Gate of Immortality

Chapter 106: Good Fortune

Chapter 106: Good Fortune

" Holy Fuck! This is an Invisibility Talisman!" Yang Shi felt his luck today is heaven-defying. Only Runemasters can draw talismans. Almost all Runemasters are at Violet Palace Expansion Realm cultivator. Whether it's drawing Talismans, Concocting Fourth rank Pills, or Forging True rank weapons, One needs to cultivate their Soul energy.

The soul is a mysterious thing, Which could only comprehend by cultivators of Violet Palace Expansion Realm. Cultivating soul energy can enhance it into the Divine sense. Yang Shi knew what divine sense means. It's a type of mental energy, which comes from the soul. It is used to scan a wide area, detect invisible things. It can be used as a powerful mental attack.

It is very rare to see anyone who can utilize Divine sense before the Violet Palace Expansion realm. But Yang Shi knew that it wasn't the truth. In Samsara Emperor's memory, There are uncountable geniuses Who can utilize divine sense upon birth! There are many races, Who are gifted with soul energy from birth. There are also many techniques that can awake the soul energy before Violet Palace Expansion Realm.

" Hmm, now I have become a Master Blacksmith, should I try to become an Alchemist? Or awake my soul and become a Runemaster? Anyway, I need to back for now." Yang Shi thought as he returned to Lu Xiao.


" Young Miss, I never thought that our plan would be exposed like that. It's my fault. Please punish me on First Prince's behalf." Lu Xiao knelt before the black-clothed figure. Besides its legs, the corpse of Xi Zhou lied. His back was pierced by almost a dozen of arrows.

" Well, rather than whining here, Do you know about the moles?" The black-clothed figure said with a melodic voice like a fairy is speaking. " Yes, guessing from today's ambush, I have already known those bastards who have sold us." Lu Xiao greeted his teeth.

"It's better that they showed up themselves early. Tsk tsk, They really underestimated the strength of Blood Moon Hall. Did they thought that Blood Moon Hall is just an organization created by a bunch of assassins?" The black robes girl scoffed.

" I wonder If Brother Evil able to catch Red Li?" Lu Xiao muttered. " Humph, Although that fellow is detestable, I think he should able to injure Red Li heavily. Killing pretty much impossible." But this time, The girl spoke in a male speech, pretty coarse.

" Young Miss, Just why are you disguising yourself?" Lu Xiao scratched his head as he smiled wryly. " Hmph, That person is just hell of a pervert. Even you can't see it, My natural instinct telling me." The black robed girl scoffed. Without taking off her disguise, no one can tell that she is a girl.

" Well, It seems you guys sorted out everything?" A burst of hefty laughter came from the forest. Yang Shi emerged from the darkness, wearing his bronze mask.

" Brother Shadow, What happened to Red Li?" Lu Xiao asked. " What else? I finished that bastard." Yang Shi harumphed. " Huh?" Both Lu Xiao and the black-robed girl were astonished. " Are you telling the truth?" Lu Xiao asked hastily.

" Yes. That guy's storage pouch was loaded. I got a Sky Enchanting Pill." Yang Shi laughed. Of course, He didn't tell me anything about the Invisibility Talisman. That's more precious than the Sky Enchanting pill.

" It seems you do have some skills." The black-robed girl snorted with a male voice. " You didn't saw even a fraction of my true power." Yang Shi said with a proud tone. " Honestly, Thanks for saving my life, although I wouldn't have died with one arrow." Yang Shi chuckled as he said to the black-robed person.

" Still bragging, eh? One day, You would found yourself dead even before you know you are dead." The black-robed person sneered. " Anyway, I am a person who never likes to owe a favor, so I will return to it soon." Yang Shi laughed as he patted on the shoulder of Black-robed person. But while he was patting it, Yang Shi suddenly got an urge to squeeze it. Yang Shi previously thought that this person would be pretty muscular, But while squeezing his shoulder, he felt he was squeezing a soft dough. It was so squishy that Yang Shi thought its shoulder of

" Wh-what are you doing?!!!" the black-robed person slapped the palm of Yang Shi as he shrieked. Yang Shi also came back to his sense as he smiled wryly. "It's your fault. No wonder you chose Bow as a weapon. Your physical body is weak as tofu, as a girl." Yang Shi retorted.

The black-robed girl fumed with anger but also scared for a moment. " Did he find out the truth?" But then she shook her head and pretended to be a man. " So what? It's none of your business." she shouted. She turned around and vanished from the spot.

" What a weird guy." Yang Shi muttered. " Ah, Brother Shadow, I forgot to ask, Why are you here in the first place?" Lu Xiao suddenly remembered this question. " Well, Count this as your luck. I was looking for Soul Nourishing Grass, but I couldn't find it anywhere. So I came deeper inside the forest." Yang Shi said.

" Brother Shadow has helped us today. I will definitely remember your favor." Lu Xiao said as he cupped his fist. " Hahaha, Truth to be told, It must be pretty amazing to be the steward of First Prince." Yang Shi laughed. Lu Xiao could only smile forcefully. " Brother Yang, Are you busy now?" Lu Xiao asked.

" Not really. Why?" Yang Shi said. Lu Xiao's eyes turned cold as he spoke, " Brother Yang, Looking at the situation, You must have understood the gravity of the turmoil in the Royal capital. I have already found out the traitors who disclosed about today's mission. So, Would you help me to eradicate those bastards?" Lu Xiao asked.

" Will there be rewards?" Yang Shi asked slyly. He didn't deny the proposal of Lu Xiao right away. Lu Xiao also became surprised that Yang Shi didn't refuse this time. " Indeed, We can give a satisfactory reward to brother Shadow." Lu Xiao laughed.

Yang Shi looked around and said, " Shouldn't we clean the mess here?" Lu Xiao signaled his two henchmen. He looked at Yang Shi and said, " Even we clean every bit of here, it's really no use. The second prince might already know about what happened today." Lu Xiao sighed. Yang Shi felt a wave of unease as he heard this. " Just how influential a prince is?" he thought.

Yang Shi walked toward the carriage which was filled with medicinal herbs. " Abundance of Second-grade herbs and a good amount of Third-grade herbs. What the fuck? Is he planning to raise a whole army with powerful pills?" Yang Shi became startled. He collected almost half of the herbs.

" What do you think? The second prince has top-grade Alchemists, Blacksmiths, and Runemasters in his faction." Lu Xiao laughed. " Well, First Prince can't be too weak either." Yang Shi chuckled. Since he dared to kill people from Traceless Ghost Pavilion, He can be considered as people of the First Prince faction. But of course, Yang Shi not going to believe everything about them. After all, It's all politics.

" Well, Shall we go now?" Yang Shi asked.

" Of course." Lu Xiao let out a murderous laugh.


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