Hero without Blood or Tear

Chapter 64: The Abyss Rising (1)

Chapter 64: The Abyss Rising (1)

What, what the heck is this noise?

Fluttered, I looked surveyed the area as the ambience seemed to be leading to an inexplicable beastly event. I felt as if some unknown monster was going to show up and drag me away


However, there was only silence. It was only that the dry grass in the area was burning up with crackling sounds. The smoke was suffocating and it was hurting my throat. It appeared though that no imminent event was going to take place.

However, I opened up the status window in order to first assess the situation. If a new level was in play, then there must surely be some supplementary explanation.


But there werent any new explanations.

It was strange. If it was a quest, it would have been normal to have some explanation for it. But then the things have been going like this, lately. That was, the explanations shown on the status windows seemed to have gotten shorter as the time went by.

But, why?

I was concerned. However, I didnt want to stay around here, like this. I left the place after quickly retrieving Palkes corpse.


I fell into a deep thought after returning to Rajter and placing Palkes corpse out in the open. The first priority was to turn this bastard into an undead and ask what was going on, but that was not a very wishful thing to do.

O, you soldiers who came as the warriors of death, make a camp before your master!

An undead summoning skill was tried on Palke. However, there was no response.

<At the current skill level, the subject cannot be made into an undead!>

It was not sufficient, yet. He was a protector and the level had also been raised by some level. As expected, it was impossible. In order to turn Palke into an undead, it seemed as if the proficiency level must rise to at least level 7.

Im stuck in a rock and a hard place.

I truly experienced how difficult it was to clear something.

It might be easy to take care of the protectors at the beginning, but it causes the weakening of the seal around the great dark army. At the same time, it was hard to estimate how strong they would become, at a later time, should there be any delay in eliminating the protectors

Palke, too, was at the level in which he wasnt able to fully demonstrate the power of the ultimate swordsman. Once they rose to a certain level, the ultimate swordsmen could even perform ridiculous tasks like slicing up the dimensions. Should such time was to arrive, I wont be confident that I could defeat him.

Damn it. But capturing them would cause the seal to break, again.

The reason why it was so difficult to be victorious in this world was due to the fact that such dilemma continually linked the beginning and the end of the time spectrum.

When things went well, the clearing seemed possible. Even in my past lives, I was confident of a victory as I indiscriminately shredded up the demon kings.

However, this type of dilemma would suddenly manifest and threw me off, ultimately pushing me to my defeat.

In fact, I felt a great fear, this time around. Simply by having felt one aspect of that being, I fell deep into the abyss of despair and helplessness.

He wasnt a being that I, who was destined to die, could fight against. He laughed when Palke was killed. As if to say that it was a good work, that everything had moved along as he had planned, that was.

I, no longer, was able to fathom of killing a protector. It was because the world could end just by trying to get some of the SS level skills. No matter what, I felt the need to reconsider how the protectors were viewed.

Thats that, but by the way..

How could it be that there was no one that I could consult with


I could only sigh. Ive come to this world and met so many heroes, yet there was no friend that I could talk with in discussing such a great secret.

Come to think of it, those who were near me were demon dragon, demon king, demon kings daughter, undead. And the likes. Truly there was no one I could trust.

I mean, there was one unique individual who could be trusted. Walpurgis, if it was her, I could openly discuss any secrets. However, Walpurgis had no knowledge in such outside worldly events.


Ultimately, there was only Schwartztoyel.


I came to Glossglochner. As the recruiting has been going well, and with the general Tilly, joining the team, training the troops wasnt an issue, either. So, Ive decided to work on this side of the things, first.

Youve come. Skull man.

The newly being built city looks great as I saw it on the way here.

The craftsmanship of those engineers sent by the demon queen Rose is outstanding. Soon, this place will be an impervious holy fort.

Schwartztoyel showed rather satisfied look.

At any rate, whats the matter?

Ah, before that.

Before earnestly discussing the matter at hand, I inquired about the Pole-Axe of the demon king Odgarsh. That item which I took after killing the demon king was refusing me, for some reason. So, I asked Schwartztoyel to help investigate the reason behind it.

Lets go and talk.

Executing instantaneous teleportation, Schwartztoyel took me deep into the lair. A shiny magic shield was drawn, and on top of that, the Pole-Axe was levitating as it rapidly swayed.

It was the Scharfrichter which the dead demon king Odgarsh had used. It was one of the 7 great legendary weapons of war.

It was a SS level magic item which was stronger than Rubleyana, the sword and treasure of the Feltz feudal lord family, and the 12th most famous swordsman of the empire. Naturally, I envied it to the point of my mouth watering.

Whats going on? Is it, perhaps, refusing me because I had killed its owner?

Schwartztoyel shook his head.

This weapon is capable of self reflection, but thats not why.

Then why?

When I approached a step closer to Sharfrichter. Pazzzz! That bastard thing made a strong spark.

There isnt any other reason. At the moment, you are not strong enough to satisfy it. Think about it from its perspective. For someone who has been serving the demon king Odgarsh, who was powerful enough to cut down a great mountain, he most likely will not be happy upon seeing you as the new master.

It was understandable if that was the reason. Although the demon king Odgarsh met his untimely death due to holy priesthood ceremonial spell, it was acceptable to say that his power knew no limitations.

Then at some point in the future time when I become as strong as the demon king Odgarsh, this Sharfrichter will accept me as its master?


That was fortunate. As it will be resolved with time.

At any rate, you look very troubled. Are you troubled with something else as much as this Sharfrichter was giving you trouble?

Perhaps, it was because he was an old man that he might have the 6th sense.

An important issue has brought me here. The problem that you had proposed, last time.

Hm! Sounds like youve made up your mind?

I ran into a situation where that was the only thing I could do.

In the past, Schwartztoyel approached by proposing a mutual defense pact. When I asked him about the seal that he was keeping safe, he drew a line in the sand by saying that he would only reveal after the pact was signed.

I wasnt able to respond readily because I had to reveal my true identity in order to sign the mutual defense pact. I couldnt easily come to a decision since the counterpart was none other than that demon dragon.

However, Ive decided that I couldnt fight alone against the forces of the darkness. And I also felt the need to learn his true identity.

Alright. Schwartztoyel. Ill agree to the mutual defense pact for the price of my soul.

Schwartztoyel gave one more chance to think it over.

Make a prudent decision. Once you decide, it cannot be reversed. Will you be able to handle it?

Of course. Should I breach it, Ill pay for it with my soul.

As I reiterated my decision, Schwartztoyel nodded his head heavily. This was also quite risky for him, too. He probably could not trust me that easily, either.

However, after the prior incident with the demon king Odgarsh, Schwarztoyel desperately felt the need for a cooperator. I, too, made the similar conclusion after this incident.

Schwartztoyel, people like us, who dig the same well, must help each other.


Schwartztoyel lamented as he said that.

Everything was so much simpler several hundred years ago. If there were enemies, you killed them. If no enemies, you spent the time counting the accumulated gold coins. However, now days, there were unseen enemies, even by the dragons eyes, planning evil deeds while hiding in distant places.

Thats why we have to work together. No matter how powerful the dragons breath is, it wont be able to reach them.

Yes, I feel the changing times. There were no more knights that came and faced me directly, anymore. Only that everyone just hid themselves and made clandestine evil plans.

Well weed out those rats.

Id like that. Alright!

Schwartztoyel firmly hit down the ground with the staff in his hand.


Then it was followed by unfolding of blood crimson light magic directed from out of the cave, and extending out on to the surface of the ground.

Valer. This spell is the most horrific one in all the materially created worlds. Be alert. We are going to make a pact by putting our souls to one ancient evil as part of the contract. He is going to act as the notary in this contract.

Isnt it the ceremony of swearing to the rising abyss?

Huh-huh! How do you know of such a secret spell!

Schwartztoyel broke out into an empty laughter with a surprise.

Your knowledge is truly amazing! Are you truly a human?

Although I havent seen it personally, Ive read about it at the Seven Demon Temple. By writing the spell, it would summon the ancient evil, and each party would swear to keep their promise. And there was no other separate payment, but the side that breaks the promise would be devoured, including the soul, by the ancient evil was the condition.

From his perspective, he must be praying that the promise would be shattered like glass. Just observing the swearing ceremony was because of that reason as well.

First, concentrate on the ceremony. This is, indeed, a horrific spell, but by doing this, I might even be able to trust you. Old Schwartztoyel.

Kkkk. You little bastard. Do you speak in such a way knowing how scary this spell is.

However, there probably were other spells, but the fact that he has n this particular one indicated that he would not feel safe, unless the ceremony was carried out at this level.

Hh. He is on his way. I feel like I want to quit, even at this point.

Kraaaaahhh- Kkkkkk!

There came a sound which seemed to disturb the souls, from far away. It felt similar to the laughing sound which I heard on the road after killing Palke.

The ancient evil was mocking the foolish choices which weve made. Your promise will be broken at any time, and the souls will become my food seemed like what he was saying.

I subtly cringed my eyes.

By any chance, is the type of that ancient evil similar to that of the great force of darkness?

They could be looked at as close families. Thats because we call the beings, among the ancient evil ones, which live among us are called the great force of darkness.

It was the first time in hearing it. Certainly, as I have put my fate on the same purpose with Schwartztoyel, the things that I didnt know before were beginning to get revealed.

There, he is almost here. Stay alert! If not, your soul may get absorbed even before the end of the ceremony!


As soon as I replied, the world changed in an instant. The nearby caves have disappeared, and from far away, unexplainable being of darkness approached in droves.


There came up a countless number of tentacles from the ground and covered the area. And a countless number of humans were wailing in agony from inside those tentacles.

Uuuuuuaaah! Aaaahk!


Suddenly, a hell opened up before my eyes.

Valer, they were all caught up there because they broke their promises. If we break our oath, well end up just like them.

It was truly a very difficult scene to describe in human terms. Just by glancing at it, my mind would escape me immediately. However, this was only the beginning. It was because an inexplicable being began to rise up from the sea of those terrible tentacles.

It appeared to be a life form made up by the countless number of the tentacles being conglomerated. However, it was too horrific looking to even look at as its body was covered with blood and there were wounds like that of having been eaten, all over it.


When I let out a moan without even knowing it, Schwartztoyel admonished me.

Stay alert! If you are overwhelmed by that being, your soul will be swallowed up!


It was easy to say than to do it because I couldnt even breathe due to the enormous sense of pressure. On the other hand, the ancient evil was doing its thing leisurely, and nonchalantly.

He spread and opened a big leather paper. I knew that that was made with human hides. It was because the strange writings were filled by pressing down the pain filled faces of humans.


His tentacle extended toward us, and he pulled out silvery threads out of Schwartztoyel and me. Although I did not know what it was, I knew that it definitely had something to do with our souls.

The ancient evil connected our silvery threads to the human hide paper then quickly wrote something down by moving the tentacle. It appeared as if the ceremony was going to end without any incident.

However, the tentacle which was moving smoothly suddenly stopped. And that ancient evil began to stare at me. Surprised, I asked Schwartztoyel.

Whats he doing?

Well, Im not sure.

Instead of giving me an answer, Schwartztoyel also looked perplexed. The fact that something has gone awry in this dangerous ceremony has even caused the demon dragon to flutter.


The ancient evil pierced into one of the many humans, who were suffering, with one of the many tentacles! Then that human began to speak by opening his mouth.

Koooooo. You. The one called Valersted. You.

However, immediately following that, the human who has been pierced by the tentacle could not seem to endure it any longer, as he grew bloated then popped like a balloon. Pang!


The carcass splattered onto my face. Not paying any attention to it, the ancient evil found another human as he pierced one of the tentacles into his body.

You. Krrrr. Youre a very special fellow. You are able to. Attract the rising abyss interest..!

I really didnt know what was going on. However, one thing which was certain was that that one who was conducting this ceremonial business without any care was beginning to take interest in me.

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