Genius Club

Chapter 292: The Real Lie

Lin Xian had been pondering this question for a long time.

From the very beginning, when Yellow Finch silently brought Chu An Qing before them, Lin Xian had felt something was off.

At that time, his understanding of time-space particles was limited. He hadn’t encountered the elderly couple at Xidan Shopping Mall, who had lost a daughter identical in appearance to Chu An Qing over twenty years ago.

Therefore, Lin Xian didn’t think too deeply about it. He assumed Yellow Finch brought Chu An Qing along because she knew Chu An Qing had an innate aerospace physique and exceptional physical qualities that could be useful.

However, as more and more information was gathered, the details became clearer, and the plan to capture the space shuttle became more refined, Lin Xian grew increasingly aware that something wasn’t right.

Firstly, there was the matter of their roles and responsibilities.

Lin Xian and Yellow Finch were the core members. Yellow Finch was the commander, and Lin Xian needed the time-space particles the most. They both had to go on this space mission. Wei Cheng was the pilot, indispensable; Liu Feng had to observe the small tracker due to the invisibility of the time-space particles and guide Wei Cheng, so he was also essential. Gao Yang’s role was critical because of his talent for operating the robotic arms, which made him indispensable despite the fact that VV could technically replace him. Having an experienced and skilled backup was more reassuring. Moreover, the exact nature of time-space particles was still uncertain, and human intuition and impulsiveness sometimes worked better than artificial intelligence’s rationality in creating miracles.

In comparison, what irreplaceable role did Chu An Qing play?

At first glance, none at all. Apart from her impressive performance in the initial training with the rotating chair, centrifuge, buoyancy pool, and body coordination exercises, she had no remarkable traits. Undeniably, she was a natural astronaut. But what specific role did this physique play in this suborbital space capture mission? They didn’t need to leave the cabin, didn’t need to spacewalk, didn’t even need to wear white spacesuits, as they were only reaching 100 kilometers high, not technically entering space.

So, from this perspective, Chu An Qing had no purpose in this mission. Whenever Chu An Qing asked Yellow Finch about her role, Yellow Finch’s vague answers about logistics and assisting Lin Xian were no better than telling her to just watch and help out when needed, like serving tea or taking out the trash. There was no need for such tasks in the space shuttle.

Was there any reason to bring along a 19-year-old girl who couldn’t contribute in any meaningful way?

These doubts alone wouldn’t lead Lin Xian to his conclusion.

However, as Liu Feng’s observations of the time-space particles grew more detailed, Lin Xian noticed anomalies in the particles’ trajectories. It was confirmed that these time-space particles were unaffected by any external forces and not bound by any known physical laws of the current universe. Yet, they were flying directly towards Earth, accurately and unerringly. This indicated that something on Earth was attracting them! Or, they were actively seeking something on Earth!

Furthermore, as they approached Earth, the time-space particles’ deceleration became more pronounced. It had even slowed down to Mach 2, clearly indicating it had found its target and was preparing to converge.

Up to this point, Lin Xian hadn’t suspected that the time-space particle was heading for Chu An Qing.

However, just now! When Liu Feng demonstrated the encounter between the time-space particle and the space shuttle using an eraser and a glass ball, and Coach Wei Cheng explained the difficulty of capturing it and how a slight increase in the dive angle could cause them to lose the particle, Lin Xian suddenly realized. Using such an inflexible space shuttle to capture an unpredictable, rapidly decelerating, and erratically moving unknown particle seemed like an impossible task! A task that couldn’t be completed!

Previously, he had no concrete sense of this 100-kilometer high-altitude capture mission, thinking Yellow Finch’s plan was feasible. But when he saw the demonstration, Lin Xian felt the plan was too crazy, full of loopholes, and with no guaranteed success rate.

So, what gave Yellow Finch such confidence, such persistence, and belief that their plan would succeed?

After much thought, it was Chu An Qing, whose role and purpose were still unclear.

In the end, considering Zhang Yu Qian, who died in 2000, Chu An Qing, who was born in 2004, and CC, who lived in a world 600 years in the future, the three of them looked identical but lived in three different, unrelated time periods.

Time! Time-space particles! This series of seemingly unrelated oddities combined into one correct answer that connected all the clues—The time-space particle was coming for Chu An Qing!

The fact that Zhang Yu Qian, Chu An Qing, and CC looked alike across different times was likely due to the time-space particle!

And Yellow Finch’s real reason for bringing Chu An Qing on this capture mission was simply to attract the time-space particle, using her as bait!

As long as Chu An Qing stayed in the space shuttle, it wouldn’t be the plane chasing the time-space particle but the particle chasing the plane! This reversal was the only way to ensure they wouldn’t lose the particle, allowing Gao Yang to capture it and turn this seemingly impossible mission into a success!

Only this way did everything make sense. Everything fit logically.

However, Lin Xian was incredibly worried. If the time-space particle was indeed coming for Chu An Qing, then what would happen when it found her? What would happen to Chu An Qing?

This thought made Lin Xian uneasy and deeply afraid. Therefore, he had to ask, had to get a clear answer.

He stared into Yellow Finch’s bright blue eyes… All the previous mysteries and puzzling behaviors he could ignore. But this question had to be answered. He couldn’t back down.

However, faced with Lin Xian’s aggressive questioning, Yellow Finch was momentarily stunned, then burst into laughter: “Lin Xian, what are you imagining?”

“Huh?” Lin Xian, who had just been confident in his deductions, felt like a cat caught in a trap. He blinked: “Am I wrong?”

“Of course you’re wrong. How did you come up with such a ridiculous conclusion?” Yellow Finch’s eyes crinkled in amusement, as if she’d heard a hilarious joke: “If that were the case, why would we go into space to capture the time-space particle? We could just build dozens of capture devices, surround Chu An Qing, and wait for the particle to come to her.”

“We wouldn’t even need to turn on the devices or bring Gao Yang. Just pile these devices around Chu An Qing and wait for the particle to fly into the trap. Why go through all this trouble?”

“Furthermore…” Yellow Finch smiled slightly, looking at Lin Xian: “Time-space particles aren’t unique. Finding one means there are countless others in the vast universe. This is unquestionable. In such a vast universe, anything you find one of means there are countless others.”

“If it were as you said, Earth would be bombarded by time-space particles like a meteor shower, constantly flying towards Chu An Qing. Do you think that’s realistic?”

“Logical reasoning is interesting. By following conditions, simulating, imagining, and developing, you can naturally arrive at feasible or infeasible answers. The key is not believing anything or anyone is unique. The universe and time-space are so vast, accommodating infinite possibilities.”

After hearing Yellow Finch’s words, Lin Xian was indeed convinced. She was logical and reasonable. Especially the last point. If Liu Feng could discover a time-space particle within a few months in the solar system, the vast universe, with billions of years and light-years in size, would be filled with countless time-space particles. They couldn’t all be targeting Earth and Chu An Qing, right? That scenario was indeed terrifying. It seemed his thinking was too limited. Many things that seemed miraculous on a cosmic scale were actually mundane. Including civilizations. Including life. Including destruction. These events happened constantly in the corners of the universe.

However, the universe was too vast. Anything earth-shattering was ultimately insignificant.

“Then why must you bring Chu An Qing into space?” Lin Xian pressed on.

“Just as an extra precaution, like Gao Yang,” Yellow Finch said softly, turning her head. “From a safety perspective, having one less person is safer. But for success, having one more person means more strength, more hope. We just think differently. You consider safety; I care about mission success.”

She turned to Lin Xian: “In this regard, Lin Xian, Chu An Qing is braver than you. If you always wait for absolute safety, no risk, 100% certainty, you’d hardly do anything. This world isn’t full of kindness and gentleness waiting for you, no guaranteed happy endings.”

“I just don’t want my actions to put others in danger,” Lin Xian said. “That’s all. I’m not being cowardly.”

“You’re not afraid, and neither are we.” Yellow Finch’s bright eyes looked at Lin Xian: “We willingly take risks with you; it’s our choice. It’s about you but also not about you.”

“Liu Feng is willing to throw his life into research everyone thinks is wrong for you; Gao Yang is willing to give up his future and stable life for you, always unwilling to join your company to avoid implicating you; Chu An Qing, a pampered princess, trains hard for you, even getting calluses…”

She paused, swallowing some words: “So do I.”

“So.” She stepped forward, poking Lin Xian’s chest, making his ribs ache. Her deep blue eyes met his: “At times like this, don’t say demoralizing things. That’s not kindness or compassion, just avoidance. When people stand behind you, willing to face death for you, you need to shout, lead them bravely. That’s what a leader should do.”

Lin Xian frowned at Yellow Finch: “Do you have to speak so harshly?”

Yellow Finch snorted. She retracted her finger, slipping it back into her coat pocket, and smiled: “I’d love to chat nicely, but time… is running out. I hope after this space mission, you’ll think about my advice to look in the mirror and take my words seriously.”

“I can do very little, even if I know some things, I can’t change them. Ultimately, it’s up to you, Lin Xian, to change everything.”

She turned and walked away, her heels clicking loudly, waving goodbye with her back: “Good night.”


“VV.” Lin Xian rested his chin on his hand, elbow on the desk, speaking softly: “Yellow Finch is lying.”

“Obviously,” the electronic alarm clock VV said: “Her reason for bringing Chu An Qing into space doesn’t hold. She has her agenda, even if it’s just capturing the time-space particle. But even after analyzing for so long, I can’t understand why she insists on bringing Chu An Qing. There’s no reasonable explanation.”

Lin Xian picked up a pen from the holder, twirling it between his fingers: “It’s definitely related to the time-space particle, no doubt. I thought she intended to use Chu An Qing to attract the particle, but she mocked me…”

“I’m not a leader, okay? She’s the commander. If I were in charge, I’d just take you to space. It seems Yellow Finch doesn’t trust you, VV. Maybe she thinks you can’t beat Kevin Walker.”

“Ridiculous!” The electronic alarm clock fumed: “If I couldn’t beat Kevin Walker, I’d let you dismantle my CPU! Is there such an insult? AI is rational and never arrogant. What is, is. I don’t bluff. When I couldn’t break Kevin Walker’s blockade or find his trace, I admitted it. I’m honest. Now, I’m far above Kevin Walker, unquestionably. I was the best AI when I was born; after months of updates, though not fully evolved, I can confidently say nothing and no one in this era can challenge me!”

Lin Xian covered his ears, stopping the alarm clock’s screech: “Why argue here? Argue with Yellow Finch. Doesn’t she have an alarm clock? Alright, alright, I believe you. I believe you’re invincible in 2024. Stop arguing.”

When VV quieted down, Lin Xian sighed. He believed Yellow Finch wasn’t an enemy. However, her motives were too strong. She indeed wanted the best for him, and he knew that. But for others… Lin Xian felt Yellow Finch didn’t consider others as much. She admitted she didn’t know the current history. This might be what she wanted. If she was a time traveler, her goal must be to change history, reverse failure, and alter tragedy. Since the historical trajectory and future developments were unknown to her, it meant her goal was near. And the key to reversing history’s outcome was the time-space particle.

These things were becoming clear. However, Lin Xian remained uneasy. He couldn’t understand why Chu An Qing had to go into space. He couldn’t figure it out.


Lin Xian ended his pen twirling with a flourish, flicking the pen into the holder with precision.

“VV.” He turned to the alarm clock: “I need you to do something.”

“What is it?” VV asked.

Lin Xian hesitated, speaking softly: “Yellow Finch’s goal is to capture the time-space particle at any cost. But I’m unwilling to sacrifice a comrade’s life, especially with Chu An Qing’s unclear truth, the unknown significance of the time-space particle, and Yellow Finch’s obvious lies…”

Lin Xian looked at VV: “If I sense anything wrong, you must hijack the space shuttle on my command… abandon the mission, and return immediately!”


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