High-Class Mob

Chapter 88: Ragdoll (part 3)

Chapter 88: Ragdoll (part 3)

The night came but still swiftly passed. Colt returned to training his sword and then collapsed after some time.

He found himself embracing Neun as soon as he woke up. It was a beautiful and traumatizing event for Colt.

The first floor of the Inn.

Colt was eating together with the soldiers. The Inn was silent despite the numerous people inside. Lopre had trained the soldiers to such an extent in such a short time.

“They have good discipline. Good Job, Platoon Leader.”

Lopre found Colt’s words to be encouraging.

He felt satisfied and thought that he needed to keep it that way. The recruits didn’t know but their hellish days have yet to come.

“All right, I am finished. Teacher, we’ll train later, please contact me once the one we’re waiting for appears.”

“Understood, Young Master.”

Finishing his meal, Colt returned to his room. With him was a perfumed letter from Mina. Colt had already read its contents.

It basically says that a helper Mina handpicked will meet Colt in Golden Eye City.

“Darling, the one I sent is someone proficient in the ways of the undead….”

This helper would be a great asset to conquering the Valley of Death, or she says.

‘She’s from the Magic Tower, so she must know a lot of people who possess Dark Element.’ Colt can only think that the one who will come to help them would be someone with the element of darkness.

‘Light Element doesn’t exist in the novel. Neither have I read anything about it in any reference texts. Damn, now that I think about it, how come there’s no Light Element in this world? The only Goddess I came the respect was the little girl. The Dracian Faith’s doctrine still preaches her teachings, so why?’

Colt’s mind delved into the meanings behind the things that don’t add up.

‘Goddess Root governs, Healing (Life), Water, Fire, Earth, Wind, and other natural elements that have yet to be harnessed. Goddess Darkness governs over the Dark Element. But Goddess Light remains blank…shouldn’t there be a Light Element? She mentioned about choosing a Child, does that mean anything? What if…’

The more he questioned himself, the deeper he descended into the Abyss. He wanted to know the truth as it might bridge his missing knowledge of the plot.

However, he could not go any more profound as he heard knocks.

Ta, tak, tak.

“Young Master, it is Sera, I have something to report.”

“Come in.”

Colt threw what he was mulling over and shifted his attention to what matters.

“Has he arrived?”

“It’s not about that, Young Master.”

Colt looked over at her direction with nonchalance and asked, “Then, what is it?”

“Jin, my older brother had perfected the cure to the Red Rose Poison. According to the reports, the markings on their body disappeared upon usage. Their pain left with the mark.”

“Really!? That’s good. With this, the family they are trying to create will finally be safe. They can finally build a happy family…that’s nice. Has he announced his discovery?”

Sera nodded her head in agreement with his words.

“He had; Butler Go is now helping him patent his creation. They had now posted Jin’s name the day before the antidote was created. The Crest of the Edgeworth Family especially the Young Master’s name was marked as the sponsor. Your fame had increased, Young Master.”

“I am happy about everything and all, but I fear that this is not the only thing you want to report, right?”

Fame is good, and all but Colt already achieved what he wanted, so he no longer has the need for glory. He will earn money from the medicine, but he doesn’t even have an issue with money, so that’s not what he cares about either.

What he cares about are the unfolding events.

“I was getting to that. You see, since the announcement of the medicine, many powerful forces have shown a great deal of interest. From all across the continent, many people want the antidote. We can’t exactly wrap our heads around why this is the case, so, they are seeking your guidance, Young Master.”

Colt’s eyes widened as he began to realize what these events meant. He didn’t smile as it was not the appropriate expression, but he did felt unusually pressured.

“Tell your brother to meet the demands of those people. Take their money and then give them what they want. Have Butler Go investigate the far Northwest and have him look for the reasons why the other powers are ordering the antidote. Tell Jin this might just be signs of what I told him. Make haste, or else the whole continent will turn to shit.”


“…Ah wait! Sera, tell Jin to first wait for Butler Go’s findings before sending out the antidotes. Act accordingly when giving out the antidote. Tell him that if it’s administered to the wrong people with an opposite disease or something only resembling the Red Rose Poison, then I fear there will be trouble.

Sera didn’t understand what Colt was talking about, but she will not disobey a direct order from him. She went to her room and wrote the letter she will send back.

Colt was left with the unconscious kid and began thinking, ‘The Red Vein Epidemic has started already…with all the manipulation of information I did to give him so many hints, and with the antidote to the Red Rose Poison as the basis of it all, the cure should arrive in a few months. I want to warn everyone about the epidemic…but, they might get suspicious of us and pin the blame to us.’

Colt was treading a thin line. he can become a savior, but he can also be turned into the villain.

‘I am facing two fronts in one battle. Once the epidemic becomes a real threat, then…the continent will try to find a cure as fast as possible. Hundreds of thousands will be infected, both young and old, poor and rich.

‘I can’t simply give the medicine to the other forces; they’ll be sure to abuse it. Sigh, even the damn distribution is a problem. Helping many people is a huge problem, huh. Welp, soon enough money will come rolling in, and we’ll be able to afford self-distribution. It will become a charity. Sell to the rich, donate to the needy. It’s the circle of money…I’ll suffer some major losses though.

‘Charity is the last resort. I’ll try finding another method first.’

Colt could only sigh. Colt’s mind wandered as his sea of thought focused only on the coming epidemic. It was then that he heard someone else knocking from his door.

Tak, tak, tak!

It was Neun’s voice behind the door, “Young Master, the one we’re waiting for has arrived. Can we enter?” 

“Come in.”

As soon as the people entered the room, Colt felt his body jolt up as he saw who it was.

“Avern!? Wait! You’re the one Mina is sending to me? You’re the Necromancer!?”

“Haha, that I am. Pretty surprising, right Young Master Colt? It was Senior Mina who invited me to the Magic Tower and introduced me to my Master. Right now, I am leading a much better life than I could ever imagine. Senior Mina and you are my benefactors, Young Master.”

Colt smiled and thought to himself, ‘That was unexpected.’

Avern still became a Necromancer despite having his faith derailed. 

Colt and Avern talked about some details, and Colt learned that Avern was a Second Circle Mage.

Avern was happily talking with Colt about the matters of his life.

“Well, Senior Mina said she wanted me to become strong for curses. But I was more proficient in calling upon the dead, so I…huh?”

Avern suddenly stopped talking as his jaw became slack. His eyes were focused on the one who suddenly walked into the room.

“Young Master, about the letter, do you…oh, I apologize. I didn’t mean to be disrespectful.” Sera unknowingly entered without knocking and disrupted the conversation. She bowed her head multiple times as she apologized.

Colt waved his hand and dismissed what she did as nothing.

But then, he turned his head to the right and saw a pair of gleaming eyes. Avern was in a state of a daze as he stared at Sera.

‘…That’s also unexpected.’

Colt grinned.



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