Genius Club

Chapter 291: The Final Battle! See You in the Sky!

“Lin Xian, this is the X-37B space shuttle that Kevin Walker intends to hijack.”

It was evening in the dormitory when VV showed Lin Xian a photo on a tablet. The shuttle in the picture was much smaller and shorter than the “Little White” shuttle Coach Wei Cheng had mentioned. With its sleek black and white design, it looked more stylish compared to the entirely white shuttles of X Country. However, the color scheme wasn’t chosen for aesthetics.

A space shuttle, being a national treasure, lacks any superfluous details. Every aspect is meticulously designed after countless considerations. The black coating on the lower half of the space shuttle is actually a heat shield material. Since the X-37B is unmanned and doesn’t need to consider astronauts’ comfort, it can operate in higher orbits and undertake more dangerous missions. Additionally, because it doesn’t carry astronauts, the re-entry into the atmosphere can be more aggressive. This allows more space inside the shuttle for useful equipment by forgoing some astronaut protection gear. The lower part is equipped with a layer of heat tiles to ensure the space shuttle isn’t damaged by high temperatures during rapid re-entry.

“This space shuttle was launched from Florida on the evening of December 28, 2023, for its seventh orbital mission, designated USSF-52, with an expected orbital duration of 612 days. Currently, after months of ascension, its orbit has stabilized at 1200 kilometers, where it has been for over a month.”

Lin Xian looked at the picture of the American space shuttle. These past few days, VV had confirmed that Kevin Walker’s target was indeed this space shuttle. Now, VV had become strong enough to gain the upper hand in the cat-and-mouse game with Kevin Walker. Although VV still hadn’t found Kevin Walker’s true identity and location, it could trace his online activities without being detected. Now, VV finally showed some semblance of a super AI.

“But…” Lin Xian said worriedly, “our X Country’s space shuttle can’t reach such high altitudes, and Liu Feng has confirmed that the optimal location for capturing space-time particles is near the 100-kilometer Karman line. Over the past few days, the space-time particle has decelerated to just Mach 2, or twice the speed of sound, and it’s likely to slow down even further.”

“The rocket will take us to a 300-kilometer orbit, then release the space shuttle, operated by Wei Cheng. We’ll orbit the Earth, decelerate, lower the orbit, and finally fly parallel to the space-time particle at around 100 kilometers, allowing Gao Yang to use the robotic arm and the rice cooker to capture the particle.”

“Comparing this, we have a problem.” He spread his hands: “Our maximum orbit is 300 kilometers, while the American X-37B space shuttle is at 1200 kilometers. The space-time particle, traveling from the Moon space towards Earth, will first pass through the X-37B’s orbit before descending to 300 kilometers.”

“So, if Kevin Walker manages to hijack that space shuttle, he could capture the space-time particle at 1200 kilometers, rendering all our efforts in vain.”

“That’s impossible, Lin Xian,” VV replied.

“First, I’ve already assured you that Kevin Walker’s capabilities are far below mine. Especially now, at this critical moment, I don’t need to worry about concealment and can unleash my full power. Kevin Walker stands no chance; he absolutely cannot wrest control of the X-37B from me.”

“Second, and most importantly, capturing the space-time particle requires the [Space-Time Particle Catcher], or as you all call it, the rice cooker. I’ve infiltrated the space shuttle numerous times; it has no such device, nor any equipment based on the same principle to capture space-time particles.”

“After all, that space shuttle was launched by NASA for space experiments, not for capturing space-time particles. Even if Kevin Walker hijacks it, it would be useless.”

“I suspect his main goal is to interfere with or even attack us, simply to prevent us from capturing the space-time particle. If he can’t have it, he won’t let us have it either.”

Lin Xian nodded. “Are there any weapons on the space shuttle?”

“Definitely not,” VV answered.

“Neither the American space shuttle nor ours carry any weapons. These models were designed for space experiments and docking with space stations, without consideration for weapons or combat.”

“So…” Lin Xian chuckled softly, “Kevin Walker plans to use the American space shuttle as a projectile to crash into us? He’s incredibly bold, and it’s fortunate no one can find him or knows who he is. Otherwise, neither X Country nor America would let him get away with it.”

VV yawned electronically.

“It’s hard to say if he’s young. Given how well he hides, it’s likely all his personal information is fake. But there’s no point in speculating before we catch him.”

“Rest assured, Lin Xian. With me around, Kevin Walker won’t take control of the space shuttle. So, the 1200-kilometer high orbit poses no threat. Follow the original plan: launch, change orbit, and capture the space-time particle. I’ll handle the security.”

“What about Elon Musk?” Lin Xian asked.

VV swiped through several pictures on the tablet, showing them to Lin Xian like a slideshow.

“Look, he’s still playing the playboy role. He hasn’t even visited the observation tower at the spaceship launch center for days. Under my 24/7 surveillance, he’s clean.”

“To be honest, Elon Musk doesn’t seem like a member of the Genius Club. His skills are far inferior to Kevin Walker’s… and even to Yellow Finch’s. Both Kevin and Yellow Finch possess abilities far ahead of their time.”

“Especially Kevin Walker. Since you activated me, I’ve evolved significantly, yet I still can’t track him. He’s a true genius!”

“But Elon Musk, despite his skills, isn’t that advanced. If he didn’t do something, someone else would. If it wasn’t him, it could be Niusker, Lusker, or Wolvesker.”

“Sure, he made space travel accessible, but major countries had this capability decades ago. Even his rocket recovery technology has been mastered by major nations. Often, he’s just ahead in ideas, more hype than substance, like his Mars colonization plan, which still lacks a concrete presentation.”

Lin Xian agreed with VV’s analysis.

On the surface, Elon Musk seemed like a tech mogul and playboy without extraordinary abilities. But his existence was a fact. Holding a wax seal from the Genius Club, whether real or fake, proved he was more than just a wealthy playboy.

“Just keep an eye on him. Better safe than sorry.”

Walking to the window, Lin Xian opened it and gazed at the full moon. Today was March 25, 2024, the sixteenth day of the second lunar month, when the moon is fullest. Lin Xian stared at the bright, clean moon.


In his fourth dream, the moon still bore that giant black hand, spanning the north and south poles, with its right index finger pointing arrogantly at the sky.

“When did the moon turn like this?”

Lin Xian couldn’t figure it out. To this day, humanity lacked the ability to return to the moon. The moon trip ticket he bought for Zheng Xiang Yue with Ji Lin’s money still seemed like an empty promise from Elon Musk. But even if it was, Lin Xian was willing to buy it for Zheng Xiang Yue. For that frail girl, who lost her dear brother and struggling against fate, a strong hope and motivation to live was more important than anything.

Lin Xian didn’t care when Zheng Xiang Yue would fulfill her moon trip dream. He just hoped she wouldn’t give up, wouldn’t disregard her life, and would live as long as possible, either waiting for a compatible heart transplant or, like Xu Yi Yi, entering a hibernation pod until a future where congenital heart disease could be cured.


Would Zheng Xiang Yue, awakening from the hibernation pod years or centuries later, still remember her brother Zheng Cheng He or her dream of a moon trip?

Thinking about memory loss always terrified Lin Xian.

Without memories, would he still be himself?

Waking up with a blank mind, knowing nothing. Believing whatever others say, or relying on a recorded tape to retrieve lost memories…

Would he accept it?

Would he believe it?

Would he consider the tape his true past?

Considering the post-hibernation issues, Lin Xian thought it best to avoid hibernation unless absolutely necessary.

“Lin Xian…”

Seeing Lin Xian silent for a long time, the electronic clock VV displayed a worried expression and said: “Are you scared of going to space?”

“Of course, I am,” Lin Xian admitted honestly.

“Even without Elon Musk’s ‘see you in the sky’ or Kevin Walker’s threats, I’d still be scared to go to space, even without any internal or external troubles. Just orbiting Earth in a rocket is frightening.”

He smiled wryly. “That’s why astronauts are called heroes. It’s space… any mishap means no return, so fear is inevitable.”

“But.” Lin Xian continued, lifting his head. “This is something I must do. I must capture that space-time particle.”

“Don’t worry, Lin Xian,” VV displayed a smiley face. “I’ll protect you. It’s the first principle in my core code and the purpose of my existence.”

Two days later, at the Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center, in a secret meeting room.

Liu Feng placed a globe on the conference table and began explaining the next evening’s launch plan.

“The Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center is here.”

He pointed to a spot on the globe.

“Tomorrow evening at 9, the rocket will launch from here. About 20 minutes later, it will reach 300 kilometers above the ground, where the rocket’s front cabin will open and release our space shuttle.”

His finger slowly moved up, then stopped at a point. He took out an eraser.

“This is our space shuttle, Little White. Now at 300 kilometers. And this glass ball in my left hand—”

Liu Feng held a glass ball between his thumb and index finger, moving it from a higher position towards the globe.

“This represents the Alpha Material (space-time particle). Since it’s unaffected by external forces, it won’t orbit Earth under gravity; it will fly straight towards Earth. It’s magical and defies our universe’s physical laws.”

“But our space shuttle isn’t so fortunate. Once released by the rocket, it will have some initial velocity, so it will inevitably orbit Earth under gravity.”

Liu Feng’s left hand moved the glass ball in a straight line towards the globe, while his right hand moved the eraser around the globe.

His straightforward demonstration made everyone understand the trajectories of the space-time particle and the space shuttle.

“Once in space, our space shuttle will decelerate, change orbit, and lower its altitude. After orbiting Earth—”

Following Liu Feng’s explanation, the eraser, now closer to the globe, completed an orbit and returned, closer to the globe. At the same time, the glass ball (space-time particle) also reached the same position.


The glass ball and eraser touched.

Liu Feng sent everyone a look before continuing: “At around 11:50 PM, at 100 kilometers in the atmosphere, we will encounter the Alpha Material and begin the capture plan. Before that, Wei Cheng will adjust the space shuttle’s position based on the Alpha Material’s speed and direction, allowing Gao Yang to use the robotic arm to capture it. The good news is, the Alpha Material’s horizontal entry angle into the atmosphere is small. In theory, our space shuttle can maintain parallel flight with it in a dive position. This is fortunate; if it plunged vertically, our current technology couldn’t capture it.”

Wei Cheng nodded: “Last year, I piloted Little White during its maiden flight, performing aerobatic tests in the atmosphere and outer space. My piloting skills are solid. As long as the dive angle doesn’t exceed 40 degrees, I can keep the space shuttle stable. Any steeper, and it’s impossible; the space shuttle isn’t a fighter jet, and its engine sensitivity and structure don’t allow it.”

Yellow Finch, the chief commander, nodded, looking at Lin Xian, Gao Yang, and Chu An Qing.

“That’s the basic plan. Any questions?”


Lin Xian and Chu An Qing hadn’t even had time to shake their heads when Gao Yang raised his right hand high.

Yellow Finch gave Gao Yang a look of [not really wanting to deal with you], but eventually closed his eyes, saying patiently.

“Gao Yang, what’s your question?”

“Will we get any medals when we return?” Gao Yang’s eyes sparkled.

“No,” Yellow Finch replied. “This is a secret mission.”

“We can have secret medals!” Gao Yang’s mind was quick. “Everyone in the company knows I was seconded by the state. I enjoy the silent bragging, but I need something concrete to back it up when I return. I need to establish my authority as the store manager!”

Yellow Finch’s eyebrows twitched.

“Hahaha… Gao Yang, you can have one of my medals,” Wei Cheng laughed and patted Gao Yang’s shoulder. “I have many of those; I’ll give you one. Besides, if we complete this mission, your contribution will be significant. You deserve it.”

“Great, big brother! I was waiting for that!” Gao Yang laughed, hugging Wei Cheng.

Lin Xian and Chu An Qing watched the lively scene silently.

“Senior Gao Yang… he’s always so optimistic,” Chu An Qing said as she blinked at the scene.

“Maybe it’s because he’s simple-minded,” Lin Xian replied.

“Indeed, I’ve never seen him panic. He’s always carefree. That’s a skill too, staying calm and fearless in the face of danger.”

Yellow Finch clapped, signaling everyone to quiet down, then looked around.

“Alright, everyone, get some rest tonight. The training has been tough, but tomorrow is the moment of truth. Don’t let your guard down.”

“That’s all we have to discuss, dismissed.”

The group dispersed and left.

Chu An Qing turned, noticing Lin Xian still standing. “Senior Lin Xian? What’s wrong?”

Lin Xian looked at her. “An Qing, you go ahead. I need to talk to Yellow Finch.”

Chu An Qing blinked… nodded, and ran to catch up with Gao Yang, Liu Feng, and Wei Cheng.

“What is it?” Yellow Finch remained standing there, arms crossed, watching Lin Xian approach.

Lin Xian stared into her deep blue eyes, his tone serious: “Tell me honestly, is this mission dangerous? I want an honest answer. Don’t be cryptic. You know everything, like a time traveler from the future. So, you should know how these events will unfold, what will happen, and the outcome.”

“I need the truth. Even if it’s dangerous, I’ll still go, but I’ll leave Gao Yang, Wei Cheng, and Chu An Qing behind. VV… you know, my super AI can handle everything, including flying the space shuttle and operating the robotic arm, better than humans.”

“If time elasticity prevents you from speaking, find another way to keep them off the mission. The space-time particle is only significant to Liu Feng and me. Even if there’s danger, I hope you won’t go.”

Yellow Finch listened to Lin Xian’s words, lowered her head, and smiled.

She then looked out the window at the rocket launch pad, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear.

“You’ve changed, Lin Xian.” She turned to face him. “You’ve become… more caring.”

“I’ve always been like this,” Lin Xian said. “So, stop beating around the bush and give me an answer.”

Yellow Finch exhaled through her nose. Her smile vanished, her expression becoming serious.

“I don’t know.” She paused, then continued. “All of this… has already deviated from the history I know.”

Lin Xian narrowed his eyes at her. It seemed the time elasticity had increased recently. In the past, Yellow Finch would never have given such a clear answer. Although it was still unclear, it was at least understandable. She didn’t deny it. She even used the word “history.” So… Without a doubt. Yellow Finch was a time traveler from the future.

“Including all of this?” Lin Xian pointed outside at the launch pad and the globe Liu Feng had demonstrated with.

“So you know about the space-time particle, maybe even seen it. But you’re unfamiliar with this particular space-time particle. From the space shuttle to our team’s formation, this is all new history.”

“No, not history,” Lin Xian looked at her. “We’re heading towards a new, unknown future.”

Yellow Finch remained expressionless. No words, no response.

“Alright.” Lin Xian nodded. He knew if Yellow Finch could talk, she would have already.

“One last question.” Lin Xian spoke softly.

“In this team, Wei Cheng is the irreplaceable pilot. Liu Feng and I must go. Gao Yang might be here as a backup for the robotic arm, but even if I hadn’t suggested him, he wouldn’t be essential. However, he proves useful.”

“But, Chu An Qing is not irreplaceable or essential. Her presence is strange, and you specifically brought her here without assigning her any specific tasks. She’s just there. Why bring her?”

“As a mascot? A cheerleader? Obviously not. There must be a reason for her being on the space shuttle.”

“Also, using a space shuttle to chase a space-time particle with no fixed trajectory is insane. It’s easy to lose track, miss, or lose the target.”

“After much thought, given what I’ve learned about the space-time particle, there’s only one possibility—”

“Yellow Finch, look at me.” Lin Xian called her by name, staring into her blue eyes.

“The space-time particle… is it coming for Chu An Qing?”


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