Goddess Collector: Every Hole is a Goal

Chapter 720: Green Green

Chapter 720: Green Green

"Huh, where am I?" Bruce looked at the dark sky. It wasn't even a sky. Just something he could see while lying on something hard against his back. The 'sky' comprised of roiling black smoke in its entirety.

"You're awake!" A chipper voice called out, attracting Bruce's attention as he looked to his side, finding two peculiar figure. One was a young girl, probably a teenager, with straight silver hair with thick bangs covering her forehead while the other figure looked straight out of some fantasy figure. Overly curvaceous body with a strangely pigmented pinkish skin, a pair of bat wings, short but visible grown out from the back of her waist while long pink hair. Beautiful eyes and even more beautiful smile that woman had as she was barely clothed. Her bosom hanging against some form of leotard that only covered the lower portion of her b.r.e.a.s.ts and acted as underwear down below.

'Is that a tail...' Bruce's attention was finally turned towards the softly swaying tail behind the scandalous woman.

"Where is Jennifer?" Bruce inquired, worried about his cousin as he looked around and his gaze fell on something... someone.

Large and tall. A being he didn't like but was saved by on multiple occasions.

Green and grunting as he...

"How the heck..." Bruce's eyes widened as he found the perfect copy of the voluptuous woman in front and behind the hulk. However, there wasn't only the hulk. Another figure was in a similar position. A large-scaled figure that looked quite similar to Dr. Connor's lizard form but larger and far darker.

"That guy gave me more trouble. He's far more stable mentally," Ray looked at the other form hidden within Bruce all along and smiled.

As Bruce was instantly subdued, in the real world, his body was tucked in. Three figures sat in Ray's and Mj's apartment. Well, Mj tried to ignore Ray's guest at first, but when Ray revealed that the clearly exotic and gorgeous woman was interested in Nik... Mj felt forced to stay.

"So? How am I to be your sister-in-law?" Loki inquired, her leg crossed as she gazed at Ray and Mary. Her glimmering gaze full of amus.e.m.e.nt, hiding the calculations running in her mind.

"Well, I'm like Nik," Ray smiled, "And since I have my eyes on your brother, I figured that having a chat with you is fruitful."

"And her? Why is a mere mortal allowed to hear of such chat?" Loki looked at Mary, "Be it Nik, you, or I, she is not at the same level as us."

"You'd think that, wouldn't you?" Mary replied with a mocking tone as she suddenly felt Loki's presence shift, no, it was her vision that shifted as Loki's figure turned into her greatest nightmare an enormous c.o.c.kroach.

"Now, now, she's a friend," Ray snickered as the roach dissolved into a pink mist, making Loki's pupil shrink while Mary found herself bathed in her sweat.

"You're lucky, girl," Loki smirked, "I don't enjoy mortals around people of my interest."

"But you do tolerate them when they're around Nik, right?" Ray replied instead, "Think Mj here as the same. The two have quite the history!"

"What?" Loki furrowed while Mj looked away, a bit embarrassed.

"How can a man have such poor taste?" Loki sighed in disappointment while Mary turned to look towards Loki. Ultimately, she kept a leash on her tongue. Unlike her previous self that would have lashed out, she had changed quite a bit, fully knowing that having spunk and having the power to back the said spunk is a completely different concept. Even though she eagerly gave up the power brought by the goddess, she still trained, wishing to grasp strength with her own fists.

Seeing no response to her provocation, Loki turned to Ray and smiled, "You said that you have crucial information on Nik. What is it?"

"Before that..." Ray tilted his head slightly, "How about we get to know each other? I'm interested in these gods of Asgard. Maybe"

"I refuse," Loki instantly refuted, "My deal with Nik is far beneficial. Gods number more than goddesses in Asgard, and if you're really like Nik, then you stand to gain too much. Just some sentences about Nik is clearly not enough for such a prize and... since I shall be the empress of Asgard, you'll fare well if you keep your claws to yourself."

"Claws?" Ray pouted and looked at his hands. He made sure to keep them clean and softer than even many girls. "A pity. But, you didn't have such reaction towards my interest in your brother. Thor, was it?"

"Go ahead. You have blessings of the entirety of Asgard," Loki shrugged, "Thor would do well with you instead of some mortal woman."

"I see, thank you," Ray smiled as Loki observed the apartment with a narrowed gaze, "If there is nothing else of importance, I will take my leave."

After Loki left as quickly as she returned with Ray, Mj looked at Ray with a glare, "What's the meaning of this? I don't like her at all... and I'm not a disappointing choice at all!"

"Of course, not!" Ray smiled and instantly lied his head on Mary's lap, "But you know, you get afraid too quickly. Just like with Loki right now, you also got afraid of that power of yours. Although you somehow retained quite a bit of knowledge in handling weapons, it stands to reason that you might benefit from taking risks."

"And you think Nik is a risk worth taking?" Mary pursed her lips, her gaze growing complicated once again.

"Nah, Nik is like one of the most safer choices, relatively speaking," Ray smiled, "I wasn't lying when I said I know a lot about Nik. He's a big softy, you know. A risk would be jumping in front of a train and hoping for another miracle," Ray snickered.

"You're an ass," Mj pressed her thumb against Ray's nose, making the boy squirm before she let go of him. "And... what about the other woman you brought?"

"A gift for Nik!" Ray proclaimed.

"Ah, get off! I hate you," Mj huffed and stomped her way into her room as Ray shrugged and called Strange out.

"Did you manage to mark her?" Ray inquired as Strange sat in front of him.

"It was a bit hard to not let Loki find out but it's done. Asgardian sorcery is quite fearsome but its power is greatest in the realm of Asgard itself, not in this plane... and the same is the situation with Mephisto. If you really wish to take over him, you need to lure him out"

"Or send an even stronger being inside his dimension," Ray grinned, looking towards the room where Bruce slept, "And I think, I just found my champion!"

Strange nodded.

"Oh, what about the expansion of my living spatial storage? I really want my partners to start living again and improve, you know."

Strange only sighed at Ray's inquiry, "I've kept my eyes on Felicia but she doesn't seem to do anything with my artifact. Although I am capable of isolating a branch from the river of time, it wouldn't be an independent one. This means, when you leave for a different world, the spatial storage in your heart would be void of time once again... if we just had the Time Stone..."

"What's the point of crying over spilled milk?" Ray smiled comfortingly, "Let's just do what we can right now. Even without time stone, any small time is a great advantage within my device and I can ask for Brian's assistance on this matter... although, I don't know if it would be the right move."


"How are you holding up?" Nik inquired. Once again, he was inside the Dream Core alongside Morgan but this time, a green glow covered her while she held the Time Stone inside the Eye of Agamotto. Unlike Nik, she did not feel the need to threaten her existence for mastery in insight.

"Now that I'm aware of what I'm against, it is quite alright. Still, it would have been extremely complicated to isolate a stream of time without the Time Stone but now..." Morgan smiled, "All it takes is the right intention and focus."

The glimmering green gem exploded with a tremendous light, however, no matter the harshness of the brightness, Nik continued to keep his eyes open and observe the state of Dream Core alongside Sky.

'Well, I'll be damned. Things are moving in here,' Sky stated with a sigh of relief as the glow slowly mellowed down until everything returned to normal. Morgan let out an exhausted sigh. The green glow from the time stone did not cover her body any longer for there was no need to.

"It's done," she breathed, her knees trembling as Nik held her close instantly, making her purse her lips as she looked down, her eyes revealing a mischievous shine, "As you requested, the time flow is similar to the outside world. As long as I have the Time Stone, I can keep on tweaking the flow of time... but this gem is unable to travel to other universes. It's only of use right now."

Nik nodded as he truly felt grateful.

"Thank you, really"

"No need, I didn't do it for words of gratitude. It's... nothing. I think, you would be more interested in finally meeting your daughter, right?" Morgan changed the subject as Nik looked towards the old castle. His heart thumping with expectations.

"I... yeah, I do. Want to meet my daughter?" Nik inquired with a grin, "Tanya would love to meet the woman who broke the timeless spell around here, after all."

"I don't think a child is capable of such intelligence, even if it's yours," Morgan stated but she still let Nik drag her inside the nondescript castle. It was aesthetically pleasing but quite empty since Nik did not live inside it. The roars of spirit beasts resounded, too, but Nik paid them no heed. Instantly locating Xiao Ming's and Tanya's room (pic below), Nik opened the doors to the chamber and found a peacefully sleeping Tanya.

Her soft snores filled the room as Morgan leaned forward to take a better look at Nik's only daughter. Meanwhile, Xiao Ming looked towards Nik and smiled. Brushing her brown hair back, she whispered softly, "You really did it. Aren't you going to introduce me?"

"You two can chat among yourself," Nik huffed as he ignored both of their glares. Walking towards Tanya, Nik felt all his impatience melting as he took a deep breath. His gaze engulfing the cute angel as he felt the need to hold her close to his chest and yet, seeing her sleep so peacefully, Nik reluctantly let go of his desires.

Instead, he created an inscription right above Tanya.

The inscription flickered for a moment before turning into a parchment with Tanya's current position imprinted on it.

Nodding in satisfaction, Nik also took a picture from his cellphone, well, he took dozens, making sure that the flash was deactivated and the shutter sound was muted.

"Hey..." Ming whined as Nik swatted her worries with a wave of a hand, looking up and warm from eyes, Nik grinned, "Ah, shit, I didn't know being a dad makes a person crybaby..."

"Or," Lilith reasoned, "You were always a crybaby and Tanya is your trigger."

"Don't call Nik a crybaby..." Pickle defended Nik weakly but was soon overpowered by the arguments of every single spirit, including Lola.

"And I missed you too," Nik smiled, leaning down to press his lips against, Xiao Ming, making her relax as she softly brushed his cheek, a tear rolling down her cheek even when she knew that meeting Nik here and in the mental world was not really different.


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