Goddess Collector: Every Hole is a Goal

Chapter 721: Encounter

Chapter 721: Encounter

Apologize for the delay. Was watching The Falcon and the Winter Soldier. Anyway, the interactions with Tanya and more Papa Nik stuff will be in DLK as opposed to the current one until Nik has a home planet completely conquered after being rank 7. Until now, Flk chapters were just me figuring out and the new set of dlk chapters that I post, hopefully, from tomorrow, will begin from this particular arc itself. Other girls will get more written material in Dlk too, or so I hope since it is much more complicated. Hope you all have a good day.


"Took you hours," Morgan pointed out as Nik returned into the room.

"Can you blame me? I've got girls to feed," Nik smiled as he looked at Morgan, "I'm really happy that you decided to join in with me."

Not minding his eyes taking in her body with a measured gaze, even tilting sideways to let him get a good view, Morgan smiled, "Can't say the same for now. I felt a few obviously tremendous energy signals from within the castle, but I can't be blamed to feel a bit suspicious for my future. Not with your declining luck."

"Declining Luck?" Nik walked out and gestured for Morgan to follow him. Slowly opening the door to the bedroom, he found Tigra and Vertigo sleeping soundly, in each other's arms. The sight of it made Nik smile as he took yet another picture to tease the duo in the future.

"Yes, declining. I haven't ever seen a man with such fortune, but that's the nobility of such an erratic concept. It gets used up. Luck is like any other energy. It needs time to be refilled and return to its previous stocked state. But, I don't think it matters to you now. Even with the consumption of such a high level, your luck has barely taken a hit."

"How does Luck gets used up?" Nik inquired. For quite a long time now, he has been feeling curious about the concept of Luck and since Morgan was so fluent on the subject, she clearly must have a great degree of knowledge about the ethereal fortune.

"Living," Morgan answered with a smile.

"A life is dictated by fate and luck. Consider the concepts as such One is an immovable mountain and the other is the free-flowing stream that cuts through the said mountain... You see, in this world, a person's fate is set. But once the said person makes a decision, that particular fate changes to another conclusion, and then another conclusion. For instance, every mortal is fated to die, but how he dies is dependent on Luck."

"Maybe in a car crash," she continued, "Maybe a stab through the heart, maybe the shredding of lower body and blood loss. I dabbled in the concept of Luck for a little time with a rather well-known witch Mistress Fortune. I haven't seen her for almost 60 years now. Either way, I have a few spells in my arsenal that lets me indirectly affect a person's luck."

"Wow," Nik mumbled, "I really can't wait to learn from you. I guess, I have to break it up with Loki after all... or maybe... hehe," Nik chuckled foolishly, not minding his current image, Morgan, too, smiled.

"Are you thinking of manipulating her and then taking Asgard for yourself?" Morgan inquired fully knowing that wasn't even the most remote thought in Nik's mind.

"Of course, I did consider it back then. But then I realized that the most important thing about Asgard is not its location or land. But its resources. Beasts, women, minerals, and plants. I want to have a share of all of them!" Nik stated.

"Women? Do you want to farm us in a pen? There must be a limit to..." Morgan's voice grew weaker as she matched Nik's gaze.

"Well, I don't mean all women. But consider this. The Dream Core is absolutely empty. Even if my partners create a paradise worth living, they need a society to interact with. Since I'm still incapable of helping them out of that space, I might as well take a society inside the Dream Core!"

"Interesting notion," Morgan nodded, "And now what? Are we going to leave for the city?"

"Yes... um, today is..." Nik took out his cellphone, "18th September... hmm, I have an expedition tomorrow morning. So many things are happening so quickly... I feel a bit suffocated," Nik whined.

"Do you?" Morgan inquired.

"Nah, not really," Nik smirked when his and Morgan's expression changed as his energy fluctuated for a brief period. Pickle's excited squeak echoed in Nik's mind as he opened his status panel, eagerly gazing at the improvement.

[Name: Nik Minion

Age: 17

Limits: (Phantom Physique)

Bloodline: L.u.s.t Apostle/ ???

Talent: Exotic Escort, Balance, Perfect Eyesight, Skill Palace, Physical Genius, Limit Buster, Legacy Eyes, Wild Intuition, Impersonator

Profession: Imperfect Chimera

Legacy: Idle Summoner

Physique E-

Mental C

Energy D+ C

Luck B+]

'Auto cultivation works!' Nik snickered.

All this time, his energy was growing rapidly alongside Pickle's newfound reserves. The recent success only made Nik more motivated for having a symbiote for every other partner of his. After all, it was simply a cheat machine to farm one's energy reserves.

'Nice, Pickle!' Nik called out, 'You're the best!'

'Thank you!' Pickle replied with equal excitement.


"Bye-bye," Samantha waved at Anna as she walked away from the Dance Institute. It was already evening as the twin-tailed brunette wore her bag on her shoulder and decided to walk back home. The evening wasn't particularly chilly, so she really wanted to have a nice walk despite a tiring dance lesson... well, she forgot to bring her purse and felt a little embarrassed for asking for money from her crewmates.

"Hmm, I miss Nik," she whined. After all, Nik was now gone for a little over 24 hours. She truly felt bad for Nik's other partners who had to stay away from him for such a long time. She could barely contain herself for a single day and it wasn't even s.e.x that she truly felt thirsty for. It was a much simpler thing. Like his smile as he would ask how her day went by or how he would hug her warmly.

"I should stop by the store to Gah, I don't have any cash!" She sighed, regretting not setting up the app for online transactions.

"Should I try to swing through the buildings?" She inquired herself when she suddenly heard a muffled crash from deeper into the alley.

"... ah" the soft groan followed by a thudding sound tugged on Anna's curiosity as she entered the slightly dark alley and instantly, in the cover of darkness, controlled the symbiote to cover her. Now pitch-black, with a wide terrifying smile, and an overly curvaceous body, Anna tiptoed towards the edge and saw a figure smashing a round shield against a hooded person down on his knees.

"Woah," even her voice had grown a bit coarse as she instantly attracted the figure's attraction.

Clothed in blue tights with red and white stripes and holding a shield with a white star surrounded by a perimeter of yet again red and blue, the masked man looked towards Anna and furrowed, "What are you?" He growled while quickly taking out his pistol belted against his waist.

Now, under a gunpoint, Anna fell a little dazed. Just a bit of distraction caused her to fall into such dangerous circ.u.mstances almost made her enlighten about the danger of one of the most renowned cities of the world at a philosophical level.

"Hey! I'm asking"


Instantly, a clear spurt of off-white web smacked against the tip of the web, shaking off the pistol off the 'Captain's' hand and webbed it against the wall with a loud thud. Following the web, a figure in a greyish suit jumped down. Although her suit looked more fabric-like, the grey-clothed woman's body was covered by a mix of nanoids and symbiote material far more resistant to Elemental damages and tears.

"We talked about it, Fake Cap, you can't just point your gun at anyone!" Cindy grumbled as Mark furrowed. Looking towards Anna, he gestured, "Any person would have shot this... creature without even asking a question."

"She's no creature," Cindy growled, "Look, I may be easy on you, but White Tiger isn't. Especially the real Cap is after you since you know... you're running in his costume, shooting at mobsters. Leave while you still can," she crossed her arms.

"Whatever," Mark glared at Cindy before leaving without his gun.

Looking towards the unconscious youth, Mark's present target, probably a low-level dealer, Cindy sighed and turned to the pitch-black curvaceous figure.

"Um... Mary?" Cindy called out as the black cover peeled off from the facial region, revealing a very stunned Anna as she whispered, "I... I'm sorry. I didn't know Captain was dangerous..."

"Woah, Anna, thank god I got here before anything happened. But, I think you would have been fine without my help. And, hmm, he isn't the real Captain America. His name is Mark, a good guy with some tragic issues."

"Oh..." Anna nodded slowly, still feeling a bit awkward as she gazed at the gun. Following Anna's gaze, Cindy looked towards the gun and understood Anna's fear.

"Here, try doing this," Cindy smiled casually and took the gun out of the webbing before passing it to Anna, "Crush it. That will help you."

"What if I accidentally shoot it?" Anna inquired with a worried expression.

"Here," Cindy pinched the mouth of the gun, easily crushing it and placed the gun in Anna's large palm, "Crush it. Really, it will help. This is actually one of Natasha's tricks for newbies agents, well, they don't crush it in their palms but it will be more effective like this."

Nodding at Cindy's explanation, Anna gulped and slowly clenched her fist and much to her pleasant surprise, the pistol was quite easily crushed.

"Amazing. Thanks, I really try to control my power in this form and didn't really know what to do right now. It was... scary," Anna admitted as Cindy shrugged, "Well, yeah. Guns are supposed to be scary, darling. Anyway, keep off the mean alleys. I've got more patrolling to do so I will meet you after classes tomorrow. You sure you'll be fine for eating out tomorrow?"

"Nik said that he has something important to do tomorrow," Anna nodded, "And I don't have my ballet practice tomorrow. Well... I was also thinking of going shopping after we eat out. Mom said she doesn't mind if I get late tomorrow."

Cindy nodded thoughtfully, "Well, Ava won't mind it either. But are you sure about Gwen and Mj tagging along? They feel awkward whenever they're around Nik," she furrowed.

"Oh, no, they're good. You might not know this but... Mj is excellent in bargaining and Gwen, well, I really like Poole and Spider. Although, I won't be able to see them, but I think it would be nice if they still tag along."

"Alright," Cindy nodded when a soft groan echoed from the unconscious youth.

"Oh, shut it!" Cindy pouted and webbed the man's mouth, making his groan inexistent.

"I'll call the police. Now, hurry along," Cindy grinned as Anna nodded and hurriedly left.

Finally, after close to twenty minutes, Anna finally returned home only to find a figure sitting on the couch with a redhead leaning onto the man as the duo watched some show on television.

"Hmm? Anna?" Nik turned back to look at the surprised girl, "Welcome back," he stood up and went for the kitchen, getting a glass of water as Anna ran towards Nik, "When did you return?"

"Just a few minutes ago," Nik smiled while Angela grumbled, "Hey, you two! Keep it down, somebody is trying to enjoy"

"Awesome! I missed you too much!" Anna jumped and pushed Nik against the counter while her body latched over him.

"Sweety, I missed you, too," Nik snickered and pecked Anna's lips only to have her hold his cheeks as she stuck her mouth close to his, her eyes closed off as all her worries and fear that riddled her mind melted away quite in mere moments as Nik allowed her to remain on him, comfortingly embracing her.


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