His Majesty's Devious Sin

Chapter 175 - Koala

Adeline was instantly hurt by his words. As caring as he was, he'd still break her heart. She stared at the bed as he helped her sit up and undid the black tie. It fell beside her body, faint red marks on her wrist. She numbly sat there, wondering if there will ever be a day he accepted what she wanted.

Elias took a seat beside her and gingerly grabbed her wrist, softly kissing the red bruises. He was conflicted when she continued to glare at the white mattress, tumbled and wrinkled by their tousseling.

"You're selfish," Adeline suddenly said, pulling her hand back but he yanked her close. He pulled her into his lap, grabbing both of her wrists.

Elias stared intensely at her, fire in his bloody eyes, heat in his heart. He was infuriated by her words, his breathing growing heavy, his jaw clenched. Selfish? He was not the one keeping the baby. He was not the one harboring a monster that'd kill her!

"If I am selfish, I can't imagine what you are," Elias seethed.

"I am human!" Adeline shouted back at him. "If you wanted me to be heartless, you should've turned me when you had the chance! You were the selfish one, refusing to change me just because you loved my humanity, loved the beat of my heart, the warmth of my skin, and the flush of my cheeks! You were the one obsessing over these details, when I honestly didn't care for it."

Adeline's voice cracked towards the end. "I was willing to sacrifice my life for you Elias… Even if it was a 1% survival rate, I would've taken it."

Elias's face went cold. He was unable to meet her gaze, unable to meet her earnest eyes that glistened with tears, shedding none for herself, but all for him. She was selfless and selfish at the same time. How was that possible?

"Now you're the one forcing me to choose," Adeline whispered, her voice broken. "Choose between the baby and my life. Now, I am in a position where either choice will kill me more than changing me ever will."

Adeline sniffled, her heart stinging with the revelation. She would never live to hold her baby, will she? She will never touch the baby's skin, feel it curl upon her chest, and hear it's piercing cries. She will never see what she worked so hard on, and he would never see her again. Tears welled in her eyes as she tightly wrapped her arms around his powerful shoulders, burying her face into his neck.

What have they done?

"Don't cry," Elias muttered, instantly embracing her. He patted her head and caressed her upper back. She was warm. He could feel the life coursing through her veins, hear her slow heartbeat, and her soft breathing. She was so human that it hurted him. 

Elias never thought he could be this possessive over a little human girl. His love for her was an obsession. He wanted to tease her, bully her, and love her all at once. What kind of emotions were this?

"I'm not crying," Adeline snapped at him. It was true. She had not shed a tear yet, and instead, blinked it all back, refusing to let these salty droplets convince him.

"Right," Elias mused. "My darling never cries."

Elias stroked her hair. "My wife is strong in front of others, but weak in front of me. She worries for others, but never herself. She's stubborn and loves too quickly, but hates too slowly… even though she cries only because of me.

Elias kissed the side of her head, his lips lingering in the spot, breathing in her lovely scent. She smelled like him, like spices and pine, but in the softest manner possible. 

"It is so heartbreaking that I love her with all of me, enough to put my ego aside," Elias teased. He felt her scowl into his neck, angry at his words. "I love you far too much to ever let you go, darling. Your wish is my wish, your desire is my desire. Your flesh is mine, like the bones and blood of our child is also mine."

Adeline's heart skipped. She lifted her head and looked at him, astonished by his words. For once, he had an earnest expression on his cold, handsome face. He always glanced at her with that arrogant smirk and mischievous eyes. But now, there was gentleness in his hardened gaze, love on his lips, and adoration in his heart. 

"The baby is mine, as much as it is yours, for it is crafted of our bones and flesh, and how could I ever hurt what is mine?" Elias murmured, kissing her on the lips.

Adeline's chest swelled, warmth spreading throughout her body, even though his skin was cold, and so was his lips. His words, though, always found a way to heat her heart.

- - - - - 

After a soothing bath, and a night of small talks, morning began. Elias was the first to wake up, with Adeline sprawled upon his chest. 

Adeline was glued to him like a koala, her hand stretching across his muscular body, her legs slung over him, curled up in the most comfortable position. Meanwhile, his arms went numb from hugging her sides, and he couldn't feel a spot on his chest, for she had laid there all night.

Elias simply chuckled. Her sleeping expression was hilarious. She slept like a baby bear dreaming of honey, dried drool resting by the corners of her mouth. His lips twitched.

"Are you going to sleep the entire day?" Elias teased, touching her face and stroking her cheek with his thumb, deciding to wake her up. Her brows tugged together and she groaned, shifting her body higher, to bury her face into his neck.

"Don't rub your dried drool onto my shoulder," Elias said, her entire body tensing. She didn't move for a second before huffing and continuing to wriggle her body until she found a comfortable position.

"I'm not a teddy bear, you know," Elias added on.

"I'm tired…" Adeline trailed off, turning her body a bit to prevent putting weight on the baby.

"How is your energy?" Elias cooed, his hand lazily playing with her hair. He chuckled at how tangled it was, like a messily made bird nest.

"It's a bit alright," Adeline tiredly said, wanting to just lie in his cold embrace for a while. Despite his icy skin, she felt warm because of the blanket, and the fact that her body was naturally too hot.

"Any nausea?" Elias asked. 

Elias read somewhere that her morning sickness should subdue if the baby feels at ease. Given that the baby was a Half-Blood, it'd definitely feel at ease if he was present. His presence alone should've intimidated the baby into submission.

"None," Adeline whispered, nestling her face into his neck, her lips brushing upon his slightly tanned skin. 

Elias smelled like their bath, consisting of eucalyptus and flower petals. She enjoyed that scent, and the comfort he provided, her heart skipping whenever his finger brushed her flesh.

"Good." Elias nodded in satisfaction. He didn't need the baby to cause her any more problems. They settled into a comfortable silence, completely unaware of the storm that'd soon take place.


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