Hero without Blood or Tear

Chapter 80: Heroes from Far Away (5)

Chapter 80: Heroes from Far Away (5)

I followed Daltanang without a care in the world. When I didnt keep up with his pace, he was somewhat upset, but I did not give much attention to him.

Monsieur Daltanang. Slow down a bit.


Daltanag, once again, was barely able to suppress his temper. The soldiers in the vicinity gave me hostile looks, but they immediately turned their heads when I met their stares. How dare they, the lowly soldiers, give me such looks. They wouldnt able to look into my eyes even for a full second, after all.

Monsieur Daltanang, where did you get the hat from, I said?

You can just call me Daltanang.

As I called him Monsieur, Monsieur on purpose, he must have gotten angrier. Monsieur meant mister in Daltanangs mother tongue.

I kept saying Monsieur, slow down a bit., Monsieur, where did you get the hat from? as if I was paying him some respect, but I supposed it must have gotten to his ego.

At any rate, Daltanang. Are you a 2nd generation immigrant? Your empires language skill is very natural.

Count, you are very talkative, like that of a parrot.

Hahaha. Are you not bored, walking all the way to the castle?


He made an disapproving sound, but soon he replied that I was right.

In the western empire, in the past, there was a French based country called Glorier Luminaire. However, that place was ruined due to the uncontrollable, monster demons, and demon kings invasions.

After that, countless number of migrants moved to Glorier Luminaire, and settled there. Daltanang, too, was a 2nd generation of one of those migrants.

Currently, only a few humans were living in Glorier Luminaire, and were living in the dark ages. That region was an extraterrestrial land where giant demon beast which even the demon kings were unable to control was running rampant. Based on what was being said, if one was to begin a life there, the theme would change into survival mode.

What food is good in this fortress?

You seem to display many characteristics. You are too much.

Life is interesting only if there is diversity.

You are saying such a thing even after seeing what just took place.

We arrived at the castle in no time as we talked. When I went to where I was led to, I saw about ten men, standing there. Since I knew many of them, I said my hellos, first.

Bonjour Monsieurs.

It meant, how are you, everyone? Then it appeared that about 2/3 of them understood what I was saying. I did not use the foreign language for nothing. I wanted to see how many of the people in the Counts leadership positions were filled by people from Glorier Luminaire. There were more than I had anticipated.

Welcome. Count Wittenweier.

A holy man in humble attire, in the middle, stepped forward and welcomed me.

Im a holy count of Bastogne, and Bastogne bishop Richelieu.

I smiled inside when I saw the person, before me. He, too, was an outstanding hero character.

As a real person in France, he contributed greatly to establishing absolute monarchy. He was a cardinal, duke, and chancellor.

He was famous as a character in the <Three Musketeers>, and he was the confrontational cardinal, in red, who stood against the three musketeers. He might come across as being an evil character, but he was a great chancellor that worked hard to bring national prosperity and military might to France.

However, in this world, with the destruction of Glorier Luminaire which had been part of France, he was only a 2nd generation migrant. I was determined to bring him to my side.

Since my influence was growing greatly by the day, I needed an excellent chancellor. Originally, I had planned to recruit him a few years later, but with the appearance of the water demon Amunde, the timeline has changed.

Good to see you. Richelieu. Seeing you being addressed as Richelieu, you must not have forgotten your home town.

Richelieu was the name of the territory which was in his family for a long, long time.

It is human nature to have native patriotism. Everyone is saying that it is too late to recoup the home land, but I have not given up on it, yet.

Commendable attitude. Holy Duke.

After a chit chat, I asked him why he had called on me. Based on the hawkish stares of the people around me, the intention could not be a kind one. Yet, Richelieu was respectful, and kind.

That was his nature. He was an old fox that could smile in front of his sworn enemies, even.

Count Wittenweier. Its regrettable that we meet under these circumstances, but with your actions last night, the whole city has become at risk.

I played dumb to what he was saying.

I only helped alleviate the citizens heavy hearts. Are you not trying to put on too much accountability on me just by doing that? I did not even fire a single gunshot at the check point.

When I said that, complaints were being voiced from everywhere.

Count! Please this is a serious matter!

Thats right! How could you be so thick faced!

Regardless, I pulled out a chair from a nearby table, and sat down. Then I asked for a cup of tea.

While youre at it, bring me a plum cookie, too. I know that you bake cookies using plums in your country. I had heard that Count Henry Guys used to like them, in the past.

To their surprise, they were flummoxed when they found out how well I knew of their history and historical figures. Laughing lightly, Richelieu said that he would have them prepared. And he sat on the opposite side, facing me.

Here, take a look at this. These are the messages from both sides.

Richelieu spread out two pieces of papers on the table. Each had the respective seals of the demon king and the feudal lord.

First, the fire demon king Jackerd.

-Youre acting as if rules do not apply to you. I will rip off your arms and legs, and gouge out your eyes and..

After reading up to that point, I clicked my tongue and threw away the letter.

Huhu, boy! Ignorant bastard. His words are so uneducated, writing in this way.

Cringing, I looked over the feudal lords letter.

-We are quite concerned with what had transpired last night. As a result, I wish to dispatch a special envoy in order to quickly and peacefully resolve this issue. Furthermore, in order to prevent such horrendous events from taking place again, we are also looking into the option of stationing military forces at Bastogne..

Having read it that far, I, once again, clicked my tongue and removed the letter.

Aeeey, that greedy bastard. He speaks softly, but wants to dispatch armies.

Leaning back on to my chair, I murmured.

This and that bastard all desperately wants to take over this place.

Finally, everyone lost their temper after seeing my attitude.

Its all your fault, after all!

Youre responsible!

You should be ashamed of yourself! Count!

Perhaps, as they were getting angrier, their tones of voices were becoming harsh and rude. However, it did not bother me that much. It was because they were the lowly bastards not worth my concern.

Count Wittenweier.

Speak, holy duke.

The only person that I needed to negotiate with right now was Richelieu. As a bonus, it would be nice to have Daltanang open up a bit, at the same time, but that didnt seem too simple.

I asked to meet you today, so that we can search for a realistic solution. I dont mean to threaten or ask for your accountability.

That is truly a reasonable proposal. Holy duke. I do like how you conduct your business.

Thanks for the praise, but last nights incidence was beyond any reasonable behaviors. Im asking for a formal apology and a solution from you.

As he was making a reference to solutions, he must be thinking that I had done this with something in mind. Of course, there was a solution. Im not a dummy who creates a problem without already having a solution to it.

I do have an idea to resolve the issue.

Oh! Is that true?

Richelieus continence changed with anticipation. Furthermore, all the others were also trying to hear. I smiled to them.

Hand over the castles authority to me. Ill gladly take care of this issue.

To those words, all the men exploded, once again.

Come on! Weve been very patient!

Youre a robber!

No matter what they were saying, I just picked my ear, and everyone was grabbing the back of their heads. Then Richelieu interjected to prevent the situation from further escalation.

Everyone, be quiet. Have you forgotten that we are in the presence of the empires count!

As if they realized that they have overstepped their boundaries, everyone kept their mouths shut. It was because they could get punished if they were to continue their ways. Hence, I showed the dignity and easiness of one with great authority.

Hahaha, I have no intention of asking for the accountability for your disrespectfulness, so relax holy duke.

Youre truly gracious. Count Wittenweier.

Although he was saying it that way, Richelieu began to explain his frustration.

Requesting to hand over the authority is unreasonable.

Then what do you want?

I wish for a realistic solution. Either money to put both enraged sides to calm down, or military force that will protect this, at risk, city.

They were certainly logical requests.

I know that you had operated large military forces while you were in Rhine River. I also heard that your war chest is quite large.

Youre right. Youre well informed. However, my earlier prerequisite did not change. Hand over the authority of the city. Then Ill resolve this issue.


Impatiently, even Richelieu has raised his voice as he stood up from his seat. Then shaking his head wildly, he sat back down, and took a sip of his tea. He seemed very frustrated.

However, there was no way that I would agree to do what they wanted. Instigating at the bar to begin with was to eventually take over the city. As everything was going as I had planned, I had no reason to rush my decision.

If you hand over your authority, there will not be any problems. I will immediately take care of those two greedy bastards, so what is holding you back?

Thats impossible.

Then this negotiation is ended. Ill go now.

However, Richelieu shook his head when I said that.

I cant let you go like this.

I snickered at those words.

How come? Do you intent to put me to a trial or something?

As a holy duke, it would be impossible to put a count through a trial. If he was to sue me, he would have to go to a higher administrations power. The closest higher administrative officer would be the feudal lord Trier who held the title of the empires supreme court.

If he wanted to apply even a slightest crime against me, he had no choice, but to supplicate to the feudal lord Trier. That meant that he would open up the city to the greedy one that wanted to take over the city, in the first place.

In the end, they had no solution.

If you so desire, you may ask the emperor, but his highness is close to me these days? Well, if you think youre capable of moving the emperor, do try. Do you want to try based on the empires precedence tradition?

The empires precedence tradition was based on the aristocracy. So, challenging his position based on the precedence tradition meant he would be disadvantaged. When I made a reference to that tradition, Richelieu looked flummoxed.

I really do not understand you, count. What are you after with your actions last night? I think that you want this city, but I just dont understand it. Even if you become the head of this city, how would you endure and counter the oppressive forces of the demon king and the feudal lord?

That, I need to worry about. Not something for you to be concerned, holy duke.


Letting out a long sigh, Richelieu came to a conclusion.

I respectfully ask you to leave this city. Count.

He must have come to a conclusion that Im not worth anything to be utilized, and so he wanted me out of the city.

I refuse.

.What are you really thinking. Then what guarantee can you give me that something undesirable incidence, like last night, will not occur again?

Give me your trust.

Richelieu was dumbfounded when he heard me. And he resolutely shook his head.

I cant do that. Then while youre in the city, we will escort you. Youll stay at a mansion with plenty of guards. Well even let you take a walk on Sundays.

To put it in another words, he wanted to put me under house arrest.

He wanted to either chase me away or watch over me by putting me under house arrest. So, it was certain that he had no intention of leaving me alone. And Richelieu, who has been quite respectful and placid, was now warning me.

I realize that you have your authority and trust your powers. But, please remember that those things cant always protect you.

Are you threatening me, right now?

Perhaps. I just wanted to let you know that disasters do not discriminate between aristocrats, kings, and peasants, thats all.

Thats an interesting saying. However, sometimes, someone has the longevity of life which others cannot believe.

Im sure it isnt you, count.

Only time will tell.

With that, our face to face meeting had ended. I turned and spoke before I left.

Well, try to stay well for about one week. There will be good news.


I was confined to a big mansion in the city. However, there was a beautiful garden, and they brought out great meals, fitting to my titles.

Furthermore, the people of the city gathered outside the gate, like clouds, after learning that I was there. The news of me undeservingly being punished for instigating the attacks at the checkpoints were percolating amongst the people.

Long live the Count Wittenweier!

We are with you, Count Wittenweier!

People shouted at the mansion I was staying at, and threw flowers all over. Hundreds of them were asking to see me, and presents were delivered in bulks, each day. It was at a volume that I could not reply to personally. When I went outside and waved my hand, their screaming reactions were like as if they were seeing a celebrity.

Whoaaaa! Long live the liberator, Count Wittenweier!

Only the Count will protect this city!

This was a well planned political show which was to secure supporters. So, I yelled at the people that were gathered there.

I am confined here, just for you! Ive lost my freedom, but I can clearly hear your voices!

In fact, I could always leave the city at my will, if I wanted to. Although it required a guarantee that Ill never return. However, the people who did not know this fact were highly impressed. There were many who even shed tears.

Count, youre the only one who cares about us!

Well follow you like our parent!

The leadership of the city began to be concerned as they were being implied as being oppressive to a fighter who fought for the people. I couldnt help, but mock those who we

I followed Daltanang without a care in the world. When I didnt keep up with his pace, he was somewhat upset, but I did not give much attention to him.

Monsieur Daltanang. Slow down a bit.


Daltanag, once again, was barely able to suppress his temper. The soldiers in the vicinity gave me hostile looks, but they immediately turned their heads when I met their stares. How dare they, the lowly soldiers, give me such looks. They wouldnt able to look into my eyes even for a full second, after all.

Monsieur Daltanang, where did you get the hat from, I said?

You can just call me Daltanang.

As I called him Monsieur, Monsieur on purpose, he must have gotten angrier. Monsieur meant mister in Daltanangs mother tongue.

I kept saying Monsieur, slow down a bit., Monsieur, where did you get the hat from? as if I was paying him some respect, but I supposed it must have gotten to his ego.

At any rate, Daltanang. Are you a 2nd generation immigrant? Your empires language skill is very natural.

Count, you are very talkative, like that of a parrot.

Hahaha. Are you not bored, walking all the way to the castle?


He made an disapproving sound, but soon he replied that I was right.

In the western empire, in the past, there was a French based country called Glorier Luminaire. However, that place was ruined due to the uncontrollable, monster demons, and demon kings invasions.

After that, countless number of migrants moved to Glorier Luminaire, and settled there. Daltanang, too, was a 2nd generation of one of those migrants.

Currently, only a few humans were living in Glorier Luminaire, and were living in the dark ages. That region was an extraterrestrial land where giant demon beast which even the demon kings were unable to control was running rampant. Based on what was being said, if one was to begin a life there, the theme would change into survival mode.

What food is good in this fortress?

You seem to display many characteristics. You are too much.

Life is interesting only if there is diversity.

You are saying such a thing even after seeing what just took place.

We arrived at the castle in no time as we talked. When I went to where I was led to, I saw about ten men, standing there. Since I knew many of them, I said my hellos, first.

Bonjour Monsieurs.

It meant, how are you, everyone? Then it appeared that about 2/3 of them understood what I was saying. I did not use the foreign language for nothing. I wanted to see how many of the people in the Counts leadership positions were filled by people from Glorier Luminaire. There were more than I had anticipated.

Welcome. Count Wittenweier.

A holy man in humble attire, in the middle, stepped forward and welcomed me.

Im a holy count of Bastogne, and Bastogne bishop Richelieu.

I smiled inside when I saw the person, before me. He, too, was an outstanding hero character.

As a real person in France, he contributed greatly to establishing absolute monarchy. He was a cardinal, duke, and chancellor.

He was famous as a character in the <Three Musketeers>, and he was the confrontational cardinal, in red, who stood against the three musketeers. He might come across as being an evil character, but he was a great chancellor that worked hard to bring national prosperity and military might to France.

However, in this world, with the destruction of Glorier Luminaire which had been part of France, he was only a 2nd generation migrant. I was determined to bring him to my side.

Since my influence was growing greatly by the day, I needed an excellent chancellor. Originally, I had planned to recruit him a few years later, but with the appearance of the water demon Amunde, the timeline has changed.

Good to see you. Richelieu. Seeing you being addressed as Richelieu, you must not have forgotten your home town.

Richelieu was the name of the territory which was in his family for a long, long time.

It is human nature to have native patriotism. Everyone is saying that it is too late to recoup the home land, but I have not given up on it, yet.

Commendable attitude. Holy Duke.

After a chit chat, I asked him why he had called on me. Based on the hawkish stares of the people around me, the intention could not be a kind one. Yet, Richelieu was respectful, and kind.

That was his nature. He was an old fox that could smile in front of his sworn enemies, even.

Count Wittenweier. Its regrettable that we meet under these circumstances, but with your actions last night, the whole city has become at risk.

I played dumb to what he was saying.

I only helped alleviate the citizens heavy hearts. Are you not trying to put on too much accountability on me just by doing that? I did not even fire a single gunshot at the check point.

When I said that, complaints were being voiced from everywhere.

Count! Please this is a serious matter!

Thats right! How could you be so thick faced!

Regardless, I pulled out a chair from a nearby table, and sat down. Then I asked for a cup of tea.

While youre at it, bring me a plum cookie, too. I know that you bake cookies using plums in your country. I had heard that Count Henry Guys used to like them, in the past.

To their surprise, they were flummoxed when they found out how well I knew of their history and historical figures. Laughing lightly, Richelieu said that he would have them prepared. And he sat on the opposite side, facing me.

Here, take a look at this. These are the messages from both sides.

Richelieu spread out two pieces of papers on the table. Each had the respective seals of the demon king and the feudal lord.

First, the fire demon king Jackerd.

-Youre acting as if rules do not apply to you. I will rip off your arms and legs, and gouge out your eyes and..

After reading up to that point, I clicked my tongue and threw away the letter.

Huhu, boy! Ignorant bastard. His words are so uneducated, writing in this way.

Cringing, I looked over the feudal lords letter.

-We are quite concerned with what had transpired last night. As a result, I wish to dispatch a special envoy in order to quickly and peacefully resolve this issue. Furthermore, in order to prevent such horrendous events from taking place again, we are also looking into the option of stationing military forces at Bastogne..

Having read it that far, I, once again, clicked my tongue and removed the letter.

Aeeey, that greedy bastard. He speaks softly, but wants to dispatch armies.

Leaning back on to my chair, I murmured.

This and that bastard all desperately wants to take over this place.

Finally, everyone lost their temper after seeing my attitude.

Its all your fault, after all!

Youre responsible!

You should be ashamed of yourself! Count!

Perhaps, as they were getting angrier, their tones of voices were becoming harsh and rude. However, it did not bother me that much. It was because they were the lowly bastards not worth my concern.

Count Wittenweier.

Speak, holy duke.

The only person that I needed to negotiate with right now was Richelieu. As a bonus, it would be nice to have Daltanang open up a bit, at the same time, but that didnt seem too simple.

I asked to meet you today, so that we can search for a realistic solution. I dont mean to threaten or ask for your accountability.

That is truly a reasonable proposal. Holy duke. I do like how you conduct your business.

Thanks for the praise, but last nights incidence was beyond any reasonable behaviors. Im asking for a formal apology and a solution from you.

As he was making a reference to solutions, he must be thinking that I had done this with something in mind. Of course, there was a solution. Im not a dummy who creates a problem without already having a solution to it.

I do have an idea to resolve the issue.

Oh! Is that true?

Richelieus continence changed with anticipation. Furthermore, all the others were also trying to hear. I smiled to them.

Hand over the castles authority to me. Ill gladly take care of this issue.

To those words, all the men exploded, once again.

Come on! Weve been very patient!

Youre a robber!

No matter what they were saying, I just picked my ear, and everyone was grabbing the back of their heads. Then Richelieu interjected to prevent the situation from further escalation.

Everyone, be quiet. Have you forgotten that we are in the presence of the empires count!

As if they realized that they have overstepped their boundaries, everyone kept their mouths shut. It was because they could get punished if they were to continue their ways. Hence, I showed the dignity and easiness of one with great authority.

Hahaha, I have no intention of asking for the accountability for your disrespectfulness, so relax holy duke.

Youre truly gracious. Count Wittenweier.

Although he was saying it that way, Richelieu began to explain his frustration.

Requesting to hand over the authority is unreasonable.

Then what do you want?

I wish for a realistic solution. Either money to put both enraged sides to calm down, or military force that will protect this, at risk, city.

They were certainly logical requests.

I know that you had operated large military forces while you were in Rhine River. I also heard that your war chest is quite large.

Youre right. Youre well informed. However, my earlier prerequisite did not change. Hand over the authority of the city. Then Ill resolve this issue.


Impatiently, even Richelieu has raised his voice as he stood up from his seat. Then shaking his head wildly, he sat back down, and took a sip of his tea. He seemed very frustrated.

However, there was no way that I would agree to do what they wanted. Instigating at the bar to begin with was to eventually take over the city. As everything was going as I had planned, I had no reason to rush my decision.

If you hand over your authority, there will not be any problems. I will immediately take care of those two greedy bastards, so what is holding you back?

Thats impossible.

Then this negotiation is ended. Ill go now.

However, Richelieu shook his head when I said that.

I cant let you go like this.

I snickered at those words.

How come? Do you intent to put me to a trial or something?

As a holy duke, it would be impossible to put a count through a trial. If he was to sue me, he would have to go to a higher administrations power. The closest higher administrative officer would be the feudal lord Trier who held the title of the empires supreme court.

If he wanted to apply even a slightest crime against me, he had no choice, but to supplicate to the feudal lord Trier. That meant that he would open up the city to the greedy one that wanted to take over the city, in the first place.

In the end, they had no solution.

If you so desire, you may ask the emperor, but his highness is close to me these days? Well, if you think youre capable of moving the emperor, do try. Do you want to try based on the empires precedence tradition?

The empires precedence tradition was based on the aristocracy. So, challenging his position based on the precedence tradition meant he would be disadvantaged. When I made a reference to that tradition, Richelieu looked flummoxed.

I really do not understand you, count. What are you after with your actions last night? I think that you want this city, but I just dont understand it. Even if you become the head of this city, how would you endure and counter the oppressive forces of the demon king and the feudal lord?

That, I need to worry about. Not something for you to be concerned, holy duke.


Letting out a long sigh, Richelieu came to a conclusion.

I respectfully ask you to leave this city. Count.

He must have come to a conclusion that Im not worth anything to be utilized, and so he wanted me out of the city.

I refuse.

.What are you really thinking. Then what guarantee can you give me that something undesirable incidence, like last night, will not occur again?

Give me your trust.

Richelieu was dumbfounded when he heard me. And he resolutely shook his head.

I cant do that. Then while youre in the city, we will escort you. Youll stay at a mansion with plenty of guards. Well even let you take a walk on Sundays.

To put it in another words, he wanted to put me under house arrest.

He wanted to either chase me away or watch over me by putting me under house arrest. So, it was certain that he had no intention of leaving me alone. And Richelieu, who has been quite respectful and placid, was now warning me.

I realize that you have your authority and trust your powers. But, please remember that those things cant always protect you.

Are you threatening me, right now?

Perhaps. I just wanted to let you know that disasters do not discriminate between aristocrats, kings, and peasants, thats all.

Thats an interesting saying. However, sometimes, someone has the longevity of life which others cannot believe.

Im sure it isnt you, count.

Only time will tell.

With that, our face to face meeting had ended. I turned and spoke before I left.

Well, try to stay well for about one week. There will be good news.


I was confined to a big mansion in the city. However, there was a beautiful garden, and they brought out great meals, fitting to my titles.

Furthermore, the people of the city gathered outside the gate, like clouds, after learning that I was there. The news of me undeservingly being punished for instigating the attacks at the checkpoints were percolating amongst the people.

Long live the Count Wittenweier!

We are with you, Count Wittenweier!

People shouted at the mansion I was staying at, and threw flowers all over. Hundreds of them were asking to see me, and presents were delivered in bulks, each day. It was at a volume that I could not reply to personally. When I went outside and waved my hand, their screaming reactions were like as if they were seeing a celebrity.

Whoaaaa! Long live the liberator, Count Wittenweier!

Only the Count will protect this city!

This was a well planned political show which was to secure supporters. So, I yelled at the people that were gathered there.

I am confined here, just for you! Ive lost my freedom, but I can clearly hear your voices!

In fact, I could always leave the city at my will, if I wanted to. Although it required a guarantee that Ill never return. However, the people who did not know this fact were highly impressed. There were many who even shed tears.

Count, youre the only one who cares about us!

Well follow you like our parent!

The leadership of the city began to be concerned as they were being implied as being oppressive to a fighter who fought for the people. I couldnt help, but mock those who were hurriedly alleviate the situation.

Are they such ignorant in politics?

Soon, the emperors special envoy will arrive. I decided to enjoy this time off.

The red tea is very sweet for some reason, today. Very sweet.

That was how my home confinement had started.

re hurriedly alleviate the situation.

Are they such ignorant in politics?

Soon, the emperors special envoy will arrive. I decided to enjoy this time off.

The red tea is very sweet for some reason, today. Very sweet.

That was how my home confinement had started.

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