Hikari: Rise Of The Weapons Master

Chapter 225 Seth...

In Eizenburgh kingdom…

Mia woke up from her bed and rubbed her eyes. Her body felt sore due to the inter realm travel she had done using her spiritual form.

She wasn't strong enough to maintain her spiritual form for long, much less use it to travel from one realm to other.

Mia had expected some sort of backlash so body pain was the least of her worries.

'Finally, all pieces of the puzzle are falling in place. All of us remember everything except for her…'

Mia wondered what Zack's forth wife was doing. She was the quietest out all of them. At the same time, she was also the strongest wife Zack had.

'I hope nothing bad happened to her. I don't want Zack to go on a rampage due to that.' Mia prayed silently.

She slowly exited her room and started heading towards the throne room. Jonathan and the others had agreed to use the throne room as a base to plan their next move.

After all, the entire continent had been taken over by the dark side and only parts of the Eizenburgh kingdom were still free from the war.

Mia entered the throne room to see that Hark and Eva weren't present inside.

"Hark and Eva went to take a look outside the city. We are preparing ourselves to fight the two remaining gods so its best if we know when one of them is about to arrive." Lisa informed the moment she saw Mia enter the room.

The blond girl had been tasked with informing Mia about the latest details on the battlefield.

Mia had told the others that she was going to check up on Zack and Emma. They didn't question her about the way she would do it and simply sent her away.

"I see… Zack and Emma are both on the last parts of the quest. Emma is currently at the top of the palace of moon while Zack is traveling across the world tree. Both of them should be getting here in four days time." Mia informed everyone present in the room.

After hearing her words, the others sighed in relief. Though they were strong, none of them could battle gods who had minimum restrictions placed on their bodies.

"That is nice to hear," Jonathan smiled. "Eva also reported that after Sun Wukong had showed up, the nearby people belonging to the dark side had stopped their advances. Their higher ups probably realized that they couldn't fight with such powerful figures."

Suddenly, the atmosphere in the room became livelier. None of them had heard from the duo ever since Zack had gone to get Emma from the temple of the goddess of light.

It was Mia who had assured them that the duo were safe and would return.

"Now that we know about their return date, we can start preparing to launch an attack. We have to get to Lelisawol and capture the palace there. It has a special property that can tip the scales a bit in our favor." Jonathan explained.

The throne room was soon buzzing with activity. All of them tried to find a way to get to Lelisawol as soon as possible.

None of them noticed that Mia had slipped out of the room.

'They will be arriving in four days according to the time of the worlds they are present in. I have no idea how many days that will be if counted inside Hikari.' Mia silently thought.

She appeared back in her room, closing the door shut behind her. Mia laid her head on her pillow and let her body relax.

'I have to find the gods who are going to come here. I have to find them.' She thought with a resolute expression.

Mia closed her eyes and tried to sleep. She called upon the power lying inside her to form a spiritual connection with the world of Hikari.

Since she was the spirit of the world tree, Mia could connect with any world she wanted. But by doing so, she would expend a lot of her energy, rendering her useless for the next few days.

'Come on…' Mia gritted her teeth while roaming the world of Hikari.

This was what she had referred to as a 'vision'. Since Mia hadn't known about her abilities properly, she had explained her abilities as a vision to Zack.

Her body was running low on energy after making contact with Zack on the elven realm. If she had just sen him from afar, Mia would've ended up not using any of her power.

She could simply rely on the world tree's power, which in a way, connected her to both the elven realm and the fairy realm.

She could also connect with the top and bottom of the world tree. Mia had kept the two goddess company for as long as she could remember.

But after the splitting of the world tree, she had lost most of her powers and could no longer contact the two goddesses.

'Damn… so many people, both players and the natural residents of Hikari are being converted into Apep's army. I wonder what will happen if everyone from Earth appear here and start being converted into the dark side.' Mia silently wondered.

She visited the four continents around Hikari while her body remained in the room in the royal palace.

Mia visited places that even Zack had less knowledge about. However, the results she got were quite disappointing.

None of the other continents had an X factor like them. This had been true in the past as well considering how none of the mortals could fight gods.

'This reminds me… why did Apep stop his expansion? I know Zack and Kai went through multiple timelines to make sure everything was correct. That still doesn't explain why Apep didn't conquer humanity.'

Mia wondered if the god of timelines was gambling multiple things at once. There was no limit to what Kai could do with time if he was at peak power.

But due to him being imprisoned and overusing his powers, he could no longer control things like the past.

'Wait… what's this weird feeling?' Mia suddenly frowned.

She was about to recall her consciousness when she sensed that something wrong was happening in the Abasmoth kingdom.

Mia's body froze in the room despite using her spiritual form. The aura she had sensed was simply too familiar for her to ignore.

"Oh, is it who I think it is? What are you doing out here in the north, little spirit?" a teasing voice asked.

Mia could feel her entire body shuddering by simply listening to the voice. It belonged to a god she had fought before and had lost badly to.



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