Chapter 152 Going For A Ride. An Embracing Welcome

The scene went silent as Jun Mulan stared at Patrick, she had a shy and blushing expression as she avoided direct eye contact with him. She was in a very tight situation; as typically, the man is the initiator when it comes to expressing feelings, but in her case, she was the one confessing to the man.

Patrick stared at the shy and blushing Jun Mulan, he noticed her tightly but unknowingly holding the skirt of her dress, her mind filled with countless thoughts and feelings of uncertainty. He steadily walked towards her as a cool and soothing breeze swept across the scene; standing before Jun Mulan, Patrick raised her chin using his left hand, making her look directly at him.

"How come you have the courage to express your feelings but can't even look at me? I'm I that scary?"

Patrick's masculine yet charming voice and words instantly caused Jun Mulan's heart to melt in admiration, her face became even more reddish as she smiled amusingly. She replied with a low feminine tone.

"Is…is not that your Godship is scary, but that my heart can't bear the enchanting gaze of his Godship. I might say or do something foolish if I stared into your eyes any longer."

Hearing her words, Patrick smirked amusingly, he then switched his attention onto the sky; looking at the magnificent sky of Athos, he spoke.

"What a soothing weather; I feel the need for a ride, care to join me, lady Mulan?"

'Ride!? Did he just asked me for a ride with him?! Wait does that mean- No, Mulan, don't confuse yourself, he simply asked you for a ride, and that's it. So calm yourself.'

Numerous thoughts raced through Jun Mulan's head as she shook her head dismissively. Raising her head, she replied.

"As his Godship's wishes."

Patrick nodded as simultaneously, the space trembled slightly as an unknown amount of the infinite energy on the floating landmass swirled towards the garden. Following the massive energy gathering, the space formed an enormous opening as a gold and black winged dragon with two pairs of eyes emerged from it. The dragon was a thousand feet tall with gold and black scales, it's horns and wings were gold, with each pair of it's crystalize eyes being black and gold. Grace sounded.

[Beast: Almighty Primordial Dragon; Created from the primordial essence of Time, Existence, and Death. It's never ending breath can erase time and can bring death to any existence; can manipulate Fortune and Misfortune with eyes, has infinite lifespan, unlimited energy source and wields absolute-level magic]

The dragon's presence caused the space to tremble constantly, even Jun Mulan, felt the overwhelming pressure unconsciously radiating from the dragon's scales, but then, she watched as Patrick began walking towards this fearful and unbelievably powerful beast. Patrick walked with hands behind him as he calmly approached the beast; but upon seeing him, the massive dragon willingly bowed its gigantic head and outspreaded its enormous wide golden wings as it prostrated itself before the Absolute True Omnivastant Omni-King, the One Above All, Patrick Alexander King. The dragon spoke in its dragon tongue with a servitude tone.

"Sart argh gratt vu kak! Pretas sukargh GOD MASTER! Argh hail!!"

Patrick continued walking as he stepped on the golden horns of the dragon and continued walking on its head; stopping at the dragon's long neck, Patrick turned to Jun Mulan as he spoke.

"Lady Mulan?"

Jun Mulan stood in stupor as she watched Patrick calmly standing on the dragon's back. He didn't even paused his steps while walking towards the dragon; but more shockingly, the dragon willingly bowed to him while being extremely subservient.

Hearing Patrick calling to her, she stepped from her stupor, returning to her conscious self. Even though she appeared calm, she was having a internal turmoil.

'Not only is it astronomical in size, it's power is even more scary; if this were to attack the Immortal Realm, will the Saint Ancestor Realm cultivators even be able to hold a candle against it, let alone beat it? But despite its never ending overwhelming power, it's still bows to Him, the One Above. Just how powerful are you, your Godship?'

Jun Mulan thought as she steadily walked on the dragon towards Patrick, she even said "Sorry" every time she stepped on the dragon's face. But the dragon remained unreactive as it allowed this woman to walk on him, after all, she is a guest of the GOD MASTER.

Finally standing on the dragon's back, Jun Mulan smiled as she stood before Patrick, her back facing him. Patrick then spoke to the dragon.


Simultaneously, the dragon rose from the ground as it expanded it's massive wings in the air, with a full swing, it rose from the ground as it hovered in the air. Looking on his left, Patrick saw Athena and Thalia standing by the balcony wearing their night lingeries, he smiled as he spoke, his words only heard by the two ladies. Jun Mulan didn't see the ladies.

"I'm going for a ride, will be back soon."

Finished speaking, the dragon turned right as it vanished into the void and out of Athos.

Down the castle balcony on the floating landmass, Athena and Thalia stood by the balcony as they watched Patrick and Jun Mulan vanish from Athos; despite seeing their man leaving with another woman, they were the least unbothered, on the contrary, they had calm and unreactive faces.

Not long after, Anna arrived from the living room as she joined her sisters on the balcony, her mini-self laying on her shoulders while playing with a multiverse like her play toy. Anna also wore a night lingerie.

"Since he will be absent for a while, what do you ladies suggest we do till then?"

Athena spoke, asking Thalia and Anna. Thalia leaned on the balcony as she spoke.

"We could go roam the cities of Athos, and we could then greet our new sister. What about you, Anna?"

"…I don't mind, we could use this opportunity to bond as sisters anyway."

The three ladies agreed; soon after, their Omnivastant dresses changed appearances, fitting that of a casual dress from the modern era. They each wore different color dresses with different styles, but their dresses matching in their uniqueness. They wore string sandals, with the strings wrapped around their smooth slender legs.

Coupled with their necklaces, bracelets, and wedding rings, the three Omnivastant Goddesses were the pinnacle of magnificence. The three ladies simultaneously raised their feet as they weren't at the balcony anymore.

Within a branch city of the Athos Tree, the Bored Immortal, Fengian Xu, floated in a spacious chamber as he cultivated in a lotus meditative position; his body radiated overwhelming pressure as he absorbed unknown amounts of the infinite energy in the surrounding.

'This is truly unbelievable; even after being here for almost a month, it's still hard to adjust to this reality. My cultivation base has finally restored to the perfect state, this would have took me countless cycles before, but now I can accomplish that in hours, how reality-defying.

All that's left now is to aim for the third stage of the Saint Ancestor Realm; with the unlimited resources at my disposal, coupled with the infinite godly energy, I should be able to breakthrough the third stage in the next week.'

Fengian Xu internally monologued as he smiled satisfyingly. But then, his suit sounded.

<Citizen Xu, the God Fairy requests your presence>

Hearing this, the Bored Immortal unhesitatingly nodded as he simultaneously vanished from his residence after.

In the spacious administrative hall of the Athos Tree, Fairy Marine sat on her tree-made-throne with crossed legs and a calm demeanor. Soon after, Fengian Xu appeared in the hall; holding his right to his chest, he bowed his head, speaking.

"This humble citizen presents himself to the God Fairy."

"…Welcome, citizen Xu. Please take a seat."

Fairy Marine spoke, waving her fingers after, simultaneously making a tree-made sofa seat to appear behind Fengian Xu.

The Bored Immortal sat as he watched Fairy Marine wave her fingers again, her wave making a large hologram of the Immortal Realm planet to appear at the center of the hall. She began speaking.

"Before I say anything, citizen Xu, I first want to say I'm impressed with the decision you made while fighting the other three Overlords previously. You could have easily killed them, but you didn't; and that was indeed the best course of action, as it would have left the remaining continents in chaos with the absence of their Overlords. Nevertheless, His Godship was impressed with your action, thank you for being a good and rational citizen."

Hearing this, the Bored Immortal expressed with widened eyes as he stared at Fairy Marine. But Fairy Marine spoke, clearing any doubts he had.

"You need not be surprised, citizen Xu; His Godship is always aware of everything that's happening simultaneously. And besides, the suits can also document live data from every citizen. But your privacy is still safe."

"…., I'm sorry God Fairy, I believe I have been misunderstood, I was merely shocked by the unbelievable power of the One Above, that's all." Thinking he has been misunderstood, Fengian Xu quickly knelt and cupped his hands over his head as he hurriedly spoke. Seeing this, Fairy Marine smiled amusingly as she spoke.

"Of course I already knew that, I was merely joking. Anyways, please seat, as for the reason I called you:

As you already know, Athos is independent of the outside world, therefore, we have little political influence in the Immortal Realm, His Godship intends to change that.

As declared by His Godship, the Western continent shall now be a subsidiary city of Athos. Your first objective is to safely secure the influence of all the powerhouses in the western continent, you are free to use whatever means necessary, with violence been the last option.

Second, you must setup a branch of our ATIA( Athos Intelligence Agency) using only Athosian Citizens, since these are Top Secret information; you can bring as many citizens you deem necessary.

Report back after these tasks have been accomplished."

Listening to Fairy Marine's words and looking at the holographic illustration, the Bored Immortal understood his mission, he again knelt on the ground as he spoke vigorously.

"I will not disappoint His Godship or Athos."

"… Good, and remember, you have a week to report back. I will also need the detailed information of the other three continents, the Immortal Gate, the Ancient Order and the beings who the Immortal Gate works under. His Godship expects the best from his citizens."

"As the God Fairy wishes. I shall not fail the expectations of His Godship."

The Bored Immortal spoke, vanishing from the hall after.

Out in the Immortal Realm, in the core areas of a beasts mountain range that spread for millions in square miles, a frost leopard fought against a yellow lightning zebra, their fight greatly affecting the environment as they demolished the surrounding trees and created numerous craters. Both beasts were of the Saint Ancestor realm.

Suddenly, the growling frost leopard and the yellow lightning zebra instantly dried up as if their life force got sucked out of them; not even their fossils remained as it were all turned to dust and swept away by a massive gush of wind. But upon proper inspection, one might notice that it wasn't only the two beasts that were dried up, but the entire beast mountain range and every living thing that lived in it.

Millions of square miles of landmass filled with plant life and beasts, all dried up as only a barren land remained. Not longer than ten seconds later, a massive winged beast zoomed passed the scene of the barren land. The beast's flashing silhouette couldn't even be seen in the night sky as one could only see the massive gush of wind completely erasing everything in its path, that's how fast the winged beast was.

'This is unbelievable, to think that the mere flying momentum from this dragon alone has been erasing everything in its path, be it animals or plants, it even shattered the space void.'

On the flying dragon, Jun Mulan fearfully stared below at the decayed pathway left behind by the dragon, even though she couldn't see properly due to the dragon's unnatural speed, she still expressed shockingly as her respect for the dragon skyrocketed. The dragon continued its speed as it disappeared from observable sights again.

In Athos, two children, a boy and a girl raced on flying hoverboards as they playfully roamed through numerous people, the boy chased after the girl, both children playfully laughed as they enjoyed their childish behavior. A woman could be seen flying after the two children as she warmly voiced with worry.

"You two, come back now! It's time for bed!"

Of course, the children ignored their mother's words as they dashed further into the crowd, even increasing the speeds of their hoverboards ; but then without looking, the girl crashed into a female figure, causing her to lose balance, almost falling off her hoverboard. But suddenly, a blue light bubble enveloped the little girl, safely protecting her from the fall. The mother quickly flashed and appeared next to the womanly figure, she bowed her head respectfully as she spoke.

"Thank you fellow cultivator, may the Omni-Queens bless you."

"No need for that, it's the right thing to do anyways."

Following the mother's words was a charming and feminine godly voice; the mother of two couldn't help but raise her head to see who this woman with such heavenly voice was.

But upon meeting eyes with the unknown woman, the mother expressed with widened eyes as she went down and prostrated, bellowing after, with her voice echoing the entire branch city.

"All bow in the presence of the Omni-Queen! Glory to the Omni-Queen!"

Instantly after, the scene went silent as every being in the city began prostrating, their voices reverberating throughout the city and even heard in the nearby cities.

"Glory to the Omni-Queen!"


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