Hero without Blood or Tear

Chapter 58-61: The Ultimate Swordsman (1)

Chapter 58-61: The Ultimate Swordsman (1)

Count Brigihtenich was thrown to the ground as he got slapped hard.


A great Count rolled around the ground after getting a beating by a lowly knight. There has never been such a hilariously unreal incidence like this.

I was curious as to how the Count would respond under this circumstance. Would he have the mettle to become enraged for the humiliation that was put on him? If so, I had the intention of upgrading my opinion of him a little.

Do not kill me! Lord Valer!

However, his reaction did not deviate from my expectation. Being sensitive to the true authority, Brightenich began to reach for the straw, even forgetting the fact that he has been just beaten up. Looking like a weasel, his behavior was also certainly obsequious.

I apologize for that days impertinent action..

At any rate, how easily has this bastard been living his life. He sneered at things that he didnt understand, and he demonstrated the lowest form of cowardness when the other side was stronger than him. I was so dumbfounded that I couldnt even say a word.


This time, I slapped the other cheek.

You, son of a bitch! You took off after laughing out loud, last time? The other land lords left gifts before they left, but you have no intention of paying up for the rude remarks which youve made?

I am sorry! Lord Valer!

Such a bastard would only wake up when his land was set ablaze, it seemed.

If you, bastard, wants to live to see the future, you shouldnt act in such a way!


You little mayfly piece of shit! You just want to live for a day, is that it!


Is living the life in the way which only you want everything there is to your life?


You think that your life is easy because youre a count?

Oh, no! Please forgive me!

Perhaps, he couldnt endure any longer that Count Brightenich grabbed onto my leg.

You keep it up? I could declare a bloody war on the Brightenichs.


Count Brightenich lowered to the ground when he heard the words bloody war. Although his territory was under a Count, it was not very significant. He wouldnt be able to sustain a war.

I truly apologize. Lord Valer.

Count Brightenich crawled on his four. By that time, my anger was getting subsided. Perhaps, it was because I slapped the cheeks of a count that I felt unusually exhilarated. As I have destroyed enough of his pride, I thought it was the ripe time to bring up what I wanted. The purpose wasnt to release my stress that I have acted in this way.

Im an adult. I knew that there was much more important thing than just getting angry. In fact, I wanted to slap him 5 more times, but material things were better.

Hm. But, Count.


I spoke as I leaned on a tree.

Its a big deal that a castle was lost due to the event, last time. Ive no place to settle.

Oh! That is something that has to be addressed immediately, my lord.


Yes, yes.

Then since the castle is destroyed, it has to be rebuilt?

Thats right.

Right, since a new castle is going to be built, I was thinking to seek your help.

When he heard my words, his face turned pale white. It was because the cost of building a castle was beyond ones imagination.

But, still that is.

However, he could only lower his head.

Do the right thing when you have your own territory. Thats a smart thing to do?


Count Brightenich was overwhelmed with fear. However, rather than stopping with just the threats, I even initiated a skill, just to be sure.

Then, why did you always sneer at people that live their lives correctly.

<Initiating imperial instigation, a SS-Level Skill!>

The imperial instigation skill is a capability to affect a part of the subjects mind. The effect is maximized when the subjects emotion was, especially, at the highest point due to wrath or fear. That was apparent by seeing that this skill worked to cause an uprising by an angry mob of citizens.

Count Brightenich. Build me a castle, and you will be alright. Forever. So, you are going to do that with a happy mindset.

Tapping gently on the Count Brightenichs shoulder, I whispered to his unconscious mind. Then his expression became hazy.

Is it safe? Forever?

Thats right.

And Im doing this happily, right?

Right, now, you are beginning to understand me.

<Imperial instigation is initiating!>

Alright. What would the final result look like?

<Its a great success! Count Brightenich will be acting in the way you wish!>

It was an immediate success. In fact, it was a great success. Soon, Brightenichs eyes turned fiery.

Ah! Thats right. I would certainly build a castle for you, Lord Valer. Do not worry. In fact, I have great hidden wealth. I could use them and that will do it.

What? You had hidden wealth? Gosh, this bastard was a perfect scammer. It was a good thing that I insisted on having a castle built for me. Then a new message popped up.

<Congratulations! Youve instigated a person of great position! You have reached proficiency level 3 for the imperial instigation skill!>

Oh? What? Proficiency level 3, already?

Of course, it was rather simple to rise to proficiency level 3. Although there were differences in all the skills, for the most part, it was easy to reach proficiency level 3 for other skills, as well.

However, Ive reached that level much easier than I had thought. It must have been because the subject was a person of high stature. On top of that, the fact that it was a great success, rather than a simple ordinary success, which allowed for bonus points might have played a role in it, too.

<With the proficiency level 3 in imperial instigation effect, 1,000 citizens can be incited!>

Awesome. Now, 1,000 people will move at my single word. Certainly, the Steel Feudal Lord is fearsome even without the battle skills.

Ill gift you, Lord Valer, with a wonderful castle!

At this point, Count Brightenich could no longer decide what to do with respect to the castle. Although everything else was the same person, he would be at the forefront and most enthusiastic person when it came to building a castle for me.

This was the power of the Steel Feudal Lord.

Come to think of it, it was the luckiest move to be able to defeat the Steel Feudal Lord at the beginning. Had he grown to a high level, it would be difficult to foresee what would have happened. In fact, I was more fearful of the Steel Feudal Lord, over someone who was just powerful.

I look forward to it. And one more thing.

Please, tell me.

This lake has been in the family of General Tilly for many generations. Do never touch it.

Yes sir.

Good, good. I feel better. Now that I look at you again, youre a charming man.

Laughing with satisfaction, I dusted off the clothes which he was wearing.

Thank you! Lord Valer.

We returned after having finished the business that way. Then the Count Brightenichs cavalry ran over, startled.

Count! Why are your cheeks swollen that way!

His cheeks were a mess because Ive slapped him around silly. I said nonchalantly.

The Count accidently fell in the forest.

Of course, there wasnt anyone who believed it. Appearing lost the cavalry men looked at me. However, I am the one who treats their master as I wanted to. There was no one who dared to open his mouth.

Count Brightenich.

Yes. Lord Valer.

Apply this as you go on your way.

Taking out a healing potion from my bosom, I handed it to him. I gave him as a consolation after having severely beaten him up, and receiving a castle. Certainly, I must be a good sales person, as I think about it.

What person, in the entire empire, could exchange a healing potion for a castle?

Oh, thank you. You shouldnt have.

Then, have a safe journey.

As I waved my hand good bye, he ran off quickly. Separate from the effects of imperial instigation skill, it was because the fear was still with him. Now that the Counts party has disappeared, Tilly asked, unable to hide his incredulous expression.

What did you do?

Well, we just had a talk, man to man.

As I shrugged my shoulders to say that it was nothing, he laughed heartily.

Hahaha! Youre an interesting fellow. Im so pleased!

Tilly appeared very happy as if he had a lot of complaints against Count Brightenich. Ive also told him that Count Brightenich would never encumber on this lake.

Your dealings are quite awesome. Alright. As the way the things are, Ill join your forces.

Thank you! General.

Finally, I can employee General Johann Tserclaes Pon Tilly. It was like having won over tens and thousands of troops on the way to many wars in the future.

By the way, I need some time to organize as I have living arrangements here. Ill join your forces in about 15 days.

My subordinates will help you. Max, Telman. Support the general here, and come back to Rajter with him, later.


I got on my horse after shaking Tillys hand.

General. Well be heading to the southwest part of the empire at about the end of the monsoon season.

Of course, I see. Hm, it would be about half a year from now. I would need to make a strong army out of the recent recruits.

I trust you, general.

When we go to a war, I planned to make General Tilly as my Lieutenant General.

Then, I will see you in Rajter in 15 days.

After I said good bye by raising my feathered hat, I set out on my way.


I ran on the thoroughfare, alone. On either side was the tall grass that looked like silver grass, which covered wide areas. Swaying in the wind, they looked like waves in the ocean.

I was feeling great with the developments with respect to General Tilly. Im sure that he would turn my alliances into a strong army. I intended to keep the elite forces which were created in that way at the ready even after the battle was over. It was because a great war was about to come.

I have to make a lot of money going forward.

Hm, 1,500,000 Florins each year. That was a lot of maintenance expense. This time around, the Pejamuts wealth must be completely stripped out of him in order to keep the military forces going.

There will be so many things to do going forward. Come to think of it, I slowly have to make Phillip a day walker. It was because I had to give complete trust to Roelin.


As I was racing down the open road while thinking such thoughts, a slender person came into my view. For some reason, he was standing in the middle of the road, with his sword held raised in his hand.

What is that?

As I curiously approached, I discovered that it was a woman. She was a beautiful woman, perhaps, in her early 20s. Although the ends of her eyes were raised and appeared to be strong willed, her beauty was truly amazing. Even from the distance, it appeared as if there was light shining out of her face.

However, I refrained from being astonished. It was because I assumed that she would be some kind of a heroine, given her beauty. However, no matter how many times I have rehashed my memory, it was the first time I was seeing her.

Thats strange. She has to be famous, given that level of beauty. The most popular information in the <Protector of Humanity> was on the heroine.

As the heroines were armed with unique attractiveness, there were many players that wanted to try to find a way to date them. However, Im not too sure about that woman.. Still, someone with such a beauty couldnt be an ordinary person, either.

Greetings? Lady.

I greeted her, who was standing in the middle of the road, with my feathered hat. However, I quietly prepared to use magic with the other hand. What could I say I was nervous more than I was prepared to admit it.

I was rather emotionless even when I ran into demon kings, these days, but how could this be. Every hair on my body was standing straight up, it seemed. My senses were sending strong warning signals.

Are you Valer?

Truly, it wasnt good. The counterpart knew me. That meant that I did not run into her coincidently, but that she was waiting for me.

Thats right. Im Valer. Who you lady might be?

I am Palke.

Palke? Ive never heard of that name before. A strong one with an unfamiliar name. Then there was only one conclusion.

A protector. The counterpart was certainly a protector.

I carefully surveyed her. She was wearing an armor suit, but it wasnt an ordinary armor suit. They only covered up the least possible parts of her body. They were designed for freest movements possible. On top of that that sword It was a famous swordsmans relic which even I had the experience of holding before.

Just looking at those things, I was able to analyze who she was.

She was certainly none other than the ultimate swordswoman, the last legendary one of the great swordsmen, and one of the protectors. I was expecting to run into an ultimate swordsman when I was taking care of the business with respect to the Rajter Knight Family.

However, there was no meeting as the other side had run off. However, to have met her in such a way Also, I couldnt imagine that it would be a woman, either. I suppose, having thought that a protector would be a man was definitely a biased opinion, on my part.

Palke. What business do you have with me?

I felt bitter even when I was asking that. It was because I sensed that she did not find me with good intentions, even looking at it on the surface.


I felt small movements from the tall grass which surrounded the area. It appeared that there were either her cooperators or subordinates, nearby. It was hard to determine the outcome, just with the female swordsman that stood before me, but there were more enemies around.

The outlook was gloomy beyond my own imagination. I even thought that today might be the day this Valer would perish.

If someone has come to look for you with a sword, are any words necessary?

My head turned busily when I heard Palkes reply. Perhaps, she has come to end all the evil deeds that Ive been doing.

After taking care of the Rajter Knight family, Ive personally looked into the identity of the ultimate swordsman, on my own. Although there was not any decisive information for sure, I did hear of one new.

It was that the Rajter Knight family hired someone who claimed to be the last legendary swordsman of the great swordsmen, but then that he killed five soldiers and deserted in the process of collecting taxes

So, I have been thinking that he had a strong sense of honor. Perhaps, the reason for her to have appeared before me was to true up the accounting with me for destroying the entire Rajter castle? It could be viewed as an extreme behavior, I suppose.

However, the subject that Palke brought up was beyond my anticipation.

I know that you are the agent of the one who squats at the grave.


Valer, you need to die here for the humanity.


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