Hell's Academy

Chapter 42: A Dark Pathway

Chapter 42: A Dark Pathway

A black limousine pulled up in front of Montgomery Coffee House.

Inside of it, a man with black shades rolled down the window, looking at the wanton destruction with both fear and reverence. His great grandfather, Barabin had horns, but his entire life only bills grew in the middle of the night.

Luckily, his ancient grandfather had left him with his wisdom, and some family bonds that kept them rich for generations. Looking at a man with a striking resemblance to his own, Indell sighed, gesturing at the three vans behind him to open their doors.

He'd spent weeks sending money into bank accounts under an acronym, Blood Snow, which is what his grandmother liked to call the day she met Barabin. Apparently, at the snake festival hundreds of years ago, there had been so much death that Barabin left a trail everywhere he went.

His mother, alone in the bone chilling cold, trailed it all the way to her mother's tent, finding Barabin inches deep in her beautiful mother's neck with a strange expression.

That sinister night always kept Indell awake at night. He wanted to be like his grandfather. He spent years trying to get into the Exland Empire before finding out his father still lived.

Being an archivist, he looked through photos of the Furnance no one else had access to, and found his father's picture in the middle of thousands of hidden documents. To the others, Indell was just an obsessed freak that spent too much time in the archives, however, nothing really struck harder than seeing history in the flesh.

Barabin walked over to the car, having completely cleaned off his face, with Howard on his back. Behind him, a large fire still burned, twisting upwards and spiraling into the sky.

Reece rushed over to the door, opened it up, and jumped into the vehicle as dozens of sires soared towards them. Everything that happened today would spread across the surface, entering into the hearts ands minds of the locals of Montgomery for eons to come. However, right now, all that mattered was this important meeting.

"All four of you can come in. There is pigs blood if you like."

'Only your grandfather drinks blood." Reece jumped into the car, followed by Barabin, Howard, Monica, Harley and Kellen, sliding against the cushioned seats with anger ridden on her face. "Are you going to say something Barabin?"

"He probably doesn't think much of me. I'm just a rich descendent of his," Indell laughed and scooted over. "Luckily, the Exland Empire only likes killing in secret. I'm famous, so I should be fine even with my bad behavior."

"You-you're attractive," Barabin said, clearing his throat. "It's an honor to meet you grandson. Your mother She did a good job"

"I appreciate the compliment grand ancestor, but please I'm the one who is honored. You-you've been alive for hundreds of year. I can't say I ever expected to meet someone like you."

"He's okay," Harley said, crossing her chest, hearing the limousine begin to speed down West Montgomery Road. "He's a good teacher. Let's us stay up night and sleep together"

"I-I see hahahaha!" Indell nodded his head, "Well, great! So you're a teacher then? What happened to the boy?"

"Howard? He almost destroyed Montgomery," Reece said, crossing her arms. "Barabin, do you know what happened?"

"His horns, you said they grew longer?" Barabin eyed his grandson up and down, nodding his head with satisfaction. "He-he probably can detect frequencies farther when he does that. With the portal nearby, he might be able to use the energy from the Furnace."

"That's good right?" Monica let Barabin put Howards head against her shoulder. "That means he can defend himself."

"It also means. If I'm getting this correctly," Indell crossed his arms, "That the boy is extremely dangerous to the Exland Empire," Indell pulled a briefcase out from and passed it to Reece. "Here, this is your present. The entire reason you came here. When we get to my mansion, take a look at it."

"We really will be safe," Harley said, shaking her head in disbelief. "Wow, the powerful Exland Empire is scared of a rich person. Why am I not surprised?"

"It's-it's more complicated. I have secrets on them too, so I have a need to be around." Indell tapped the briefcase. "This stuff in the box is valuable in the Furnace, however, what I have about them on the surface. If I release it, things will get complicated."

"I'd just assassinate you," Harley said, "No more leaks."

"Then my will would be released. Luckily, I have my will valid in dozens of different areas, certified by hundreds of different clerks. Believe me, I covered my tracks."

Indell sighed and pulled out a folder from behind his back. "Anyways, I also have one more thing I just found out about. A new Horned has been found a few miles away. I'd normally say it's a coincidence, but Howard here might have awoken him."

"Howard, how?" Monica said, crossing her arms. "He literally just got here."

"The Exland Empire has a device that detects Ki Frequencies, and also Ki Amplifiers. Horns amplify Ki, however, they also are more likely to spring during times of stress." Indell passed the folder to Reece and took out a device. "Well, they are also more likely to awake in areas of high Ki. Howard, inadvertently, increased the Ki in Montgomery by over 3 times for a few minutes."

"You may not have noticed, but someone on the verge of turning into a Horned. You get it. This device I got from Exland Empire. It's how they found you, Monica, and someone named Zack right?"

"Yes! That's true," Monica said, laughing loudly. "That Zack! He-he's dead! Pleaes don't talk about him!"

"Sorry to hear that," Indell coughed, winking at her. "Anyways, we might want to go get him before they do. Barabin, how strong are you on the surface?"

"Can i check?" Barabin pointed outside, his hand trembling before a large stone wall burst into the air, reaching roughly 10 feet into the sky. "Roughly 1000 times weaker than in the Furnace. You satisfied."

"Wow, am I ever!" Indell smiled, handing Barabin a glass. "Here, please drink some pigs blood! I spent hours looking for the right kind!"

"I'm full already," Barabin yawned, seeing a few dozen black cars, rushing towards them. "However, what's chasing us? Are those horses Is this like that bus thing you showed me in the West Branch?"

"Yup, I can't believe we never drove the bus around you," Kellen said, shaking her head. "How long were you underground?"

"It's complicated. I wanted to abstain from blood so I sealed myself in a tunnel. However, I got so weak after a hundred years that I drank your blood when i exited the cave. When the portal opened up, I had no choice to go to the surface because that damn bat appeared." Barabin gulped down the pigs blood and wiped off his mouth. "Anyways, about the cars?"

"Oh, those-those are normal cops." Indell smiled, pointing at a tunnel appearign. "However, father, we already planned for that." The car bounced and sparks flew from the rear wheels. There is a one way tunnel that stopped construction. If we enter in there, you can block it off right?"

"So, then what? How do we get out?" Monica crossed her arms. "You seem really cool and all Indell, but now you even want us to save a Horned while getting chased by cops!"

"Everything was planned except for that signal popping up," Indell tossed Monica a small bag, and smiled. "Now, driver. Please turn as hard as you can! They're getting closer!"


The car burst past 100 kilometers an hour and shattered past dozens of spinning cars.

With the cops chasing incessantly behind them, the tunnel appeared to grow in the horizon, finally swallowing the car before a large series of walls shot up behind it!

Swoosh! Swoosh! Swoosh!

Instantly, a cop car burst into flames, knocking over one wall before Barabin simply erected another. Looking out the window, Barabin nodded his head and held up his thumb before the car spun to a stop in front of a large, crudely built tunnel.

A few ladders and clothes had been hung up on the side while a few construction workers sat around, laughing by a lantern.

"It's all done?"

"Yes, Indell," One massive man said, nodding his head. "There is an exit. You will find a vehicle there."

"Good, actually great!" Indell smiled, pointing at the limousine. "Please destroy that limousine, however, collect the cups and the pig's wine. That cost thousands."

"Collect the cups, seriously?" Monica laughed. "You're destroying a hundred thousands collarin vehicle, but you care about cups?" She shook her head, walking after him into the tunnel.

Seeing a few clothes, Monica looked up in surprise at a dress that fit her proportions. Looking at it, she got even more surprised when one of the construction workers pulled up a blockade.

"I have to think of everything," Indell pointed at his head, smiling. "I saw you guys on the Exland feed and got you some clothes. You can do a lot with money. Except live a long time."

"I'm proud of you," Barabin patted him on the shoulders, "We look the same. However, I would've never been able to plan this."

"It's all because of you," Indell pointed down the hallway. "Anyways, I wanted to have more time to chat, but I really think getting to that Horned first could be critical in the months ahead. When the Furnace opens, I doubt they'll be nice enough to release a new Horned. That might change the odds."

'The odds of what?" Monica said, "Why would they care about a new guy."

'Because this year is a once in a hundred year opening," Indell said, patting her on the back and leading into the shadows. "There is a very special area in the Furnace that is very important to the Exland Empire. If you get what they want, it could weaken them for hundreds of years."

Indell guided them down the dark path before they exited and reached a small, rundown truck. Opening the door, they got in, finding a beautifully furnished interior with food on a table in the center.

"Now, let's go get the Horned, shall we. Time's a wastin."


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