Latest chapter
7 months ago
When humans are being swept away by demon lords, there is one man who hunted down demon lords to... Read more When humans are being swept away by demon lords, there is one man who hunted down demon lords to satisfy his greed. He was the invincible hero without blood or tears. Collapse Army, Army Building, Artificial Intelligence, Clever Protagonist, Curses, Demon Lord, Dragons, Empires, Evil Religions, Famous Protagonist, Fantasy Creatures, Fantasy World, Futuristic Setting, Game Elements, Game Ranking System, Heroes, Kingdom Building, Level System, Magic, Male Protagonist, Mercenaries, MMORPG, Necromancer, Religions, Romantic Subplot, Skill Assimilation, Strategist, Summoning Magic, Sword And Magic, Transported into a Game World, Vampires, Wars, Weak to Strong They should have put virtual games genre It's a good novel but there are somethings I just can't overlook while reading a novel but don't worry it seems my dislikes are very rarely relatable to others as you can see from the dislikes on my profile, this is supposedly a VR game since I haven't read up to the latest chap(it might change) the MC is amiable since he kills those who he considers a threat, the character descriptions are very vague by that I mean how they look, it's fast paced so no bandit troupe while travelling etc, all in all I'd say it won't fry you brain... probably? I read this a while ago, i'm pretty sure the TL that was translating this dropped, but i stopped at chapter 52, so maybe they picked it up again? people translating this? read around up to 80 as that's where translation stopped. was a really good novel for me but translation was poor and slow The head look weird as hell on that cover compared to everything else. Pioneer? Won't be me, too many things to read already.