Goddess Collector: Every Hole is a Goal

Chapter 743: Morgan Route Up

Chapter 743: Morgan Route Up

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Patre /fanharem

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"So, this technique has no title..." Nik mumbled as he went through the information. The art of breaking the shackles was quite complete and detailed as Strange's Sorcerer Supreme inheritance explained various other methods discovered by the previous Supremes. Nik even read a certain line from an old acquaintance of his Newton.

'If you want to be free, then focus less on the technique and more on the emotion...' Nik read with a slightly unclear gaze. Who wouldn't focus on the emotion of being free? Aside from rutting and surviving, being free can also be considered one of the top instincts of a living being.

'Maybe he just wrote something for the sake of it.'

Recalling Newton in his fiend form as he grinned and gulped alcohol from a gourd, presenting a more eastern look than anything, Nik felt that this line might really be left with trolling intentions.

'So... the main concept is to visualize the shackles as iron locks around the heart. Of course, the heart and the iron locks are symbolic but once a concrete image can be visualized, magical chants are needed to slowly shave away in the shackles. One step at a time. But the chants permanently consume mental strength and take a long time to recover while each unlocking of the shackle with this method will cause the host to face a mental tribulation with a decayed mental prowess...'

That was the general concept of the technique. The main thing, however, was the magical chants. The chants acted as the tool needed to break the first five shackles over a living being.

"Did Strange ever tell you what the mental tribulations are?" Nik inquired as Ray shook his head.

"Read it completely. The technique is an inheritance and the progress of unshackling can be passed on. Strange has simply never faced the tribulation himself," he shrugged.

"Lucky man," Nik mumbled and took a deep breath. He had gained the information he was looking for, and now, it was time to save the damsel in distress.

"Next time, try to repay the 'favor' in the generally accepted norm of social behavior of the world we are in. A date would have been nice for this one but... well, can't really blame you for anything. Not like I know Jennifer," Nik shrugged and slowly untied the knot behind Jennifer's neck as her mouth was finally free from the grip of the ribbon.

"By the way, what's with that poster?" Nik nudged towards an anime poster on Ray's wall as he grinned.

"That's a new volleyball anime going around. Freaky stuff and the guys are sexy. A few chicks, too. But I can only fantasize meeting them," Ray sighed as Nik observed the orange-haired boy smacking the volleyball in a black outfit with more of his teammates probably jumping behind.

"Neat," Nik shrugged. He enjoyed reading manga more than anime but he had to admit that an anime done right was one of the best things to gaze upon, right below the sight of his baby girl, and the sight of his girls kneeling with their mouth open as they begged for more.

"Haaa! W- who?!" Jennifer growled but found herself unable to muster any strength despite hearing so much. She knew that somehow, her cousin now belonged to her kidnapper but when she felt a new person entering the room, a male, she couldn't focus for long before all the sound of the room was cut off until now when the conversation was steered towards... posters and anime.

"I should apologize for my friend's impolite action," Nik smiled as he slowly removed Jennifer's blindfold. As for her noting the address and returning for vengeance, Ray didn't mind it at all. It's not like he would be here to greet her with a trip to hell already scheduled.

A little stunned to receive such warm reception after... well, it wasn't like Ray didn't feed Jennifer or allow her the basic necessities of life. In fact, aside from today where she was tied in such a compromising position, Jennifer felt that her stay had been great. But before Nik could react, Ray grinned playfully as Jennifer blinked, instantly tearing through the ribbon constraints and holding Nik by his shoulder, pushing him against the wall with a resounding thud while her green, luscious lips sealed Nik's as her muscular frame pressed itself against Nik.

"Uhmmm?" Nik raised his eyebrow in surprise, of course, not rejecting the startling initiative a fool's errand, he figured.

"Heh!" Ray smirked as Jennifer blinked again before anxiously retreating, her body still naked and green but that was the least of her concerns. Unlike Bruce, Jennifer felt more responsible for her actions in her current form. After all, she could easily break a person with the slightest misstep and slamming a youth against the wall in a sudden bout of desire...

Well, that rang the most terrible alarms Jennifer had ever felt!

"I- I didn't mean"

"Oh, sure," Nik smiled as his clothes straightened themselves.

"Hey, guys? You aren't doing... something stupid, right?" Mj's voice echoed from the door.

"Maybe they are fucking!" Yar had apparently returned with tacos.

"W-what?!" Mj's gasp echoed but the moment Jennifer looked towards her cousin, panting like a beast in heat with...

Her cheeks blushed dark green as she saw Bruce's erection wrapped by the ribbon but she still quickly untied Bruce, while speaking, "Bruce! Snap out of it. You don't want to lose control here!" She stated while Nik couldn't help but nod. Seeing a giant naked green ass belonging to a man was not something Nik was eager to gaze at. But as Jennifer bent, Nik also couldn't help but gaze at another set of naked, giant green ass.

'So plump,' Nik felt the blood rush into his crotch...

And he let it continue.

This wasn't an awkward boner, after all.

As Nik's gaze followed the unintentional sway of Jennifer's butt, her cheeks so meaty that the connecting point of her butt and thighs easily hid the majority of her pussy alongside no sight of a lovely anus he would love to pound.

"So?" Ray inquired in a whisper.

"You're my best friend," Nik nodded with a serious expression.

True friendships are forged in the debauched fires of lust!

Smiling, Ray waited until Jennifer untied Bruce as he sat up, his gaze falling over everyone's before he slowly slid up the bedsheet over his body.

"Uh, hi? What's going on? I thought... um," he looked towards Ray, and seeing the mischievous smile on his face, Bruce felt his lips twitch.

"Are you alright?!" Jennifer suddenly hugged Bruce. Ordinarily, Ray would have grown possessive instantly. However, Jennifer was a cousin of Bruce... and a woman. Breasts never really threatened Ray. It was the holder of well-hung dragons that raised caution in the youth.

"Yeah, better than ever. Why... are you naked?" Bruce inquired as he pulled his coat placed over the corner of his bed and quickly placed it over Jennifer.

"Haa, I don't know. Let's just get out of here," Jennifer whispered as Bruce chuckled and replied, "Um, I never really introduced you to a few others I know. That's Nik, he's a... well, he's a hero, if you can believe it and Ray... he..." Bruce blushed like a highschool girl who was gazing upon the coolest kid in the classrooms, "I... like him."

"Well, I'm leaving," Nik smiled, "This is a disaster to my eyes and ears."

"That's discrimination against the feeling of men who know what they want," Ray snorted.

"I'm pretty sure Bruce wanted a little wetter dungeon but sure, whatever. I'll be waiting for Jennifer outside," Nik mumbled as he left the room while Jennifer slowly inched back from Bruce, her expression speechless while her eyes darting from Ray to Bruce again and again.


"For the last time, I don't swing that way! You should know that," Nik sighed deeply as Yar and Mj flanked him. "You say that now,' Mj stated with a suspicious gaze, "But you always wanted to try new things."

"He does like that even now," Yar smiled, her physical appearance not really making Mj uncomfortable but the lick of her lips as Yar then proceeded to lean towards Nik and breath against his ear made her feel a little frustrated.

"It's relative," Nik shrugged when the door to Ray's room was opened.

Walking out was a green-skinned woman with long green-tinted hair. Unlike her naked form, Jennifer wore a tracksuit that clearly belonged to a man slightly bigger than herself but why and how Ray obtained it... she didn't wish to know any longer.

Her eyes swept over the room and when she found Nik, her brows folded into a furrow.

"If this is supposed to be a prank," Jennifer growled once she noted the extreme lack of seriousness that should have come with kidnapping, "Then it is tasteless and you can assume a fat lawsuit coming all of your ways!"

Mj gulped for a moment before standing, tiptoeing away from Nik and Yar before raising her hand in the surrender, "Um, miss. It has nothing to do with me. Ray is just a roommate. A sloppy one at that. Have you seen his room? Looks straight out of an e-girl's wet dreams!"

Nik and Yar gaped. Yar distressed for she found the value of her master being questioned and Nik distressed well... she was quick enough to slay Ray with her words.

However, Jennifer still felt even more frustrated. She wasn't being taken seriously. Even Mj couldn't take kidnapping seriously after the crimes she had already committed. Although, she admitted that her acting gig was a breath of fresh air.

But without the sheer lack of evidence about the group's involvement and Bruce swearing up and down that he really felt affection for the source of trouble, Jennifer simply glared at the group before beelining towards the exit of the apartment, promptly slamming the door behind her as it knocked the dented doorknob out alongside a crack running down the wood.

"Somebody's grumpy~" Yar snickered, making Mj look towards the demoness with a bleak expression.

'And I was interested in her...' Nik remained on the couch, a lazy expression on his face. After such a hectic past few weeks, he was in his rest mode. The beauties he can score, will be scored. The slightly troublesome persuasions would require Nik to feel fully recharged and refreshed.

'I should take it easy for another day or two...' he mused.

"I should be going home, too. Feeling sleepy. Anyway, I'll be sure to attend your play," Nik smiled before falling into the portal opening behind him and falling straight over his bed.

"That's freaking convenient," Yar sighed before looking towards Mj, "Did Nik tell you that I rocked his world once?"

Mj's glare instantly turned sharp and cold.


"This is..." Morgan's gaze shone as she sorted through the new information. It was so simple and elegant.

"You really did find a method," She regained her composure as the thick dream clouds slowly floated above the area where Morgan had set-up her meditation chamber inside the Dream Core.

"I had to," Nik smiled as he looked around, "I can't help but try and please every single one of my girls."

"And you consider me yours?" Morgan inquired with a soft chuckle.

"I consider you... something invaluable. Don't get me wrong. That's my classification for all those I care about but truth be told, I get that you need more than a physical pleasure to raise your level of trust and confidence in me."

"And here I thought you were satisfied with the knowledge that you keep all of us physically satisfied," Morgan closed her eyes while Nik stood up, "So? Shall we try the luck manipulation you mentioned earlier?" Nik inquired as he had inquired about a few luck-related spells from Morgan.

"Before that," Morgan stood up. Making her way towards Nik, she leaned forward to slowly kiss him. Her soft, plump lips marking Nik's lips as she stretched her tongue, pushing it against Nik as she licked his lips, promptly preparing it for a naughty bite before smiling, "I think you kept your trust just by not checking my status... so, why not check it out now? I'm sure you'll be surprised," Morgan gave a sly wink as Nik looked deeply into Morgan's eyes.

"You aren't secretly a man, are you? That would be seriously messed up..." Nik inquired with a somber expression as Morgan's humor prevailed over her still, making her shake her head with a smile.

A stark contrast considering the last individual to actually try and provoke her... well, he was a part of a greater whole now.


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