High-Class Mob

Chapter 89: F*ck

Chapter 89: F*ck

The border of Genesis Family territory and Regulus Kingdom territory.

The summer breeze went past the face of the soldiers on horseback. The travel of Colt’s group continued at a leisure pace.

With Sera and Avern inside the carriage and the screams of pain of Colt coming from the outside remains unchanged, it was clear that it had been a peaceful journey.

“My successor, what treasure are you trying to find in the Valley of Death? I haven’t heard any legend pertaining to that place.”

“That’s a secret, Teacher. But, don’t worry, teacher. It’s not that dangerous.’

“Is that so…oh yeah, after this run, we’ll stop this training here. Your footwork and aura regulation will no longer increase now. I’ll teach you killing techniques later.”


At around Noon, the carriages stopped for a short break. Colt cut off the rope and freed himself from the training. He stood tall, and as he did so, many of the soldiers found Colt’s body to be…different.

Before, Colt was already strong. He had muscles and perfect abs. But now, he had grown taller and is now nearing two meters in height.

His skin was soft, but everyone knew that no ordinary person could pierce it. His already handsome countenance only grew to become even more prominent than before.

He was a new man; whose power recruits can only imagine. However, the weirdest thing was that Colt’s presence didn’t become more domineering. Instead, it became softer, like the cloud.

A gentle air was coming from him, and every time he smiles some doubted their gender identity. His hair had grown longer too, and instead of cutting it, Colt just tied it into a tiny ponytail.

“Teacher, I still have energy, why don’t we start training those killing techniques now?”

“Later, you must learn it at night. The first swing of the Art must be when the Moon is present to guide your motion with fluidity.”

The technique Colt trains in is known as the [Bloodbath Sword Art]. It sounds a little edgy, but from what Colt can see, its power is something amazing.

The night would come eventually, and by then, Colt will train with Neun to master these so-called Killing Techniques.

But right now is the time for resting.

Sitting on the open grass of the plains they are in; Colt rested his body.

‘First, I must arrange my memories. I need every hint I can get in obtaining The World Tree.’

Colt knows of Seven Treasures hidden throughout the Western Continent.

The World Devouring Book and the Ocean’s Sword were simply two of the seven. Each treasure holds different powers.

‘The World Tree is located in the belly of a land where no life can bloom. It is planted in the middle of the Valley of Death. Hmm, reading the wiki for spoilers was a rather good decision.’

Colt was thanking his old lazy self. But he’s also cursing it for not reading more spoilers about the main plot of other volumes.

‘Welp, it’s not going to change anything.’

Colt could only sigh.

While Colt was busily thinking about so many matters, Colt heard some scuttling about and saw the doors of the carriage open.

“So, you have awoken.”

The golden boy walked out of the carriage. His body slumped and only had meager strength. He was now merely supporting his body.

“Who are you? Where am I!? Y-you, are you the one who bought me!?”

The boy with the golden hair became apprehensive. Colt stared at him and asked, “I was the one who healed your ragged body. You, what’s your name and we can talk from there.”

The boy was looked like he was in his adolescence. He didn’t look older than Hylda, his eyes as burning with suspicion and doubt, but with trembling lips, he answered, “My name, it’s Julius…”


His face went pale and then collapsed. Then, something weird happened. Smoke appeared from the boy’s body, and then from a human, he turned to a golden furred cat.

Colt raised both brows. His surprise could not be fathomed. Quickly, he was jolted up as he hastened to the side of the boy.

“What the? Are you okay?” Colt asked while examining the body of the cat.

The now cat boy tried opening his mouth to answer. But he couldn’t quite correctly utter a single word.

“If you can’t speak human tongue, then speak the language of the cats. I can talk to cats…don’t ask how.”

The boy wanted to, but even that simple task was too hard. Thankfully, his body managed to respond.


A rumbling stomach became the answer to Colt’s question.

Food was served in haste. A soup was given to the boy and then to everyone else. Colt watched the cat eat with gusto, devouring every bit he could to satiate his hunger.

“This is good!” The boy praised while still being in his cat form.

‘How come this guy can speak the human tongue, and you can’t?’ Colt thought as he stared at the Lord.

As always, Colt got the silent treatment when Fluff refused to answer a question.

“Um…thank you, for saving me and giving me food…um.”

“Oh, my name is Colt Edgeworth. I hail from the neighboring Edgeworth Fief.”


The boy drew blank on who his benefactor was, but he still lowered his head.

“I thank you for your help. But I must now take my leave.”

“Hmmm? Why? Is something the matter? Do you need to go somewhere? We can make a detour, to there, you know?”

Julius opened and closed his mouth. His lips trembled as he stared at Colt with hope, but the light disappeared as soon as he remembered what’s going on, “I…I was captured by slave traders. I managed to get away from them, but I am sure they are looking for me…I am the last remaining person of my Clan, after all.”

“…I’m sorry for your loss.”

Colt can see the sadness in the boy’s trembling body. He had lowered his head but teardrops could be see.

Silent sob echoed as he tried his best to stifle his cries. The air grew silent, and the atmosphere grew somber.

Colt couldn’t say anything for a while.

Julius is a troublesome fellow. It is not his personality but his position.

‘Slave Traders will come and hunt us down. Those fellows will surely not want one of their merchandise telling about their shady dealings to one of the continent’s most avid fighter of Slavery. They will surely try and get him back…sigh, I’m a fucking idiot, aren’t I?’

“Do you want to join me on this journey? That way, we’ll be able to protect you.”

Julius raised his tear-stained face. He looked at Colt in disbelief.

“I-I can’t burden you any more than I have.”

“Julius, I can’t help you get revenge or anything like that, and I am going to somewhere far away. So, why don’t you join me on this journey? With the soldiers with me, we’ll be able to protect you from harm’s way. I can’t sleep at night thinking I left someone for dead when I could’ve done something.”

Julius can see the determination in Colt’s eyes. Julius smiled as he deeply bowed to Colt, “…then, I shall be in your care.”

“That’s good.”

Colt nodded his head. Another person joined his journey.

Neun watched from the side and thought back to when he slapped Julius. Then, he felt a hint of killing intent coming from somewhere.

‘Are we already getting followed? If yes, then they’re good.’

Neun became more attentive to his surrounding in anticipation of an ambush.

Neun then remembered the words of his Master when he was still a student.

Colt was once again trying to help another. But that didn’t matter, after all, he has one of the strongest people with him. 

Neun, someone beyond the first phase of Pathfinding. A Transcendent human who can do wonders. 

But, Colt tilted his head as he found something rather odd.

It was night, the moon was beautifully shining from above.

Colt looked at the moon and sighed as he tightly held his sword.

“Hmmm, something doesn’t feel right.”

Colt mumbled to himself as he stared at the dozens of people staring at him with bloodlust filled eyes leering at him like he was some kind of prey, Colt looked back and found a cat and an old man casually eating dinner as they watched Colt fight.

‘How the fuck did things went this badly?’

Colt could only curse his life.



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