Chapter 153 Sisters Meeting. A Lasting Memory

The entire city knelt and prostrated before the unknown woman; even the nearby cities which heard the reverberating chants also knelt and prostrated towards the city the chant originated.

At the city, the unknown woman wore a white-hooded gown with the hood covering her head; she stood as she watched millions, if not billions of living beings all bowing to her. But despite having millions prostrating to her, the woman had a calm and unreactive expression.

Suddenly, Fairy Marine blinked at the scene; she stood not far from the unknown woman, with a respectful demeanor, Fairy Marine knelt on both knees and bowed her head, she uttered.

"Glory to the Omni-Queen, your presence is a blessing to Athos. I am Marinella Ilk, the god Fairy of Athos; Athos is at your disposal, Omni-Queen."

Hearing Fairy Marine's words, the unknown woman nodded with an amusing smile, she then held the hood of her gown as she uncovered her head. The woman had a magnificent dark skin and long curly hair that reached her neck, with a slight smile, the woman spoke, her voice as charming and enchanting as the other Omni-Queens.

"Thank you for the warm welcome, Miss Marinella, please rise. As the rest of you."

The dark-skinned woman with curly hair was none other than Elaine. Elaine spoke, releaving Fairy Marine and the millions of cultivators from their bowing positions; she then waved her hand as her gown dessipated into energy essence.

With her gown gone, Elaine stood as her Omnivastant ambiance washed over the scene; her aromatic presence instantly easing and refreshing the minds and souls of the hundreds of millions of cultivators. She wore a long white dress with sandals wrapped around her feet. As if they already knew each other's intentions, her dress was the same as the other three Omni-Queens, they only had different styles and colors.

Three seconds later, the massive crowd went on their knees again as they coherently chanted. Fairy Marine also joining the crowd, but she only bowed this time.

"Glory to the Omni-Queens!!"

"Hello, sister, welcome! We have been waiting for you."

Then, Athena's voice sounded from above the crowd; hearing the voice, Elaine turned and looked up, she saw three women, each having a beauty no less than hers, with a bright and warm smile, Elaine replied.

"Thanks, I was about to go see you guys up there, nevertheless, I appreciate the welcome."

Elaine spoke as she changed location and hovered with her sister-wives in the air. All four ladies hovered in the air above the prostrating hundreds of millions of cultivator and Athosian citizens, they each exuding omnivastant energies, with their energies constantly refreshing every being at the scene, even causing countless cultivators to breakthrough cultivation realms continuously.

"I'm Athena King, pleased to meet you."

"Thalia King, welcome, dear sister."

"And I'm Anastasia King, but please call me Anna, and this here is mini-me."

"Hi, I'm Mini. I have a name but calling me Mini is also fine."

Smile~"... Nice to meet you, and I'm Elaine King, I hope to get along with you all."

Elaine spoke with a smile; the scene was warm and embracing as four omnivastant Omni-Queens exchanged smiles and greetings. Even reality wobbled due to the overwhelming warmness of the four Omni-Queens.

"Well, how about we leave here, I'm sure the people are already tired of constantly prostrating!"

"Hahaha ~"

The four Omni-Queens chuckled as they weren't at the scene anymore, with Athena's voice sounding after their departure.

"Please rise."

With the four Omni-Queens gone, the cultivators and Athosians rose on their feet as they continued with their daily lives. Some of the cultivators had frightened and shocked expressions as they stared at the location the four godly beings disappeared from; the mere presence of these beings made their souls tremble with excitement and the feeling of absolute servitude. And even more, they also caused the breakthrough of countless cultivators simultaneously; how reality-defying.

The mother from earlier had a vibrant and energetic yet shocked smile, she slowly murmured.

"Did... did I just talk to an Omni-Queen face to face?!"

But then, Fairy Marine's voice sounded behind the woman.

"Yes, you did. I'm sure you will never forget today's event. Very well, I shall be leaving then."

The woman heard Fairy Marine's words, she then respectfully bowed as she spoke to the God Fairy's departure.

"Hail the God Fairy."

Immortal Gate

Deep within the core areas of the Immortal Gate's territory, an elder wearing a luxurious ancient long robe hovered at a mountain top with hands behind him and closed eyes. The scene was extremely chaotic as one could see overwhelming black energy radiating from the elder's body, with the black energy continuously shredding the space void. He had a serious and disgruntled demeanor while clenching his fists behind his back.

Suddenly, the space trembled as two beings emerged from it, they knelt facing the elder's back. The two arrived beings were the Arkmenian and the Dao child, Hu Longtian, they were the ones sent to observe the battle of the Ancient families and the One Above. Both parties knelt with anxious faces as they remained silent; but then, the heavy and dominating voice of the elder sounded.

"So, the Ancient families were wiped out. What a bunch of useless and pathetic pawns! Even with the countless resources provided by us to them, including the hundreds of millions of Arkmenians, they still lost to a puny kid with some decent skills. And that ungrateful and traitorous Fengian Xu, to think he would surrender his title as an Overlord and submit to the likes of some unknown outsider; does he have no dignity left in him?!"

The elder vented annoyedly as the surrounding Qi heavily distorted; even causing the mountain to shatter into crumbles, and this was all just from the elder's unconscious release of Qi pressure. But then, the elder instantly retracted his dark energy, returning the scene to a much calmer state. With a heavy inhale and a calm exhale, the elder assumed a steady and gentle demeanor as he spoke, his words bringing overwhelming pressure on both the Dao child and Arkmenian.

"Tell me, is the kid as competent as portrayed in the rumors?"

"..., Yes, Ancient Elder, we even witnessed when he and three other female beings, all as powerful as him, wiped out the entire combined armies of the seven Ancient families. All their techniques and cultivation methods were unknown, especially how the being called the One Above made billions of his allies unkillable Immortals."

The Arkmenian reported when the Ancient Elder raised a hand after listening to the last part of the sentence. He spoke while slightly turning his head left.please visit


"...Yes, Ancient Elder; even after fighting Saints and Saint Kings, the enemy didn't have a single of their soldiers bleed or receive a scratch, let alone die, even their Star Sovereigns were able to survive against the attacks of Saint Kings and the Grand Generals of the Ancient families."

Hearing the Arkmenian's words, the Ancient Elder expressed doubtfully, he slowly turned around, showing his face to the two.

The Ancient Elder had three eyes, one being on his forehead closed; he had a masculine face with completely dark eyes, he was tall and had a massive body build. Facing the two, the elder stretched his left arm as he ordered from the Arkmenian.

"Show me!"

Unhesitatingly, the Arkmenian placed a finger on his forehead as he pulled out a golden string; this string was called a 'memory string,' with it, one can share a particular memory or experience directly with anyone.

The memory string landed on the elder's palm; simultaneously, darkness exuded from the elder's palm as it instantly swallowed the golden memory string. Not long after, the elder assumed an impassive expression as he nodded, believing the Arkmenian's words. Even after seeing the unrealistic scene of unkillable beings, he remained indifferent and calm. Turning to Hu Longtian, the elder spoke authoritatively.

"Hu Longtian, gather as many Dao children as possible, go to the Athos Realm and seize this opportunity to cultivate your Daos. There should already be other Dao children there; since the One Above wants to be generous, we better not let his generosity go to waste."

Hearing his master's words, Hu Longtian frowned suspiciously, why did his master suddenly change his demeanor? And why was he sending him and numerous other Dao children to the enemy? Wouldn't that be presenting one's ace cards on a silver plater to the enemy?

Numerous thoughts crossed Hu Longtian's mind, nevertheless, he nodded as he spoke, vanishing from the scene after.

"As Master wishes!"

With Hu Longtian gone, the Ancient elder stared at the Arkmenian with an impassive face as he spoke.

"Go to Arkmenia, spread the rumor about the One Above being the soul enemy of the Arkmenians, he even mercilessly exterminated millions of your brothers in the battle against the Ancient families."

'This treaterous devil, to think that he intends to use our race as cannon fodders; with the level of power the One Above demonstrated, his army alone is capable of wiping us out, let alone him. The One Above said it himself, as long as one doesn't get in his way, they don't have to worry about him exterminating them. Instead of him directly offending the One Above, the Ancient Elder plans on using us Arkmenians as his swords.'

The Arkmenian thought in an instant, but contrary to his thoughts, he raised his head as he spoke subserviently.

"As the Ancient Elder wishes."

He then vanished into the void.

Hovering alone over the crumbled mountain, the Ancient Elder expressed intense killing intent from his eyes a he slowly murmured.

"We shall meet soon, One Above!"

Somewhere in the Central Continent of the Immortal Realm, Patrick stood at the edge of a mountain peak half naked and with hands behind him as he stared far into the distance, his long silver hair fluttering with the swaying breeze.

The dragon beast lay at the mountain foot in slumber, with its tail alone fully wrapped around the mountain. Suddenly, Grace sounded.

"Master, lady Mulan isn't a destined Omni-Queen, should I perhaps make her the first concubine?"

"Not necessary, Grace, I don't intend to change her destiny just for my comfort. As someone who gave herself to me, no one else if qualified to lay a hand on her, let alone hurt her. Grace, make sure Mulan is taken care of, also give her the little lizard."

"As the God Master wishes. And also, Master, there is a surprise waiting for you at Athos."

Hearing Grace's words, Patrick smiled amusingly as he spoke.

"Ohh?! I can't wait then."

"Your Godship, you are already awake?"

Suddenly, Jun Mulan's voice sounded from behind Patrick; turning around, Patrick watched as Jun Mulan stepped from the massive cave, wearing his robe from earlier. Jun Mulan approached Patrick as she hugged him from behind while resting her disheveled hair on his back.

"I had a grate time, your Godship, thank you."

Jun Mulan spoke with a soft feminine tone. But then, tears began dripping from her eyes as she continued.

"If only I could freeze time and stay with you in this moment forever; but I know that's impossible. Still, I want you to know that I will forever cherish these few hours of moments with you; I do not wish for titles, power, or wealth, not even immortality, I only wish your Godship never forgets me, and I shall be content for all eternity."

The scene went silent as Jun Mulan's sorrowful cry was the only sound coming from the mountain top. She hugged Patrick even tighter, as if this was their final goodbyes.

Patrick turned and faced Ju Mulan, he saw her teary Crystal red eyes, using his finger, Patrick wiped the tears off Jun Mulan's face as he spoke.

"And I shall never forget you, lady Mulan. Farewell."

With his words, Patrick wasn't at the scene anymore.

Jun Mulan stood as she watched Patrick erase himself from the scene; simultaneously after, she knelt on the ground as she painfully cried out in pain, while also tightly gripping his robe which she still wore. But unknowing to Jun Mulan, the dragon was still at the bottom of the mountain while a golden essence surrounded a hundred thousand square miles of the mountain.

(Item: Mulan's Domain; A gift given to lady Mulan by the One Above. Can only be manipulated by her. Has infinite energy, unlimited resources of every kind in existence, can traverse any realm or domain, has infinite defense, infinite countering and offensive measures, infinite transformation, unlimited expansion, unaffected by time/space, nature, misfortune and death)

(Beast: Almighty Primordial Dragon; a gift...)


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