God Simulator

Chapter 23: The Shit-Stirring Stick

Chapter 23: The Shit-Stirring Stick

With Yin Shabel's return, Lu Yao finally had a direct line of communication and could issue complex instructions without the need for interpretation by the prophet. This newfound ability to communicate directly with the tribe was a significant relief for Lu Yao. Previously, his instructions had to pass through the prophet, and then the information would be relayed to the tribe. Unfortunately, this process often led to speculation and misinterpretation, making Lu Yao's divine guidance seem obscure and elusive to the tribesmen. It was akin to picking one's nose with a wool glove, an uncomfortable and ineffective approach.

Now, through Yin Shabel's mouth, Lu Yao, from his fixed, overseeing perspective, could have a clear understanding of the happenings in this pixelated world.

Yin Shabel began, "According to the Bedou tribe's account, the appearance of desert bandits in recent years was preceded by a significant event. Before the monsters attacked the oasis, something else occurred."

Her statement floated above Yin Shabel's head, visible to Lu Yao.

"The Yanchi tribe once approached the Bedou tribe with a proposal. They wanted the Bedou tribe to transport goods through the desert and establish a stronghold for the Yanchi tribe in the oasis."

"However, the Bedou tribe opposed and rejected this proposition."

"Shortly after the rejection, the monsters from the desert suddenly launched a large-scale attack on the oasis. Overwhelmed by their onslaught, the Bedou tribe had no choice but to abandon their home temporarily."

"During their escape, the desert bandits took advantage of the chaos, killing many Bedou tribesmen and plundering their camels and sheep."

Yin Shabel interjected, "The Yanchi tribe seems to be a dangerous faction."

Lu Yao mused silently, acknowledging that what was destined to happen would always come to pass. Had the Garlic Tribe refused to trade with the Yanchi tribe initially, they might have encountered devastation and unforeseen troubles.

Knowing that the Salt Pond Tribe had a widespread influence, Lu Yao realized that the Garlic Tribe must be prepared to handle them as well.

Lu Yao glanced at a few Yanchi tribe members whrn a sudden idea struck him. He swiftly typed on the keyboard, giving his command.

"Send eleven members to the Donghe Tribe as a form of assistance."

"Yes, my lord," Yin Shabel acknowledged.

Lu Yao's next instruction came to mind. "Additionally, inquire about the possibility of cooperation between the Donghe Tribe, Yanchi Tribe, and ourselves."

Receiving the order, Yin Shabel met with [grandmother], the leader of the Donghe Tribe.

To [grandmother]'s surprise, Yin Shabel introduced herself as an apostle of Lu Yao. The question mark above [grandmother]'s head signified her astonishment.

[Grandmother] thought to herself, "Thankfully, our constant prayers and worship have not gone in vain. Ordinary gods do not have apostles. It appears that Lu Yao is a formidable deity, comparable to the others."

Lu Yao, on the other hand, became more vigilant. If other gods had apostles, encounters with them would require extra caution.


The relationship between the Garlic Tribe and the Donghe Tribe grew intimate.

By sending the captives to the Donghe Tribe, the Garlic Tribe won their gratitude and goodwill. This act of generosity brought about significant changes within the Garlic Tribe.

[The Garlic Tribe has acquired the knowledge of raising and utilizing camels.]

[The Garlic Tribe has acquired the knowledge of raising and utilizing sheep.]

[The Garlic Tribe now possesses livestock.]

[The Garlic Tribe has discovered the value of wool.]

Both types of domesticated animals played vital roles within the tribe.

With the introduction of camels, the Garlic Tribe could now utilize these beasts of burden to replace human labor. Camels efficiently carried heavy loads such as wood, stones, and fish, greatly enhancing the tribe's transportation and collection capabilities.

On the backs of their camels, the pixelated people embarked on explorations. This newfound mode of transportation expanded the tribe's range, enabling swift movement in and out of forests and mountains. For the first time, the Garlic Tribe ventured into the desert, searching for valuable resources.

The arrival of sheep brought two important resources: meat and wool.

Previously, the Garlic Tribe relied on hunters to procure meat. However, hunting was seasonal, dangerous, and even with the aid of bows and arrows, injuries among the hunters were common.

Now, with sheep in their possession, the Garlic Tribe had a sustainable source of meat. Additionally, the discovery of wool opened new possibilities.

With the domestication of sheep, a steady supply of food became available to the Garlic Tribe. Additionally, the discovery of wool as an important material for warmth brought further benefits. The Bedou tribe members, known for their expertise in domestication, excelled not only in raising camels and sheep but also in the art of weaving and working with wool. As they integrated into the Garlic Tribe, their knowledge and techniques spread, becoming part of the tribe's collective wisdom.

Lu Yao's focus shifted to a Shahan, the leader of the remnants of the Bedou tribe, a gray-haired old man known as the [Astrologer]. Shahan possessed a unique set of skills and attributes:

[Astrologer Lv4] Shahan

Attack 0 Defense 0 Knowledge 4 Mana 2 Luck 0 Morale 1


Astrology Lv3: Proficient in divination of celestial changes and predicting good fortune through astrology.

Shahan's abilities resembled those of the Shaman Hunter, another influential figure within the tribe:

[Shaman Lv3] Hunting Barn

Attack 0 Defense 0 Knowledge 2 Mana 2 Luck 0 Morale 1


Healing Lv2: Capable of treating various diseases and injuries, with the effectiveness depending on the level of ability, knowledge, and mana.

Both the astrologer and shaman possessed practical and applicable skills.

Upon joining the Garlic Tribe, Shahan established himself by the temple, pitching a sheepskin tent where he worshiped the gods and practiced astrology and divination. Most of the time, he served as the tribe's weather forecaster.

"There will be abundant rainfall this spring, making it suitable for planting crops."

"A gusty wind is brewing in the sky. Everyone should pack their belongings and seek shelter as soon as possible."

"Angry spirits haunt the mountains. It's best to avoid venturing into those areas."

Lu Yao meticulously verified Shahan's predictions and found them to be remarkably accurate, especially regarding major disasters such as rainstorms, earthquakes, and hurricanes.

The integration of the Bedou tribe into the Garlic Tribe brought about significant expansions in territory and industry, enriching the tribe's food resources. The pixelated villagers displayed smiles on their faces, reflecting their contentment.

In contrast, the situation for the Donghe Tribe continued to deteriorate. Afflicted by an incurable disease, the sea monsters that once thrived in their waters were now diminishing rapidly. Only two of these majestic creatures remained.

Yin Shabel returned to the temple with a report, "My lord, I utilized the last vestiges of faith within the Donghe Tribe to awaken the an undead sea monster. 

After a meticulous investigation, it was unequivocally established that the sea monsters were indeed afflicted by a poisoning ailment.

In their natural habitat, these formidable creatures would typically scour the waters, preying upon fish, shrimp, and shellfish. However, a disconcerting occurrence transpired over the past yearan assortment of anomalous meats emerged at the depths of the water, catching the attention of the unsuspecting sea monsters.

"These meats were exceptionally fresh and highly appealing to the sea monsters. Despite their colossal size, their intellect is limited, akin to that of infants."

Following the ingestion of these mysterious meats, the sea monsters succumbed to a series of alarming symptoms. Their once formidable scales and armor became marred with festering wounds, undermining their defensive prowess. Gradually, their once-mighty bodies weakened, sapped of vitality, while an unrelenting drowsiness enveloped them, an incessant yearning for respite in the embrace of slumber. It was evident that without intervention, these symptoms would intensify, inevitably culminating in their untimely demise.

The malicious act of poisoning, specifically targeting the Donghe Tribe, left no room for doubt regarding its perpetrator.

Lu Yao immediately connected the dots and typed swiftly on the keyboard.

Yanchi tribe.

"My lord, your perspicacity is unparalleled," Yin Shabel remarked, continuing with her findings.

"I consulted the undead in the East River using last-minute prayer. They revealed that a group of mysterious individuals arrived by boat during the nightfall, deliberately choosing a location near the ship island of the East River Tribe. They threw the poisoned meat into the water. Further investigation confirmed that it was the doing of the Yanchi tribe."

"As per the Donghe Tribe's account, they have had conflicts with the Yanchi tribe. The Yanchi tribe had been attempting to trade slaves and salt for sea monsters, but the Donghe tribe adamantly refused."

"The Yanchi tribe harbored considerable resentment, viewing the Donghe tribe's refusal as betrayal and mistrust. The relationship between the two factions has since soured, resulting in a decline in trade volume."

Lu Yao comprehended the situation and made a firm decision.

Inform the East River Tribe of the truth.

Reiterate the Garlic Tribe's willingness to provide a riverside plot of land for them to settle. This would free them from the challenges of maritime living, with proximity to the Garlic Tribe facilitating trade and mutual support.

"Yes, my lord," Yin Shabel acknowledged, taking note of the instructions.


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