Hikari: Rise Of The Weapons Master

Chapter 71 Silk Spiders [Part 1]

[ Silk Spiders (level 24) ]

Ten level 24 spiders were currently surrounding Zack and were glaring at him as though he was their food which was technically the truth.

If he got stuck inside their webs once, he would definitely become food for the newborn spiders who couldn't survive without it.

But the daggers of sky and Eirias could cut the silk web shot by the spiders. Zack had already tested it before fighting the large group of spiders.

He quickly directed the daggers towards the spiders while using the blue flames as a cover.

Ten webs shot straight towards the daggers and held them down for a few seconds. But the sharp daggers cut through the silk and went behind the spiders' heads.

With a flick of his hand, ten daggers pierced the spiders necks and killed them on the spot.

Zack saw the leveling notification appearing in front of him as a smile bloomed upon his face.

'I have almost killed 40 spiders till now. If I want to win the bet, I have to at least kill 100 or so more spiders.' He thought before moving deeper inside the cave.

More and more cobwebs had started appearing in front of him and it was getting annoying to clear all of them.

If he didn't have the blue fire, it would have taken him a long time to clear up the webs. The cave also got broader the further he moved.

The spiders weren't spread across the entire place as Zack had hoped that they would be. He would encounter them randomly when they would climb down the ceiling or appear behind him.

Zack opened his friends' list to see that Emma was already level 25. If this continued, she was going to end up winning the bet and could make Zack do one thing that she wanted.

'I wonder it would be…' Many thoughts appeared inside his mind as he decided to stop thinking for the time being.

He instead looked at the rest of the rankings and glitched for a second.

"He fck!" The moment Zack opened up the rankings, he saw that he was currently ranked number 6.

The top player was someone named 'I Eat Tomatoes' who was level 31. The player above Zack was level 28.

Not only that but there were a whole lot of new names on the list which suddenly made Zack remember something.

'Fck, they added the players from the neutral side too. How could I have forgotten about that.' He cursed mentally while looking at the list.

One thing that the neutral side had to face was that they were not eligible to be in the rankings and to get the prize.

Hikari hadn't told anyone about this before and those who had chosen the neutral side had a different type of competition that even Zack didn't have much information about.

But now that almost two months had passed, the rankings also included neutral side players who had gotten a huge advantage because of starting the game in random places that were in the middle of nowhere.

Furthermore, they could explore dungeons freely and were not restricted by any morals or anything that the other side received.

If not for the cash, Zack would have also joined the neutral side. Unfortunately, he needed the money so he had to join the light side.

'At least I don't regret doing that.' He thought with a sigh before deciding to climb up again.

What use was his knowledge if he couldn't even maintain the first rank?

After breaking into a sprint, Zack changed Chastiefol's form to its original form and shot the spear forward towards the cobwebs.

The next group of spiders he encountered was level 30 which was three levels above his current level. There were six of them who had crawled down the ceiling while keeping a watch over Zack.

No news had reached the queen that someone was killing the spiders so they still didn't know about this. Otherwise, an army of spiders would have attacked the place.

But this time, hidden in the corners of the cave, was a spider the size of a human fist who had seen Zack attacking and killing the spiders.

The little beast ran through the cave while trying to find its superior while Zack battled the spiders.

'I guess the weapon cap is a good thing.' Zack thought while controlling Chastiefol.

To make sure that those with overpowered weapons stayed in line, a two-level cap was put on the weapons.

For example, Zack's spear would work normally on opponents till level 29 but the weapon's effectiveness would fall on any monster higher than that.

So that was why Zack was playing a little safe with the level 30 monsters. His skills had a three levels higher cap which meant that he would be able to use most of them against the spiders.

Zack decided to incinerate the spiders at once before retreating for the time being. There was a chance that the level of spiders might keep on increasing and he might get killed.

'I don't think Gugnir's rewind skill can get me back to my previous level.' Zack sighed before raising his right hand as blue fire emerged from his hand.

The spiders made a weird screeching type of sound as a red aura suddenly surrounded their bodies.

[ The queen of dungeon has been notified of your presence. ]

[ All subjects under the queen have received the blessings of the queen. ]]

[ Under the blessings, every single creature under the queen will get a 20 level boost. ]

"Sht…" Zack immediately turned around and started running. He knew that his fire would barely tickle the now level 50 spiders.

Those creatures could singlehandedly wipe out a few villages in the kingdom and there was no way that Zack could win the battle.

He was tempted to call upon the Phoenix or the two eagles but beasts had an unwritten rule in Hikari. No beast will enter another beast's domain aka dungeon.

So if Zack wanted to save himself, he would have to run as though the hell was chasing him.

'Wait, Emma is still there. Fck…' Zack had almost reached the start of the dungeon before he turned towards the right side and started running in that direction.

[ Emma, you saw the notifications? ] He immediately sent a message to her while looking behind him.

The spiders were slow creatures so he had been able to get away from them. But it was only for a few minutes before all the spiders in the dungeon would start getting together and trapping them.

[ I did get the notifications but I currently have my arms tied in spider silk. It's a surprise I am alive and running. ] Emma's reply made Zack facepalm.

[ Just run faster. I am not that far away from you and maybe we will be able to escape without dying. ]

[ The maybe doesn't sound reassuring but there is nothing else that we can do. Oh sht… there are like hundred spiders coming behind me and they are shooting more silk at me. I am probably gonna get trapped here. ]

Zack suddenly stopped running as he turned behind. He had heard some sound while moving but didn't pay much attention to it since he had been focused on reaching Emma.

But now that he looked behind him, he could see more than a hundred glowing red eyes.



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