Goddess Collector: Every Hole is a Goal

Chapter 742: Kind Yar

Chapter 742: Kind Yar

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Instead of foolishly grinning Ray and Yar, Nik saw a devilishly smirking Azula in her red, erotic, translucent nightwear. Instead of the obviously tied-up voracious green-skinned brunette, Nik was a disgruntled Mai whimpering as restraints held her in place. Instead of a beautifully decorated room with another, slightly familiar man tied onto the bed, Nik recalled the dungeon in the Fire Nation's battleship.

'What is with these people and presents... it's not just right to tie an unknown stranger like that,' Nik pursed his lips. 'I wouldn't just tie a random stranger and grin like these two fools.' The operative word being 'random'. Strangers who try to fault with him, well, being tied up would be the least of their worries.

"This is a... nice room," Nik looked around, completely overstepping the elephants in the room. Why was Bruce Banner here? Why isn't hulk here? And who's that green woman? Nik seemed to recall a particular article in one of the magazines, well, at least, his phantom avatar did. It was about a strange green-skinned woman dubbed as She-Hulk.

'Could this be her?' Nik furrowed.

"Oh, looking tacky, Yar," Nik commented as he observed the red-tinted sequins top over Yar's pink skin as the neck of the dress ran deep till her belly button with the curves of the top fluffing out. Meanwhile, she wore a pair of skinny pants with an obvious cutout around her tailbone to let out that sweet, waving tail. Her hair tied into a bun, she smiled while letting out a deep sigh, "It's alright. Nothing like being naked though. Anyway, what about the gift?" She inquired eagerly, still clenching a roll of red ribbon in her hand as Ray pouted.

"What? Don't I look good enough?" He inquired.

As a form of respect from one Lustful bloodline to another possible lustful one, Nik observed Ray, too. Unlike their previous group date that turned into a trade, Ray wore hot pants to reveal his smooth legs while a green crop top covered the top portion of his flat torso with a brown choker around his neck and the lower portion of his hair pulled up into a parting tail.

'Well... he's stupidly cute...' Nik thought but his expression only hardened, unlike his clock which begged to travel the darker side of the world to finally gain the goal that was Ray's hole.

"You look like every boy tapped by their uncle in their pre-teens would turn out to be... but that's just my subjective judgment. Objectively speaking... have you seen the Squidward meme?" Nik inquired as Ray instantly understood what Nik meant. A victorious smile plastered on his face and he turned to face Yar.

"Now," Nik gazed at Ray inquisitively.

"Ah, about her?" Ray pointed towards Jennifer with his thumb as Yar's smirk only grew.

"Since you introduced us to Strange, one of our greatest addition, we truly felt like owing you this time. So..." as if already rehearsed for this moment for quite a long time, Ray and Yar stated simultaneously, "We got you this present!"

"Ah, the 'present' cosplay! That's why I thought this kind of bondage looked a bit familiar... but where's the bow? Or the cover wraps for the present?" Knowing fully well that something must have occupied the duo's time so much that they couldn't have truly placed their time on returning the favor they owed Nik.

"Yar..." Ray slowly turned towards Yar, gloom covering his expression as he inquired, "I gave you the money for a bow. Where's the bow?"

"I..." Yar looked away with a guilty expression.

"What?" Ray inquired with a raised eyebrow.

"My outfits... they were around 8 grand and I gave all the money to the salesman..."

Nik as Ray gaped at Yar's confession as he rebuked angrily, "Why not just sex it out?!"

Nik grew more interested now.

"I did," Yar admitted.

"Did you let the target cop a feel?" Ray inquired.

Yar nodded.

Nik nodded, those two treasures were simply meant to be shared with the world, and with Yar's personality, sharing is one such thing she was least afraid to commit.

"What about the ride to your mouth?" Ray furrowed as Yar grew meeker. Although Ray's and Yar's dynamic was that of slutty friendship, when it truly mattered, Ray was the master and Yar was the seductive slut to eagerly bend towards her master and display her peach-bottom artifact of pleasure.

"I- I did. But after that..." Yar's slightly pink-shaded cheeks grew darker as a crimson blush took over her face.

"He fainted... then I saw his picture with his family... and then I sneaked a bit into his mobile phone and found he had two mistresses by the side trying to demand more money...

I fell sorry for the bloke and gave him the rest of the cash..." Yar admitted to the truth while Nik sighed and placed a hand over Ray's shoulder.

"Come on, dude. Let it go... Yar clearly had kind intentions. It's just cash by the way and even without the bow, umm... what's her name?" Nik inquired and gestured towards the green-skinned woman.

"Jennifer," Ray mumbled.

"Yea, even without a bow, Jennifer looks great. Her breasts are exposed but the ribbon still covers her nipples despite their obvious erection while the form of bondage itself is quite tasteful and harmless. Not only that, you guys even gave the woman a hairdo, I mean, that's applaudable," Nik gave a clear review as the two looked towards him.

"You mean that?" Yar inquired, her beautiful pink pupils revitalizing with vigor and joy as Ray groaned softly.

"Of course," Nik shrugged, "But seriously. You just can't expect me to feel at ease even if you tell me her name. And Mj said that you came across Loki? What's that about?"

"Alright," Ray nodded as he walked over to the two bean bags placed in the room, taking a seat over the red one while leaving the black one to Nik.

"Will this take long?" Yar inquired.

"Shouldn't be too long," Ray hummed, "Something on your mind?"

"Oh, I passed by that Mexican place. Smelled the same like the tacos you like back in our place," Yar stated as Nik observed her butt cheeks the moment she turned to get the door.

"Enjoying yourself?" Yar inquired without turning back as if she had long hidden a pair of devious eyes on the back of her head.

"You know, now that you've evolved... we can get down again," Nik smiled as Yar left without replying while Ray pouted.

"Like hell you both are!" he snorted.

"Even if I evolved... I don't like Yar enjoying herself without me."

"Is that jealousy I note?" Nik inquired as he smiled towards Ray, slumping over the bean bag.

"I don't get jealous. I'm merely stating my distaste for being left out and feel that you both shouldn't make it a habit to leave me be..."

"Hmm... well, as long as you have a partner for yourself, I don't mind it really. Not that I care if you're naked or not," Nik shrugged.

"Oh, you'll care if you see me naked. I'm now better than you, remember?" Ray smirked.

"Arguably," Nik snorted before steering the conversation from imaginative orgies that could have been to more serious topics, "So? I still don't know what's going on."

"Fine," Ray huffed, "With Strange around, most of my deficits that even my previous adventure couldn't fill were, well, completed."

"So... you finally lost your v-card?" Nik grew interested as Ray glared, "Like hell I'll give my v-card that easily! Tell me, have you been ever butt-fucked?!"

"I've been close to that dreadful chasm and... well, probed, in my early years but nothing too extreme to be called losing innocence. Why?"

"Because fucking ass is different than getting fucked in the ass!" Ray coughed, "Anyway, my point is that I'm not losing it anytime soon."

"Your loss," Nik shrugged, "My girls love doing it with me."

Narrowing his gaze, this time, Ray steered the conversation, "Anyway, with my knowledge gap filled, I found that it's better to focus my attention on the upper echelon of this world, ie, the so-called gods. However, before that, I grew interested in one particular individual," Ray smiled, "Stephen categorized him as a being with literally tremendous potential."

"The hulk?" Nik inquired.

"Yep, Bruce Banner," Ray grinned as he pointed towards the strapped Bruce huffing and panting against the ribbon covering his mouth.

"Turns out, he was pretty easy to convert once the big guys within him liked me more and more. And this brings me to the pretty gift next to him. She is Jennifer Walters, a cousin of Bruce with his ability flowing through her veins.

However, she is more popularly known as the She-Hulk."

"So..." Nik surmised, "You were gunning for Bruce and came across his cousin before kidnapping her just to repay the favor in regards to Strange since he is literally a rank 6 individual, albeit, a weakened one. Is that correct?"

"I... didn't say I came across Jennifer while looking for Bruce..." Ray smiled.

"Dude, you might as well had admitted that. Where else would you chance across Bruce's cousin? And I'm sure you remembered to repay the favor after seeing both of them together and would have thought Oh, might as well clear my name in Nik's book right now and here we are."

Seeing his complicated self he believed to be untangled so easily, Ray's lips twitched but he didn't lose his composure. Instead, he shrugged and continued, "Welp, whateves. But you do like the present, right?"

"God knows how much she would have to pay to the shrink to unload this particular trauma," Nik sighed.

"Alright, alright. I get it, you wanted a proper introduction. A proper date, maybe a group one. A proper laugh and dine. How boring," Ray sneered, "My present isn't just Jennifer. It's the thrill of dominating a strong woman! Making her bow as you... well, do whatever you do best. That's why I keep asking for a few more videos of you having sex with others. Just a single session with Yar is hardly worth concluding upon."

"First of all, no. The thrill of domination is based on the opposing party itself. Maybe I want to be dominated by her, did you consider that? Second, you asshole, of course I'm not going to tape myself and hand the footage to you!"

"Tch... worth a try," Ray mumbled before shrugging, "But do we consider my debt paid off? Jennifer has the same form of potential as Bruce. A little lower since she has a pretty good grasp on herself but she might as well kick both of our asses if she wasn't weak to my mind attacks~!"

"Whatever," Nik groaned, "What about Loki? You do know that-"

"Aye, aye. You keep your paws off my targets and I return the courtesy. Come now, of course, I know this. I'm a civilized succubus, after all," A fiendish smile stretched over his lips, "About Loki... I may have interested 'her' with a few of your photographs as a baby. It's almost a pity that I didn't find 'her' before she turned into a woman. I like adventurous men, you know. Unlike you who shivers at the sight of evolved males like me."

"Hah, keep telling yourself that!" Nik chuckled, unfazed by Ray's provocations but his gaze still took the entirety of Ray again, "But... my pictures, you say?"

"Oh, yea. Just found some baby pics online," Ray shrugged.

"For Goddess of Mischief, Loki can't seem to identify trolls like me," Ray snickered.

"Oh... that's not as embarrassing as I thought," Nik held himself from trying to probe further. Showing interest would only end up exposing the motivation of his alliance with Loki and if Ray came to know that Nik was probably going to invade the realm of treasure otherwise known as Asgard, his horny ass would demand a chunk, too.

'I'll just reciprocate the favor and tie Thor and a few other gods up to deliver them to Ray... Although, I need a better civilization for myself... Can I turn Asgardians more useful?' While Nik's thoughts continuously tried to come with a better idea each time, he smiled.

"The last time we met, I admit that I lied... I just didn't wanna admit it in front of Brian that I'm kinda interested in your information regarding the method of unshackling ourselves."

"You know... I'm not supposed to say this but I consider you a better friend than Brian. So, I'll tell you that Brian had already gotten this technique from me," Ray smiled.

"And of course, if Brian actually came to you, you might have pitched the same line and sold the information to Brian at a high price, right?" Nik inquired with a smile.

"I might have. I might have not. But this is the information that I have and Brian may be using, too... the question is, do you really want to be left behind... again?"

Nik grew quiet as Ray's expression turned serious.

Unlike Brian, Ray and Nik were more easygoing. And it was true, they were much closer, too. If they weren't, Ray would have never exposed his weakness of finding his sister Carla knowingly to Nik, and Nik wouldn't have admitted about him being Kaal to the two of them and going as far as to even simply 'give' Strange without batting an eyelid.

Of course, in time, Nik might have pried out the technique but Ray was more efficient when it came to turning men.

"Hey, now. I was never really behind you two, you know," Nik smiled, lightening the tension in the room as Nik surrounded both of them in a spatial globe, cutting off the panting of the two hulk cousins.

"But... it is a fact that you two might know more about me than I know about the both of you. Just the number of worlds you and Brian have explored during our time in Transmigration Paradise is a testament to my words," Nik crossed his arms, "However, this is different, is it not? Becoming rank 6. Taking the first step of truly achieving freedom...

By finally finding out our soul."

His words stiffened Ray's expression slightly.

The fact that Nik knew the effects of being a rank 6 individual even by the slightest exposed the fact that he might know more. This worked in a manner to devalue the information's price but Ray wasn't having any of it as he smiled.

"I want to reserve the right of your evolution guidance twice."

Schemes fail against the raw strength and right now, Ray had the raw power in his grasp.

Nik might have a technique. He might not truly need this information. He might just want this for a fresh perspective.

These were all 'ifs' and 'buts' that played with a being's confidence. However, Ray's confidence was extremely firm, unlike his playful experience. His gaze revealed his somberness that betrayed his coy smile.

"2.... might be too much," Nik smiled.

"I am asking for 2 based on my trust in you... however little it may be. I don't know if you really can help me in my evolution in the future. It is merely a benefit of the doubt that increases the price of this transaction. And between you and me..." Ray leaned forward, seductive intentions passing through his gaze, "2... is nearly not enough for me."

'Woah... that's... you have to admit, that was a good line!' Sky suddenly shouted, extremely impressed by Nik's friend.

'Sky's right... trying to always one-up Ray in a battle of words would prove counterproductive right now and... Morgan could use the technique.'

True to his words, Nik's main objective for the technique was to satiate Morgan's desires.

A satisfied and fulfilled harem is the best kind, Nik learned this after reading countless historical literature that showed the disadvantages of having multiple unsatisfied women around oneself.

Although Morgan was satisfied by his 'techniques', her true desire lied in the hope of being free. Not free from emotions, or her mortality even. Just from the shackles that seemed to bind her at the most base level.

"Got it... 2 guidance in evolution. But I have a condition," Nik licked his lips, 'Might as well get a few more things.'

Ray furrowed for a moment but nodded regardless.


"Do you remember how... some of our harem members are relatives? Does any from your side want to meet the ones on my side?" Nik inquired before asking anything as Ray shook his head.

"I cannot converse with all of them at the same time... but this is an issue I wanted to discuss before myself. What do you think we should do once our harem members can finally live again? They can't really move right now..." Ray sighed while Nik didn't let anything slip from his expression.

"I guess we need to own a collective space? Like not just a single room where they meet and greet. A... well, a small personal city or something? Coexistence could be a word to describe what I'm trying to get at..." Nik tried.

"We'll be..." Ray's gaze glowed, "Neighbours!" He jumped at Nik in a rare burst of emotion, stunning Nik long enough to get himself wrapped up by the excited trap.

Like a kid who learned about Christmas, Ray inquired, "Are you for real? You're not pulling my leg, are you?"

Shaking his head, Nik finally broke free from Ray's bear hug and smiled, "Didn't know you were this social. You should know that it won't be the scenario of Love thy neighbor if we manage to actually achieve this."

"Like hell!" Ray snorted and crossed his arm with a pout of lips, "I won't share my men!"

"And my girls got me," Nik grinned.

"So... how would we even do that?" Ray inquired.

"How would I know? We just thought of it and got on the same page. Surely, something will come around. Now," Nik's gaze lit up, "My ticket to rank 6 please!"


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