Global Fog Survival

Chapter 29: The Village

Before long, when everyone was nearly satisfied, Colin began the operation. The group of over a dozen people filed out.

[There are some beasts ahead, but they are too far away to be worth your time.]

The prompt has changed? Colin was surprised. Yesterday, it indicated that there were some treasures ahead.

“This means someone has already taken the treasures. It seems they’ve had good luck too,” Colin thought. He wasn’t too disappointed, since everyone has their own fate. He’s not the protagonist who always gets the best opportunities.

Even being ranked first on the leaderboard, Colin doubted he would stay there for long and wondered when someone would surpass him.

[To the left, not far away, there’s a river. There are some dangers, but as long as you don’t go too deep into the forest, it won’t be too troublesome. With some luck, you might even encounter river beasts.]

[To the right, there are many special creatures, but there are also some special treasures. It might be worth a try.]

None of these options seemed great. Colin mused that the prompt updates after moving a certain distance. He speculated that the prompt provides information only when there’s a benefit or danger nearby. For instance, if there was a treasure chest to the right, the prompt would only indicate the presence of the chest without specifying its exact location.

However, Colin’s disappointment turned to curiosity when he saw the prompt for the rear:

[Behind you, about an hour’s distance away, there’s something you desire most.]

“Something I desire?” Colin looked puzzled. Given the current situation, the thing he desired most was the treasure hidden in the underground palace. As for other things, Colin couldn’t think of anything he particularly craved. Even the other treasures weren’t described as something he desired…

What could be back there? Yesterday, that direction was just barren and desolate. Today, it’s different.

“It seems the prompt ability changes with one’s personal growth.”

An hour’s journey… After some thought, Colin decided to head in that direction. He was very curious about what could be there.

He handed the “watch” and “compass” to Number One since he didn’t need them. With the prompts guiding him, he didn’t need to worry about time or direction, so giving these items to the second team was fitting.

After watching them leave, Colin’s team also started moving. He carried a lantern, leading a group of axe-wielding subordinates, quickly heading toward the rear. The fourteen-man team moved in a roughly diamond formation. In theory, this allowed Colin to defend against surprises from all directions except above and below.

But this was just a theory.

In the gray, terrifying fog, Colin’s group had been advancing on the smooth dirt path for nearly twenty minutes. As they approached their destination, Colin suddenly stopped. He noticed an abandoned dirt and stone road stretching from the right, leading forward.

“Stay alert,” Colin said in a deep voice, resuming his steps but at a slower pace. The prompt only mentioned certain dangers ahead, assuming he remained cautious. Even a single mutant could cause significant damage if underestimated.

Soon, Colin reached the stone road. Observing as he walked, he saw many withered weeds along the path and large areas of abandoned farmland on both sides.

“These weeds seem to have withered recently,” Colin wondered.

After a while, Colin’s heart skipped a beat. In the thick fog, he saw some shadowy outlines.

“They look like houses…”

Moving closer, he discerned low, rural-style houses, reminiscent of the old earthen houses in his memory.

[You recognize this as a small village with fewer than ten households, all of whom have turned into mutants.]

Colin wasn’t too surprised by this prompt. Where there are fields, there are houses, and naturally, people.

“Close ranks and prepare for battle!” Colin ordered. He didn’t plan to avoid the village; the round trip would take nearly two hours. He needed to replenish his blood supply, and this village likely contained thirty to forty mutants. While others might flee from such a number, Colin, with his “Suffering Hunter” badge, saw it as an intense workout.

Clearing these mutants would significantly alleviate his blood crisis.

As the village became clearer, Colin saw dead trees, earthen walls, thatched huts, and wells. Strewn across the village’s stone paths were corpses wrapped in flesh.

These corpses’ clothes hadn’t completely decayed, showing signs of cuts from swords.

“They didn’t die in the catastrophe, but before it,” Colin speculated.

At that moment, as Colin’s group approached, nearby mutants began to wake from their slumber, one by one, standing shakily. Their hollow eyes turned towards Colin and his men, looking eerie and terrifying.


Colin threw an axe, causing a mutant’s head to explode, snapping his subordinates out of their shock.

“Kill!” Number Two shouted.

Dozens of mutants charged forward. Despite their high attack power, mutants were fragile, even weaker than ordinary people. Colin drew another axe, standing behind his men, ready to intervene if anyone struggled.

Once they downed the first mutant, fear left their hearts, and they fought more fiercely. Though mutants were fearless of death, they couldn’t withstand Colin’s slaughter.

Suddenly, a roar came from the village well, and a large stone flew out. A two-meter-tall, wet, foul-smelling mutant emerged. Its head seemed crushed into its chest, appearing headless.

This mutant charged at incredible speed, wielding sharp white claws and targeting the outermost subordinates.

Colin squinted. If it broke through, it would be a slaughter. Without hesitation, Colin activated his “Hunting Time.”

In the next second, Colin shot forward like a cannonball, iron axe in hand, leaping onto the mutant and hacking down on its back.

The axe struck, slamming the mutant into the ground and sending up a cloud of dust.


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