Hero without Blood or Tear

Chapter 68: Abyss Rising (5)

Chapter 68: Abyss Rising (5)

Three days later. I put together 5,000 troops and hurriedly departed to Wittenweier. Due to the urgency, only the 1st team took off first. I had no intention of being dragged around by the enemy.

As the troop was en-route, I instructed Kalione to meet the emperor in order to prepare for the follow up measures. I saw a need to bring the emperor into this operation. I packed minimally and crossed the Ulm Plains, leaving the supply tasks to the 2nd group.

This is cutting close.

Max, who took the title of lieutenant commander, looked ahead as he clicked his tongue. He asked me if I wanted to increase the pace of our march.

No. If we did that, some troops will go awol.

Being impatient in situations like this would only ruin the outcome. I opened up, and reviewed the status window to help me pace my mind. It was to verify the newly ascertained skill after killing the ultimate swordswoman Palke.

* The teaching of the great swordsman (SS Level)

The swordsmanship immersed in the teachings of the great, respected swordsman.

He had said that there was only one craft for every swordsmanship. The person who understands the meaning could rise to a higher plain.

* Soul slicing (S level) Cannot be used since the requirements are not satisfied.

* Summoning of the spirit of the swordsman (S level) Cannot be used since the requirements are not satisfied.

* Dimension slicing (SS level) Cannot be used since the requirements are not satisfied.

* Half godly power (SS level) Cannot be used since the requirements are not satisfied.

There were 2 S-level and 3 SS-level skills. This could be viewed as having achieved a great result, but with the exception of the teaching of the great swordsman, the other 4 werent usable.

The reason was simple. It was because poetry was the only way for the swordsman to manage the magic power of the 4 skills. In order to utilize poetry skill, one must rise to the level of a great swordsman.

As I have not reached that level, I could not use them. However, no reason to worry about it, because in due time and with training, I will be able to use it.

My lord, are we heading to Wittenweier?

I nodded at Maxs question. I plan to meet up with Pappenheim, at Wittenweier.

We reached the outskirts of Wittenweier after 15 days. However, things did not go smoothly. On the other side of the river-crossing point of Rhine River, which had been preselected after seeing Pappenheim in advance, the enemy troops were already gathered.

Damn it.

Im sorry. My lord.

Pappenheim, who has become a day walker by me, bowed down as if it was his fault.

No. It is not your fault. The enemy was prepared for a battle. At any rate, do you think they are looking to cross the river, first?

Pappenheim shook his head in response to my question.

I dont believe so. Pajemut has already taken a significant damage on the troops at the southwest. So, it is difficult to say that they have enough force to cross the river to launch an attack. Even if they were successful in overtaking the area, they would not have enough men to protect the area which would have been doubled in size.

Then is it a show of power to say not to try anything.

The conflict between Pajemut, the demon king, and Roelin, the demon, queen were attracting much of the attention of the empires influential people, right now. Some of them will contemplate whether to advance to the southwestern region or not during this time.

However, seeing the troops gathered like that would suppress their drive. That was because nobody would know that they were just bluffing. Pappeheim has also pointed that out.

It should certainly work. Only my lord has fully analyzed the condition of the Pajemuts troops on the other side of the Rhine River. According to the intel from the mobilized vampires, the fortresses on the other side of the river are nearly half empty.

We have to use that to our advantage.

Still, the enemy had about 15,000 troops. They had their watchful eyes, watching to see who would cross the river. Even if they understood the situation, it would be hard to launch an attack.


A quiet sound of voice flowed out automatically. I looked beyond, at the other side of the river, for a long time. In the distance, the Orc long-spearmen were loudly singing their military songs on purpose. The fishermen around the river were shaking with fear. As I was mindlessly watching all those scenes, a solution suddenly popped into my head.


Yes, my lord.

You and the day walkers have a task to do.

The 30 vampires under his command have all been quickly promoted to day walkers.

Wittenweier, Freiburg, Rhinefelden, the cities on the right side of the Rhine River, are the targets. When you get there, you will be posting fliers in both human and demon languages.

The content of the flier was as below.

In the name of Pajemut who rules over us with blood and death here is a public statement to the humans.

1) Leave the city within 10 days. Only carrying what you could carry when you leave will be permitted. You may not take horses, donkeys, or live stocks with you.

2) All women under the age of 22 must remain in the city.

3) No act of hostility will be permitted. If you resist, everything in the city will be burned down.

The three conditions here are clearly defined, and there will be no bargaining or negotiation.

If this lenient proposal is refused, be solemnly warned that there will only be blood and death.

Kookooshirak, the commander of the demon kings army

Certainly, Kookooshirak, the commander of the demon kings army on the other side of the Rhine River, has not issued such an order.

However, whether this was true or not was not the important thing. What was important was that this could throw a wrench and cause fear. Following my order, Pappenheim and the day walkers posted the fliers in many points in the three cities.

Naturally, it caused a big stir.

What in the world! Those ugly bastards must have decided to cross the river!

These barbarous bastards! Why do they want the women under the age of 22 to remain here!

What should we do now! Ah-ah!

The fliers stirred up unbelievable level of reverberation. People were half lost and didnt know what to do. They went in droves to the government assembly and demanded them to come up with a counter action.

You useless bastards! What have you done until now!

Do something!

That was expected, because these three cities have barely survived the last war, just for being on the east side of the Rhine River. And a lot of the people in the cities came over from the west side of the Rhine River.

Everyone knew the terror of war. It was no wonder that everyone just shuddered in fear.

My lord, the effect is incredible!

Pappenheim, who was in charge of the flier posting, seemed excited. Not stopping there, I have instructed him to spread false rumors.

Pappenheim, go spread a rumor of the thing that you know of as the most terrifying. Exaggerate and exaggerate to invoke fear, and frighten them.

I will. My lord!


The headquarter of the demon king Pajemuts camp across the Rhine River. The commander Kookooshirak had his mouth wide open when he heard the unbelievable news.

What, this type of rumor is circulating among the humans?

Yes. They said that youll violate and assault every woman in the cities.

What? Why would I?

The commander Kookooshirak was flabbergasted and he could not speak. He was an Orc warrior and Pajemuts highly trusted general. He could be said to have been a self-made man as he had begun his career as a lowly Orc soldier, and rose to the position of the commander.

He was a man of honor, so when he heard that he was going to violate human women, he could not hide his feeling of absurdity.

These crazy bastards! They dare say that I intent to violate women!

I have never heard anything as disgusting as this in my entire life.


The man of high self-esteem shook all over. On top of that, being an Orc, he preferred the gorgeous bug toothed women with green skin.

Its not known. It is only a part of the rumor.

What else are they saying?

We are going to roast and eat their new born babies. And cut off their arms and legs to use as ornaments, and all sorts of crazy things are being said.

Kookooshirak could not believe it. It was true that they were bluffing after putting together the army, but he did not anticipate such outrageous response would result from it. Even in the past, he had made similar postures when the need arose.

Even recently, he had done the same thing during the political turmoil due to Triar feudal lord and the demon king Jacques, so he could not understand why they were reacting in such a way, this time around.

Wasnt really going to invade, eitherSo why?

Take a look at this, first. This is the flier which they claimed we have posted.

The flier that Kookooshirak looked at was the one made with Valers direction.

Why am I not allowing them to take their live stocks? Even if that was true, it is the kind nature to allow them to use the horses for moving. Now, I look at it, it appears that these bastards are thinking about attacking our land! Making up such rumors!

At the ridiculous fabrication of the situation, Kookooshirak ordered his men to stay alert. However, he was feeling somber.

The bastards must be planning to do something in earnest. However, Pajemut probably does not have extra troops to be sent here. Im not sure if we can hold our position..

Despite the concerns of this Orc general, the situation was moving out of control.


The three cities on the other side of the Rhine River were in chaotic state, every day. Fear consumed the cities like wild fire. However, fear alone could not cause the type of explosion which I was after. So, I plan to add anger to all this.

Max. Inform everyone that I am going to be speaking at the square of Wittenweier at noon. Gather the people.

I will. My lord.

At the moment, I have become a famous person on the east side of the Rhine River. I must have appeared like a savior since I showed up with 5,000 troops, right at the moment of turmoil. People were highly expecting me to do something for them.

The three cities beyond the Rhine River grew as independent cities after the war, but they lacked military power. They would naturally see 5,000 troops as being a massive force, at this time. On top of that, as I said that additional 5,000 men will arrive, they had no other recourse than just looking at me.

And then I was about to speak? Naturally, people filled the square in droves.

Dear citizens!

As my voice, strengthened by magic, permeated, the entire place became silent. Feeling satisfied by that, I remained silent for a moment in order to draw their anticipation.


People remained quiet as they all focused on me. However, they could not hide their anxiety as I stayed speechless for a long time. I, too, was excited and wanted to say something, but as all great actors would do, I waited for the most effective moment. And at the end of that silence, my spoken words caused strong reaction from them.

Everyone, we are at the cross roads of life and death.

Soon, there was a loud roar. The suppressed fear and anxiety exploded.

No! They will kill us all!

We have to run away!

Save us! Duke Valer! Please!

Help us! Our citys assembly is useless!

In fact, the Wittenweiers city assembly could not even block me from making this non-authorized speech. My vicinity was already solemnly guarded by mercenaries. Even if the sentry guards were to approach us, it would be of no use.

Everyone, I understand your pain. So, please listen to me. With a burning heart, I want to tell you.

The roaring crowd then kept their mouths shut. I spoke to them in a heated voice.

Where did the recent days suffering come from?

One of the agitators I have planted shouted.

Its the demons! The demon race!

Then sympathetic voices were heard from here and there.

Thats right! Its the demon race! Everything is because of the demons!

Right! Thats right!

Hatred grew rampantly. I looked at this development with a smile.

Thats right. Everyone. So, I wish to speak about the demon race, right here.

The purpose I had was to incite anti demon sentiment. There might be someone who thought of me as strange as I attempted to do this.

That was because I joined forces with Roelin, the demon queen, and Kubalt, the demon king. So, they might be implying that Im a pro demon race. However, that would be a wrong statement. I joined forces, not because they were demons, but they were beneficial.

If it was necessary, I could proclaim anti demon race position at the empires southwest region while proclaiming to be pro demon race in the eastern part of the empire. And the best thing to do here, right now, was to fan the hatred on the demon race.

Everything which youre suffering from, right now, was all caused by the demons. So, I, Valersted Valer, will say it to you with certainty! If the demons on the other side of the Rhine River were to disappear, all this suffering will end!

There was a great response. The crowd stood up in large numbers and went wild.

Thats right!

Right! Duke Valer is right!

There was a loud applause. I continued with my speech as I was drunk from the moments excitement.

As you hate the demons, I, too, hate the demons. You have lost your wealth and family to them, and I am no different than you.

This was a pure lie. It was because Spandau was a peaceful, country village. However, it was enough to incite sympathy.

So, today, I believe that I have the right to stand before you!

Thats right! Duke Valer!

Thats right!

Another applause burst out.

So, for all of us! There is a need to gather up all the demons and burn them by fire! I know that peace will return to the earth when everyone of the demon race is killed!

Thats right! Thats right!

At this time, people were jumping around, crazed. However, I threw out unexpected words at this time.

However, there is a great, hidden secret here. Our suffering is clearly caused by the demons, but shouldnt the citys assembly take part of the responsibility?

At those words, people went numb as if they all had been hit on their heads with a hammer. I have just provided them with something that they could readily resent, a much easier target than the demons.

Their inability may not be due to a lack of skill, but due to some clandestine arrangements. The terrible leaders are planning to sell your children out to the demons!

I added a conspiracy theory to it. The sentry guards rushed and wreaked havoc, but the mercenaries under my command easily suppressed them. I pointed at those who fell to the ground.

Take a look at them. What do they fear that they try to hide the truth?

Everyone appeared to be under a spell.

Everyone, only those who act will keep their lives. Raise your sword for your wife and grab the guns for your children!

That days speech ended with a great reception. And the problem was introduced with a bang in that evening. For some reason, there ware arsons within many areas in the city. People were crying in fear, but then one person shouted loudly.

Orcs! Orcs set the fires!

There was absolutely no sign of Orcs in the city alleys, but people went insane as if they have been burned by the fires.

What? Orcs!

The bastards must have finally invaded us!

And I, who was hiding in the midst of the people, shouted.

Its the citys assembly! They sold us out! They have opened the castles gate!

The people who were surprised by the fires and rushed outside instantly flipped out.

Lets go! To the city assembly!

Get all those bastards! Including the mayor!

In every which direction, there were rising flames due to arsons. Looking at this scene, I exploded, no longer unable to contain myself.

O, beautiful city of Wittenweier! I am here, now!

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