Her Husband is My Lover

Chapter 316 - Selfish Love.

Rose sighed as she closed her eyes and opened them.

She has no idea from what kind of relationship she has made Xavier and Valentina to get apart... But she knows one thing that, she had messed up every single thing... And she is no where to fix them up... Because, she need Xavier in her life... This might one of her Selfish wish... But she really fell in love with Xavier. 

His patience with her... The kindness he shows on her without even Saying a word even though how much she had troubled him... But one thing had made him burst out in the honeymoon says everything to her that Xavier truly loved Valentina... But right now, she wants him to love her...

She smiled as she thought that she is thinking something that will not be possible... Because, she saw the true love in his eyes for her... 

And true love is really something hard to forget... And neither she has any confidence in her to make Xavier forget Valentina... Because, they know each other from a long time and they know each other more than Anyone... While Xavier has bad impression on Rose which doesn't go wipe off that impression anytime soon. 

But, right now... She wants to make her mistake right... And want to accept everything infront of Valentina and wants to ask Sorry near her... But she really doesn't have any face to go in front of her after whatever happened... 

But, she should do it anyway... But, She had made Valentina's life a hell all these years... And she even snatched the guy from her who loved her so much... 

She cursed herself for doing such things even without thinking anything about the consequences that she is going to face... But, Rose feels good that, She fell in love with Xavier for real... She is happy about the feelings that she had fallen in love finally... But it made her feel guilty at the same time... 

She feels guilty for making Valentina's a living hell and falling for Xavier knowing very well that, He is in love with someone else... 

But she can't stop her feelings. Can she? None can... These are the feelings and emotions that they feel from the heart... And none can stop the heart to not for Anyone's else...

But, right now... She knows that only Xavier is in love with Valentina... But not Valentina...

She wants to make sure that, If Valentina loves Xavier too or not! 

If she does, then Rose is ready to take a step back from them both to make them one... But she doesn't really have a heart to do that... But she should... 

But, if Valentina doesn't like Xavier then, Rose will be more than happy... And she can make Him fall in love with her... It wi be really hard for her but she can still try to do this... 

And before doing all these, she wants to know how Xavier got forced to marry Rose and what blackmail that Valentina was telling her about! 

And wants to know if it's something serious or not? Of course, it will be something serious for which he got married to a girl that he doesn't like at all...

She sighed as she realised that Xavier doesn't even like her... Then how did he managed to be with her all these days... And also, had sex with her? Is this all forced? She can't really believe anything right now... It was like, all these is so shock for her... And upon this... Xavier never ever was rude to her... But was kind to her. He never tried to make her feel uncomfortable about! She just hates herself right now for being a bitch in eveyone's lives... 

She shook her head as she took a deep breath and walked inside as she let go of all the thoughts from her mind right now... 

She wants to relax for a bit now... Because all these mess is heating her brain up... And up on this, Nothing is making sense to her and she feels like, she is missing something here and really feels like, everything sucks around her right now... 

She walked inside the kitchen and washed the bowels. She was just in her thoughts as she walked upstairs to their room. She slowly opened the room door to see the Xavier sleeping peacefully... 

She smiled as she stepped inside the room and closed the door behind her back.

She walked towards him and looked at how he sleeps like a baby... 

He looks so tired and also, he seems like, he slept thinking about something because Rose can clearly see that he has a frown face as if he is thinking something... 

She took a deep breath before she grabs the comforter and covered him.

She smiled as she looked at him before turning his side of the lamp.

She walked towards the restroom and washed her face and then walked inside the walk in closet. 

She changed into her pyjamas and walked out of the walk in closet and walked towards the her side if the bed. 

She got on the bed and covered herself with the comforter and turned off the lamp.

She looked at the ceiling and kept staring at it as she took a deep breath. She knows that, tomorrow is gonna be a long day... And there is some much that she had to know tomorrow... And she hopes that everything goes well...

She closed her eyes and was about to doze off when suddenly a hand rested on her waist making her open her eyes to see Xavier rested his hand on her waist as he turned towards her in his sleep. This bought a smile on her face seeing him rest her hand on her without his knowledge...

She slowly turned towards him with his hand still on her tummy and she just kept staring at his baby sleepy face with a bright smile on her face until she doze off in her dream land.


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