Her Husband is My Lover

Chapter 317 - Scary Valentina.

Sunlight shone in the room, making her roll on the bed as she rubbed her eyes. Her eyes are not at all ready to open and see the daylight… Her eyes felt heavy as she slowly tried to open her eyes and they were paining so badly… 

But, she still tried to open her eyes and looked outside from her balcony doors… She took a deep breath as she felt really so tired. She never felt like this but this light doesn't at all make her feel good. She wants to be in the dark and wants to live in that dark. Because the light in her life had already been snatched and she can never have that light in her life again… She doesn't at all deserve this light and up on this, she is not at all ready to get up and face life with this light. She knows how life will be as soon as he gets up from the bed. She should face real life… 

She sighed as she again closed her eyes because the way she cried last night had made her a mess. Her eyes are so swollen and so red. She neither had a good sleep last night and only kept rolling on and rolling on in the bed but finally, she had dozed off.. 

Right now, her heart is beating without any soul… It is just beating but she has no idea why it is still beating? She doesn't all see any hope in the day and in the light that shines brightly right now… She so wants to get back to her old self of hers who was so cold to the people around her and was being a bitch to everyone… Maybe, nobody caring about anyone would make her live so happily? 

Caring about someone more than yourself had broken her at last. Loving someone more than herself had crushed her heart which is not beating for the person but that heart still cares about that particular person. She doesn't have any idea why… 

If this continues, she knows that she has to break down some day which she doesn't really want to see herself in that vulnerable state. She doesn't at all want to see her weakness again and again. Because, whatever happened to her was enough for her and from this, she learned a lesson to not believe anyone in her life… 

She is all alone in her life… She knows that this day will come someday but she was not just prepared herself. She is disappointed in herself for believing in someone more than anyone in her life… 

That particular person meant everything to her and now, that particular person is nothing to her? 

She doesn't have any answer for that question yet… It's hard for her to answer immediately. She needs time to accept everything in her life. But right now, she is devastated. The people who she believed in her life a lot have betrayed her all over again… 

A tear fell down from her eyes as she smiled but she immediately wiped off the tear from her eyes and smiled.

She again slowly tried to open her eyes and tried to adjust her eyes as she looked at the bright sunlight from the window and she was able to see the daylight which made her smile brightly…

Valentina slowly tried to get up and sat down from the bed as she stretched herself with a smile. Her body hurts and she feels really so tired but she didn't care about it and tucked her hairs behind her ear. She took a deep breath as she looked out again. 

"How beautiful is the fresh air smell today? Is it because I am sad today? Hahaha…" Valentina said to herself as she smiled and then slowly got down from the bed. 

She walked out of the small room where she cried last night. She can always count on this room whenever she is sad. This is the only room who knows everything about her. This room would always help her in making her feel good every single time. There are so many memories that were connected to her with this room. She cried in this room, she laughed in this room, she was happy in this room, she was sad in this room and what not? 

She smiled as she closed the room door behind her not before thanking the room for making her feel good once again… 

She walked towards her room with a smile and it didn't go unnoticed by Amelia… She was waiting for Valentina to wake up and sat in the living room to check up on her and she was surprised seeing Valentina smiling in the early morning as she closed the small room door where she stayed almost her whole life. 

She didn't think that Valentina would come out of the room with a smile but she thought that she would still be angry because the way she cried last night was something she can never forget in her life… She never knew that Valentina could be this vulnerable. Because, she only knows that Valentina that she shows. Valentina never opened up to anyone as far as she knows… But she saw how Valentina's kind heart is… Amelia saw hwe beautiful Valentina's heart is when she apologized for not caring about her and accepted Amelia as her mother but today, she is really surprised to see a different Valentina… 

This is not the woman she knows and she instantly figured out that Valentina is up to something which none has no idea about. But, still Amelia wants to see if her mood can change or not? Or if she is thinking whatever happened was a dream? 

Amelia is really confused at this right now. She sighed as he got up from the couch and saw Valentina open her room door, walking inside her room and closing the door behind her back. 

Amelia took a deep breath as she knows that Valentins will surely burst out and she is all ready to face it… 


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