Global Fog Survival

Chapter 14: The Situation Takes a Turn

The voice appeared abruptly.

Colin was squatting, facing the statue with his back to the door. At the moment the voice emerged, his entire body tensed up. He could feel a malevolent presence right behind him.

The faces of his two subordinates visibly paled. They seemed to want to say something, but Colin’s gaze silenced them to avoid any unforeseen incidents.

After a brief hesitation, Colin half-turned and looked behind him, seeing a little girl who had inexplicably appeared on the previously empty carpet.

She was a delicate, doll-like little girl.

Her figure was somewhat translucent, dressed in a white long dress, with pale hair and an expressionless face. She stood at the edge of the candlelight, tilting her head, her black and white eyes fixed on him.

The scene was silent for a moment.

“Big brother, are you looking for me?”

After a brief silence, the little girl spoke again in a haunting, ethereal, and distorted childlike voice.

“Big brother, I saw you waking up the other children…”

“I saw you chop them into pieces, one by one…”

“I was so scared, I kept hiding…”

“Big brother, we never hurt anyone. We just wanted to survive. We were just waiting for someone to save us…”

“Paper, clothes, scraps of fabric, rats, cats, birds, hair, blood, chunks of flesh… We ate everything we could find, struggling to stay alive…”

“Grandfather Priest said he would bring people to save us soon. Everyone was trying hard to hold on…”

“I could feel it. Grandfather Priest was almost back. Everyone was about to be saved… But why…”

“Big brother, we tried so hard to live. Why did you kill us?”

The little girl questioned Colin repeatedly, as if judging him for his “crimes,” her voice filled with pain and coldness. And with each word she spoke, the aura she emitted became more terrifying. Her black and white eyes gradually turned blood-red.

She took step after step, exuding an overpowering and irresistible presence!

“I’m so scared…”

The little girl stopped in front of Colin, looking up with tears of blood flowing from her eyes, streaking down her cheeks and staining her white dress.

At this moment, she seemed to recall her past suffering. Her delicate face twisted slightly, and a palpable aura of pain emanated from her.

“Little girl, I’m the one who should be scared!”

Colin’s scalp prickled as he watched the little girl slowly float closer, stepping into the light. But his body felt frozen, unable to move or speak.

Otherwise, he would have tried to communicate and explain that things were not as she thought… His subordinates behind him also remained motionless. Colin couldn’t tell their exact state, but he guessed it was similar to his. Otherwise, they would have rushed to shield him.

Feeling the increasingly chaotic energy in those blood-red eyes, Colin’s heart raced, terror flooding him uncontrollably.

But he couldn’t move!

The moment he turned around and saw the little girl, it felt as if the surrounding space had solidified. The only entity able to move within this space was that despair-inducing little girl.

She stepped out of the shadows, her expression growing more deranged and frenzied.

Calm, calm, calm… Colin frantically called out in his mind, focusing on the obviously inhuman entity.

[For some unknown reason, you can’t perceive any specific information about the “little girl” in front of you. But even without using your brain, you can tell she came from the dead and is a terrifying ghost.]

[You believe that, with your current strength, you can’t handle this situation. But it’s too late to run now…]

[However, you think this task shouldn’t be so hopeless. You…]



The prompt was interrupted at the most crucial moment!

A sharp, searing pain tore through Colin’s shoulder. At that moment, he realized the little girl had ripped a chunk of flesh from his left shoulder.

Blood gushed out, Colin’s face contorted in pain, his eyes twitching, sweat soaking his outer clothes in no time.

The little girl took the chunk of flesh, chewed it a couple of times, and swallowed it.

This sight made Colin’s scalp tingle…

No one can remain calm while watching their flesh be eaten in front of them.

Tsk… The little girl licked the blood off her fingers, carelessly wiping the blood from her face before looking at him again. Her blood-red eyes no longer held the “rationality” from before but were filled with grotesque insanity.

“Big brother, I’m so hungry. You look delicious…” she said with a perverse joy, like savoring a piece of cake.

Colin took a deep breath, trying to force himself to stay calm and focus on the prompt, but it was extremely difficult.

The pain was unbearable!

Colin felt his left neck and brain cramping.

Under the severe physical and mental strain, with his emotions chaotic and tense, it was hard to receive prompts, which was a disadvantage!

At this moment, this disadvantage was particularly deadly!

It caused Colin to miss the most crucial piece of information.

Information that concerned his life and death!

Adrenaline surged through him as he watched the girl reach out again, seemingly ready to consume him entirely.

Behind him, his two subordinates, their eyes bloodshot, glared at the menacing ghost, longing to take Colin’s place in suffering.

Their anger and frustration overshadowed their fear.

But in the face of absolute power, even the greatest rage and frustration were meaningless.

Just like Colin, they were paralyzed by some invisible force, unable to speak!

This power differed from the emotional control exercised by the “Penitent Priest” and the “wailers”. It was another unknown method.

“Calm down! Calm down! I must stay calm! I can’t rely too much on prompts. The information given just now was already sufficient. The prompt said this task shouldn’t be so hopeless, meaning there’s still a chance…”

“Right! Think about it. She seemed to notice us very early on. When we entered, the door closed automatically. I thought it was a ‘game’ setting, but now I realize it probably wasn’t…”

“She appears cautious, but now she seems to be losing control. This is my chance!”

“She definitely isn’t invincible! Otherwise, with this overwhelming power, there’s no reason she didn’t act sooner!”

“We must have triggered some condition of hers.”

Colin’s mind raced faster than it had during his final exams, spurred by the threat of death: “What did I miss? What did I miss…”


The slender, pale hand reached into the wound, tearing another piece of muscle. Colin’s face was twisted in pain, veins bulging on his forehead, sweat dripping down his body.

And at that moment, Colin discovered the method she used to control him!


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