Hero System! Transported to Another World

Chapter 169: Nectar

Chapter 169: Nectar

Some Time had passed, IT seemed to be nearing sunrise and everything seemed to look less dark. Alex could feel his body more as time passed. After what seemed to be an hour, Alex felt like he could move again. He tried to sit up and walk towards a wall so that he could rest beside it. Alex could see that it was about to rain soon so he wanted to be under some form of cover. He dragged himself towards a nearby building and rested beside the wall. 

However, As soon as Alex reached the wall, His energy seemed to be drained, He needed more rest and thus Alex's body fell limp once again. This time, Alex fell completely unconscious.

Hana was in her car, speeding towards the mine. She was in a hurry but chose to take a detour. "I'll have to check the town nearby the mine before going to the mine Something here feels off so I need to check that place." Hana had an intuition to go to the town before. She looked at the sky towards the town and seemed slightly surprised. It seemed like she could see something that a normal awakened couldn't.

"Something happened there" Hana said to herself. She was concerned but it seemed to be off to her. 

The car pulled over nearby the town and Hana got off slowly. She looked around and saw that a few buildings were destroyed. However, even more concerning was the huge amount of Reapers around the town. Hana looked around and observed the Reapers in the area. "By their sizes The must be around B to A ranked reapers Such a high level gate around this area is weird And on top of that, Someone came here to kill them. I didn't get a notification on such a gate opening here so someone must have been nearby" Hana looked at the wounds of the reaper and sighed.

She could tell that some were many gunshot wounds and some cuts that seemed to be from daggers. Hana sighed and walked around. She already had an idea of who the man behind all these dead reapers was.

She walked towards the center of the city and was shocked to see a huge reaper. Its head completely cut off. Hana rushed over to the reaper and saw a tonne of bullets had been shot into the reaper. It was bleeding all over. 

Hana looked at the ground and saw that someone had dragged themselves to a nearby building. She followed and found a man lying by the wall. Hana put her hand on her hip and sighed, "What the hell" She didn't expect to see Alex in this condition but was relieved to see that Alex was fine. She walked towards the reaper and had a closer look, "I'd say that this is as powerful as a lower S ranked awakened Maybe more, By the looks of its skin, It had armour on With the armour, It would be as powerful as Sir Fire at his maximum power" 

She turned to Alex with a small smile, "To think that you've become this powerful this soon It seems like my assumption was true, His power comes from that place, Doesn't it?" Hana seemed to laugh a tiny bit when she thought of 'That place'.

Hana thrust her hand into the reaper's chest and pulled out a large crystal. "A blessed reaper, One that can probably talk Must have been a captain as well. To think that it would come out of the gate to battle Alex Must have thought him to be the blessed Well, I guess it came to Alex's Advantage. If Alex was truly the Blessed, He would have died. Luckily Alex is just the opposite" She turned to Alex.

Hana took the crystal and walked over to Alex. She sat beside him and smiled once again. Hana crushed the Crystal at the top, it looked like something was inside of the crystal. Hana looked at the content and smiled. She dipped her finger inside and pulled it out, It looked like some liquid was inside of the crystal.

'I hate this.' Hana hesitates before licking her finger. She felt a burning sensation and spoke, "I guess it can only work for the dark" Hana sighed before turning to Alex.

She tried to make Alex the liquid. She put the crystal against his lips but Alex didn't seem to be drinking it. His body seemed to reject it. Hana's body shook as she looked at the crystal. She took a deep breath and drank the liquid and quickly put her lips against Alex.

The morning light illuminated quite a sight. Hana fed Alex the liquid mouth to mouth. If one looked closer, the cold Hana who always looked a tiny bit pale was actually red. Her heart beating fast.

After a few seconds, Alex's eyes opened. He saw Hana's face right in front of him. He could smell her fragrance and his lips seemed to be against something soft. 

Alex's eyes opened wide, He knew exactly what was happening. Hana looked at Alex and saw that his eyes were open. She jumped back and covered her lips. She also seemed to be slightly avoiding her gaze against Alex's.

Alex didn't know what to say, he could taste something sweet. He looked at Hana's hand and saw that she had a broken crystal in her hands. And the sweet tasting liquid seemed to come from that. 

He seemed to understand the situation more and spoke, "Thank you, Hana I don't know what that liquid was but all that I can say is that it saved me from being unconscious here till I had enough energy to move." He thanked Hana.

Hana nodded and spoke softly, "Well, I hope you're fine now" She turned in the direction of the mines and took a deep breath. Her face turned cold once she took a breather. "Follow me. You must be back to your peak shape now that you had that. We have a job to do"


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