Hikari: Rise Of The Weapons Master

Chapter 70 Hidden Dungeon

"So their new mansion is situated near Hethburn city. To be honest, I would not like to meet that duke so soon but I don't think we have another choice." Zack replied as the two of them exited another village.

After getting the location of the Henson family residence, the duo set on their way to the east side of the kingdom once again.

However, this time, they were traveling on foot and had to travel through the forest which was going to take quite some time.

"So we will have to travel through a total of ten villages and one city or we can just avoid them and get to their residence anywhere between a week to ten days. What do you think about this?" Zack asked while looking at the map in front of the duo.

"Maybe we should visit the five places closest to their residence in case we find any clue or rumors there? I mean, there is residence is completely away from the society." Emma replied while examining the map herself.

If they made stops at the five closest settlements near the Henson residence, it would take around 12 to 13 days to finally reach their destination.

"One week is not a whole lot of a time but I guess there is nothing else that we can do about it." Zack sighed before the two of them started moving.

"So, maybe we will kill a few beasts on the way?"


The duo then moved out of the circle of villages around the and entered the forest again. This time, the next village was going to be quite far so they will have to travel for two straight days before they reached the place.

Zack and Emma were tempted to call on Daedalus and Icarus but the beasts in the kingdom would be too terrified that they won't appear out.

So the two of them had to travel on the ground.

'This place should have that dungeon too though.' Zack remembered that in the past, there were a few dungeons in the east region of the Eizenburgh kingdom.

One of such dungeons was optimal for the duo to grind a few levels.

Currently, they were surrounded by trees with red leaves. This was the territory of the giant bees that were the size of a human's palm or head.

They were annoying beasts that would buzz around players while dropping acids on them. And if anyone who hated bugs met the creatures then…

"Emma, I think we found a dungeon." Zack suddenly spoke as moving around the forest, they had managed to reach a stone hill.

In the middle of the stones was a slight crack from where an ominous aura was oozing to the outsides.

[ Hidden Dungeon: Silk Spider Cave

To access the dungeon, the stones must be removed ]

"Leave that to me." Emma suddenly said as she summoned her now. She pointed the bow towards the little crack and started chanting a few words.

A red-colored arrow appeared in her hand and she notched it in the bow. As soon as the arrow left the bow, it directly went inside the crack and caused a major explosion which made the entire hill shudder.

The stones were blasted to tiny pebbles and an entrance to a cave was revealed.

"Spiders…" Emma muttered under her breath as she saw the thick cobwebs covering the entire entrance.

"It's called the silk spider cave for a reason," Zack replied as they looked at the new information that appeared in front of them.

[ Silk spider cave ]

[ This dungeon has no modes and no level cap since the spider queen living in the middle of the cave gives birth to thousands of spiders every hour. ]

"So we can only clear this place up to a certain extent before retreating huh." The hunter's grip on her bow tightened as she stared at the cobwebs with an interested expression.

But before starting the clearance of the dungeon, Zack raised his right hand towards the cave and summoned his blue fire. He shot the blue fire directly at the cave which resulted in the cobwebs being burned immediately.

After clearing the cobwebs, Zack moved inside and looked around to see that no spiders were guarding the entrance.

"Let's go." He said to Emma as the duo began their exploration and exp grinding.

He summoned Chastiefol beside him and immediately turned the spear into its second form. The daggers were going to be the weapon doing most of the killing for Zack.

His only close-range weapon, Eirias, wouldn't do much against the spiders since they were from the neutral side.

However, he could still deal a lot of damage to spiders without the buffs or the skills of the sword. After all, it was not called the crystal sword without any reason.

After walking for a few minutes, the duo finally met their first opponents for the day.

[ Silk spider (level 20): It is said that the silk of a silk spider is hard enough to destroy steel swords and other weapons. It is also referred to as 'iron steel' since the steal silk spiders have the 'steel silk.' ]

"So this means that there is an even more evolved version of these spiders?" Emma asked with a surprised expression as she raised her eyebrows.

The silk spider was three feet tall and had a body the size of a motorbike. Its eyes were bright red which seemed to glow in the darkness of the cave.

But before the silk spider could even realize what was happening, Emma attacked her with an arrow straight to the head which killed it on the spot.

"Of course, there is an upgraded version. You are level 24 now. Looks like I will have to grind hard to make sure that you don't catch up now." Zack replied with a smile as the two decided to make a bet.

"If you manage to reach level 28 before I reach level 26, I will do any one thing you will ask from me. Of course, there are logical restrictions," Emma winked, "That I won't do no matter what you say. Deal?"

"Deal," Zack shook Emma's hand before the two of them went on their own paths in the dungeons.

However, this very deal would deal a huge blow to Zack and Emma.


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