Global Fog Survival

Chapter 30: Is This a Healer? Probably…

A one-hit kill! Colin felt the monster beneath him struggle a few times before dying. The power of “Hunting Time” combined with “Mutant Scholar” meant that as long as the monster wasn’t stronger than Colin, he could kill it instantly.

“Thank you, Lord!” the saved servants quickly said. Colin nodded in response and then looked at the remaining monsters. Since he had started, he might as well finish them off.

In less than ten minutes, Colin had defeated all the monsters.

“Congratulations! You have obtained 7ml of Foul Tainted Blood.”


A total of over 130 ml of blood. To his surprise, Colin also got a “Twisted Soul.”

“Huh? I seem to have gotten something good!” Colin was surprised to find a special recruitment card in his inventory.

[Special Talent Recruitment Card: Can recruit a person with special abilities. There is a certain chance of failure.]

[Note: The initial loyalty of the person is 50%. They will follow your orders but cannot be treated violently. If their loyalty falls below 30%, they might leave at any time.]

“It can fail? Well, I shouldn’t be that unlucky. But their loyalty isn’t absolute like ordinary servants.” Colin read the description and decided to use the card on the spot, curious about what kind of special talent it would bring.

After using the card, Colin saw white light particles appear before him, quickly gathering and transforming. A small female figure emerged.

She was a petite woman wearing a white clerical robe, standing about 1.6 meters tall, with blonde hair, blue eyes, a delicate face, and holding a book with a golden sun emblem.

Seeing Colin, she drew a circle on her chest and bowed slightly, her voice gentle: “I am Sanna Helaca, a Priestess of Holy Light. You may call me Sanna, my lord.”

“Hello, Miss Sanna. You can call me Lord or Colin,” Colin replied while checking her personal information.

[Priestess of Holy Light: Sanna Helaca.]

  • Identity: Priestess of Holy Light from the Church of Eternal Sun.
  • Description: Loving, gentle, brings healing light.
  • Strength: Stage One.
  • Status: Hungry.
  • Satiety: 22 (1-20 Extremely Hungry, 21-40 Hungry, 41-60 Normal, 61-80 Full, 81-100 Very Satisfied)
  • Strength: 2.9 (1 for a normal human)
  • Endurance: 2.3 (1 for a normal human)
  • Stamina: 2.1 (1 for a normal human)
  • Spirit: 1.8 (1 for a normal mage)
  • Intelligence: 1.5 (Magic-enhanced, unrelated to general wisdom)
  • Mana: 500/500
  • Skills: “Strong and Fit,” “Meteor Hammer,” “Sweep Kick,” “Straight Punch,” “Abdominal Strike,” “Enhanced Knockback,” “Crippling Strike,” “Blessing of Courage,” “Holy Light Healing,” …

“Uh, Miss Sanna, your attributes and skills seem a bit off…” Colin glanced at the slender, delicate-looking girl and couldn’t help but comment. The skill list, sorted by strength, revealed that she was much better at fighting than healing.

Colin estimated that even with his “Hunting Time,” he might not be as strong as her. Of course, he did not say it out loud for fear of her demonstrating her combat skills.

He noticed that the four corners of her thick holy book were reinforced with iron…

In a way, she was indeed a very special talent.

“Honored Lord, do you need my help? Though my ‘Holy Light Healing’ isn’t very strong,” Sanna asked gently.

“No, no…actually, yes,” Colin replied, distracted by her profile, before quickly correcting himself, realizing she was referring to the injured servants.

“Thank you for your kindness.” Sanna walked to one of the heavily injured servants and raised her holy book. Seeing the wounded, a look of compassion appeared in her eyes.

“Be careful, don’t let them die…” Colin said reflexively.

“What did you say?” Sanna’s holy book emitted a white light, but she turned her head upon hearing Colin.

“Uh, nothing. I said I’ll prepare some food for you later…” Colin coughed, changing the subject.

Sanna, focused on casting “Holy Light Healing,” didn’t hear clearly and didn’t overthink it. She concentrated on her spell, and white light emanated from her holy book, easing the pain of the wounded. Even the uninjured felt a sense of peace and calm.

“You are truly a divine messenger!” the servants exclaimed in gratitude.

“It’s my duty,” Sanna smiled, unused to such praise.

“Have some food. It’ll help you recover and get back on your feet… uh, I mean, help you take action…” Colin brought over a bowl of meat porridge. The aroma made Sanna’s eyes light up, but she hesitated, her eyes lowered, and she spoke softly:

“This, this has meat. Such food is precious; it can save lives. If given to the injured, it could help them survive… Please save it, don’t waste it on me. I… I can eat something else. I remember having some food… Maybe some roots in my holy book…”

Sanna knew the value of food, especially nutritious food like this porridge. It could save lives. In critical moments, this bowl of porridge could be the difference between life and death.

She opened her iron-bound holy book, revealing some unknown dried grass…

What kind of life did you live… Colin felt a pang of sympathy but quickly took the grass and threw it into his bag, speaking firmly: “Listen, this isn’t special treatment. If you don’t recover, you’ll be a burden to us all.”

As he spoke, Colin tried to take her hand and give her the porridge but found he couldn’t move her. He let go, realizing her surprising strength, and continued: “Don’t worry, I have plenty of food to last us a long time.”

“Yes, the lord is very kind. He gave everyone meat porridge,” the servants chimed in.

Sanna hesitated, “Really? Food, especially this kind, is very important…”

“Trust me.” Colin pulled out several loaves of bread from his bag.

Finally convinced, Sanna took the porridge: “May the sun bless you, Lord Colin.”

[Priestess of Holy Light Sanna Helaca’s loyalty has increased by 10%, now at 60%.]

Colin heard the system’s voice in his mind.


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