from her, watching as she pouted and glared up at him. She was so fucking adorable, he wanted to devour her on the spot. And he could've, had Weston not been a damn prude.

"Elias," she warned, pulling her hands back.


Weston shouted, "You already have an heir, stop trying to make another one!"

Elias let out a string of curses. He gritted his teeth, his jaw clenching. He stormed off the bed, grabbed a boxer from the closet, and practically threw the doors open.

"You must have a death wish," Elias growled, standing at the doorway to prevent Weston from glancing inside.

"No, but someone else clearly does, Your Majesty," Weston responded, taken aback by the King's wrath. 

Weston had known the King all his life, but rarely seen him lash out like this. The King responded to his anger with arrogance. He always wore a cruel smile whenever he was infuriated. 

"Look at this, Your Majesty," Weston breathed out, showing his tablet to the King who glanced down with aggravation.

"What the hell is this?" Elias hissed, snatching the tablet. He quickly read the headlines.

'The Queen is Pregnant and Hiding It From The Public!' It read in big, bold letters.

Elias let out a harsh laugh, his blood boiling from the headline. 


Weston jumped when he saw the tablet screen split from the King's thumb. Just great. That was the latest one! And he literally bought it two days ago. 

"Someone must've overheard our conversation at Lydia Claymore's banquet yesterday," Weston said. 

"Find the writer of this headline and kill them," Elias sneered. He shoved the tablet back into Weston's hands.

"It's too late, Your Majesty. Every news media is publishing this," Weston said. 

"Then shut them all down," Elias growled. "Change the news topic to something even more interesting than the Queen's pregnancy. Throw in a topic so controversial and eye-catching, it'll make people completely shut up about the Queen."

Weston swallowed. This wouldn't be the first time they distracted the public with crazy news. It happened all the time. "Right away, we'll find something else to broadcast, Your Majesty."

Weston turned to leave, but heard a quiet voice stop him.

"What happened?" Adeline softly asked, peering over Elias's arms. She tilted her head, curious as to why the tablet screen was broken. She had slipped on a silky morning robe that covered her arms and went beyond her knees.

"Nothing you should worry about," Elias reassured her. He grabbed the hand holding his upper arm and began pulling her back into the bedroom. Unfortunately, she turned her body and grabbed the tablet from Weston's hands.

"Wait, Your Grace—"

"The Queen is pregnant and hiding it from the public," Adeline read out loud. 

Adeline blinked in surprise, her eyes widening at the headlines. She scrolled down, and sure enough, there was a picture of her yesterday. There was a red circle on her stomach that seemed to stick out a bit. She was certain the loose emerald dress would've hid her silhouette.

"Elias I—"

"We'll discuss this inside," Elias said. He took the tablet from her hand and gave it to Weston who quickly left, not wanting to be caught in between their argument.

Elias shut the door behind him and pulled Adeline in front of him. 

"What is it?" Adeline asked, touching her face. He was staring intently at her, his eyes dark, his expression grim. She noticed his fingers were curled into a fist, turning his skin paperwhite. His jaw clenched, a muscle ticking.

"Did you tell anyone else?" Elias asked.

"Besides Lydia, no one else," Adeline said. "Well, Stella and Evelyn did overhear the conversation…"

Elias breathed through his nose and pinched a spot in between his brows. A vein popped on his forehead. He was trying his hardest to not snap.

Adeline frowned. It wasn't like she did anything wrong. All she did was tell her best friend the great news. He was acting as if the world was going to end, and she caused it.

"Are you ready to share this information?" Elias suddenly asked, his voice eerily calm.

Adeline blinked. "I've always been ready," she said. "The whole time, I was waiting for you to accept the baby, before sharing the pregnancy to anyone else besides Lydia."

Elias scowled. Then, there was no point in continuing to be angered. He thought she wasn't ready to share this news to the public so quickly. Suddenly, she grabbed his fist and he sharply looked down.

Elias forgot how small she was, compared to him. Both of her hands looked tiny in comparison to his large ones.

"Let's tell the public," Adeline said. "I'll make a public address right away, and announce the good news."

Elias stiffened. "Let's wait."

"I thought you accepted the baby—"

"I did," Elias sniped. "But the people can wait."

Adeline was confused. If she withheld such a large secret from the people, it'd lead to a backlash. The longer she withholds this information, the more people will think something is wrong.

"Everyone knows you are human, darling," Elias said. "The smart ones will put two and two together."

Adeline's heart dropped. 

"People will mourn your death before it even happens," Elias growled. "There will be fewer congratulations and more condolences."

Adeline finally understood the detrimental problem. If they knew the Queen of Wraith was going to die less than a year after she took the throne, now what? What will happen to her position? What will the foreign countries say? What will the people think?

Adeline's heart began to race at the questions, her mind growing dizzy. She was overwhelmed with fear, and suddenly, she felt nauseous. The baby must've sensed the distress of the situation.

"It'll be alright," Elias instantly said, realizing her reaction. He wrapped an arm around her and pulled her close. He embraced her tightly, refusing to let her go. His body was a cage, and she was its willing prisoner.

"We'll figure out a way, darling." Elias rubbed her upper back as she buried her face into his chest, where his heartbeat was normal and calm. He needed to be strong, or else she'd be afraid.

"As long as we're together," he reminded her. "Two brains are better than one, even if one of them is more smarter than the other."

Elias laughed when she suddenly kicked him. "What is it, darling?" he teased. "I didn't even say who was the dumber one in the relationship. But I'm glad you know it's you."

Immediately, she shoved him off of her, but he tightened his hold, forcing her back into his arms.

"The more you pout, the more I want to tease you, darling." Elias shifted her hair aside, revealing her long neck, and smooth skin that begged to be marked. He kissed her on the lips and she scowled.

Elias simply chuckled at her response. She was cute, especially the way her eyes trembled with rage. He always found a pouting woman to be irritating. He hated spoiled brats and complaining babies. But her slight pout made his chest ache. He found a sudden urge to always please her, for his heart swelled the most when she smiled.

"I'm not pouting," Adeline said, causing him to chuckle.

"You're sulking," he teased, grabbing her chin. "Now, where were we?" 

Elias brought her face close, her irritation finally soothing a bit. She hesitated, but rested her hand upon his chest. He was surprised when she kissed him whilst leaning her soft body upon his muscular ones.

Elias steadied them, and allowed her to lead the kiss. She was slow and inexperienced. It was driving him crazy, the way she hesitatingly touched his jaw, her fingers shaking, and her heart skipping. To know she was fully naked under a thin piece of clothing… It was all too tempting.

Soon, Elias lost all of his patience as he deepened the kiss, catching her by surprise. He cupped the back of her head, pulling her close whilst eagerly kissing her as if his life depended on it. Their lips molded perfectly together, as he showed his love for her through the intense kiss.

"The bed," she gasped out.

"Gladly," he mused, lifting her with one arm and carrying her toward the bed. 


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