Hell's Academy

Chapter 43: Ki Cell Divison

Chapter 43: Ki Cell Divison

In a law firm in the center of Montgomery, a small girl hid underneath a cabinet staring at her hands.

Her mother and father had her hide underneath their desks when the explosion ripped through West Montgomery Street, leaving her heart pounding faster and faster as she sat underneath the desk. For some reason, the faster her heart beat, the more her teeth seemed to swell in her mouth, the more her head began to feel like something was trying to escape from her skull, and the more she felt something growing wildly down her back like a slithering snake.

She had been preparing for the entrance exams for college, studying the basics of the supernatural. In college, she had planned on specializing on the Horned, and had already won three science fairs on her study of Ki Cell Division. Believing it to be central to the Horned's abilities, she studied tirelessly in hope of quelling the strange storm that had been brewing in her heart.

A few years ago, she had been walking with her parents when two dozen cars pulled up to the house across the street. A boy named Howard and his family had been celebrating the night, sending out blaring lights that kept her awake at night and caused her to smile.

However, at about 4 am, everything went quiet before screams filled the air like the previous music that had been blaring loudly. Hundreds of lights flickered off semi-automatic rifles as she watched shadows disappear into screens of blood on the windows.

She had always been an avid star watcher, and looked into the telescope only to see a boy with horns, a fire spiraling around his skin, as an officer kicked away the body of a dead man in front of him. Putting a gun against the small boy's head, Jenny, watched in horror before light ravaged his skull.

A few hours later, she saw that same boy getting chained up in a car, crying as dozens of bodies got carted out around her, creating a dark space in the swarming sirens sounding victory trumpets all around.

However, now, Jenny, seeing a curving beam coming out of her hand, spiraling into existence, all her hopes and dreams had been shattered. In a few minutes, the law firm would be swarmed by dozens of officers, her head placed under a microscope before she suffered a fate worse than a thousand deaths.

"Jenny, get out," Her mother crossed her arms while watching the television. "The suspect is trapped in a tunnel, and everything is fine. Now come out and let me test you."

"Ugh, mother, can-can you go to the bathroom and see if I left my phone in there," Jenny said, smiling even as something inside her swelled outward with a strange, terrifying explosive force. "I need to call Lauren. She-she has some of my notes."

"Hmmm, sounds like someone is growing in there," Jenny's mother smiled and walked off, her feet clicking from the stiletto's worn for her anniversary with her husband. "Wow, and soon you'll be going to college! You even are skipping two grades!"

'Yes mother!" Jenny opened the cabinet, looking outside seeing a strange car parked next to a tree. Turning to run at her fastest speed, something burst through the back of her shirt, splitting apart her favorite jacket before she fell onto the floor.

"Ah! It hurts!" Jenny screamed out loud, looking at a large cut on her knee. "Help! Someone help me!"

"I'll help," Howard said, smiling and holding out his hand to Jenny. "My you you look familiar? Do I know you from somewhere?"

"She's your old next door neighbor," Indell said, wiping the sweat from his head. "Now, let me go talk to her mother. I need to tell her she got into a special elite program"

"You-you're him! That boy that killed his family! Get away from me!" Jenny trembled, felling something flapping behind her as she replied with angst. "Ugh, did you do this? No! No. Please no!"

"I have a device on me that you can use to hide your wings and horns," Reece said, reaching into her pocket. "Here, put these four rings on your horns and wings. They are flexible, so you don't have to worry. Blake called them lids hehe"

"How-how did you find me," Jenny reached forward and grabbed the rings, wiping the tears off her eyes. A second later, the back of her shirt finally shattered, causing two blue wings to grow into existence. Looking down at her, Howard sighed, seeing himself in the girl bleeding on the floor.

"We-we found you with this," Reece said, picking her off the floor. "It's a device that detects Ki Fluctuations. Since your horns are growing, you caused a dot to appear on the map."

"Are-are you going to kill me," Jenny wiped the tears from her face, wobbling to the floor. "I-I'm not dangerous. I'm trying to get into a good college! Please I'm only 16."

"They're harmless." Monica walked over to Jenny and offered out her hand. "However, we got to go now. Dangerous men are coming."

"And that's that!" Indell said, wiping the dust from his hands, "Your mother is fully informed of your scholarship," Indell handed a folder to Jenny and rubbed her black hair, smiling to try and reduce the awkward tension permeating the room. "Now, we really do have to go. In a few minutes, the Exland Empire will be here to put you in chains. If you come with us, I'll even let you drive."

"You-you even know I have a permit. Who are you?" Jenny said, suddenly feeling a rage inside of her. "They-they said that boy got executed! The one right next to you!."

She pointed at Howard, crying with her knees bent outward on the floor. Her blue and white dress had drooped on the side of her body, to make her sadness resonate even more in large white hall. Her brown eyes looked terrified, like every moment that passed caused her world to disappear. "They-they said he got executed! How is he alive!"

"I-I remember you. The girl with a happy family from across the street," Howard said smiling. "Heh, I'm alive because it's hard for us to die."

"I-I can't be like you! I'm supposed to take over this lawfirm! I-I hate you! I hate you so much Howard! This-this must have been becasue I lived close to you."

"It's a one in a billion thing you lucky girl," Indell patted her on the head, "Now, do we have to have Barabin here take you downstairs, or are you going to follow us nicely."

"I-I want to know what school you're taking me too," Jenny said, trembling to her feet with torn stockings slowly ripping apart with every movement. Two horns now fully visible in her palms. "I-I have to keep my family's reputation. I-I won't just go anywhere."

"It's a good school," Monica said, putting her arm around Howard. "However, if you insult my boyfriend again I'll kick your ass! Do you hear me!'

"I-I'm sorry. My mistake, Howard," Jenny tried to accept her situation, taking a deep breath. "Alright, lets go. However, wait, can I just grab one thing."

"Your research?" Indell said, handing her a brown bag he took from the desk. "I actually read about it. Very interesting. Increasing Ki Cell Division. You'll love meeting Blake."

'Blake? You-you mean that kid from 2 years ago? He's alive too?" Jenny grinded her hand into a fist. "I-I want to stay home. Can't-can't I just wear these rings?"

"Nope," Harley said, grabbing her hand, "Now, we're going." Harley pulled her down the hallway as dozens of footsteps could be heard in the hallway.

To her right, Jenny saw her father on the phone, muttering "Sorry" as he pointed at her horns.

'Sorry? Sorry for what?" Jenny rushed down the stairs, heading outside only to hear countless footsteps coming from every direction. "What? What is that noise?"

"Grandfather. Would you mind?" Indell patted Barabin on the back who happily raised his hands creating a gigantic wall that protected them and the pathway to the car.


A large cloud of smoke shot up in the air on both sides, rockets garnering the attention of all residents, as dozens of stone walls protected them from every angle.

Howard, seeing Jenny trembling, walked over to her, tapping her shoulder gently as more and more mayhem darkened the sky.

"Your family is still alive." Howard said, smiling at her, "That's the best outcome. Just keep your head down when we get in the car."

"Did-did you kill them?" Jenny said, stopping and slamming her beautiful legs against the ground. "Did-did you kill your family! I'm not going with you if you did!"

"Howard? He nearly died for us over 5 times! Now get in the car before I smack you!" Monica walked over to her and pulled her by the fist! "Can't you see we're trying to help you!"

"Helicopter," Indell sighed, crossing his arms, "Barabin, can you please?"

"Sure," Barabin tapped his foot on the ground, creating a wall in the sky that sent the helicopter into a spiral. "Now what?"

"We-we got to my mansion after changing cars one more time," Indell crossed his arms. "You all have 15 more hours here. I'd like to tell you what I'd like you to do when the Furnace Opens."


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