God Simulator

Chapter 22: Joy and Sorrow

Chapter 22: Joy and Sorrow

Lu Yao carefully scrutinized 

 [grandmother's] plea, ensuring that he fully comprehended its contents. And indeed, the astonishing revelation remained unforeseenthe sea monster were born from the women in there Tribe.

[Grandmother] began to explain the profound root of the issue. Within the East River Tribe, a peculiar phenomenon unfolded where female infants thrived, blossoming into vibrant and robust individuals. Sadly, a contrasting fate befell their male counterparts, as their bodies underwent a swift metamorphosis, sprouting scales and developing tails. Gradually, they transformed into grotesque, lizard-like creatures, living in the river.

These sea monsters possessed formidable strength, their bodies adorned with impervious scales, and their constant expansion and shedding of skin marking the passage of their tragically brief lives. However, their greatest drawback lay in their insatiable affinity for water sources.

As for the origins of this affliction, the Donghe tribe remained ignorant. Their only explanation revolved around divine interventiona mysterious gift that granted them dominion over the vast waters, courtesy of the birth of these sea monsters.

Recent times, however, witnessed the collective suffering of countless sea monsters, afflicted by previously unseen ailments. Desperate for a cure, the Donghe tribe found themselves powerless, forced to witness the once majestic and indomitable sea monsters now languishing in sickly disarray. Even after disregarding the three unfortunate fatalities, numerous sea monsters succumbed, their lifeless forms surfacing with exposed bellies and froth in their mouths, signifying their imminent demise.

This realization plunged Lu Yao into a quandary, torn between the contrasting personas of the sea monsteran imposing spectacle on stage, evoking dread with its imposing stature, and a tragic being behind the scenes, shackled by a life of suffering, feeble and listless, ravaged by illness.

Yet, the seemingly invincible inhabitants of the deep were not solely the result of the male infants' metamorphosis; they also faced the additional challenge of limited access to medical aid. This plight drove Grandmother to implore the local deities for assistance, seeking aid from the only entity available to herLu Yao.

However, Lu Yao's expertise did not extend to the realm of divine healing. Miracles were woven through the intricate tapestry of natural phenomena and calamities, devoid of the grandeur of miraculous healing. Within the Garlic Tribe, with its modest population of over 300 individuals, only a trio of pharmacists, including himself, served as healers. The scarcity of medical practitioners further compounded the challenges of treating the ailing sea monsters.

Therefore, Grandmother resorted to silent prayers outside the temple, confiding in the gods without revealing this crucial secret to the prophets and shamansa mystery entwined with the tribe's survival.

Lost in thought, Lu Yao contemplated the myriad reasons behind the sea monsters' afflictionthe extreme temperatures of the water, excessive proliferation of aquatic flora, the consequences of climate fluctuations, and perhaps even the emergence of an infectious disease exclusive to these aquatic behemoths.

Unfortunately, he found himself at an impasse, powerless to provide any assistance.

While the Donghe Tribe struggled in its developmental strides, the Garlic Tribe experienced a seminal milestonethe introduction of the written word within their ranks. It marked an era where the Garlic Tribe embraced the power of nomenclature.

Inspired by this revelation, Lu Yao observed as the names of the common folk of the Garlic Tribe proliferated one after another.

The seer was named Nong Lai.

The shaman was christened Hunt Warehouse.

Finally, Brother Zhuyu found his own distinctive moniker.

Those fond of the wild boar earned the title of Headhunters, while those with a passion for fishing were anointed Fishers.

The Garlic Tribe boasted two prevalent surnamesNong for the farmers and Lie for the hunters. Furthermore, a select few fishermen, who owed their existence to their trusty nets, adopted the surname Yu. The carpenters embraced the surname Mu, the pharmacists bore the name Yao, and the diligent miners proudly sported the name Yan.

Essentially, each inhabitant of the Garlic Tribe received a name befitting their chosen occupation. This transition in language bestowed unique identities upon the pixelated inhabitants, fostering introspection and facilitating deeper interpersonal connections.

Lu Yao's attention was captured by the interaction between two villagersNong Yu and Yu Huanengaged in an exchange of ideas.

Nong Yu inquired, "The farmlands yield nourishment in the form of wheat and potatoes, sown in spring and reaped in winter. Does the river mirror this pattern for its fish?"

Yu Huan responded, "Fish in the waters grow naturally, just like wheat does."

"And if we were to introduce fish to the soil during spring, would their growth surge during the summer?"

A sudden epiphany illuminated Yu Huan's thoughts, and an exclamation mark of realization appeared in his mind. "You may be onto something! While fish cannot thrive in the soil, we could establish a 'water farmland' along the riverbank, cultivating fish within it. It's akin to harvesting wheat, except this time we'll directly reap a bountiful supply of fish come autumn."

"But how do we enrich the farmland?" questioned Yu Huan.

Nong Yu chimed in, "Well, fish feed on worms, and fortunately, our farmland is teeming with them. We can utilize these worms as feed for the fish, enabling them to grow larger and multiply in greater numbers."


Filled with exhilaration, the two villagers exchanged excited glances and swiftly made their way to the river, their minds brimming with anticipation to implement their innovative ideas.

Meanwhile, Lu Yao's focus shifted to a fellow tribe member named Mu Hao.

Mu Hao, one of the accomplished carpenters of the Garlic Tribe, could be found diligently wielding a stone axe as he engaged in woodcutting activities within the nearby forest. Given the tribe's heavy reliance on wooden and stone tools, Mu Hao's efforts were crucial for providing essential resources. However, he was no longer toiling in solitude; fellow villagers had joined him as assistants, significantly enhancing productivity and efficiency in their collective endeavors.

After a series of meticulous experiments, Mu Hao had successfully devised an ingenious method. During his exploration of the riverbanks, he chanced upon a small, industrious creature known as a "beaver." Fascinated by their unique ability to consume trees for nest-building purposes, Mu Hao embarked on raising beavers, employing a diet primarily composed of wheat. This strategic undertaking enabled him to harness the constructive capabilities of these diminutive creatures. Each day, Mu Hao would venture into the forest, accompanied by his trusty beaver companions, and proficiently harvest trees with their invaluable assistance.

Though initially unorthodox, Mu Hao's unconventional approach proved remarkably effective within a remarkably short span of time. Such innovative practices were becoming increasingly prevalent within the tribe as its members embraced a spirit of ingenuity, constantly seeking novel ways to enhance their quality of life and optimize their work processes.

As Lu Yao attentively observed the diverse expressions adorning the faces of the Garlic Tribe's inhabitants, he finally received the long-awaited communication from Yin Shabel, who had been conspicuously silent until now. Yin Shabel discovered the Bedou tribe dwelling within the vast expanse of the southern desert.

Contrary to the circulating rumors, the Bedou tribe comprised a mere remnant of 32 individuals, having endured the loss of their ancestral oasis, which had been their cherished home for generations. Overwhelmed by a marauding horde of desert monsters, the Bedou tribe had valiantly fled in search of refuge, embarking on a treacherous camel ride across the arid desert.

Yin Shabel's fateful encounter with the Bedou tribe occurred during a perilous encounter with a band of nefarious desert bandits. Vividly recounting the scene, Yin Shabel elucidated, "Clad in simple black attire layered with linen garments, the bandits bore cloth bags affixed to their backs, claiming affiliation with the Yanchi tribe."

Functioning as a devout apostle, Yin Shabel valiantly engaged in combat, successfully subduing half of the bandits while taking the remaining members captive, totaling 11 individuals. The Yanchi tribe members, cunningly disguised as bandits, now trudged dispiritedly, securely bound with ropes, following obediently in Yin Shabel's wake.

"Through the tenacious persuasion of Apostle Yin Shabel, the Bedou tribe has unified forces with the Garlic tribe," the official report declared, highlighting the triumphant alliance.

The merger between the two tribes engendered a substantial rise in population, elevating the Garlic Tribe's numbers to an impressive total of 347 individuals. This amalgamation also engendered a remarkable surge in faith value, experiencing an exponential increase of 120 points, effectively restoring the faith value to a robust total of 160 points. The benevolent miracles preserved within the tribe's arsenal were duly replenished, ensuring an abundant supply of divine interventions when needed.

Lu Yao's attentiveness now shifted towards the invaluable assets brought forth by the Bedou tribetheir camel and sheep livestock. Finally, the nascent art of animal husbandry began to take shape within the tribe, promising a multitude of novel possibilities and unprecedented avenues for prosperity among its members.


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