Global Fog Survival

Chapter 15: Desperation

Shadows! It’s the shadows!

Colin finally realized that his shadow was unnaturally extending to the little girl’s feet. The shadows of his subordinates were the same. The shadows of the three had twisted and were now being stepped on by the little girl, creating a “road” from the light to their bodies.

The moment their shadows were stepped on, the control was established!

At this moment, if Colin’s guess was correct, the little girl had only acted now because he had just recently extended his shadow out of the light, giving her the opportunity.

When he squatted down to examine the basement entrance, the light was in front of him, and a large portion of his shadow had seeped into the darkness, leading to his current predicament. This timing was too coincidental, making Colin suspect it might have been a meticulously planned setup, waiting for him to check the entrance to the underground passage.

“No, that so-called ‘basement’ might be a disguise…”

After all, if someone knew there was a path leading underground, they would naturally check it out. Not checking it would be fine, but checking it led to trouble…

Before this, although Colin’s shadow had briefly touched the darkness, the duration or extent wasn’t enough for the little girl to control them immediately. This indicated that the girl’s control required a certain amount of time and enough shadow from the original body.

Without sufficient shadow, she couldn’t activate her ability!

There was no time to maneuver. It had been nearly three minutes since the little girl first appeared. They had been thoroughly controlled and were unable to resist.

If, at the beginning, Colin hadn’t turned around but had immediately rolled forward, he might have created some breathing space. Unfortunately, Colin lacked experience in this area and hadn’t thought of this possibility.

It wasn’t until now that he realized there was operational space in this aspect, but it was too late.

Since time couldn’t be leveraged, he had to seek a breakthrough from another condition.

“Her control requires a certain amount of time and enough shadow. How can I reclaim my shadow from her?”

Pain stimulated Colin’s brain, his body spasming and twitching yet forcefully fixed in place, unable to move and at her mercy.

Colin could feel the cold little hand reaching in again, caressing his bloody flesh.

“Big brother, do you want to eat together? You taste really good…” The little girl’s voice was filled with eerie pleasure.

She seemed to be on the verge of losing control.

This was a non-human entity born out of despair, yet in the long, stagnant years, she had regained a bit of her original “rationality”. This made her timid, fearful, and cautious when she first saw Colin, not revealing herself recklessly. It wasn’t until Colin unknowingly squatted down to inspect the stone slab, exposing his shadow beyond the light, that she fully appeared.

However, her “rationality” was too fragile. Under the stimulation of blood, it was on the brink of collapse, turning into a completely terrifying evil spirit.

Colin could clearly feel that the little girl now was drastically different from the one three minutes ago! The next second, Colin trembled all over as another chunk of flesh was torn from his wound.

This was the third time!

But this time, amid the intense pain, Colin knew the moment had arrived! He no longer resisted the pain but tried to relax as much as possible.

Just like in winter, when one tenses up against the cold, Colin let go of the pain transmission, allowing the intense agony to instantly spread throughout his body.


The lantern fell to the ground.

Muscles cramped uncontrollably, and with Colin’s deliberate control, the lantern slipped from his fingers.

The crazed little girl seemed indifferent to this, ignoring Colin’s small actions.

But at this moment, blood from the lantern’s oil spout began to spill out.

Like alcohol spilling on the ground and being set on fire, flames quickly spread out, creating a blazing inferno around Colin!

The shadows on the ground flickered wildly!

The fire, fueled by the dark and tainted blood, burned far more fiercely than ordinary flames, pushing the gray mist back by ten meters. How could the little girl withstand it?

“The moment has come!”

Colin felt the control over his body loosening!

He pushed against the ground, pulling back, trying to reclaim control over his body from the shadows.

The little girl’s face showed extreme aversion to the flames, but she didn’t seem afraid of them. Seeing Colin about to escape, she immediately reached out to grab him!

But at this moment, his two subordinates also moved.

One raised an iron axe to chop at her face, while the other swung a wheel at her head.

However, neither attack had any substantial effect.

The axe seemed to cut through a phantom, passing right through. The wheel, when swung down, created a gust that blew the little girl a few meters away.

Although their attacks didn’t harm her, they managed to free the three of them from her control.

While the fire was still burning, Colin quickly picked up the lantern with his right hand, raising it above his head to keep his shadow as close to his feet as possible!

Breaking free from control was just the first step!

At least the hope is greater now!

Colin glanced at the bloody wound on his left shoulder, feeling a chill in his heart, cursing: I’ve lost nearly half a pound in three minutes! Blood flowed too much from his left arm, rendering it completely powerless and hanging limply. Colin had no time to bandage the wound, as the terrifying evil spirit was right in front of him!

He could not afford to think about his arm injury, so he pretended not to notice it and focused on the little girl.

Meanwhile, the evil spirit little girl standing outside the boundary of light was filled with unmistakable bloodlust and malice. She appeared to have lost her ability to speak, her pale hair rising wildly as if blown by the wind, giving the impression that she was insane.

At this moment, the evil spirit little girl raised her head and let out a frenzied shriek!

With this shriek, Colin and his two subordinates felt as if the world was covered with a blood-red filter. Blood began seeping from the ceiling, walls, and floor cracks, merging with the bones in the hall.

The next second, all the bones in the hall seemed to come to life!

Rattle, rattle, rattle…

The sound of bones clattering echoed like waves.

These sounds all came from the “mutants” Colin had killed not long ago!

They were resurrected!

“It’s over!”

The pupils of Servant One and Servant Two shrank suddenly.

They knew what this meant; when these “wailers” sounded, it signaled their imminent death!

This time, there was no room for luck…

But at that moment, Colin suddenly threw a piece of foul-smelling flesh at the evil spirit, little girl.

It came from Father Kaidish.

In an instant, the church fell silent.


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